RESIDENT SUGGESTION FORM >Insert Ward< COMMUNITY WARD FORUM FUNDING 2015/16 Please read the guidance notes before completing this form. 1. SUGGESTION Suggestion Category Council delivered project Resident led project up to £300 Voluntary and community sector delivered project Aims and objectives What are the aims and objectives of this activity or project? Activity and Benefits to the ward Please provide details of the activity or project you’d like to see take place, and how this will benefit residents living in the ward. Target audience Please specify who is the main target audience for this activity or project Cost Please provide a brief breakdown of known or estimated costs Location Where will this activity or project take place? 2. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS (we may need to contact you for further information) Name Address Telephone Email 3. Do you know a voluntary group /organisation that could deliver this project? Name of group Contact person Telephone E-mail Please return form to: or Community Ward Forum: Room 206/7 Community Development Team, Town Hall, Forest Road, London E17 4JF Resident’s Suggestion Form Guidance Purpose The purpose of the form is for ward residents to put forward proposed projects, to be funded through the Community Ward Forum (CWF) annual budget, which benefit local people and help to improve the area. The projects will need to meet local priorities which have been identified by ward councillors in consultation with local residents including through the CWF. All initial proposals for funded projects should be put forward by ward residents or councillors. The projects are either to be delivered by local residents themselves or in partnership with the Council or its partners (e.g. Police, Health Services or Ascham Homes). Voluntary organisations are not able to bid for CWF funding directly. However, they may receive funding if they are identified as the organisation best placed to deliver the project. Completing the form Suggestion category You need to decide how you think the project should be delivered. Council delivered project Where you indicate the project is to be delivered via one of the Council’s own services, this will often within the remit of the Public Realm department. However, this may also be delivered by one of the Council’s partners. You and other local residents will be expected to work with Council officers in the development and delivery of the project. Resident led project up to £300 If the project is to be delivered by a group of local residents who are not a formal organisation, these projects can be funded up to the value of £300. This will be based on a signed agreement with the Council setting out what will be delivered. Funding will be on a “cost recovery” basis meaning that payment will be made on the production of receipts for expenditure after the project has been completed. Voluntary and community sector led project If a local voluntary, community or other not-for-profit organisation is best placed to deliver the project proposal, you may make a suggestion as to which organisation would be best placed to do this. However, please note that this may need to be advertised to allow other local voluntary organisations to have an opportunity to bid Please return form to: or Community Ward Forum: Room 206/7 Community Development Team, Town Hall, Forest Road, London E17 4JF to deliver the project as well. The Community Development Team will evaluate these bids to determine which organisation has submitted the most cost effective bid. Successful voluntary organisations need to complete a Project Assessment Form, which will be evaluated to determine their viability to effectively deliver the project. Aims and Objectives In answering this question, please set out the overall purpose of your project (aims) and what will be achieved as a result of the project being delivered (objectives). Activities and benefits to the ward Please give more details of the types of activities or services that the project will provide, and how this will help ward residents and improve the local area. Target audience This is the group of residents that the project aims to benefit such as residents within a specific area or a specific group of residents e.g. young people. Cost Please provide brief details of how much you think the project will cost. This can be an initial estimate subject to further investigation. Location Please provide details of where you would like the project will take place. Please return form to: or Community Ward Forum: Room 206/7 Community Development Team, Town Hall, Forest Road, London E17 4JF