resume - Ohio University

Friday, February 12, 2016
ADDRESSES Electrical Engineering
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701
352 Carroll Rd.
Athens, OH 45701
M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics in Electrical Engineering,
Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, 1971.
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering,
Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, 1976.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Mc Master University, Hamilton, Canada, 1981-1982.
OHIO UNIVERSITY - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
1983 – present:
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Have supervised more than 40 MSc and 15 PhD students.
Current research projects:
Self Organizing Learning Array: Involves 1 PhD and 1 MS students. Described on the
web page:
Machine Intelligence: Involves 2PhD and 2 MS students.
WARSAW UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY -Institute of Electronics Fundamentals
Assistant Professor
Courses in Digital Design, Analog and Digital VLSI, Computer Aided Analysis, Digital
Test and Testable Design, VHDL Hardware Description Language with FPGA Design,
Machine Intelligence, General electrical engineering.
Computational Intelligence, Self Organizing Learning Machines, Neural Networks,
Automatic Target Recognition, VLSI and VHDL Systems Design, Dynamically
Reconfigurable Design, Analog and Digital Testing, Computer-Aided Design.
Over 160 Refereed Journal and Conference Papers
Chapters in books
1. "Introduction to Computer Design and Analysis of Electronic Networks", (Co-author),
Wydawnictwa PW, Warszawa, 1978 (in Polish).
2. Co-author of Polish translation "Computer-aided analysis of electronic circuits,
algorithms and computational techniques", by L.O. Chua and P.M. Lin, Wydawnictwa
Naukowo-Techniczne, Warszawa, 1981.
3. "Advances in Circuits and Systems - Selected Papers on Analog Fault Diagnosis", (coauthor), IEEE Press, New York 1987.
4. "Analog Methods for Circuit Analysis and Diagnosis", (Co-author), Marcel Dekker, Inc.,
New York, 1988.
Recent Journal Papers
H. He and J. A. Starzyk, "A Self-Organizing Learning Array System for Power Quality
Classification Based on Wavelet Transform", IEEE Trans on Power Delivery, vol. 21,
No. 1, Jan 2006.
J. A. Starzyk, Y. Guo, and Z. Zhu, “Dynamically reconfigurable neuron
architecture for the implementation of self-organising learning array” Int. J.
Embedded Systems, vol. 2, Nos. 1/2, 2006.
J. A. Starzyk, and H. He, “Anticipation-Based Temporal Sequences Learning in
Hierarchical Structure” IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, 2006 (to appear).
J. A. Starzyk and H. He, “A Novel Low Power Logic Circuit Design Scheme,”
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, 2006. (to appear)
J. A. Starzyk, Z. Zhu, and Y. Li, „Associative Learning in Hierarchical Self
Organizing Learning Arrays“ IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, 2006 (to appear)
Z. Zhu, H. He, J.A. Starzyk, and C. Tseng “Self-Organizing Learning Array and
its Application to Economic and Financial Problems” Elsevier Science, 24 May
7. J. A. Starzyk, Z. Zhu and T.-H. Liu "Self-Organizing Learning Array" IEEE Trans. on
Neural Networks, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 355-363, March 2005.
8. J. A. Starzyk and F. Wang, "Dynamic Probability Estimator for Machine Learning" IEEE
Trans. on Neural Networks, vol.15, no 2, March 2004, pp.298-308.
9. J. A. Starzyk, Mohn, R.P. and Jing, L., "A Cost-Effective Approach to the Design and
Layout of a 14-b Current-Steering DAC Macrocell", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and
Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol. 51 , no. 1 , Jan. 2004, pp. 196 200.
10. J. A. Starzyk, Dong Liu, Zhi-Hong Liu, D. Nelson and J. Rutkowski, “Entropy-based
optimum test points selection for analog fault dictionary techniques,” IEEE Transactions
on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 53, no. 3, June 2004, pp. 754-761.
