A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS & SAFETY OF THE CIVIL CITY OF NEW ALBANY, INDIANA, WAS HELD IN THE THIRD FLOOR ASSEMBLY ROOM AT THE CITY/COUNTY BUILDING ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2015 AT 10:00 A.M. PRESENT: Mickey Thompson, member, Cheryl Cotner, member and Warren V. Nash, president. OTHERS PRESENT: Linda Moeller, Chris Gardner, Michael Hall, Police Chief Bailey, Larry Summers, David Duggins, John Rosenbarger, David Hall, Colonel Fudge, Major Will Popp, Fire Chief Juliot, Alicia Meredith, Fire Marshal Koehler, Joe Ham, David Brewer, Stan Robison, Rob Sartell and Vicki Glotzbach. CALL TO ORDER Mr. Nash called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: NEW BUSINESS: 1. Ron Webber/Randy Berg with the American Red Cross re: Distributing smoke detectors within the City Mr. Berg stated that he and Mr. Webber are Red Cross volunteers and they are co-chairing this event. He thanked the board for giving them to opportunity to present to them. He presented a handout to the board detailing the New Albany Home Fire Preparedness Campaign. Said handout is on file with the City Clerk’s office. He explained that some of their plans are still tentative and they look forward to hearing input from the board. He stated that the Red Cross regularly helps victims of house fires and is painfully aware of the number of fatalities that result from them. He explained that it is their goal to reduce the number of fire deaths and injuries in the United States by 25% within five years. He stated that the cornerstone of the campaign is to go door-to-door from March 21-28 in targeted areas and provide program services of testing, installation of new smoke alarms as needed, and education. He asked the city to co-sponsor this campaign with them and approve the proposal. Mr. Nash stated that they would certainly want them to coordinate with the New Albany Fire Department and thanked them for what they are doing. Ms. Cotner asked if they have done this before. Mr. Berg stated that they did this in Louisville in October but Harvest Homecoming was a conflict for New Albany. Ms. Cotner asked what hours they wanted to canvass. Mr. Berg stated that they wanted to start about 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Ms. Cotner asked if the volunteers are going to have badges. Mr. Berg stated that there will be teams of at least three people and there will be at least one Red Cross badge holder with each team. Ms. Cotner stated that she thinks that 8:00 a.m. is a little early Mr. Berg stated that they wouldn’t be to any doors before 9:00 a.m. and they have door hangers to put out if the resident isn’t home. Ms. Cotner moved to approve the request subject to coordination with the Fire Department, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries. 1 Board of Works February 17, 2015 All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office Chief Juliot stated that Fire Marshall Koehler has been in contact with them and they are looking forward to working with them. 2. Tom Childress with Silver Heights camp re: Banner request on June 1st – 8th on Spring St. and June 8th – 13th on Charlestown Rd. Mrs. Glotzbach explained that Mr. Childress is sick and was unable to make it to the meeting but he would like to request a banner for the Silver Heights Camp. She stated that he would like to split the locations because Spring wasn’t available for the second week. Ms. Cotner moved to approve, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries. COMMUNICATIONS – PUBLIC: OLD BUSINESS: TABLED ITEMS: COMMUNICATIONS - CITY OFFICIALS: Mr. Sartell updated the board on the 10th Street Force Main Project. He explained that the pipe is in the ground and rerouted and they plan to test the line this week. He requested to keep the road closed until next Tuesday for cleanup. He presented the board with photos from the project, said photos are on file with the City Clerk’s office. He stated that they are very pleased with the contractor and things are going well. Mr. Nash asked if he has any idea how much longer. Mr. Sartell stated that he is guessing next Tuesday at the latest. Mr. Nash asked if he could let the board know if that isn’t going to happen. Mr. Sartell stated that he will. Mr. Thompson moved to approve the continued closure of 10th Street until next Tuesday, Ms. Cotner second, all voted in favor. Mr. Duggins explained that the construction of the pool is being delayed due to the inclement weather so it will slow down the progress until they get out of this weather. Mr. Nash asked if he could update the board on other projects. Mr. Duggins stated that Silver Street Park is at a point that they are scheduling a ribbon cutting and the