Supporting information for: Laser synthesis and size tailor of carbon quantum dots 1. Fluorescence Quantum Yield The quantum yield was measured based on references (Lakowicz 1999; Liu et al. 2007; Xu et al. 2004), i.e. comparing the integrated photoluminescence intensities and the absorbency values of the samples with the reference quinine sulfate, and then the quantum yield was calculated using the following equation: Q QR I AR 2 I R A R2 (1) where Q is the quantum yield, I is the measured integrated emission intensity, η is the refractive index, and A is the optical density. The subscript R refers to the reference fluorophore of known quantum yield. To minimize re-absorption effects the optical densities in the 20 mm fluorescence cuvette were kept under 0.1 at the excitation wavelength. An excitation slit width of 2.5 nm and an emission slit width of 2.5 nm were used to excite the samples of C-dots and to record their photoluminescence spectra. Table 1 Quantum yield of sample A Integrated Emission Intensity (I) 183.2 Absorption at 380 nm (A) 0.057 Sample Quinine sulfate Sample A 36.8 0.053 Table 2 Quantum yield of sample B Refractive Index of solvent (η) 1.33 Quantum yield (Q) 0.54 (known) 1.36 0.122 (calculated) Integrated Emission Intensity (I) 234.7 Absorption at 380 nm (A) 0.071 Sample Quinine sulfate Sample B 23.6 0.065 Table 3 Quantum yield of sample C Sample Quinine sulfate Sample C Refractive Index of solvent (η) 1.33 Quantum yield (Q) 0.54 (known) 1.36 0.062 (calculated) Integrated Emission Intensity (I) 223.67 Absorption at 380 nm (A) 0.053 Refractive Index of solvent (η) 1.33 Quantum yield (Q) 0.54 (known) 8. 72 0.097 1.36 0.012 (calculated) 2. Thermodynamic Model and Calculated Results According to classical nucleation theory, the Gibbs free energy change of a spherical nucleus of radius r formed by condensation from laser-induced bubbles can be expressed as (Hu et al. 2010; McDonald 1963) 4 G r 3 g 4r 2 f 3 (1) where f is the surface energy of the nuclei (3.27 J/m2). For graphite nanostructure, f can be defined as f ( f b Ab f h Ah ) /( Ab Ah ) , where the subscripts b and h denote the basal and highindex planes, respectively; A shows the corresponding area (Jiang and Chen 2006). ∆g is the Gibbs free energy difference per unit volume from vapor to solid, which is given by (Hu et al. 2010; McDonald 1963; Ali and Winterer 2010), g RT ln( Ps / P) / Vm RT ln( 1 ) / Vm (2) where P, T, R, Vm and σ are the pressure, the temperature, the gas constant, the mole volume of the nuclei (5.398×106 m3/mol) (Jiang and Chen 2006), and the supersaturation, respectively. Ps is the equilibrium vapor pressure of a particle of radius r and is given by (Ali and Winterer 2010) H V 2 fVm Ps K exp exp RT rRT (3) where K is a constant and its value is equal to 7.245×105 Pa and ∆HV is the enthalpy of bulk graphite evaporation (355.80 kJ/mol) (Zhao et al 2002; Ali and Winterer 2010) The critical radius r* is obtained by differentitationg Eq. 1 with respect to r and follows as r * 2 fVm / RT ln( 1 ) (4) and the corresponding critical free energy ∆G* (i.e. the energy barrier of nucleation) is given by G * 16f 3Vm2 / 3[ RT ln( 1 )] 2 (5) Assuming that the nuclei and the surrounding vapor have the same temperature and then the nucleation time t can be expressed as (Feder et al. 1966; Wang et al. 2005) t (2mkT ) 0.5 kTf Ps g / Vm N A 2 (6) where m, k and NA denote the mass of a single carbon atom, Boltzmann’s constant and Avogadoro number. The nucleation rate is defined as (Ali and Winterer 2010) 0.5 2 f P Vm G J exp kT MN A kT N A 2 (7) where M is the molar mass of carbon. The general growth velocity V of the nuclei is given by (Wang et al. 2005) g E V h exp a 1 exp RT RT (8) where h, ν and Ea are the lattice constant of crystalline nuclei in the growth direction (0.336 nm), the thermal vibration frequency (about 2.3×1013 Hz) and the molar absorption energy of adatoms attached at surface sites (about 2.4×105 J/mol) (Zhou et al. 2007; Mehandru and Anderson 1990; Xie et al. 1999). References Ali M, Winterer M (2010) Influence of nucleation rate on the yield of ZnO nanocrystals prepared by chemical vapor synthesis. J Phys Chem C 114:5721-5726 Feder J, Russel KC, Lothe J, Pound GM (1966) Homogeneous nucleation and growth of droplets in vapors. Adv Phys 15:111-178 Jiang Q, Chen ZP (2006) Thermodynamic phase stabilities of nanocarbon. Carbon 44:79-83 McDonald JE (1963) Homogeneous nucleation of vapor condensation. 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