11. J. Pang, F. Van Graas, J. Starzyk, and Z. Zhu, "Fast Direct GPS P-Code Acquisition"
GPS Solutions, Springer Verlag, Volume 7(3), 2003, pp.168-175.
12. D. E. Nelson, J. A. Starzyk, and D. D. Ensley, "Iterated Wavelet Transformation and
Signal Discrimination for HRR Radar Target Recognition," IEEE Trans. Systems Man
and Cybernetics. Vol. 33, no.1, Jan. 2003, pp.52-57.
13. D. Liu and J. A. Starzyk, " A generalized fault diagnosis in dynamic analog circuits" Int.
Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 30, pp. 487-510, 2002.
14. D. E. Nelson, J. A. Starzyk, and D. D. Ensley, "Iterative Wavelet Transformation and
Signal Discrimination for HRR Radar Target Recognition," Multidimensional Systems
and Signal Processing, Vol. 14 No.2. 2002.
15. J. Becker, A. Alsolaim, M. Glesner, and J. Starzyk, “A Parallel Dynamically
Reconfigurable Architecture for Flexible Aplication-Tailored Hardware/Software
Systems in Future Mobile Communication”, The Journal of Supercomputing, Erratum
Vol. 23, 132, 2002, 19(1): 105-127 (2001).
16. J. Pang and J. A. Starzyk, "Fault Diagnosis in Mixed-Signal Low Testability System" An
International Journal of Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 28, no.2,
August 2001, pp. 159-170.
17. J. A. Starzyk and Y.-W. Jan, and F. Qiu, "A DC-DC Charge Pump Based on Voltage
Doublers", IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, Part I, vol. 48, no. 3, March 2001, pp. 350359.
18. G. N. Stenbakken, D. Liu J. A. Starzyk, and B. C. Waltrip, "Nonrandom Quatization
Errors in Timebases", IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 50, no. 4,
Aug. 2001, pp.888-892.
19. J. A. Starzyk, D. E. Nelson, and K. Sturtz, " A Mathematical Foundation for Improved
Reduct Generation in Information Systems", Journal of Knowledge and Information
Systems, v. 2 n. 2, March 2000 p.131-146.
20. J. A. Starzyk, J. Pang, S. Manetti, G. Fedi, and C. Piccirilli, "Finding Ambiguity Groups
in Low Testability Analog Circuits", IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, Part I, vol 47,
no. 8, 2000, pp. 1125-1137.
21. G. Fedi, S. Manetti, J. A. Starzyk, M. C. Piccirilli "Determination of an Optimum Set of
Testable Components in the Fault Diagnosis of Analog Circuits", IEEE Trans. Circuits
and Systems, Part I, vol. 46, no.7, 1999, 779-787.
22. J. A. Starzyk, D. E. Nelson, and K. Sturtz, "Reduct Generation in Information Systems",
Bulletin of International Rough Set Society, 1999, 3 (1/2).
Other Journal Papers
1. J. A. Starzyk, "Topological Methods of Analysis of LSL Networks with Nullators and
Norators", Prace Naukowe PW, Elektronika, No. 20, Warszawa, 1975, (in Polish), pp.
2. J. A. Starzyk, "Topological, Analysis of LSL Networks with Nullators and Norators;
Impedance Dependencies", Prace Naukowe PW, Elektronika, No. 20, Warszawa, 1975,
(in Polish), pp. 61-71.
3. J. A. Starzyk, "Complement of Columns of Constant-row Structural Number to the
Factorizable Number", Arch. Elektrot., z.2, 1975 (in Polish), pp. 237-244.
4. A. Konczykowska and J. A. Starzyk "Determination of Structural Number of a
Partitioned Graph. Part I and II.", Arch. Elektrot z.2, 1975, (in Polish), pp. 245-262.
5. J. A. Starzyk, "Topological Synthesis of Linear Active Networks Described by
Multivariable Functions", Arch. Elektrot., z.2, 1976, (in Polish), pp. 287-295.
