PRESENT: Warren V. Nash, president, Mickey Thompson, member and Cheryl Cotner,
OTHERS PRESENT: Joe Ham, Chris Gardner, Michael Hall, Dave Duggins, Police Chief
Knight, Major Whitlow, Colonel Pennell, Fire Chief Juliot, David Hall, Amanda Deatherage,
Jessica Campbell, Stan Robison, Mary Ann Prestigiacomo, Dan Coffey and Vicki Glotzbach
Mr. Nash called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
Item #1 - Providence Alumni Association re: Banner request for Spring & 8th Streets for
June 28th thru July 13th
Mrs. Glotzbach stated that the dates are available for this request.
Ms. Cotner moved to approve, Mr. Nash second, all voted in favor.
Item #2 - John Rosenbarger re: Revised INDOT LPA Agreement for Water Street project
Mr. Rosenbarger stated that this is an agreement between the City and INDOT for federal
money and it is funding the next phase of the Greenway Project which is funding 80% of the
cost. He explained that the total amount is $2,358,814.00 and if they approve this today then they
will be set up for the federal funding of that project.
Mr. Nash asked if we have a 20% match.
Mr. Rosenbarger stated yes and that it will most likely come out of Flood Control.
Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Ms. Cotner second, all voted in favor.
Item #3 - Steve Triplett, TSI Paving re: Traffic control on Midtown project
Mr. Triplett stated that the midtown sidewalk project is not closing streets but they do have a
type 3 barricades that says local access only so they can keep the street open for parking of the
individuals that live in the area. He stated that they will see some sidewalk closed signs but that
is about it and asked if the board had any questions.
Mr. Thompson stated that he received a call that the road was closed and it wasn’t actually
closed but is closed to thru traffic.
Mr. Nash asked how long the project will take.
Mr. Triplett stated that it is from 7:30-5:00 p.m. every day and the projects could last another 90
Item #4 - Vicki Glotzbach re: Moving date for the Board of Works meeting on October 8th
Mrs. Glotzbach stated that Linda Burger contacted her about a tax sale that would be taking
place on October 8th and wanted to know if the board would be able to move their meeting to
October 9th.
Mr. Nash stated that he would like to wait until the date gets closer and see if they can just use
the second floor meeting room instead.
Board of Works
April 9, 2013
All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office
Item #5 - Vicki Glotzbach re: Moving driveway at 819 E. Main Street
Mrs. Glotzbach stated that Mr. Thompson has spoken with him about this.
Mr. Thompson explained that they have two driveways on their property and they are doing
away with one and they want to move another one further back on the property and
Redevelopment has said it is okay.
Mr. Nash asked if this would require an additional street cut.
Mr. Thompson stated that it would not.
Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Ms. Cotner second, all voted in favor.
Item #6 - Brooke Gutterman with Uptown Art re: Placing sign at 426 Bank St.
Ms. Gutterman stated that they want to install a sign that will project out from the building.
She explained that they do have the landlord’s approval for this to be installed and stated that the
sign weighs about 300 lbs. She presented a handout with the details of the location and the sign;
said handout is on file with the City Clerk’s Office.
Mr. Thompson asked if this is the first stop she has made or if she has been to any other
Ms. Gutterman stated that she has submitted the sign application to Planning & Zoning and
they sent her to this board for approval.
Mr. Thompson moved to take under advisement, Mr. second, all voted in favor.
Item #7 - Jack Messer re: Lighting at memorial for flags
Mrs. Glotzbach stated that they want to install two lights at the Veteran’s Memorial to spotlight
the flags. She explained that Duke Energy is going to do the work and the lights are going to be
mounted to the telephone poles.
Mr. Thompson said that he would get with Mr. Messer about this.
Item #8 - Irv Stumler with Friends of the Clock Tower Church re: Discussing the
restoration of the clock tower
Mr. Robison stated that he feels that the more appropriate place to go to discuss this would be
with the Building Commissioner because this project was given conditional approval and in
order to make sure those conditions were met they need to see him.
Mr. Stumler stated that he was in the Building Commissioners office this morning and he was
told that the contractor has everything that he needs and he thought that Mr. Brewer was going to
be at the meeting today.
Mr. Thompson stated that Mr. Brewer got called away on an emergency. He stated that this
board gave them conditional approval so the final say would be with the Building Commissioner
and there isn’t much more they can do. He asked Mr. Stumler if he was asking something
additional of the board.
Mr. Stumler asked when they would be able to proceed.
Mr. Nash stated that he has explained this to before and this is an administrative issue and they
need to talk to the Building Commissioner about it.
Mr. Stumler asked if they got over that hurdle if they could get no parking in front of and on the
side of the church.
Board of Works
April 9, 2013
All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office
Mr. Thompson stated that they already gave them conditional approval for that so once the
Building Commissioner signs off on it they closure is approved.
Mr. Stumler stated that he has friends of the clock tower church present and asked if the board
wanted to hear from them because they are very concerned about moving this project forward.
Mr. Nash stated that the board and the administration also want the project to move forward but
they want it done the proper way and with approved contractors. He stated unfortunately they got
off on the wrong foot but it is the board’s job to see that things are done correctly.
