Bondi Beach Precinct Minutes

Bondi Beach Precinct Minutes
That any proposed Bondi Beach events of more than 3,000 people be determined by a full
Council meeting and not under delegated authority.
Moved Margaret Mc Niven Seconded Chris Maltby. Carried
2.1 Motion:
That the development standards as outlined in the LEP should be be upheld and that the tower
should not get any bigger.
Moved Alex Fenkel Seconded Rob Puflett. Vote 16 For 3 Against 1 Abstention Carried
2.2 Motion:
That the change of use from a motel to an overdevelopment as an apartment block is
questioned in the light of the following:
– Councillors presenting themselves to represent the community, before the last local
government election, indicated policies preventing such overdevelopment
– the media speculation of the influence of donations to political parties influencing the
favouring of overdevelopment
– A proposed increase in bulk with a FSR of 4.77:1 compared with the applicable standard of
3:1 for apartments
– A cosmetic increase in height to conceal antennae and electronic equipment on a building
already twice the the applicable limit, on present LEP and DCP
– Safe access for aerial fire fighting equipment, difficult, if not impossible, to rescue trapped
or injured persons within a reasonable time.
Moved Ray Neeson Seconded Ruckl Vote 10 For No against 3 Abstentons Carried
That Bondi Beach Precinct records its concern at the changes being made to Bondi
Pavilion.The Precinct had originally expressed opposition to the changes to the Northern end
of the Pavilion as shown “in their present form”. Now further changes have been implemented
beyond those originally indicated. The precinct questions how such changes were
implemented without adequate community consultation
Bondi Beach Precinct is aware that changes have been made which are not in sympathy with
the heritage of the pavilion nor the legislated Plan of Management of 1995, which was
prepared after extensive community consultation. The indication for the Northern Courtyard
was “minor landscaping work to visually enhance the area.” and the work originally proposed
as a single storey structure has been built as a two storey structure which can hardly be
described as enhancing the courtyard. Nor was the asymmetrical, blistered addition on the
forecourt part of the Plan of Management, nor the blistering added to the blister, and now
concreted as a platform on what was understood to be a removable structure suited to removal
for large scale events such as the City to Surf and similar events to the Federation Parade.
Moved Ray Neeson Seconded H Ruckl Carried
That Bondi Beach Precinct opposes the proposed development in its current form for the
following reasons:
1. The site is of significance due to its location on the cliff face at Bondi. Any development
should take account of the visual impact from the ocean as well as within its Bondi locality
2 That the site area is inadequate for the proposed subdivision.
3 That excavation for car parking and swimming pool on the cliff edge is unsuitable as it could
affect the neighbouring buildings and will impact adversely on the visual amenity of the Bondi
cliff face and sea scape and is not in the best interest of the community. If excavation does
occur the precinct requests that a geo-technical survey of surrounding buildings occurs.
4 The building is one of three in a row of flat buildings and any development should take
account of the impact on the streetscape and maintain continuity within the streetscape.
Moved Junia Kerr Seconded Elizabeth Mackenzie Carried
That all Bondi beach Precinct requests that Waverley Council provide recycling bins to all
schools, pre-schools and similar educational institutions to ensure maximum recycling of
paper and cardboard. Also that Waverley Council provide education in recycling to children.
Moved Chris Maltby Seconded Junia Kerr Carried.
Participants 22 as recorded on the Attendance Register + Councillors
Council Representatives Nicole Stevens
Councilors in attendance John Wakefield, Joy Clayton, Dominic WyKanak
Invitees Beach Road Hotel representative
Barry Dubois – had to attend a funeral interstate
The minutes were accepted.
Backpackers – George Newhouse
Chris Maltby
Michael Mc Innes
Backpackers -Bondi Beach house - Michael Rourke
Bondi Motel – Result of Council meeting – Chris Maltby
Bondi Motel – Special Meeting
Prue Cancian
Ray Neeson
New Planning Laws – Dominic Wy Kanak – LGSA
Spearfishing- Dominic Wy Kanak
Barry Dubois
Will Jones
DA's – 284 Campbell Pde
118 Warner Ave Rob & Rory O' Connor
6-8 Jacques Prue & Ian Johnson
7 ways – Blind spot – Monika Domaschenz
- Concept Design – Nicole Stevens (Precinct Officer)
Have – a Say Days – John Wakefield
Boost Juice – John Wakefield
Liquor Administration Board – Complaint process- Dominic Wy Kanak
That the Bondi Beach Precinct request that Waverley Council begin preparing expert
witnesses and briefing legal Counsel for a possible future Land & Environment Court Case on
this development application.
