PHW 1:12 Committees Standing Orders state that "The Board may, and where directed by the Assembly Government must, appoint committees of the Trust either to undertake specific functions on the Board's behalf or to provide advice and assurance to the Board on the exercise of its functions". Trusts are required to establish a committee structure that it determines best meets its own needs, taking account of any regulatory or Assembly Government requirements. As a minimum, Trusts must establish committees that cover the following aspects of Board business: Quality and Safety; Audit; Information Governance; Charitable Funds; Remuneration and Terms of Service; Mental Health Act requirement (as appropriate). N.B. It is not necessary to have a separate Committee for each of the aspects of Board business listed above. One Committee could for example have responsibility for either more than one of the functions listed or combine this with other activities. Each committee established by or on behalf of the Board must have detailed terms of reference and operating arrangements, which must be formally approved by the Board. These must establish its governance and ways of working, setting out, as a minimum: the scope of its work (including its purpose and any delegated powers and authority); membership; meeting arrangements; relationships and accountabilities with others (including the Board, its committees and any Advisory Groups); any budget and financial responsibility, where appropriate; secretariat and other support; training, development and performance; and reporting and assurance arrangements. For each of the mandatory areas of Board business mentioned above, a brief outline of the recommended role and membership is as follows: PHW 1:12 Quality and Safety Role: The committee will focus on all aspects aimed at ensuring the quality and safety of healthcare, including activities traditionally referred to as ‘clinical governance’. Membership: Chair (non-Executive), Vice-Chair (Non-Executive) plus at least 2 other Non-Executive Directors, to include the Chair of the Audit Committee and the Vice Chair (where appointed) of the Trust Board. The committee may also co-opt additional independent ‘external’ members from outside the organisation to provide specialist skills, knowledge and expertise. Attendees: The Chief Executive and all Executive Directors holding portfolios containing aspects of quality and safety of care. Other Executive Directors should attend from time to time as required by the Committee Chair Audit Committee Role: Advise and assure the Board and the Accountable Officer on whether effective arrangements are in place - through the design and operation of the Trust’s assurance framework to support them in their decision taking and in discharging their accountabilities for securing the achievement of the Trust’s objectives, in accordance with the standards of good governance determined for the NHS in Wales. Membership: Chair (non-Executive), Vice-Chair (Non-Executive) plus at least 1 other Non-Executive Director, to include a member of the Quality and safety Committee. The committee may also co-opt additional independent ‘external’ members from outside the organisation to provide specialist skills, knowledge and expertise. Attendees: The Chief Executive (as accounting officer), Director of Finance, Head of Internal Audit, Head of Clinical Audit (if applicable) and a representative of external audit. Other PHW 1:12 Executive Directors should attend from time to time as required by the Committee Chair. Information Governance Role: Providing advice and guidance to the Board on all aspects of information governance including the quality and integrity, safety and security and appropriate access and use of information. This will include patient and personal information. Membership: Chair (non-Executive), Vice-Chair (Non-Executive) plus at least 1 other Non-Executive Director. The committee may also co-opt additional independent ‘external’ members from outside the organisation to provide specialist skills, knowledge and expertise. Attendees: Executive Director with responsibility for information governance. Officer designated Caldicott Guardian. Senior staff member(s) responsible for health records and informatics. Charitable Funds Committee Role: The Committee will be responsible for making and monitoring arrangements for the control and management of the Trust’s charitable funds. Membership: Chair (non-Executive), Vice-Chair (Non-Executive), at least 1 other Non-Executive Director, Chief Executive, Director of Finance and at least one external member The committee may also co-opt additional independent ‘external’ members from outside the organisation to provide specialist skills, knowledge and expertise. Attendees: The Committee may require the attendance for advice, support and information routinely at meetings from, for example, the Director of Planning, Charitable Funds Advisor, Trust Investment Advisor. PHW 1:12 Remuneration & Terms of Services Committee Role: To advice the Board on remuneration & terms of service for the Chief Executive, Executive Directors and other senior staff within the framework set by the Welsh Assembly Government. To provide assurance to the Board in relation to the Trust arrangements for the remuneration and terms of service, including contractual arrangements, for all staff in accordance with the requirements and standards determined for the NHS in Wales. Membership: Chair (Chair of the Board), Vice-Chair (Non-Executive) and at least 2 other Non-Executive Directors. One of the aforementioned must also be the Chair of the Audit Committee. Attendees: The Committee may also invite the Chief Executive, the Director responsible for workforce planning, other official or others from outside the organisation. Mental Health Act Requirements. It is understood that a Committee to address the requirements of the Mental Health Act only applies to local health Boards. This will be confirmed at the Board meeting.