Together for Beaufort – Water Quality Committee Future Priorities October 2008, Updates May 2015 “We will be Good Stewards of our Natural Resources by Protecting and Monitoring Water Quality” The Next 10 Steps for the Blueprint for Clean Water 1. Beaufort County and Municipalities should establish consistent progressive land use policies with documented water quality benefits, especially for our Outstanding Resource and Shellfish Harvesting Waters. Complete 2. Beaufort County and Municipalities should include water quality controls in improvements to existing drainage systems. Complete 3. Beaufort County and Municipalities should consider higher stormwater retention levels in “dead end” creeks to prevent high freshwater inputs. Some examples of significant “dead end” creeks would be the upper reaches of the Okatie River and Battery Creek. Nearly all tidal creeks have dead end zones in their upper reaches. Coordinated effort by all jurisdictions should be made in development of the Okatie Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) to address this issue. In Progress. Through regular testing, good research is being gathered to help determine best retention levels. 4. State and Federal Agencies should endeavor to follow more rigid county and municipal stormwater requirements. 5. Beaufort County and Municipalities should adopt the Septic Tank Operation and Maintenance Ordinance recommended by DHEC. Hilton Head working to get residents on sanitary sewer. 319 & community block grants have helped with failing septic tanks. 6. Beaufort County and Municipalities should continually improve their stormwater standards for new development. As science continues to evolve and regulations change, periodically, standards should be reviewed and revised. 7. Beaufort County, Municipalities, DHEC, and DNR should jointly develop, implement, and coordinate a stormwater monitoring strategy, to addresses water quality trends and performance of water quality control systems. These strategies will be formalized through the upcoming MS4 regulations being implemented. 8. Beaufort County and Municipalities should, in cooperation with our education partners, develop a single comprehensive outreach program directed at staff, elected and appointed officials, the public and the development community. The outreach program should include benefits of vegetative buffers, native landscaping, reducing use of lawn chemicals, utilization of natural systems, and low impact development (LID). Currently up to date, but should continue to work on these & update. 9. Beaufort County, Municipalities and BJW&S Authority should capitalize on opportunities for conservation and reuse of water. 10. Beaufort County in cooperation with Municipalities should establish managed household hazardous waste drop-off/reuse sites to prevent wastes from impacting waters. Discussed improving signage for paints & other hazardous materials at drop off centers and have clear medicine disposal process on a more regular basis.