PART 8 Report in relation to
The Proposed Construction Of A Shelter For Swimmers Adjoining
The Existing Lifeguard Shelter At Sandycove Harbour.
Part of the Proposed Development will be located on a Protected
Structure, Sandycove Harbour, and is located within the
Sandycove Architectural Conservation Area
In accordance with Part 8, Article 81 of Planning and Development
Regulations 2001 (as amended) and Planning and Development Act 2000
(as amended)
Planning Report
Date: 21st September 2012
It is proposed to construct a shelter for swimmers adjoining the existing lifeguard
shelter at Sandycove Harbour. The following report has been prepared as part of
the Part 8 planning procedure and summarises the information given in the
associated drawings.
Site Description and Context
The site is located in Sandycove Harbour off Scotsman’s Bay. (See Drawing No.
1738/P8/01). This small harbour located on the western side of Sandycove Point
is popular for bathing. To the north of the harbour area, on a large rocky
outcrop, is located the Battery Wall and Forty Foot bathing area. To the
northeast of the subject site is Geragh Haus, designed in the Avant Garde style
by Michael Scott. Adjoining this property, on the eastern side of Sandycove
Point, is James Joyce’s Martello Tower and Museum.
The subject site is occupied by the Fisherman’s Hut, a single storey structure
constructed in timber with a corrugated tin roof. The boundary of the site also
extends out from the hut to include a small area located immediately to the north
of the structure. This area is enclosed by timber fencing and is overgrown with
vegetation. The site area is indicated to be 36.7 sq.m. The Fisherman’s Hut is
adjoined by the existing lifeguard shelter on its southern side, with a stone wall
located at the interface between the two structures. The wall extends out to the
east creating a pinch point in the access road adjoining the subject site on the
eastern side. Bollards located at this pinch point limit access to the Battery Wall,
the Forty Foot bathing area and James Joyce’s Tower to pedestrians and cyclists
only. The existing Fisherman’s Hut is elevated above the beach on a small rocky
outcrop. To the west of the subject site is the northern boat slip and main pier
serving Sandycove Harbour.
Zoning Objectives and Policies of the 2010-2016 Dún
Rathdown County Development Plan
Under the 2010 – 2016 Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Development Plan, the
following zoning objectives and designations apply to the site:
The site is zoned ‘A’ in the 2010-2016 County Development Plan with the
zoning objective: “To protect and/or improve residential amenity”.
The site is located within the boundary of the proposed Dún Loaghaire Local
Area Plan.
The site is located within the Sandycove Architectural Conservation Area.
There is a ‘0/0’ zoning objective in this area, where no increase in the number
of buildings will normally be permitted.
Sandycove Harbour (RPS No. 1255) is listed in the Record of Protected
Structures (Schedule 1, Appendix C of the 2010-2016 Dún LaoghaireRathdown County Development Plan.
Part of subject site is located on this Protected Structure.
The Martello Tower (Joyce’s Tower) and Battery Wall, Sandycove Point,
located in close proximity to the subject site, are listed in the Record of
Protected Structures (Schedule 1, Appendix C) and the Record of Monuments
& Places (Schedule 2, Appendix C) of the 2010-2016 Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
County Development Plan.
The site is located within a Proposed Natural Heritage Area.
There is an objective for a Proposed Walkway/Cycleway (from Sutton to
Sandycove) which runs alongside the subject site.
There is an objective to preserve views in this area.
Nature and Extent of the Proposed Development
The proposed development is for the removal of the existing Fisherman’s Hut and
enclosure to side and for the construction in its place of a new shelter and
changing area. Part of the proposed development will be located on a Protected
Structure, Sandycove Harbour. (See Drawing No. 1738/P8/02)
The proposed development will comprise of a single storey shelter with a flat roof
profile adjoining the existing lifeguard shelter to the south, together with a new
outdoor changing area on the northern side of the new shelter. The existing
stone wall between the Fisherman’s Hut and lifeguard shelter is to be removed in
the development. The proposed new shelter will comprise of a covered changing
area and separate shower area. The shelter will consist of solid walls on three
sides (south, east and west) and will be open on the northern side, where it will
address the outdoor seating/changing area. The outdoor area will be enclosed by
low to mid height walls to the east and west site boundaries, which will be angled
inwards at the northern boundary to form the entrance to the changing area. The
covered shower/changing area has an indicated floor area of 7.6 sq.m. The
outdoor seating/changing area has an indicated floor area of 10.3 sq.m. The
width of the pedestrian and cycle route to the Forty Foot bathing area will be
increased from 3 metres to 4.8 metres approximately.
Design and Finishes
A high quality design approach has been taken that is complimentary to the style
and finish of the existing lifeguard shelter. In terms of the materials and finishes
proposed, the new shelter and boundary wall to the west elevation will consist of
white rendered mansonary walls in keeping with the existing lifeguard shelter;
while the changing area will consist of whitewashed stone walls to the north and
east elevations. Glass blocks are proposed to the roof of the new shelter to
provide additional light to the covered area.
Water & Drainage Services
The existing water connection to the lifeguards hut will be extended to serve the
proposed shelter. A new drainage connection is proposed from the shelter to a
point located at the junction with Sandycove Avenue North. (See Drawing No.
Need for the Facility
The scheme has been designed to provide changing facilities on the Sandycove
Harbour side of the Point, similar to the existing facilities located around at the
Forty Foot bathing area, beside the Battery Wall. This will be a public facility.
Appropriate Assessment – Screening Statement
The proposed development is subject to the Guidance for Planning Authorities on
Appropriate Assessment of Plans and Projects in Ireland (Department of
Environment, Heritage and Local Government, November 2009) and the 2011
Planning and Development Regulations. This requires that screening is carried
out for all projects to examine if any impacts are likely on Natura 2000 Sites, that
is, Special Areas of Conservation (SAC’s) and Special Protection Areas (SPA’s).
The County Council’s Biodiversity Officer has reviewed the proposed changing
shelter at Sandycove Harbour with respect to the requirement for an Appropriate
The proposed works are located approximately 2.3km from the South Dublin Bay
and River Tolka Estuary SPA and 2.5km from South Dublin Bay SAC. The
qualifying interest features of these sites are over-wintering birds (Light-bellied
Brent Goose, Sanderling, Knot, Bar-tailed Godwit, Redshank and tern species)
and sand and mudflats, respectively. The proposed works are located
approximately 1.7km from Dalkey Islands SPA which is designated for tern
Taking into consideration the small scale and localised area of project, the opinion
is that the proposed works should not result in disturbance to roosting terns,
overwintering birds or have direct or indirect effects on the sand and mudflats.
The existing built environment between the site of the proposed works and the
designated sites will act as a buffer and prevent impacts from noise disturbance.
As no adverse impacts are anticipated, an Appropriate Assessment will not be
Implications of the Proposed Development for the Proper Planning and
Sustainable Development of the Area
The development as proposed is considered to be in accordance with the proper
planning and sustainable development of the area. The Conservation Officer in
her report has indicated that the proposed development will not adversely affect
the character or appearance of the protected structure or the Sandycove
Architectural Conservation Area. The proposed development is considered to be
an appropriate use within the residential land use zoning of the site.
In accordance with SI 476, 2011, Section 250, Planning and Development
(Amendment) No. 3 Regulations 2011, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
has determined that an Appropriate Assessment is not required.
Having regard to the location, nature and scale of the proposed development, the
Planning Authority has no objections to proceeding with the Part 8.