Wildlife sightings in Narroways region, St.Werburghs, Bristol BS2 1 st April to 30th June 2007 Map of Narroways at http://freespace.virgin.net/harry.jen/narroways.map.html Species Brimstone butterfly (1230) Brimstone butterfly Newt eggs (all tadpoles disappeared from pond – eaten by newts?) Song thrush Blue Tit, Comma, Peacock butterfly Speckled wood (0930), 2 Raven (1300, flying west), Peacock butterfly (1315), 2 Goldcrest (1400) Bluebells (in full flower) Speckled Wood, 4 Raven (flying North West overhead) 5 Jay, 3 Magpie, 2 Carrion crow, 6 Blue tit, 3 Great tit, Sparrowhawk (chasing Feral pigeon), Dunnock, 2 Robin, Song thrush, 2 Blackbird, 2 Chaffinch, 2 Collared dove, 4 Wood pigeon, 2 Mallard; 2 Speckled wood, 2 Peacock butterfly, Orange tip, Large white, Brimstone butterfly, 2 Smooth newt, Slow worm Slow worm (under matting), frog, white butterfly sp., Chiffchaff (heard), Wren, Robin, Greenfinch (all Lynmouth Rd allotments) Grey squirrel, 2 Blackbird (m &f) (wooded area by stream, Church Path) 2 Speckled wood, 16 hoverfly sp.(garden, St Werburghs Park) Small tortoiseshell 3 Slow worm (under carpet), Wren, Chiffchaff (heard), Blackbird, Greenfinch, Blackcap (heard), White butterfly sp. House sparrow (collecting nesting material) Great tit (in old gas lamp- nest building?), Robin & Wren ( singing in Elder), Chiffchaff (in tree by stream, darting off a branch for insects, like a flycatcher), Chaffinch (m), Greenfinch & Blackcap (heard singing), Dunnock (on path), 6 Wood pigeon (in tree), Ramsons & Celandine in flower Sparrowhawk, Robin, Chiffchaff (heard), Blue tit, Great tit, Magpie, Blackbird (singing), Wren, Chaffinch Orange tip Orange tip (1245) Orange tip (1630 on sunny, warm day) Locality Briavels Grove Lynmouth Rd Allotments Briavels Grove Date 1.4.2007 1.4.2007 Early 4.2007 Witnessed by Guy Watson Mike Shotter Guy Watson Church path Lynmouth Rd Allotments Briavels Grove 2.4.2007 5.4.2007 6.4.2007 Mike Shotter Mike Shotter Guy Watson Church Path Lynmouth Rd Allotments Simons Grove 6.4.2007 6.4.2007 8.4.2007 Ruth Williams Mike Shotter Jan Walters Narroways & district 8.4.2007 Harry McPhillimy Lynmouth Rd Allotments Lynmouth Rd allotments 8.4.2007 9.4.2007 Mike Shotter Harry McPhillimy Briavels Grove Lynmouth Road allotments 9.4.2007 10.4.2007 Guy Watson Harry McPhillimy Simons Grove/Ash wood 10.4.2007 Ruth Williams Community gardens Briavels Grove) Gardens at Narroways Road 14.4.2007 14.4.2007 14.4.2007 2 Grey squirrel (in Yew, St Werburghs Church) 2 Chaffinch (f, in Elder), Long-tailed-tit (on raspberry cane), Blackbird & Robin Blackcap (singing), 2 Long-tailed-tit Song thrush, 6 Blue tit, 3 Great tit, 5 Jay, Dunnock, Wren, 3 Lynmouth Road allotments 14.4.2007 Mike Shotter Guy Watson Chris Rumble, Chris Weedon, Mo McManus, David Wilcox Harry McPhillimy Community garden Simons Grove 15.4.2007 15.4.2007 Ruth Williams Jan Walters Magpie, Robin, 3 Blackbird, 2 Chaffinch, Collared dove, 2 Wood pigeon; 11 Common toad; 3 Smooth newt; Slow worm; Wood mouse; 2 Grey squirrel; Peacock butterfly, 2 Speckled wood, 2 Brimstone, Common blue, Small and Large white butterfly Song thrush (0520 singing) Badger 2105 – 2115, f, 75cm long, feeding on peanuts, oblivious to light