ANNEX 1: GUIDANCE FOR THE OFFICIAL CONTROL SAMPLING OF PECTINIDAE HARVESTED OUTSIDE OF CLASSIFIED PRODUCTION AREAS FOR BIOTOXINS Background Marine biotoxins produced by phytoplankton can accumulate in the tissues of shellfish. If these species are consumed by humans, toxin related illness can occur. The health standards applicable to Pectinidae harvested outside classified areas are the same as those used for live bivalve molluscs harvested in classified production areas. Chapter III of Annex II to Regulation (EC) 854/2004 outlines the legal requirements for Official Controls (OC) on Pectinidae harvested outside of classified production areas: ‘Official controls on Pectinidae harvested outside classified production areas are to be carried out in fish auctions, dispatch centres and processing establishments. Such official controls are to verify compliance with the health standards for live bivalve molluscs laid down in Annex III, Section VII, Chapter V, to Regulation (EC) 853/2004 as well as compliance with other requirements of Annex III, Section VII, Chapter IX, to that Regulation.’ FSA has central competency for functions under this Regulation. Enforcement of the regime for OC of Pectinidae has been delegated to Local Authorities. These OC checks are therefore verification checks on food businesses. Sampling frequency In general terms LAs should follow guidance on inspection and sampling detailed within the enforcement code and associated good practice guidance. The frequency of testing official control samples of Pectinidae is not specified within Regulation (EC) No 854/2004. The frequency of checks (including sampling) will be appropriate to the individual business and should be riskbased. For example factors such as the time of the year, the volume of product being placed on the market, current level of end-product testing etc. should be considered. The range of OC checks will include the need to check documentation in relation to sampling and verification. Sample submission The Agency is funding biotoxin analysis of Local Authority Official Control samples of Pectinidae, harvested outside classified production areas, collected from fish auctions, dispatch centres and processing establishments. Local authorities should liaise with their appointed Public Analyst Laboratory to check whether they have the appropriate accreditation to undertake the analysis. If your Public Analysts are able to carry out testing then please contact the Agency so that funding support can be arranged. Samples which cannot be tested by your Public Analyst can be sent direct to Cefas for analysis with the agreement and under the supervision of your Public Analyst. Cefas can be contacted on: 01305 206696, fax 01305 206601 If submitting through Cefas, the scallops submitted for analysis must be in the form that the product is placed on the market i.e. either in whole (unshucked) or shucked form. Please note the species of scallops which can be tested at Cefas – anything submitted other than those listed in the sample submission form will be rejected (see Annex 3). Where possible, details of official control samples are to be entered on UKFSS by the Local Authority and submitted electronically to the Public Analyst. The UKFSS code 2014/EW/OCP should be entered on the UKFSS database under the COP tab. Communication and notification arrangements for OC results For samples submitted to Cefas, OC sample results will be reported by email to the Public Analyst, and copied to the Local Authority and the FSA using the attached reporting template (see attachment in email). Template Results Biotoxins C5667 EW Scallops v1.xlsx The Public Analyst will issue certificates of analysis to the Local Authority as appropriate, and upload results and outcomes onto UKFSS. Results of analyses may be made available to the business where the sample was taken. The legal marketing standards in relation to biotoxins contained in Regulation EC 853/2004, Section VII, Chapter V 2 indicates that Live Bivalve Molluscs (LBM) must not contain marine biotoxins in total quantities (measured in the whole body or any part edible separately) that exceed the following statutory limits: Toxin Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP) Okadaic acid (OA), dinophysistoxins and pectenotoxins together Yessotoxins (YTX) Azaspiracids (AZA) Regulatory limit 800 μg [STX eq.]/kg shellfish 20 mg/kg shellfish 160 μg [OA eq.]/kg shellfish 3.75 mg [YTX eq.]/kg shellfish 160 μg [AZA eq.]