Moved Mathew Pulford Seconded Chris Maltby Carried
RESPONSE: That amended plans in connection with the DA for redevelopment of the Bondi
Beach Motel have not yet been considered by Council. It is likely that a report on the proposal
will be considered at either the July or August meeting of the DCC. We do not believe it
appropriate or necessary to begin to prepare expert witnesses or brief legal counsel as an
appeal has not been made to the L&E Court. To my knowledge, at no stage have the
Developers indicated that they propose this course of action
Peter Brennan, Director Planning & Environmental Services
That Bondi Beach Precinct oppose the extension of hours for the night markets.
Moved Paul Moore Seconded Graham Wakeman Those in favour 8 Those against 7
RESPONSE: The Precinct submission relating to the extension in hours of the Roscoe St
night markets has been noted and will be placed on file.
That the Bondi Beach Precinct reject the proposed DA for the redevelopment of the Bondi
Motel in its current form for the following reasons:
* It doesn't comply with the DCP and the LEP
* The scale and bulk of the building is above the recommended FSR and height restrictions for
the site
* The tower does not remain within its current envelope
* The development should not overhang the property boundary
* No additional overshadowing of Bondi park is acceptable.
Moved AlexFrankl Seconded Chris Maltby Carried
That Bondi Beach Precinct oppose the development and call on Waverley Council to reject the
DA for * 6-8 Jacques Ave on the following grounds:
* Intensity of use
* Impact on local amenity
* entire development is for commercial use, there is no residential component.
* Insufficient parking for “motel” and backpacker accommodation
* use of retail space until 10pm directly adjacent to a residential area is unsuitable
* Practicality of enforcing the motel style accommodation as opposed to backpacker
Moved Keith Abenden Seconded Alicia Richarrdson Carried
RESPONSE: Bondi Motel & 6-8 Jacques Ave- The submissions made by the precinct will be
considered as part of the assessment of each of these applications. The submissions will be
placed on Council's DA file and will investigate the claim that the submission relating to the
backpackers in Jacques Ave was not on the file.
Director Peter Brennan, Director planning & Environment
That Bondi Beach Precinct request that all Waverley beaches, Bronte Tamarama and Bondi be
treated the same in regard to beach gyms and that the precinct be kept informed of the
development of beach gyms policy.
Moved Chris Maltby Seconded Bill Symonds Motion Carried
RESPONSE: We will consider the motion in finalising the policy. When a draft has been
completed it will be referred to the Precinct for comment before presentation to Council.
Geoff Reinhard - Director Beach Park & Recreation
That Bondi Beach precinct request that the Christmas Cracker event stay within the Bondi
Beach school environs.
Moved Jurriaan Plesman Seconded Juju. Motion Carried
RESPONSE: Sent to Anita Johnson ( Beach Use & Special Events Coordinator) – Yet to be
tabled at the Events & Safety Committee
6.1 Bowl-a-rama – International Skateboard Competition Presentation
The opening of the skateboard facilities in February 2005 was accompanied with an all day
international skateboard competition. Given the success of this event the organisers of Bowl-arama are proposing that a similar, but larger event occur in 2006.
It is envisioned that the 2006 event include umbrella events such as art exhibitions, video
premiers and live music which would occur in the week leading up to skateboarding
competition. The skateboarding competition would occur over the weekend of the 17-18th
The precinct expressed concerns about a range of issues regarding the event. These included:
Alcohol consumption; traffic management report; noise impacts; projected crowd size
attending the event, lack of protective gear worn by the skateboarders; participation by local
youth. The precinct requested that a before approval is considered a traffic management plan
be prepared for the event and presented to the Traffic & Safety Committee.
That any proposed Bondi Beach events of more than 3,000 people be determined by a full
Council meeting and not under delegated authority.
Moved Margaret Mc Niven Seconded Chris Maltby. Carried
6.2 Traffic & Safety Report
7 Ways Sub-Committee Report – Rob Pufflett Report– In general the sub committee
believes that this plan is a vehicle dominated proposal and requires modification to make a
more pedestrian orientated proposal. The sub committee elected to address the following key
issues and make the following recommendations:
1. Pedestrian Crossings - we will make some suggestions which will be marked up onto the
2. Parking: metered and 1 hour - this should be in front of the pub.
3. Public Domain lighting - the paving in the commercial zone should be illuminated to 40 lux
4. Landscaping street planting - the street trees and whole of
5. Flow of traffic around the proposed round about The recommendations of the Sub Committee on Seven Ways were approved by the meeting.