little league used it this past weekend. He explained that they will be starting construction on the concessions and recreational facilities at Binford Park in March which will be a 60 day construction. He stated that they put 4X4 posts around the field after the suggestion was made by Councilman Blair. Mr. Nash asked if the barricades are going to remain. Mr. Duggins explained that there are two types of grass out there and they don’t want any extra traffic on it right now so they will stay up until for a while. He stated that Cannons Acres is pretty much finished and they expect to start the dog park when the weather clears up. Michael Hall stated that trash collection will be back on schedule Wednesday and the people that they missed on Monday and Tuesday they will be making double pickups. Mr. Summers stated that he received an email from Councilman Greg Phipps regarding a yellow stripe in front of 916 E. Spring Street so they aren’t able to park in front of their home and they requested that this be removed. He explained that he checked and there is nothing there to would warrant no parking. 2 Board of Works February 17, 2015 All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office Mr. Thompson stated that he will look into it and see if it can be removed. Mr. Nash reminded everyone that we will have another public session regarding the street study from 10:30 a.m. until noon at the Carnegie Center this Saturday. Police Chief Bailey stated that he and his staff wanted to thank Mr. Thompson and his crews for keeping the streets safe for New Albany the past 24-48 hours. Mr. Thompson stated that they started before midnight Monday morning and have been working around the clock since on the main roads. He explained that he weather patterns will make it difficult for the roads to be completely clear but the sun should help. He stated that they started working on side streets today and will try to get to as many of those as they can and they encourage the public to be aware of the salt crews and be mindful of the temperatures as they drop and freezing occurs. Mr. Nash asked how many crews he has out. Mr. Thompson stated that they are running 4 routes on a 12 hour rotation. Mr. Brewer stated that last week they had a massive cleanup and passed out before and after pictures. He thanked the Police Department, Mr. Robison, Traffic Department, and the cleanup crews for all of their work on 519 Hausfeldt Lane. Mr. Nash thanked Mr. Brewer for his Mr. Nash asked if there have been any problems with pipes bursting. Mr. Thompson stated that there was one at the Farmer’s Market so they shut the water off. Michael Hall stated that last year the city gave permission to enter into a contract with Art Niemeier to serve as the City Liaison for downtown festivals and they would like to renew this agreement for 2015 in the amount of $12,500.00. Mr. Thompson stated this is connection with the other outreach program. Michael Hall replied yes and stated that it is the same contract used last year. Mr. Nash stated that Mr. Neimerier needs to be brought up to speed on what has already been approved by this board. Mr. Thompson moved to approve the contract with Art Niemeier, Ms Cotner second, motion carries. Mr. Duggins presented a contract for GM Development for economic development work in the amount of $55,000.00. He stated that this is paid out of excess economic development funds and the main focus of this is issues that they found when they went through the Toyota Plant Location not being shovel ready and they are asking GM Development to help them out with that. He stated that this has been reviewed by Mr. Gibson and asked for the board’s approval. Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Ms. Cotner second, motion carries. APPOINTMENTS: BIDS: CLAIMS: Mrs. Moeller presented the following claims for approval: 3 Board of Works February 17, 2015 All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office Special Claims: $488,273.11 • • MAC Construction: $464,273.11 MAC Construction Escrow: $24,435.45 Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Ms. Cotner second, motion carries. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Nash asked that the January 29, 2015 Special Meeting Minutes be approved next week. Mr. Thompson moved to approve February 10, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes, Ms. Cotner second, motion carries. ADJOURN: There being no further business before the board, the meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m. ____________________________ Warren V. Nash, President _____________________________ Vicki Glotzbach, City Clerk 4 Board of Works February 17, 2015 All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office