/kg shellfish Invoicing For samples submitted to Cefas, there will be no need to submit invoices for testing costs to the Agency For any analysis undertaken by Public Analysts please contact the Agency so funding arrangements can be made. The Agency will directly fund costs of the following: Laboratory analysis of samples of Pectinidae, harvested outside classified production areas, collected from fish auctions, dispatch centres and processing establishments1 for the three biotoxin groups (ASP, PSP, and DSP including lipophilic toxins). If you have any queries regarding this funding please contact: 1 OC samples of Pectinidae collected at all other stages of production, processing and distribution in order to verify FBO compliance with the requirements of end product will not be funded by the Agency. ANNEX 2: OFFICIAL CONTROL PECTINIDAE SAMPLE COLLECTION PROTOCOL – For samples being sent to Cefas ONLY Samples which cannot be tested by your Public Analyst can be sent direct to Cefas for analysis with the agreement and under the supervision of your Public Analyst. The following protocol indicates how the OC sample should be gathered and details the method, amount and equipment required to fulfil this. The sample submission form (Annex 3) must accompany the samples to the Cefas laboratory. The relevant equipment to facilitate the taking of these samples i.e. cool box, ice packs, bags and labels will be provided to the LA on request from the laboratory If you are intending to submit verification samples, a minimum notice of 5 working days is required to allow for lab preparation and any arrangement for delivery of equipment. Sampling officers will be responsible for contacting the laboratory and checking that they do have sufficient capacity to undertake the required tests. Please email to place a request. 1 Shellfish samples should be collected from identified processors/dispatch centre/auction markets at a frequency determined by risk assessment. 2 Ideally samples should be collected Monday to Wednesday and posted to Cefas Weymouth using the boxes provided 2. For this financial year the last day for samples to be received by Cefas is Friday 28th March 2014. 3 The sample should contain the minimum number of individual shellfish shown on the submission form (or more if required, in order to yield minimum 100g of meat). 4 Shellfish must be placed inside a strong food grade plastic bag and the bag tied leaving some air space. A second bag may be used if required (in particular if the sample is likely to puncture the first plastic bag). 5 A sample submission form must also be completed for every sample. The bagged sample and form should then be placed in a second/third bag and resealed, then placed in the container provided along with frozen cool packs and foam/spacers. 6 Once correctly assembled and the relevant sample submission forms have been included, the box lid must be secured with adhesive tape to prevent leakage and a prepaid postage label attached before posting to the relevant laboratory. Shellfish samples sent using Royal Mail must be labelled as “perishable”, This is for compliance with new Royal Mail labelling instructions in force since 15/07/13. Please note that Royal Mail has defined specific restrictions to the transport of live creatures/animals. These are not suitable for shellfish samples destined to testing. Sampling officers are therefore advised not to log/describe the samples as live creatures for the purpose of Royal Mail. “Perishable” labels should be affixed to the tape used to secure the transport box. Alternatively please write on the tape using a marker pen. 2 Posting on the day of collection would always be preferable. 7 Samples submitted to the Cefas laboratory should be sent to Cefas, Weymouth Laboratory, BTX Dept, Barrack Road, The Nothe, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 8UB. Any queries or problems relating to Cefas samples should be referred to:Lewis Coates on: 01305 206744, fax 01305 206601 ANNEX 3 - ENGLAND AND WALES PECTINIDAE CEFAS SAMPLE SUBMISSION FORM FOR BIOTOXIN TESTING Please ensure that samples are accompanied by this sheet and that all sections have been completed – thank you Local Authority: Name of Collector: Tel: Email address to which results should be reported: Appointed Public Analyst: Name: Tel: Email address to which results should be reported: Name and Address of Premises: Type of establishment (i.e. Auction Hall, Dispatch Centre or Processor): Premises Approval No.: Date of Collection from Premises: Time: Origin of Sample i.e. sea box no./area – information should be available on registration document accompanying batch: Date of Harvesting: Date of Landing of Catch: Where Landed: Sample details (please tick all relevant boxes for sample submitted to indicate species and toxin tests required). Please note that samples consisting of other scallop species or submitted in a different form will be rejected – if unclear please contact Cefas): Please ASP PSP DSP tick (Lipop Minimum number of Sample hilic individual animals to Toxins be submitted ) Whole King Scallop (in shell) 15 Shucked King Scallop (adductor & roe) 15 King Scallop White Meat Only (adductor) 15 Whole Queen Scallop (in shell) Number of sample boxes remaining (please circle) To be completed by Laboratory Date of arrival: Laboratory Sample ID: 35 1 2 3 4 5+ Time of arrival: PLEASE ENSURE THAT COOL-PACKS ARE FROZEN BEFORE PUTTING IN SAMPLE BOX.