6. J. A. Starzyk, "New Method for Designing Complete Trees of a Pair of Conjugate
Graphs", Arch. Elektrot., z.1, 1977, (in Polish), pp. 41-46.
7. J. A. Starzyk, "Application of the Controlled Expansions Method to the Topological
Analysis of Circuits", Arch. Elektrot., z.1, 1977, (in Polish), pp. 47-58.
8. J. A. Starzyk, "Determination of the Nullator-Norator Graph's Complete Trees", Radio
Electronics and Communication Systems, t.XX 12, 1977, (in Russian), pp. 9-15.
9. J. A. Starzyk, and J. Wojciechowski, "Topological Analysis and Synthesis of Electrical
Networks by the Method of Structural Numbers", Raport Naukowy IPE, Warszawa,
1977, (in Polish).
10. J. A. Starzyk, "Generation of Complete Trees by the Method of Modified Structural
Matrix", Arch. Elektrot., z.4, 1978, (in Polish), pp. 843-852.
11. J. A. Starzyk, "Signal Flow-Graph Analysis by Decomposition Method", IEE Proc. on
Electronic Circuits and Systems, No. 2, April 1980, pp. 81-86.
12. G. Centkowski and J. A. Starzyk, "Topological Synthesis of LLF Networks", Acta
Polytechnica, CVUT, Praha, 1980, pp. 77-86.
13. J. A. Starzyk and E. Sliwa, "Hierarchic Decomposition Method for the Topologitronic
Networks", Int. Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Vol. 8, 1980, pp. 407-417.
14. J. A. Starzyk, "Topological Analysis of Large Electronic Circuits", Prace Naukowe,
Elektronika, No. 55, WPW, Warszawa, 1981, (in Polish), 184 pp.
15. J. A. Starzyk, "An Efficient Cluster Algorithm", Acta Polytechnica, CVUT, Praha, 1981,
pp. 49-55.
16. J. A. Starzyk and J. W. Bandler, "Multiport Approach to Multiple-Fault Location in
Analog Circuits", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, vol. CAS-30, 1983, pp. 762-765.
17. J. A. Starzyk and E. Sliwa, "Upward Topological Analysis of Large Circuits Using
Directed Graph Representation", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, vol. CAS-31,
1984, pp. 410-414.
18. A. E. Salama, J. A. Starzyk and J. W. Bandler, "A Unified Decomposition Approach for
Fault Location in Large Analog Circuits", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, vol.
CAS-31, 1984, pp. 609-622.
19. J. A. Starzyk, R. M. Biernacki and J. W. Bandler, "Evaluation of Faulty Elements within
Linear Subnetworks", Int. Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 12, 1984, pp.
20. J. A. Starzyk and A. Konczykowska, "Flowgraph Analysis of Large Electronic
Networks", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, vol. CAS-33, 1986.
21. G. N. Stenbakken and J. A. Starzyk, "Diakoptic and Large Change Sensitivity Analysis",
IEE Proc. G, Circuits, Devices and Systems, vol. 139, no.1, 1992, pp.114-118.
22. J. A. Starzyk and H. Dai, "A Decomposition Approach for Testing Large Analog
Networks," Journal of Electronic Testing - Theory and Applications, no.3, 1992, pp. 181195.
23. J. A. Starzyk and X. Fang, "A CMOS Current Mode Winner-Take-All Circuit with both
Excitatory and Inhibitory Feedback", Electronics Letters, vol.29, no.15, 1993, pp. 908910.
24. J. A. Starzyk, "Hierarchical Analysis of High Frequency Interconnect Networks", IEEE
Trans. on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol.13, no.5, 1994,
pp. 658-664.
Recent Conference Papers
1. J.A.Starzyk, Yinyin Liu, and Haibo He, “Challenges of Embodied Intelligence”, Proc.
Int. Conf. on Signals and Electronic Systems, ICSES'06, Lodz, Poland, Sep. 17-20,
2. S. Kaya, H. Hamed and J. A. Starzyk, “Low-Power Tuneable Analog Circuit Blocks Based on
Nanoscale Dual-Gate MOSFETs”, 6th IEEE Conf. on Nanotechnology – IEEE Nano 2006,
16-20 July, 2006, Cincinnati, OH, USA.
