The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Background Cefas vision is “to make a real difference for society as recognised leaders in marine and aquatic science”. This timeless goal reflects Cefas’ rich heritage. It is achieved by delivering projects and services that support the long-term prosperity and well-being of industries, communities and individuals that enjoy and depend on the rich natural assets found in our marine and freshwater environments. Cefas has a clear purpose as the government's foremost source of evidence, applied science and impartial expert advice for marine and closely related environments. In delivering against this purpose, the Agency supports government decision making, provides long term assurance and responds to EU/ UK legislation and obligations. With many competing demands, decision making is complex, often international, and relies on the timely, integrated evidence and advice that the Agency provides as a recognised leader in its field. Government funding reinforces impartiality, maintains an emergency response capability, and supports the sustainability of specialised capability. Cefas’ purpose is founded on its ability to innovate and to integrate a uniquely comprehensive national capability. It is enabled by the excellence of its science, technology and people; by effective collaboration and partnerships; and by applying commercial disciplines to ensure on-going competitiveness. The Agency has been established for over 100 years, with a turnover exceeding £50m and over 500 people primarily in Lowestoft and Weymouth. Supporting core Defra through a strong, open and strategic partnership is, and will continue to be, an important part of Cefas’ activities. The Agency also enhances its capability, relationships and influence through commercial application of its skills and knowledge. Diversification of revenue streams supports the resilience of the Agency by enabling sustained self-investment in its capabilities and facilities. This type of competed work currently represents over a third of Cefas’ income. Continued expansion of activity beyond core Defra customers is a critical strategic goal. Further details are available in our Annual Report and Accounts, available on our web site Strategic context EU legislation and implementation the UK’s Marine Act are driving action across the sectors in which we operate. We see an increasing focus on integrated science to support ecosystem approaches, a growing need for monitoring and data management, risk based assessments and consideration of socio-economic aspects. The associated Page 1 breadth and the on-going need to bridge policy/ delivery/ science interfaces plays to our strengths and creates a demand for our services. By contrast with this growing demand, a volatile fiscal climate creates challenge. Economic pressures on the public sector affect our main source of income, drive a need for further operational efficiency, and bring both risk and opportunity. The strategy that Cefas has pursued successfully over recent years prepares us well for the challenges ahead, with themes being: Strengthening relationships with Defra and its Network, supported by strategic agreements Delivering operational efficiencies, which includes increasing income from nonDefra sources. Sustaining our investment in innovation, science and associated capabilities. Investing in our people to attract, develop and enthuse exceptional talent, and to achieve a long-lasting cultural change, with fully engaged staff and greater customer focus at all levels. The past year has seen a comprehensive review undertaken by Defra. The outcomes being that Cefas needs to further increase its commercial markets, form effective partnerships in the academic sector to be able to access research funding and to consider the aging Lowestoft estate future. Further details can be found on our website. CEFAS MANAGEMENT BOARD The Cefas Management Board (CMB) comprises of four Non-executive Advisory Directors, one Defra Non-executive Director and six executive directors. The CMB is chaired by the Lead Non-executive. The Board provides strategic leadership for the Agency, within a framework of prudent and effective controls that enables risk to be assessed and managed. It brings together a broadly equal split of Executive and NonExecutive Directors (NEDs) to provide the appropriate balance of skills, experience, independence and knowledge of Cefas to enable CMB to discharge its duties and responsibilities, and ensure effective governance of the Agency. NON-EXECUTIVE ADVISORY DIRECTORS Cefas’ non-executive advisory directors (NEDs) advise and challenge the Board and Chief Executive, bringing an objectivity and independence of view to the CMB's discussions. They help provide CMB with effective leadership in relation to the Agency’s strategy, performance, risk and people management. In particular, NEDs play a key role in ensuring high standards of financial probity and corporate governance through their role on CMB’s external committees. In addition to their business wide perspective, NEDs may be asked to bring their expertise and experience to bear on specific aspects of Cefas strategy and operations. NEDs are expected to engage with key external stakeholders in order to know and understand the context within which the Agency operates. Page 2 NEDs need to deliver a role of critical friend to the executive directors, offering challenge, critique and advice, with tact and diplomacy. This includes elements of mentoring and coaching. Effectiveness of CMB as a whole depends upon a spirit of mutual respect and partnership within the board being established and a good “chemistry” across the team. Additionally, diversity in perspective and challenge is essential which requires an appropriate balance of skills, experience and personalities between the Executive and Non-Executive members. In short, Cefas places as much emphasis on behaviours, attributes and relationships as it does in structures and processes. TERMS OF APPOINTMENT