7 Ways Precinct Discussion lead by Margaret Mc Niven Traffic & Safety Representative
Discussion at the meeting of the Precinct produced the following final recommendations from
the Bondi Beach Precinct on the proposed changes to the busy Seven Ways intersection.
Summarising the residents’ concerns and the proposal, the key issues to be coordinated and
objectives achieved are the following:
People Vehicles
Accessibility Bicycles safety and amenities
Bike riders’ safety Buses
Noise reduction Driver Awareness
Pedestrian Safety Parking
Personal Safety Sharing the Road
Public Transport Speed
Use of Amenities Turns
Maintenance of Open Spaces
Increase green plantings
1. The bikelane on Blair be clearly and fully marked on pavement and posted, and lit
consistently and brightly so biking is safe, biking is encouraged and ultimately car usage on
Blair can be reduced or car usage increases curtailed.
2. TWO new Pedestrian crossings be installed:
a) On Beach Road, between the kindergarten and the Beach Road Hotel, at the intersection
with Glenayr to facilitate safe street crossing by young children and their families, bus
passengers alighting from 389 on Glenayr, and by hotel patrons.
b) On Glenayr Avenue, to enable bus passengers, pub patrons, residents and especially
kindergartners and their families, to cross safely between 7 Ways and the traffic light at
Curlewis Street.
3. Bus stops and congregation of passengers be built into final planning, for pedestrian safety,
including possible consultation with 389 and X89 bus drivers as well as business operators
within one block of all Seven Ways of traffic.
4. Provide for buses’ needs to fully comply with safety rules for example ensure buses’ turning
and emergency needs are designed into the proposed roundabout.
5. Place a stop or yield sign at the intersection on western end of Warners at Blair Street to
prevent accidents.
6. Change direction of Plowman Street to one-way exiting the roundabout, to avoid traffic
entering roundabout from small and slow side street.
7. Cease allowing right hand turns from the east side of Warners into Glenayr heading north
towards Seven Ways (already a “no U turn” applies) to prevent head on accidents with traffic
turning off Blair onto the proposed Roundabout into Glenayr.
8. Increase the size of the concrete blister on the east side of Warners north side (in front of
Jed’s) to reduce the speed of vehicles entering east side of Warners from Glenayr immediately
after exiting the roundabout.
9. Ensure and enhance access to local shopping amenities through coordinating pedestrian
safety balanced with traffic flow, for example consult with business owners and survey
shoppers regarding short-term parking needs (e.g. set a 5-minute parking maximum).
10. Paid Parking in the dead-end leg of Warners Avenue next to the park closest to the
proposed Roundabout was acknowledged as an effective way to accelerate parking space
turnover as well as to generate income for Waverley Council. Concern was expressed at the
previous Precinct Meeting (April 2005) that the business on that corner would appropriate all
parking without limits being made, and no community or business parking would eventuate.
11. Promote and clearly post traffic directions to maximise understanding and selection of the
most direct routes by drivers, for example signage on Blair Street directing through traffic to
continue to Wellington Street to Curlewis Street for Rose Bay and the City, thus keeping
unnecessary traffic off Glenayr.
12. New nature plantings should comply with the proposed tree management plan, and protect
the current open spaces.
13. Solicit residential and commercial volunteers to maintain nature plantings and generate
community pride and ownership of the new Seven Ways.
14. The Precinct requests a plan for the content and the distribution of public information on
the changes, and specific safety education on the use of roundabouts, and site-specific signage
on pavement and posted for pedestrian, bike and vehicle users. Bus stops could be used to
distribute information (brochures, posters) as they are a key congregation point, along with
business sites e.g. the hotel, food and services outlets and the local kindergarten.
15. The Precinct requests Waverley Council Officers to plan and explain the provisions to
allow normal residential and commercial activities together with pedestrian and traffic flow
during construction.
Ben Buckler Traffic Discussion about traffic and parking in Ben Buckler was deferred until
after the Ben Buckler traffic survey is complete.
Discussion by Chris Maltby and Rob Puflett, members of the Bondi Beach Strategic Planning
Committee, outlined the process of the committee to date. Committee members wanted to
ensure that any strategic plan would result in achievable objectives. The process was linked to
the Waverley Together strategic planning process that other members of the precinct have
8.1 Bondi Motel
Rob outlined the issues raised at the meeting held on the 9th June at the Council Chambers
with the developers.