3. S. Kaya, H. Hamed and J. A. Starzyk, “Compact Tunable Current-Mode Analog Circuits
Using DGMOSFETs”, IEEE Int. SOI Conf. Oct. 2 – 5, 2006, Niagara Falls, NY.
4. J. A. Starzyk, Z. Zhu, and Y. Li, "Associative Learning in Hierarchical Self Organizing
Learning Arrays", Proc Int. Conf. Artificial Neural Networks, Warsaw, Poland, Sep. 1115, 2005.
5. Janusz A. Starzyk, and Yue Li, David D. Vogel, "Neural Network with Memory and
Cognitive Functions", Proc Int. Conf. Artificial Neural Networks, Warsaw, Poland, Sep.
11-15, 2005.
6. J.A.Starzyk, Mingwei Ding, Haibo He, "Optimized Interconnections in Probabilistic SelfOrganizing Learning", Proc. IASTED Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence and
Applications, Innsbruck, Austria, Feb. 14-16, 2005.
7. J. A. Starzyk,Y. Guo, and Z. Zhu, ”Dynamically Reconfigurable Neuron Architecture for
the Implementation of Self-Organizing Learning Array”, Proc. 18th Int. Parallel and
Distributed Processing Symposium, Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 26– 30, 2004.
8. H. He, J. A. Starzyk, "DesignPower Quality Disturbances Analysis based on Wavelet
Multiresolution Decomposition", American Mathematical Society (AMS) Conf., Ohio
University, Athens, OH, March 26-27, 2004.
9. J. A. Starzyk, Y. Guo, Z. Zhu, “SOLAR and its hardware development", Proc.
Computational Intelligence and Natural Computing, 2003 (CINC’03), 2003, Cary, North
Carolina USA , Sept. 26-30, 2003.
10. J. A. Starzyk, Zhen Zhu, H. He and Zhineng Zhu, "Self-Organizing Learning Array and
Its Application to Economic and Financial Problems, "Proc. Joint Conference on
Information Systems, 2003, Cary, North Carolina USA, Sept. 26-30, 2003.
11. J. A. Starzyk and T.-H. Liu, “Design of a Self-Organizing Learning Array System”, Proc.
IEEE Int. Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 26-29, Bangkok, Thailand, 2003.
12. J. A. Starzyk and R. Mohn, “Cost-Oriented Design of a 14-bit Current Steering DAC
Macrocell”, Proc. IEEE Int. Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 26-29, Bangkok,
Thailand, 2003.
13. J. Pang and J.A. Starzyk, ”Fast Direct GPS Signal Acquisition Using FPGA”, Proc.
(Krakow, Poland, 2003).
14. J. A. Starzyk, and Y. Guo, “A Self-Organizing Learning Array and its HardwareSoftware Co-Simulation”, Proc. ECCTD, (Krakow, Poland, 2003).
15. Alaqeeli, J. A. Starzyk, F. van Graas, “Real Time Acquisition and Tracking for GPS
Receiver”, Proc. IEEE Int. Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 26-29, Bangkok,
Thailand, 2003.
16. J. A. Starzyk, and Y. Guo, “Dynamically Self-Reconfigurable Machine Learning
Structure for FPGA Implementation” Proc. Int. Conf. on Engineering of Reconfigurable
Systems and Algorithms (ERSA) Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 23 - 26, 2003.
17. J. A. Starzyk and D. Liu, "A Decomposition Method for Analog Fault Location", IEEE
Int. Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 26-29, Scottsdale, Arizona, 2002.
18. J. A. Starzyk and D. Liu, "Locating Stuck-at Faults in Analog Circuits", IEEE Int.
Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 26-29, Scottsdale, Arizona, 2002.
