Year 11 1C Cultural Instructional Pathway

Year 11 1C Cultural Instructional Pathway
Instructional Pathway
Overview of task and organization of work requirements
Task 3: Investigation: Investigate the ways that power is represented in a variety of print texts.
Complete a range of written activities and finally complete a fully drafted essay demonstrating your
understanding of the representation of the power relationship in one or more of the texts studied.
Recognise those who are powerful in society and identify what gives this power
Work sheets identifying sources of power in society, reflecting on power, the network of power relationships,
(Language Works Task 1)
Understanding representation : note making: Courseworks, Language Works (Task 4)
Writing a personal narrative about a time when you talked/dealt with some one who was more powerful
than yourself (approx 400 words)
Understanding and discussing the representation of power and power relationships in two print
Work sheets to demonstrate understanding of symbols of power (L.W. Task 1)
View two print advertisements
Brainstorm symbols of power and identifiable representations of power (symbolic, technical and written
Complete a retrieval chart (supplied by teacher L.W. 1) to indicate power representations in text
Check worksheets are completed, notes have been made, retrieval sheets are completed and personal
narrative has been drafted and edited
Deconstructing power relationships in two or more short stories.
Read three short stories (suggestions, The Test A Gibbs, The Vendetta, G d Maupassant, The Lottery M
Bernard, The Pedestrian R Bradbury, Manhood J Wain The Deafening Silence Vikki Goatham, The
Breadwinner L Halward)
Note making frameworks that examine power relationships (Language Works)
Directed classroom discussion/note making of the symbols of power
Make a list of words and phrases support the representation of powerful characters.
Discuss reader reaction to power shifts—make notes
Continued work on deconstruction of second short story, and beginning of essay writing tas
Revision of essay writing and planning. (English Courseways)
Unpack the topic, identify and comprehend key words and instructions,
Using notes brainstorm relevant information for topic,
Rank information
Locate evidence to support main ideas
Draft a thesis statement
Use essay framework sheets as guides for paragraphs (teacher will provide Mintie plan)
Check: All planning sheets, and preliminary drafts.
Further class work on essay drafting and editing.
Completing teacher supplied editing check lists,
Peer assessment of drafts
Teacher assessment of drafts
Editing and revision
Review and reflection
Check: All drafts, edits, revision notes and checklists have been completed by student.
Students to complete essay on power relationships under exam conditions in class. Topic to be isssued 2
days before essay . (approx 100 words allowed)
Task 2: Production (Documentary Study)
Brainstorm and note make : What is a Documentary - concentrating on ‘a Version of reality’.
Watch short documentary: It Must Be True, examine the two versions of reality presented. Discussion of how
the versions were presented. Worksheet for responses.
Check: Notes and worksheets on It Must Be True.
Handout and note making on main codes and conventions used in film. Disucss the use of narrative, the
development of characters and film techniques used in different documentaries.
Complete a KWL on the main topic of the documentary - discuss. View documentary, and work through
guided question sheet on documentary. (e.g. The March of the Penguins) Get into groups and complete a
jigsaw on key ideas, attitudes and values. Complete a retrieval chart of issues, attitudes, values, plus link
these to the codes and conventions that are used to support these.
Check: Notes on documentary. KWL sheet completed. Structured Overview for jigsaw discussion, Retrieval
Chart of notes.
Students to view documentary in own time. (Complete generic guided viewing questions). Work booklet will
look at attitudes, values and codes and conventions.
Check: Guided viewing worksheets.
Students will be instructed on the type of response required for the task. Notes will be issued and there will be
guides for how to structure response. Students will need to draft an analysis to the given topic following the
guidelines given. Students will locate relevant material, organise and rank relelvant points, synthesise
information into coherent and logical paragraphs supported by textual evidence. (Use a Decision Making
All written work will need to drafted, edited and re-drafted to develop a polished response at the required
Check: all notes, decision making matrix, drafts, revsions and good copies.
(N.B. There may be some students for whom watching a video/DVD at home could be an imossiblity. These
students could use the documentary studied in class for their response.)
Task 3: Response: Novel Study and Dramatic Monologue
Pre-reading activities: prediction, Robbie Burns Poem—meaning, historical, social context of text and writer:
The Great Depression, itinerant workers. (This Winter Passage Keyte and Baines)
During reading: at the end of each chapter students to answer teacher generated comprehension
questions, locate relevant quotations and identify speaker
Strategies for making meaning:
Skimming, scanning, three levels of comprehension
Check: comprehension questions and “Who said what?” (in folios)
Students will work in a jigsaw to complete character sheets. Information to be recorded on graphic
Introduction to and revision of the conventions of the Dramatic Monologue. Consider character
to write monologue from. Consider audience and style of voice. Brainstorm ideas about
character, setting for monologue etc. Complete dramatic monologue booklet.
Students to then write up draft of monologue.
The Dramatic monologue booklet has been completed satisfactorily.
Draft monologues have been written
Peer review and editing
Teacher review and editing
A final polished copy is produced for assessment
Review/reflection of process.
Task 4: Taped Interview and Oral Report
Students need to be informed of the need to find an interview subject some weeks ahead of beginning this
task so that they are able to begin as soon as the task requirements have been outlined.
Read, discuss and write responses to a variety of biographical and auto biographical interviews and
recounts about a variety of people from differenrt walks of life. View biography and autobiography on
video/DVD e.g Australian Story, Miracle at Sea - Tony Bullimore. Answer some guided reading and viewing
questions abou each of the texts and write a short summary of one text.(250-300 words)
Check: notes and responses to source material, both written and visual
Open and Closed Questions: Define open and closed questions. Give examples. Students to write a set of
10 questions to use with a class member in an interview situation. Students to get into pairs (preferably some
one outside their friendship group) . Students will tape interviews, and then replay to : discus interview
techniques. They will complete a critique and commendation sheet of own and partner’s interview
technique. Students will then prepare a short 150-250 word response to deliver to the class about the person
they interviewed.
Check: list of open and closed questions, completed critique and commendation sheet, short response.
Next students will need to identify an issue of relvance to the interview subject that they can base their
discussion upon e.g. interview a grandparent about how the Second World War affected them, being a
migrant coming to Australia to live, growing up as part of a minority group in Australia - cultural, religious,
ethnic etc. Students need to be reminded of the need for sensitivty when dealing with some subject
material. Students may need a library lesson to do some research on the topic they intend to discuss with
their interviewee.
Write up a set of questions to use in interview(min 20 ). There must be a variety of open and closed questions.
Interview subject and record interview on tape.
Check: Students are aware of issue of relelvance to interview, set of open and closed questions, taped
The taped interview will be used as the basis for an account that will be written up about the person’s life.
This need only be written up in dot point form and will then be transferred to palm cards.
Students will review the conventions of speech delivery.
Speech delivered in class for assessement.
Check: dot point notes made from interview, palm cards and speech completed.