from house) Hawthorn (in blossom) Brimstone moth (Opisthograptis luteolata, 0900) Long-tailed-tit (1930, in tree) 2 Slow worm, 3 Smooth newt; Tawny owl (heard 05300545) ; 6 Blue tit, 3 Great tit, Song thrush, 3 Blackbird, Robin, Dunnock, 5 Magpie, 3 Jay, 2 Carrion crow, Collared dove; Common blue, 3 Speckled wood, 2 Orange tip, Brimstone and Large white butterfly; 3 Grey squirrel; 2 Large Red Damselfly; Wood mouse and Brown rat 2 Speckled wood (1300) 2 Speckled wood, blue sp., Comma, Orange tip, >1 White sp., 2 Chiffchaff (heard), Blue tit (1100) Sparrowhawk (flying from Sycamore carrying nesting material) 2 Magpie, 2 Chaffinch, 3 Jay, 8 Feral pigeon, 6 Blue tit, 2 Carrion crow, Collared dove; 3 Toad; 2 Slow worm; Bluetailed damselfly, 2 Broad-bodied chaser; >50 Coreus marginatus (squash bug, on rhubarb), 4 Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale (hawthorn shield bug, on hawthorn) (Early bird walk around Narroways, 0700- 0900) Jay, Magpie, Chiffchaff, Song thrush, Wood pigeon, Robin, Blackbird, Wren, Chaffinch, Blackcap, Blue tit, Greenfinch, Dunnock, Bullfinch (m, Stoney lane), 2 Great tit, 3 Longtailed-tit, House sparrow, 2 Raven (flying overhead Boiling Wells – heard croaking), Goldfinch, Whitethroat (0900, singing from fence by gas holder scrub), Feral pigeon, Gull sp. Swift (1435, first of year) Wren, Chiffchaff, Blackbird, Robin, Great tit (fly to nest in gas lamp), Blackcap, 7 Swift (1730 – first of year); Slow worm (under carpet) & shed Slow worm skin, Smooth newt (in pond), tadpoles (in bathtub), Speckled wood Walnut tree (in full leaf-early), Ash (in full leaf, late – due to warm dry spring?) 8 Swift (1000, flying & calling), 2 Large red damselfly (in tandem, 1415) Dunnock, 3 Blackbird, Song thrush, 10 Long-tailed tit, 2 Carrion crow, Tawny owl (heard 0530-0600) ; 3 Rose chafer beetle; 5 Orange tip, 7 Speckled wood and a Large white butterflies; 5 Toad; 6 Slow worm, 2 Large red Simons Grove Garden, Narroways Road 16.4.2007 16.4.2007 Community garden Briavels Grove New Barn site Simons Grove 17.4.2007 18.4.2007 18.4.2007 19.4.2007 Ruth Williams Harry McPhillimy, Jenny Poppy Ruth Williams Guy Watson Harry McPhillimy Jan Walters Garden, St Werburghs Park Stoney path 19.4.2007 21.4.2007 Harry McPhillimy Harry McPhillimy Railway embankment 22.4.2007 Ruth Williams Simons Grove 26.4.2007 Jan Walters Narroways & district 28.4.2007 Des Bowring, Harry McPhillimy, Sally Oldfield Above Sevier Street Lynmouth Road allotments 29.4.2007 29.4.2007 Ruth Williams Harry McPhillimy Around St Werburghs 29.4.2007 Ruth Williams Briavels Grove 30.4.2007 Guy Watson Simons Grove 30.4.2007 Jan Walters damselfly; Wood mouse (killed by cat) Goldfinch (1745) Bat (2130, probably Pipistrelle, flying by bushes), Fox (near top of cutting) Blackbird, Song thrush, Moths ( flying up from Honeysuckle at dusk, Venus twinkling high in NW sky) Speckled wood (1400), 2 Azure damselfly (1500, ovipositing) Chiffchaff , Blackbird & Blackcap (all singing), 2 Great tit (feeding chicks in old gas lamp), Jay, Red admiral, Blue sp. Dunnock (killed by cat) 3 Collared dove, 6 Great tit, 5 Blue tit, Magpie, 2 Wood pigeon, 3 Blackbird, Jay, 3 Chaffinch; 3 Grey squirrel; 3 Slow worm; 2 Common