19. J. Starzyk and Z. Zhu, "Software Simulation of a Self-Organizing Learning Array
System", The 6th IASTED Int. Conf. Artificial Intelligence & Soft Comp.(ASC 2002),
July 17-19, 2002, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
20. J. Pang, J. A. Starzyk, "P-code Generator FPGA Design for Direct GPS P(Y)-Code
Acquisition", 12th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and
Applications (FPLA), 2002.
21. M. Ding, A. Alsolaim, and J. Starzyk, "Designing and Mapping of a Turbo Decoder for
3G Mobile Systems Using Dynamically Reconfigurable Architecture " Engineering of
Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms, ERSA'02, The Int. Multi Conference in
Computer Science, June 24-27, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2002.
22. J. A. Starzyk Y. Guo, "A Self Organized Classifier Based on Maximum Information
Index and its Develpoment Using VHDL", 2002 IEEE Int. Symposium on Intelligent
Signal Processing and Communication Systems, 21-24 November 2002, Kaohsiung,
Taiwan, R.O.C. 2002.
23. J.A. Starzyk and D. Liu, "A new approach to multiple fault diagnosis in linear analog
circuits," Proceeding of the 7th IEEE International Mixed Signal Testing Workshop
(IMSTW), Atlanta, GA, Jun. 2001.
24. J. A. Starzyk* and D. Liu, "A Method for Multiple Fault Diagnosis in Analog Circuits"
Proc. Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, (Athens, OH, 2001).
25. J. A. Starzyk and L. Jing, "Analog Circuits for Self Organizing Neural Networks Based
on Mutual Information" Proc. Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, (Athens, OH,
26. Y. Zeng and J. A. Starzyk, "Statistical Approach for Clustering in Pattern Recognition"
Proc. Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, (Athens, OH, 2001).
27. Alaqeeli and J. A. Starzyk, "Hardware Implementation of Fast Convolution for GPS
Signal Acquisition Using FPGA" Proc. Southeastern Symposium on System Theory,
(Athens, OH, 2001).
28. A.Alsolaim and J. A. Starzyk, "Dynamically Reconfigurable Solution in the Digital
Baseband Processing for Future Mobile Radio Devices" Proc. Southeastern Symposium
on System Theory, (Athens, OH, 2001).
29. D. E. Nelson and J. A. Starzyk, "High Range Resolution Radar Signal Classification: A
Partitioned Rough Set Approach" Proc. Southeastern Symposium on System Theory,
(Athens, OH, 2001).
30. J. A. Starzyk and Y. Guo, "An Entropy-based Learning Hardware Organization Using
FPGA" Proc. Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, (Athens, OH, 2001).
31. J. A. Starzyk and D. Liu, "Multiple Fault Diagnosis of Analog Circuits Based on Large
Change Sensitivity Analysis" Proc. ECCTD, (Espoo, Finland, Aug. 2001).
32. D. E. Nelson and J. A. Starzyk, "High Range Resolution Radar - Extensions to Rough Set
Theory for Automatic Target Recognition", SPIE 15th Annual Int. Symp. on
Aerospace/Defense Sensing Simulation and Controls, (Orlando FL, April 2001) Best
Paper award.
33. J. A. Starzyk and D. Liu, "Multiple Fault Diagnosis of Analog Circuits by Locating
Ambiguity Groups in Test Equation", Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems
(Sydney, Australia, 2001).
34. J. A. Starzyk and Z. Zhu, "Averaging Correlation for C/A Code Acquisition and Tracking
in Frequency Domain", Proc. Midwest Symp. on Circuits and Systems (Dayton, OH,
Aug. 2001).
35. J. A. Starzyk and Y. Guo, "Reconfigurable Self-Organizing NN Design Using Virtex
FPGA", Proc. Int. Conf. on Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms
(ERSA) (Las Vegas, NV, June 2001).
36. X. S. Song and J. A. Starzyk, "Feature Selection using Mutual Information and Statistical
Techniques", Proc. 2001 IEEE Military Communications Conf. (MILCOM’2001),
Washington D.C, October 2001.
