Leadership Application

Name of Applicant: _____________________________________________
Grade Level: __________
John F. Kennedy High School ASB Leadership Packet
This application is to be used to apply for the leadership class. Students must complete all parts of the
application packet, satisfactorily complete all pre-leadership activities and be approved by the ASB and school
representatives before being chosen as an ASB student.
Name: _______________________________________ Phone: (
)___________________ Date: _____
Address: _______________________________________ City: _____________________Zip Code:____
Current 3rd Block Class: ________________________ Teacher: /Room Number: __________
I. Parent/Guardian Recommendation
I have read the ASB Code of Conduct below and understand that my child is required to maintain a 3.0
GPA, be a role model inside and outside of school, and is held to a higher standard if elected into
position and the leadership program. I understand if they violate the Code of Conduct they will be
removed from their position and the leadership program.
Parent or Guardian’s Name (Please Print Clearly)
Parent or Guardian’s Signature
II. Counselor Recommendation:
I recommend the aforementioned candidate as an outstanding representative of John F. Kennedy High School
with a 3.0 GPA or greater.
____________________________________ ___________________________________
Counselor Signature
Overall/ Average GPA (3.0 or greater)
III. Administrator Recommendation:
I recommend the aforementioned candidate as an outstanding representative of John F. Kennedy High School
with no discipline issues beyond a step two factor.
Administrator Name
Administrator Signature
In order to be part of Leadership, a student must meet the following guidelines:
1) Student must maintain a 2.5 GPA and turn in a progress report every two weeks. (If a student falls
beneath a 2.5, they will be put on academic probation for one quarter and if they do not improve they will be
dropped from the class.)
2) Student must be academically eligible. (No Ds, Fs, or NC)
3) Student will be enrolled, on time, and attend JFK Leadership Class for the entire school year.
(Exceptions are made on a case, by case bases.)
4) Student has read the Student Contract and is aware of responsibilities inside and outside of the
leadership class.
5) Student has completed all parts of this application and has turned it into the Activities Director
- Completed the required signatures (parents, administrator, counselor)
- Completed the Student Application
- Read and Signed the ASB Code of Conduct
- Acquired two teacher recommendations
- Completed and turned in a Resume
- Understand that they will take part in an interview process
Teacher Recommendation Worksheets (Included): Every applicant for leadership must obtain two faculty recommendations
using the attached Teacher Recommendation Worksheet. Applicants must take the recommendation form to two teachers and
provide those teachers with envelopes. The teachers should complete the recommendations and then seal them in the given envelopes
before returning them to the applicants. The applicant should submit all two of the sealed Teacher Recommendation Worksheets with
this application packet by the due date.
Resumé: Each applicant is required to submit a resumé as a brief written account of personal, educational, and work-related
qualifications and experience. The resumé should be one-page in length. Though there is no specific format for the appearance of the
resumé, each applicant is strongly encouraged to review traditional resumé formatting and submit something that would be acceptable
in a professional environment. Students who do not complete a resume will not be disqualified from applying for leadership. The
resumé must be submitted with the application packet.
Interview: Each applicant must successfully complete an interview with a panel of ASB members in order to be considered.
The interview will be conducted after applications are due. The interview will last approximately five minutes. ASB members will
judge the applicants answers to questions according to a scoring rubric.
Below is a list of the types of questions that could be asked of an applicant in an interview:
1. What other time commitments do you have other than ASB for next year?
2. How will you manage your time so that you can make sure you are meeting your responsibilities in all areas of your life?
3. What are five adjectives that describe you?
4. What ideas do you have for ASB for next year?
5. Who do you see as being the most important aspect of ASB?
6. Define ASB.
7. Why is ASB important?
8. What things have you done outside of ASB that show you are qualified to be a part of ASB?
9. How can ASB specifically have a positive impact on the school culture?
10. How would you resolve a conflict with another ASB student when you are working with that person to plan an event?
Please note that these are not necessarily the questions that will be asked at the interview, but they are example questions being given
so that applicants can have an idea of how to prepare for the interview. Applicants should come properly dressed and carry
themselves in a mature manner. This is similar to a job interview.
DUE BY: February 5, 2016
Student: _______________________________________ Male/Female Date: ____________
Current Grade: _____________
Shirt Size: _______________________________________
Cell #:_____________________________________
Have you ever ran for office before?
Texting: Yes
No (Circle one)
School: __________ Position: __________
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences.
What do you like most about John F. Kennedy High School? Why?
What do you like least about John F. Kennedy High School? Why?
What are your extra curricular commitments?
How would you like to see activities on campus excel, improve, or progress?
How do you work/learn best: in a small group, with a partner, or alone? Please explain why?
Please respond to the following questions in a well-written, grammatically correct paragraph.