frog; Toad; 5 Smooth newt; 19 Ladybird larvae (on Dogwood); 4 Large red damselfly, 6 Blue-tailed damselfly; 3 Broad-bodied chaser; Wood mouse; Tawny owl (heard 2315-2350) Blackbird & Chiffchaff (singing), 16 Swift (1800 flying low over embankment. Very wet day – stream highest I’ve seen it) >20 Swift (2000, screaming and hawking for insects, flying low) Long-tailed-tit (1930, in tree) Song thrush (1830 singing from Elder), Blackbird (singing by Climbing centre) Heron ( at garden pond) Raven (1800, being mobbed by seagulls near church tower – large, black bird with low call, wedge tail); Slow worm (under matting on allotment) 8 Long-tailed tit, 3 Blackbird Blue tit (juveniles, 1800, on feeder) Fox (2100, very close - healthy, with bushy tail) Song thrush (1545, singing) Swift (1745) Jay, Blackbird, Robin, Chiffchaff, Swift (1900) Slow worm (on pavement) Holly blue? Fox (1900) 12 Long-tailed-tit (1700, flying across back gardens, wet day) >5 Scarlet tiger moth Fox (1900) 5 Marbled white (Official Narroways walk 1100 -1300 warm but overcast) Garlic mustard, Herb robert, Herb bennett, Corky fruited water dropwort, Hogweed, Cow parsley, Beaked hawksbeard Tesco car park, Eastville Narroways hill 30.4.2007 1.5.2007 Ruth Williams Ruth Williams Garden, St Werburghs Park 2.5.2007 Harry McPhillimy Briavels Grove 5.5.2007 Guy Watson Lynmouth Rd allotments 6.5.2007 Harry McPhillimy Simons Grove Simons Grove 7.5.2007 9.5.2007 Jan Walters Jan Walters Lynmouth Rd allotments 13.5.2007 Harry McPhillimy Over Narroways hill 13.5.2007 Ruth Williams Lynmouth Rd allotments Lynmouth Rd allotments 14.5.2007 17.5.2007 Harry McPhillimy Harry McPhillimy Boiling Wells lane By St Werburghs climbing centre 5.2007 19.5.2007 Dom Wood Harry McPhillimy Simons Grove Briavels Grove Briavels Grove By old Ashley hill station Over Lynmouth Rd allotments Lynmouth Rd allotments By railway tunnel Garden Minto Road Briavels Grove St Werburghs Park 21.5.2007 23.5.2007 23.5.2007 24.5.2007 24.5.2007 25.5.2007 25.5.2007 26-29.5.2007 30.5.2007 31.5.2007 Jan Walters Ruth Williams Sarah Waterfield Ruth Williams Ruth Williams Harry McPhillimy Ruth Williams Paula Hufton Sarah Waterfield Harry McPhillimy Briavels Grove Briavels Grove Narroways Hill Narroways & district Late 5.2007 1.6..2007 2.6.2007 3.6.2007 Guy Watson Sarah Waterfield Mike Shotter Rupert Higgins Cut-leaved cranesbill, Upright brome Birds-foot trefoil, Yellow oat grass, Crow garlic, Bulbous buttercup, Greater knapweed Red clover, Ribwort plantain, Hoary plantain Lesser trefoil, Common vetch, Vervain Ladies bedstraw, Yarrow, Field bindweed Common mallow, Black horehound, Curled dock, Wild carrot, Teasel, Wall barley Strawberry (garden), Goat’s beard Sainfoin (only Bristol site?), Restharrow Mugwort, Bladder campion, Mouse-ear hawkweed, Black knapweed Burnet saxifrage, Grass vetchling, Field forget-me-not, Prickly sow thistle, Common ragwort, Sorrel, Narrow leaved everlasting pea, Common mouse ear, Rough hawkbit Hoary ragwort, Round leaved cranesbill Deprassaria pastinacella (a moth which infests the corky fruited water dropwort) A conehead nymph, Vines rustic (a moth) Meadow grasshopper, Banded snail Ladybird, Froghopper, Bishop’s mitre (a bug) Thick-Kneed