37. Alsolaim, J. Becker, M. Glesner, and J. Starzyk, "A Dynamically Reconfigurable
System-on-a chip Architecture for Future Mobile Digital Signal Processing", The
European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO, (Sept. 5 - 8, 2000, Tampere,
38. J. Becker, M. Glesner, A. Alsolaim, J. Starzyk, "Fast Communication Mechanisms in
Coarse-grained Dynamically Reconfigurable Array Architectures", the 2000 Int. Conf. on
Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Apllications, (Las Vegas, NV, June
39. Alsolaim, J. Becker, M. Glesner, J. Starzyk. "Dynamically Reconfigurable Array
Architecture for Future Mobile Digital Baseband Processing." 2000 IEEE Symposium on
Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM 2000), April 16-19, 2000,
Napa Valley, California.
40. Y. Zeng and J. Starzyk, "Piecewise Linear Approach: a New Approach in Automatic
Target Recognition," SPIE 14th Annual Int. Symp. on Aerospace/Defense Sensing
Simulation and Controls, (Orlando FL, April 2000).
41. J. Starzyk, J. Pang, "Fault Diagnosis in Analog and Mixed Mode Low Testability
Systems", Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems (Geneva, Switzerland, 2000).
42. D. E. Nelson and J. A. Starzyk "Fusing Marginal Reducts for HRR Target Identification"
4th World Multi-Conference on Systems, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI2000),
(Orlando, Florida, July 2000), pp. 452-460 Best Paper award.
43. G. N. Stenbakken, D. Liu J. Starzyk, and B. C. Waltrip, "Nonrandom Quatization Errors
in Timebases", Proc. IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference
(Baltimore, MD May 2000).
44. J. Starzyk and J. Pang, "Evolvable Binary Artificial Neural Network for Data
Classification", the 2000 Int. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques
and Apllications, (Las Vegas, NV, June 2000).
45. F. Qiu, J. A. Starzyk and Y.-W. Jan, "Analog VLSI Design of Multi-phase Voltage
Doublers with Frequency Regulation", the 1999 Southwest Symposium on Mixed-Signal
Design, (Tucson, AZ, April, 1999).
46. J. A. Starzyk and Y.-W. Jan," A Simulation Program Emphasized on DC Analysis of
VLSI Circuits: SAMOC", the 1999 Southwest Symposium on Mixed-Signal Design,
(Tucson, AZ, April, 1999).
47. G. N. Stenbakken, D. Liu, J. A. Starzyk and B. C. Waltrip, "A new method to
compensate quantized time-base nonlinearity of sampling instruments," Workshop on
Software Embedded Systems Testing (WSEST), National Institute of Standards and
Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, Nov. 1999.
48. V. Brygilevicz, J. Wojciechowski, and J. A. Starzyk, "Testing of Analog Dynamic
Systems Based on Integral Sensisitivity", Proc. ECCTD, (Stresa, Italy, Aug. 1999).
49. J.A. Starzyk, J. Pang, G. Fedi, R. Giomi, S. Manetti, "A Software Program for Ambiguity
Group Determination in Low Testability Analog Circuits", Proc. ECCTD, (Stresa, Italy,
Aug. 1999).
Other Conference Papers and Presentations
50. J. A. Starzyk, "Complement of Set of Trees", Eight Asilomar Conf. Circuits, Systems and
Computers, (Pacific Grove), 1974, pp. 227-230.
51. J. A. Starzyk, "Problems in Topological Analysis", First National Conf. URSI (Warsaw,
1975), (in Polish), pp. 250-252.
52. J. A. Starzyk, "Topological Synthesis of Multivariable Network Functions", Third Int.
Symp. on Network Theory (Split, 1975), pp. 555-564.
53. J. A. Starzyk, "Edge Orientation in Topological Synthesis of Linear Networks", Fifth
Symp. Mathematical Methods in Electrical Engineering, (Podlesice, 1976), (in Polish),
pp. 169-179.
