Course Evaluation - NCWC: Faculty Pages

Please read this document with care and complete it thoughtfully. The purpose of the course
evaluation form is to provide useful feedback to the instructor and others.
Student Evaluation of Faculty and Instruction
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
The reason I took this course was:
A) General Education B) Elective C) Major requirement D) Minor requirement E) Other
I. Learning
1. The instructor made this course intellectually challenging and stimulating
2. The instructor presented class material that was helpful to my understanding of this course
II. Enthusiasm
3. The instructor was enthusiastic while teaching the course
4. The instructor held my interest during class
III. Organization
5. The instructor presented course objectives clearly
6. The instructor followed the established course /syllabus
IV. Student Interaction
7. The instructor invited students to participate in class discussion
8. The instructor was receptive to student questions
9. The instructor showed an interest in helping individual students
10. The instructor was available to students during posted office hours and by appointment
V. Examinations and Assignments
11. The instructor gave assignments, including readings, that contributed to my understanding
of this course
12. The instructor provided feedback on graded material promptly
13. The instructor was consistent in following the grading policy and methods of evaluation in the
course syllabus
14. The instructor graded fairly
15. The instructor gave quizzes and tests based on course content
Course Evaluation Document
Revised 10/18/05
VI. Overall
16. The instructor was effective in teaching this course
17. The instructor was knowledgeable and prepared to teach the course
VII. Workload/Difficulty
18. Course difficulty, relative to other courses was:
A) Very easy B) Easy C) Medium D) Hard E) Very hard
19. Course workload, relative to other courses was:
A) Very light B) Light C) Medium D) Heavy E) Very heavy
20. Hours a week spent preparing for class:
A) 0 to 2 B) 3 to 5 C) 6 to 7 D) 8 to 12 E) Over 12
21. Course pace was:
A) Very slow B) Slow C) About right D) Fast E) Very Fast
22. The class met as scheduled and for the full amount of time allotted:
A) Rarely B) Sometimes C) Often D) Almost always E) Always
23. What course grade do you expect to receive for this course?
A) A B) B C) C D) D E) F
24. In your opinion, what are the instructor’s strengths?
25. In your opinion, what are the instructor’s weaknesses?
26. Please use the additional space to clarify any of your responses to any of the questions on this
evaluation form or to make other comments
Course Evaluation Document
Revised 10/18/05