beetle, Rose chafer, Scarlet tiger moth, Grass moth, Red fescue Burnet companion moth, Thistle ermine moth Marbled white, Yellow shell moth, Common blue, Straw dot moth Roe deer buck (at 5.30am – “ It was caught by surprise when I got in from a party, it was extremely close to me, right outside my conservatory door & it had opened my brown recycling boxes rummaging for food... The deer was very healthy & gambolled / bolted up garden & over fence when it saw me”) Narroways Road garden 3.6.2007 Candi Tyler Bullfinch (0730, heard), 5 Great tit (1400, 4 juv) Raven (0930, calling, flying north chased by 2 crows) House sparrow, Dunnock, 3 Blue tit, 2 Blackbird, Jay, 2 Collared dove, Raven on bird table (“far too large to be a crow”); Grey squirrel; >100 flowering grass vetchling; Garden tiger moth Raven (0930, calling overhead, flying North) Crow (juv, on wall by house in St Werburghs Park – 1 metre away), Marbled white (1700, 1st of year in Church field): Blackcap (1930, singing from Elder), 3 Blackbird, 2 House sparrow (Lynmouth Rd allotments) 2 Robin (adult feeding juv) 2 Toad (1015, 1 large, 1 smaller), Smooth newt (3”. Lizardlike, torpid, olive brown & spotted above, paler below with orange area , separate toes, no crest) Grey wagtail (1945, flew up from stream), Blackcap, Song thrush & Blackbird (singing) 3 Broad-bodied chaser, Emperor dragonfly; 5 Blue-tailed and 4 Large red damselflies; Sparrowhawk Blackcap (1930, singing), 11 Swift (quite high) 3 Broad-bodied chaser, 3 Emperor dragonflies (2 male: one catching Large white butterfly, 1 female laying), 13 Blue-tailed and 4 Large red damselflies; Common lizard; Song thrush (heard); 2 Collared dove, 5 Wood pigeon, 4 Chaffinch, House sparrow, Dunnock, 3 Blue tit, 2 Great tit, Robin, 3 Blackbird, 2 Jay; Meadow brown and Large white butterfly; Garden tiger and Six-spot burnet moth; 21 Crescent moth larvae and Webb’s wainscot larva (on Yellow flag iris); 9 Eristalis larvae (rat-tailed maggot, in bucket) Mullein moth (on Mullein), Fox (2200, in good condition) Toad (1600, juv? ) Jay, Magpie, Blackbird, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Bullfinch, Long-tailed-tit, Blue tit, Great tit, Robin, House sparrow, Dunnock; badger (still seen most nights, feeding on peanuts) Greater spotted woodpecker (1300, on Fir tree) >100 Peacock caterpillars (on Nettle) 6 House sparrow (0800, fling to & from hedge and meadow) 2 Marbled white, 6 House sparrow, 1st Gtr Knapweed in flower Bullfinch 1400, m, on washing line) Red admiral butterfly (on Mina Road planter) Toad (0945, in rain) Briavels Grove Over Briavels Grove Simons Grove 3.6.2007 4.6.2007 4.6.2007 Guy Watson Guy Watson Jan Walters At Mina Rd near City Fm. Narroways & district 4.6.2007 5.6.2007 Ruth Williams Harry McPhillimy Briavels Grove) Back garden Mina Rd near City Farm 5.6.2007 6.6.2007 Ruth Williams Ruth Williams Church Path 7.6.2007 Harry McPhillimy Simons Grove 8.6.2007 Jan Walters Lynmouth Rd allotments Simons Grove 10.6.2007 10.6.2007 Harry McPhillimy Jan Walters New Roots allotment site Back garden Mina Rd near City Farm Garden, Narroways Road 11.6.2007 11.6.2007 Guy Watson Ruth Williams 6.2007 Mo McManus & David Wilcox Briavels Grove Briavels Grove Church