Why do you wish to be part of the ASB program? In what ways would you be an asset to the Leadership class at
Kennedy High School?
ASB Code of Conduct
I, ______________________________________, solemnly swear that I will abide by the following Code of Conduct set
forth by the John F. Kennedy High School ASB Cabinet and Constitution. The following standards of eligibility, conduct,
and responsibilities shall apply to all members during their term of office.
Academic Achievement
A. I will maintain an unweighted academic 3.0 grade point average computed on a 4.0 scale with no
deficient or failing grades (no Ds or Fs).
B. If I receive less than a 3.0 GPA or receive a failing or deficient grade, I understand that I will be
dismissed from office by the administration of John F. Kennedy High School.
C. I understand I may be asked to submit a record of my scholastic achievements to the activities director
every two weeks.
II. Behavioral Standards
A. As a member of ASB, I realize that my conduct must be beyond reproach at all times, on and off campus.
B. I will uphold the constitution and my oath of office.
C. I will cooperate with and support the ASB president and activities director.
D. I will abide by school dress regulations at all times. I will never violate dress code.
E. I will not carry nor use illegal chemical substances or stimulants, drugs, alcohol, etc… at any time, on and
off campus.
F. I will display good sportsmanship at all times and serve as an ambassador for John F. Kennedy High
School at other schools.
G. I will maintain a satisfactory citizenship record and will not be beyond step two factor of a behavior
contract with my assistant principal.
H. I understand if I am suspended from John F. Kennedy High School, I may be suspended from ASB
temporarily or permanently, as determined by the John F. Kennedy High School administrative team.
I. Failure to comply with any of these rules may result in immediate removal from office as determined by
the John F. Kennedy High School administrative team.
III. Responsibility of Office
A. I understand that attendance to class is mandatory.
B. I understand that it is my responsibility to work on projects assigned to me during class periods, as well as
outside of class.
C. I understand that I will be assigned work tasks at all ASB functions and that is my responsibility to work
at ASB events.
D. I understand that if I am elected an ASB position, I must be enrolled in Student Leadership Class as one
of my classes.
E. I understand that I will be assigned, and expected to execute, tasks by the activities director and/ or the
ASB president.
Violation of any of the stated rules is cause for removal from office. Removal from office is determined by the John F.
Kennedy High School administrative team, pursuant to the regulations set forth by the school constitution.
Candidate’s Name (Please Print Clearly)
Candidate’s Signature
ASB Leadership Application Teacher Recommendation Form
Student: __________________________________ Position Sought: Leadership
Dear Teachers,
We would like your input about the above student applying to be an ASB/Class officer and/or Leadership
student for the 2016-2017 school year at John F. Kennedy High School. We are looking for students who are
dependable, responsible, punctual, and creative, who have a minimum GPA of a 2.0 for leadership students and
3.0 for ASB/class office, students who are hard working, determined, and have the potential to be a positive role
model on campus.
Please complete the table below by marking an X in each row that best represents the student.
This Student….
Works well with others
Has a positive attitude
Has good study habits
Has good organizational skills
Is prepared and ready to learn daily
Is motivated to succeed
Has this student had any Behavior/Discipline issues? If so, please explain.
Has this student had any Attendance issues? If so, please explain.
If you have any additional information/comments that may help us in determining if this student would be an
asset to and benefit from the Leadership program at John F. Kennedy High School please email Nicole Lavaud.
I strongly recommend
do not recommend
Teacher Signature: _______________________________
Print Name
this student for the ASB program at
May we contact you if we need more information about this student?
*****Your comments and recommendation will be kept CONFIDENTIAL
Thank you,
Nicole Lavaud
ASB Leadership Application Teacher Recommendation Form
Student: __________________________________ Position Sought: Leadership
Dear Teachers,
We would like your input about the above student applying to be an ASB/Class officer and/or Leadership
student for the 2016-2017 school year at John F. Kennedy High School. We are looking for students who are
dependable, responsible, punctual, and creative, who have a minimum GPA of a 2.0 for leadership students and
3.0 for ASB/class office, students who are hard working, determined, and have the potential to be a positive role
model on campus.
Please complete the table below by marking an X in each row that best represents the student.
This Student….
Works well with others
Has a positive attitude
Has good study habits
Has good organizational skills
Is prepared and ready to learn daily
Is motivated to succeed
Has this student had any Behavior/Discipline issues? If so, please explain.
Has this student had any Attendance issues? If so, please explain.
If you have any additional information/comments that may help us in determining if this student would be an
asset to and benefit from the Leadership program at John F. Kennedy High School please email Nicole Lavaud.
I strongly recommend
do not recommend
Teacher Signature: _______________________________
Print Name
this student for the ASB program at
May we contact you if we need more information about this student?
*****Your comments and recommendation will be kept CONFIDENTIAL
Thank you,
Nicole Lavaud