54. J. A. Starzyk, "Selected Topics in Topological Synthesis of Networks by the Method of
Structural Numbers", Symp. for XXV Anniversary of Electrical Engineering Dept.
(Warsaw, 1976), (in Polish), pp. 116-117.
55. J. A. Starzyk, "Topological Synthesis of Linear Active Networks with the Method of
Structural Numbers", Proc. European Conf. Circuit Theory and Design (Genova, 1976),
pp. 340-348.
56. J. A. Starzyk, "Topological Synthesis of Linear Network with Grounded Operational
Amplifiers", Proc. of 2nd Polish-Czech Workshop on Circuit Theory (Czarlino, 1977),
pp. 201-206.
57. J. A. Starzyk, "The Distor Graphs", Proc. of 3rd Czech-Polish Workshop on Circuit
Theory (Prenet, 1978).
58. J. A. Starzyk and E. Sliwa, "Topological Analysis by Hierarchic Decomposition
Method", Fourth Int. Symp. on Network Theory (Ljubljana, 1979), pp. 155-160.
59. J. A. Starzyk and A. Konczykowska, "Hierarchical Decomposition of Signal-Flow
Graphs", Third Int. Conf. Electronic Circuits (Prague, 1979), pp. 248-251.
60. J. A. Starzyk, "Advanced Topological Analysis", Proc. of 4th Polish-Czech Workshop on
Circuit Theory (Bocheniec, 1979), pp. 90-94.
61. G. Centkowski, J. A. Starzyk and E. Sliwa, "Computer Imple-mentation of Topological
Methods in the Analysis of Large Networks", Proc. European Conf. Circuit Theory and
Design (Warsaw, 1980), pp. 69-74.
62. Konczykowska and J. A. Starzyk, "Computer Analysis of Large Signal Flowgraphs by
Hierarchical Decomposition Method", Proc. European Conf. Circuit Theory and Design
(Warsaw, 1980), pp. 408-413.
63. R. M. Biernacki and J. A. Starzyk, "Sufficient Test Conditions for Parameter
Identification of Analog Circuits Based on Voltage Measurements", Proc. European
Conf. Circuit Theory and Design (Warsaw, 1980), pp. 233-241.
64. J. A. Starzyk, "An Efficient Cluster Algorithm", Proc. of 5th Czech-Polish Workshop on
Circuit Theory (Podbierady, 1980).
65. R. M. Biernacki and J. A. Starzyk, "A Test Generation Algorithm for Parameter
Identification of Analog Circuits", Proc. European Conf. Circuit Theory and Design, (The
Hague, 1981), pp. 993-997.
66. G. Centkowski, J. A. Starzyk and E. Sliwa, "Symbolic Analysis of Large LLS Networks
by Means of Upward Hierarchical Analysis", Proc. European Conf. Circuit Theory and
Design (The Hague, 1981), pp. 358-361.
67. Konczykowska and J. A. Starzyk, "Computer Justification of Upward Topological
Analysis of Signal-Flow Graphs", Proc. European Conf. Circuit Theory and Design, (The
Hague, 1981), pp. 464-467.
68. J. A. Starzyk and J. W. Bandler, "Nodal Approach to Multiple-Fault Location in Analog
Circuits", Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems (Rome, 1982), pp. 1136-1139.
69. J. W. Bandler, R. M. Biernacki, A. E. Salama and J. A. Starzyk, "Fault Isolation in Linear
Analog Circuits Using the Ll Norm", Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems (Rome,
1982), pp. 1140-1143.
70. H. Gupta, J. W. Bandler, J. A. Starzyk and J. Sharma, "A Hierarchical Decomposition
Approach for Network Analysis", Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems (Rome,
1982), pp. 643-646.
71. J. A. Starzyk and J. W. Bandler, "Design of Tests for Parameter Evaluation within
Remote Inaccessible Faulty Subnetworks", Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems
(Newport Beach, CA, 1983), pp. 1106-1109.