Appointments follow civil service protocol and are for a fixed term of three years. Thereafter, whilst not automatic, an extension period of up to three years may be granted. Appointments beyond six years will only be considered exceptionally. In delivering their role, NEDs are expected to devote approximately twenty days per year to their duties. This allows for attendance at board meetings, involvement in Board sub-committees, associated preparation time and other ad hoc CMB events/advisory support to executives. Meetings generally take place in Lowestoft, Weymouth or London. During their appointment as a non-executive director, NEDs must not put themselves in a position of conflict with their duties to the Agency. NEDS are also expected to adhere to the Seven Principles of Public Life (Annex B) Remuneration for NEDs will be £10,000 per annum on the basis of a time input of approximately 20 days per year. Additional paid input is available on a pro rata basis if this proves necessary. Reasonable expenses linked to delivering this role are paid. NED appointments are not pensionable. Page 3 PERSON SPECIFICATION Relevant Experience The vacancy is for our lead Science Non-executive. The Science NED chairs the Cefas Science Advisory Committee which is comprised of leading academics. The committee meets twice each year and advises the Chief Executive on the quality and strategic direction of Cefas capability in science and technology. For this role, we would expect a high level understanding of marine science and research; together with proven success of being able to influence strategic management debates at Board Level (or equivalent) on a range of corporate issues. Alongside externally recognised credentials, we are particularly interested in individuals who can offer one or more of the following skills and experiences to our team: Experience of delivering science in the academic sector to help advise Cefas best develop future partnership arrangements with leading Universities Delivery of cultural change, particularly the ability to drive innovation and entrepreneurialism in comparable scientific organisations A good understanding of government and of public sector delivery models, including the dynamics of the research council/academic sectors Relevant sectoral experience, with beneficial contacts and personal networks Personal Attributes Integrity, probity and high ethical standards, with a comprehensive understanding of the principles of governance and systems of control, and how to apply them appropriately An ability to maintain a sense of perspective and to pick out critical issues, and to question intelligently, debate constructively, challenge rigorously and decide dispassionately Independence of mind and sound judgement, together with the ability to provide impartial, objective and pragmatic advice Sufficient strength of character to seek and obtain full and satisfactory answers within the environment of the Board. Effective communication and relationship building skills, including the ability to negotiate, influence, challenge and listen sensitively to the views of others An ability to engender trust and confidence, and to adopt a coaching style particularly with the Chief Executive, Executive Directors and other senior managers in Cefas A commitment to the 7 principles of public life, together with the willingness and availability to devote the necessary time to understand the business dynamics and context Page 4 APPLICATIONS Application process All candidates are requested to send: a cover letter highlighting why they are interested in the post an up to date CV, including any other current roles and details of referees a concise note providing evidence/examples of how they meet the experience and personal attributes identified in the Person Specification above Your completed application should be returned to Karin Rundle, Director of HR/OD Cefas Laboratory, Pakefield Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR33 0HT by the closing date of 27th March 2015. Email is preferable Informal enquiries can be made to Karin Rundle (tel 01502 521336) or Mike Waldock, Chief Executive or Stuart Rogers, Chief Scientist References will be taken up prior to appointment and we are hoping to commence in May 2015. Selection Process Applications will be considered by a combination of executive and non-executive members of the Cefas Management Board. Short-listing will determine which candidate best demonstrates that they have the specified qualities and experience, who will then be invited for interview. It is therefore essential for your application to include full but concise information/evidence relevant to the appointment based on the personal attributes and experience outlined above. Equality and Diversity These appointments will be governed by the principle of public appointment based on merit with independent assessment and transparency of process. Candidates may come from a wide range of backgrounds although the successful candidates will need to have experience as outlined above. The UK Government is committed to improving the diversity of its public bodies and welcome applications irrespective of race, ethnic or national origin, sex, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, religion, religious beliefs or similar philosophical belief, age, gender re-assignment or community background. Page 5 Annex B: Seven Principles of Public Life Selflessness: Holders of public office should take decisions solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends. Integrity: Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might influence them in the performance of their official duties. Objectivity: In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices on merit. Accountability: Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office. Openness: Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands. Honesty: Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest. Leadership: Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example. Page 6