St Vincent’s Hospital (Melbourne) ANIMAL ETHICS COMMITTEE (AEC) APPLICATION TO GENERATE AND BREED A NEW MOUSE LINE (GBNML) NOTES: 1. Please ensure this form is completed using lay language 2. Please complete all relevant sections, incomplete forms will be returned to the researcher 3. Use AEC approved Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) where possible. Relevant SOPs include: SOP.8 Murine Health Monitoring Policy SOP.6 Generation of transgenic mice SOP.10 Collection of tissues for DNA analysis Part A - Applicant Details 1. Principal Researcher Title and Name: Department: Institution: Mailing address: Qualifications: Summary of relevant experience: Phone: Fax: Mobile/pager: Email: 2. Associate Researcher Title and Name: Appointment: Department: Institution: Mailing address: Phone: Fax: Mobile/pager: E-mail: 3. Animal Technicians Animal Tech 1 Name: Department: Location: Animal Tech 2 Name: Department: Location: 4. Please state the breeding room in which the line will be bred / housed GBNML – Application to Generate and Breed a New Mouse Line Version 6, February 2012 Part B – Project Details 1. Please list all scientific terms and provide a lay explanation Scientific Term Lay Explanation 2. Please list the aims of the breeding project 3. Please justify the creation of a new line by providing a brief explanation of the new line including information on the background of the strain and the relevance of the new line to your current research (include references where possible) 4. Please confirm how the new line will be created: Crossing breeding two existing strains DNA Technique Embryonic Stem Cell Technique Other (please state): __________________________________________________ 5. Please state the name of the new strain (e.g. H-2Kb/hTFPI) 6. Please state the full Mutation Name (Use correct nomenclature) *For assistance, please see, Transgenic Res 6(5): 309-19 1997, or Genomics 45(2): 471-6 (1997) (e.g. B6TgN(HUTFPI-MUSMH2KB)XXXdAp) GBNML – Application to Generate and Breed a New Mouse Line Version 6, February 2012 7. Please describe the anticipated phenotype of the new line, including what organs or tissues will be affected. Please state any expected or anticipated abnormalities or effects on health, welfare, breeding or lifespan NOTE: If the clinical status deviates from the predications made in this application, the AEC must be notified immediately. 8. Please describe any special husbandry or animal care requirements 9. Please provide the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) reference number IBC Reference Number: 10. Please state the St Vincent’s Hospital Animal Ethics Reference Number for the approved project within which this new proposed line will be used AEC Reference Number: 11. Please state the number of mice required for use in the above approved project 12. Please estimate the total number of mice that must be produced from this new line, to achieve the above requirement 13. Please describe the fate of the animals that do not have the appropriate genotype 14. Please provide the details of the person who will be responsible for monitoring the health of the line, by completing the “Monitoring Sheets for GM” mice at: a) First box change at 5-7 days (litter and mother assessment) Name: Qualifications: Position: b) Weaning (litter and mother assessment) Name: Qualifications: Position: c) Post-weaning to 24 weeks (individual animal assessment) Name: Qualifications: Position: GBNML – Application to Generate and Breed a New Mouse Line Version 6, February 2012 15. Please explain how the wellbeing of the animals will be monitored (include what signs will be looked for and how frequently)? 16. If tissue is to be collected for genotyping, please state how tissues will be collected for screening Biopsy Tail Blood Heparin Blood Other: _________________ 17. Please describe the locus of the modified gene/s for genotyping purposes (include all mutations as loci 1, loci 2, loci 3 etc) Locus Number Mutation Type Gene Name Chromosome 18. Please state the original background strain (e.g. C57Bl/6) Part C- Generating a new strain by crossing two existing strains Only complete this section if applicable. If not applicable, progress to Part D. 1. Please detail the two exiting strains which will be crossed Please ensure a copy of a recent serology report is attached Strain 1 Name of Strain: Source of Strain: (SVHM / Other) Phenotype status (please select) Strain 2 Name of Strain: Source of Strain: (SVHM / Other) Phenotype status (please select) Established Partially characterised Unknown Established Partially characterised Unknown Part D - Creating a new strain using DNA or Embryonic Stem Cell techniques Only complete this section if applicable. If not applicable, progress to Part E. Knock Out Information Blastocyst injection: Yes No Name of embryonic stem cell line used: Literature reference: Transgenic Information DNA injection: Yes No Strain background of the fertilized egg: Literature reference: GBNML – Application to Generate and Breed a New Mouse Line Version 6, February 2012 1. Please describe the technique by which the new strain will be created: Part E - Declaration 1. Declaration by Facility Manager: I hereby confirm we can facilitate the above application to Generate and Breed a New Mouse Line and adequate housing is available for the proposed number of animals. Name: Position: Signature: Date: 2. Declaration by Principal Investigator: As the Principal Investigator, I hereby confirm that the information provided in this form is true and correct and that all work will be carried out and managed as per the Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes (2004). Name: Position: Signature: Date: Please note that the approximate number of animals bred must be reported to the Bureau of Animal Welfare on an annual basis. Therefore, please ensure you keep accurate records of animal numbers. GBNML – Application to Generate and Breed a New Mouse Line Version 6, February 2012