Mr. Stumler stated that New Albany Clean and Green will be doing their clean up on April 27th
and their intent is to replant flowers and plants in the bump outs and containers as well as general
clean up. He asked if they have approval to do that.
Mr. Thompson stated that the cleanup has been approved by the board but not the installation of
more planters.
Reverend Leroy Marshall stated that they are here to show their support for the project. He
stated that they did get off to a bad start but and they want to do everything they can in order to
do the project correctly. He explained that he didn’t hear anything that they needed to do during
the meeting and asked if he missed anything.
Mr. Nash stated that they don’t have to do anything else as far as the board is concerned and it is
an administrative matter with the Building Commissioner so they will need to speak with him.
He explained that they share his concern and would like to see the project completed as quickly
as possible but also in a safe and proper manner.
There was a lengthy discussion regarding the safety of the project and the need to get with
the Building Commissioner to get final approval to move forward.
Mr. Coffey stated that it is just not about the safety issues but they also do not have the money
for the project. He explained that he talked to several council members and the Mayor and they
feel it would be pertinent for this board or the Redevelopment Board to take over this project. He
expressed concerns that the funding that t they have right now won’t even begin to fix the
problem and he was disappointed in the way it has been set up. He stated that he would like to
tell the church that they are very concerned, and that the council is going to do whatever it takes
to get the project done but it can’t be done with the current leadership. He explained that he
doesn’t want the church to get caught in a political tug of war because the church is very
important to this city.
Mr. Stumler stated that he disagrees with everything that Mr. Coffey has just said. He explained
that they are organized and know what they are doing, and they have not spent more money than
what they have raised.
Mr. Hawkins addressed the board about the condition of the road in front of his home. He
presented pictures to the board and spoke about the trucks driving over the sidewalk in the
southwest corner. He started that this has an adverse affect on his property and asked Mr.
Thompson if he had a chance to go out and look at the location. He mentioned Tiger Trucking in
particular and explained that they cut the corner and run over the sidewalk all of the time.
Ms. Miller stated that she would like to remind the board that this property was built before the
civil war and is an important part of the community. She explained that they did not have these
problems before the patch work was done and it is making it difficult to maintain the beautiful
architecture on Main Street. She stated that the patch work is not meeting the requirements that
were set out in the contract and it is degrading the road and impacting their property.
Board of Works
April 9, 2013
All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office
Item #1 - Sidewalk and parking issues in the 1400 block of Charlestown Road
Mr. Thompson stated that he needs to meet with him to find out who owns the property and
what needs to be done. .
Item #2 - Parking on Charlestown Road in front of Tri-City Baptist Temple
Mr. Thompson stated that they have come to the agreement that they will let them park in front
of the church with no parking on the opposite side of the street.
Mr. Coffey stated that they are going to have another July 4th parade. He explained that they
don’t know the exact route at this point but there are many people interested in honoring our
veterans. He stated that two different lodges and want of the car groups want to get involved
with the event and it will probably be earlier in the day than last year.
Mr. Thompson asked if he would come back before the board once they have a route mapped
out and time of the event.
Mr. Coffey stated that he should know within a month and will come back.
Mr. Gardner stated that he has been contacted about the Belle of Cincinnati to use the boat
ramp on April 20th for Thunder Over Louisville. He explained that he spoke with the coast guard
and all they will need to do is close the boat ramp on that day and possibly station and officer
there while they are loading.
Police Chief Knight stated that they have not done that before in the past but they can if that is
what is required.
Fire Chief Juliot asked if they will need to have water available to top off their tanks.
Mr. Gardner stated that they didn’t need it last year but he will check again.
Mr. Nash asked how much of an inconvenience this would be for their citizens to not be able to
take their boats in and out.
Mr. Gardner stated that there is no way around it because it has to be closed for security
Fire Chief Juliot stated that they will need to be able to get in and out in case of an emergency.
Mr. Gardner stated that the way that they park does allow for that.
Mr. Thompson moved to approve the closure of the boat ramp on April 20th from noonmidnight, Ms. Cotner second, all voted in favor.
Mr. Nash stated that the Trash Force is going to have Mother Earth Day on May 11th from
11:00-4:00 p.m. and they would like permission to use the Amphitheater for the festivities. He
encouraged everyone to join them.
Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Ms. Cotner second, all voted in favor.
Board of Works
April 9, 2013
All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office
Mrs. Prestigiacomo presented the Claims Docket for 3/29/2013 – 4/11/2013 and included the
General Claims (Bank 1):
Fire Department:
Police Department:
Street Department:
Parks Department:
Redevelopment: (Banks- A,G,H,T,111,6)
Economic Development:
Medical/Drug Fund: (Bank L)
Payroll Claims: (Bank 2)
Sanitation Fund:
Grand Total:
Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Ms. Cotner second, all voted in favor.
Ms. Prestigiacomo presented the following two additional claims
John G. Brinkworth
APCO International
Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Ms. Cotner second, all voted in favor.
Ms. Cotner moved to approve the April 2, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes, Mr. Thompson
second, all voted in favor.
There being no further business before the board, the meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m.
Warren V. Nash, President
Vicki Glotzbach, City Clerk
Board of Works
April 9, 2013
All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office