field 11.6.2007 12.6.2007 13.6.2007 Sarah Waterfield Guy Watson Harry McPhillimy Church field 14.6.2007 Harry McPhillimy Briavels Grove Mina Road/Watercress Road Back garden Mina Rd near City Farm 15.6.2007 16.6.2007 16.6.2007 Sarah Waterfield Jan Walters Ruth Williams 2 Hedgehog (rehomed in garden) 3 Marbled white (0830) Goldfinch (singing), 4 Great tit (all juv), Ant sp. (flying all day) Raven, 3 Wood pigeon, 2 Collared dove, 3 Magpie, 2 Jay, Robin, 4 Chaffinch, 7 Great tit, 5 Blue tit, 3 Blackbird, 3 Chaffinch, 19 Long-tailed tit, 3 Swift, 2 Dunnock, Song thrush; 2 Grey squirrel; 30 Coreus marginatus (squash bug, on rhubarb); 3 Large white and 2 Ringlet butterfly; 3 Common lizard, 5 Slow worm; Broad-bodied chaser, 3 Emperor and 3 Common darter dragonflies; 12 Blue-tailed and 2 Common blue damselfly House sparrow (on Field maple) 3 Bat (2220-2230, probably Pipistrelle, on cool evening) 2 Badger (night time), Scarlet tiger moth (on Comfrey) >1 Bat 4 Bat (2200-2220, after damp weather) Toad (0825, in flowerpot) 3 Marbled white, 2 House sparrow 6 Seven-spot ladybird, 22-spot ladybird; 7 Ringlet, 3 Meadow brown and 2 Marbled white butterfly; Six-spot burnet moth; Emperor and 3 Common darter dragonflies; 4 Large red, 3 Common blue damselfly and 7 Blue-tailed damselflies; 2 Swift, 3 Blackbird, 2 Jay, Magpie; lots of froglets White plume moth (Pterophorus pentadactyla, indoors) Song thrush (1700, juv. Being fed by adult) 3 Bat (2205-2210) Robin, 2 Blackbird, 5 Long-tailed tit, 4 Chaffinch, 3 Blue tit, 3 Great tit; 5 Common lizard, 5 Slow worm, 11 Ringlet, Common blue, 2 Large white, 3 Marbled white, Comma and Peacock butterflies Boiling Wells lane Church field Briavels Grove 6.2007 19.6.2007 19.6.2007 Dom Wood Harry McPhillimy Guy Watson Simons Grove 20.6.2007 Jan Walters Narroways Hill St Werburghs Park Over back gardens, St Werburghs Park Over back garden, St Werburghs Park Over back gardens, St Werburghs Park Back garden Mina Rd near City Farm Church field Simons Grove 20.6.2007 21.6.2007 21.6.2007 21.6.2006 Jan Walters Harry McPhillimy Mo McManus & David Wilcox Mike Shotter 22.6.2007 Harry McPhillimy 22.6.2007 Ruth Williams 23.6.2007 23.6.2007 Harry McPhillimy Jan Walters Narroways Road Briavels Grove Over back garden, St Werburghs Park Simons Grove 25.6.2007 25.6.2007 26.6.2007 Mo McManus Sarah Waterfield Harry McPhillimy 26.6.2007 Jan Walters Bullfinch (2130, m, on seed feeder) 2 Bat (2225-2230) 4 House sparrow (0830) 2 Bat (2250) 16 Swift (flying low), >5 House sparrow Briavels Grove Over back garden, St Werburghs Park Church field Over back garden, St Werburghs Park Church field 27.6.2007 27.6.2007 Sarah Waterfield Harry McPhillimy 29.6.2007 29.6.2007 Harry McPhillimy Harry McPhillimy 30.6.2007 Harry McPhillimy Previous extra sightings in Narroways region Species Locality Date Scarlet tiger moth larvae (eating comfrey) Briavels Grove 2.2007 Hobby? (landed on fence, quietly & skilfully, unlike Minto Road garden 31.3.2007 usual pigeons. About size of Collared dove but distinctively bird of prey streamlined shape, had a white collar and distinctive black ‘tear drop’ marks under the eye, also a flecked breast – identified by 2 people) Witnessed by Guy Watson Paula Hufton