1 Motion:
That the development standards as outlined in the LEP should be upheld and that the tower
should not get any bigger.
Moved Alex Fenkel Seconded Rob Puflett. Vote 16 For 3 Against 1 Abstention Carried
2 Motion:
That the change of use from a motel to an overdevelopment as an apartment block is
questioned in the light of the following:
– Councillors presenting themselves to represent the community, before the last local
government election, indicated policies preventing such overdevelopment
– the media speculation of the influence of donations to political parties influencing the
favouring of overdevelopment
– A proposed increase in bulk with a FSR of 4.77:1 compared with the applicable standard of
3:1 for apartments
– A cosmetic increase in height to conceal antennae and electronic equipment on a building
already twice the applicable limit, on present LEP and DCP
– Safe access for aerial fire fighting equipment, difficult, if not impossible, to rescue trapped
or injured persons within a reasonable time.
Moved Ray Neeson Seconded H Ruckl Vote 10 For No against 3 Abstentions Carried
8.2 Bondi Pavilion Restaurant
That Bondi Beach Precinct records its concern at the changes being made to Bondi Pavilion.
The Precinct had originally expressed opposition to the changes to the Northern end of the
Pavilion as shown “in their present form”. Now further changes have been implemented
beyond those originally indicated. The precinct questions how such changes were
implemented without adequate community consultation
Bondi Beach Precinct is aware that changes have been made which are not in sympathy with
the heritage of the pavilion nor the legislated Plan of Management of 1995, which was
prepared after extensive community consultation. The indication for the Northern Courtyard
was “minor landscaping work to visually enhance the area.” and the work originally proposed
as a single storey structure has been built as a two storey structure which can hardly be
described as enhancing the courtyard. Nor was the asymmetrical, blistered addition on the
forecourt part of the Plan of Management, nor the blistering added to the blister, and now
concreted as a platform on what was understood to be a removable structure suited for
removal for large scale events such as the City to Surf and similar events to the Federation
Moved Ray Neeson Seconded H Ruckl Carried
8.3 284 Campbell Pde
Conversion of a 3 storey residential flat building into a 3 storey residence. This development
does not involve an intensification of the site just a consolidation from a flat development to a
single residence. The development reflects the changing demographic of the Bondi beach
8.4 3 Bay St
This development involves a sub-division of the building into two units. The proposal seeks to
excavate to within 1 metre of the boundaries for a underground car parking and swimming
pools. It is one of a set of three similar flat buildings that constitute the built environment in
Bay St. The site being on the last line of development before the cliff face that drops out to
sea, is a significant site within the Bondi landscape.
That Bondi Beach Precinct opposes the proposed development in its current form for the
following reasons:
1. The site is of significance due to its location on the cliff face at Bondi. Any development
should take account of the visual impact from the ocean as well as within its Bondi locality
2 That the site area is inadequate for the proposed subdivision.
3 That a excavation for car parking and swimming pool on the cliff edge is unsuitable as it
could affect the neighbouring buildings and will impact adversely on the visual amenity of the
Bondi cliff face and seascape and s not in the best interest of the community. (If excavation
does occur the precinct requests that a - in a row of flat buildings and any development should
take account of the impact on the streetscape and maintain continuity within the streetscape.
Moved Junia Kerr Seconded Elizabeth Mckenzie Carried
8.5 New Planning Legislation
Rob Puflett led a discussion about the new EPA Amendment (Infrastructure and Other
Planning Reform) Bill 2005. This legislation if passed will give considerable discretionary
powers to the Minister for developments in relation to major infrastructure projects, projects of
significance to the State and critical infrastructure projects. The Minister can provide
approvals for critical infrastructure based on “concept plans” a detailed description of a project
is not required. The new laws will allow the minister to circumvent the Coastal Protection Act,
The Heritage Act and the Native Vegetation among other acts.
9.1 Recyclable Material
That all Bondi beach Precinct requests that Waverley Council provide recycling bins to all
schools, pre-schools and similar educational institutions to ensure maximum recycling of
paper and cardboard. Also that Waverley Council provide education in recycling to children.
Moved Chris Maltby Seconded Junia Kerr Carried.
9.2 Spear fishing
Deferred until next meeting because Barry & Will speakers and on this discussion are
9.3 City to Surf
As time ran out no discussion on this item was held. A briefing paper on the upcoming City to
Surf was circulated to those present.
The next meeting will take place 7.30 PM – 9.30PM Sunday 8th August 2005 at Library
Bondi Beach Public School
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 5.30 pm