72. E. Salama, J. A. Starzyk and J. W. Bandler, "A Unified Decomposition Approach for
Fault Location in Large Analog Circuits", Proc. European Conf. Circuit Theory and
Design (Stuttgart, 1983).
73. J. A. Starzyk, "Decomposition Approach to a VLSI Symbolic Layout with Mixed
Constraints", Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems (Montreal, 1984). pp. 457-460.
74. J. A. Starzyk and M. A. El-Gamal, "An Optimization Approach to Fault Location in
Analog Circuits", Proc. European Conf. Circuit Theory and Design (Prague, 1985).
75. J. A. Starzyk and V.S.R. Dandu, "Overlapped Multi-Bit Scanning Multiplier", Proc. IE:
VLSI in Computers (Port Chester, NY, 1985).
76. J. A. Starzyk and H. Dai, "Element Evaluation in the Resistive Networks", Proc. 28th
Midwest Symp. on Circuits and Systems (Louisville, Kentucky, 1985).
77. J. A. Starzyk and S. C. Rastogi, "Hierarchical Decomposition Approach to D.C. Power
Flow Solution", Proc. 28th Midwest Symp. on Circuits and Systems (Louisville,
Kentucky, 1985).
78. J. A. Starzyk and M. A. El-Gamal, "Topological Conditions for Element Evaluation",
Proc. 28th Midwest Symp. on Circuits and Systems (Louisville, Kentucky, 1985).
79. J. A. Starzyk and H. Dai, "Multifrequency Measurement of Testability in Analog
Circuits", Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems (Philadelphia, PA, 1987).
80. J. A. Starzyk and H. Dai, "Sensitivity Based Testing of Nonlinear Dynamic Circuits",
Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems (Espoo, Finland, 1988).
81. J. A. Starzyk and M. A. El-Gamal, "Diagnosability of Analog Circuits a Graph
Theoretical Approach", Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems (Espoo, Finland,
82. J. A. Starzyk and H. Dai, "Fault Diagnosis and Calibration of Large Analog Circuits",
Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems (Espoo, Finland, 1988).
83. J. A. Starzyk and M. El-Gamal, "Fault Diagnosis of Nonlinear Resistive Circuits", Proc.
31st Midwest Symp. on Circuits and Systems (St. Louis, MO, 1988).
84. J. A. Starzyk and M. Eshghi, "Highly Parallel Adaptive Filter," Proc. IEEE Int. Symp.
Circuits and Systems (Portland, OR, 1989).
85. J. A. Starzyk and E. Sliwa, "Tolerances in Symbolic Network Analysis," Proc. IEEE Int.
Symp. Circuits and Systems (Portland, OR, 1989) - invited paper.
86. J. A. Starzyk and H. Dai, "Time Domain Testing of Large Nonlinear Circuits," Proc.
European Conf. Circuit Theory and Design, (Brighton, United Kingdom, 1989).
87. J. A. Starzyk and H. Dai, "A Decomposition Approach for Parameter Identification in
Large Scale Networks," Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems (New Orleans, LA,
88. J. A. Starzyk and M. El-Gamal, "Artificial Neural Network for Testing Analog Circuits",
Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems (New Orleans, LA, 1990).
89. J. A. Starzyk and H. Dai, "Automated Testing Using Circuit Decomposition", Proc. IEEE
Instr. Measurement Technology Conf. (Atlanta, GA, 1991).
90. J. A. Starzyk and X. Wu, "Approximation Using Linear Fitting Neural Network", Proc.
Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering Conf. (St. Louis, MO, 1991).
91. J. A. Starzyk, "Neural Networks in Analog Fault Diagnosis", VII Riunione Annuale Dei
Ricercatori, (Trani, Italy, 1991).
92. J. A. Starzyk and C. H. Chen, "A One Dimensional Processor Array for LU
Decomposition", Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing and
Communication Syst. (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, 1992).
93. J. A. Starzyk and N. Ansari, "Feedforward Neural Network for Handwritten Character
Recognition", Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems (San Diego, CA, 1992).
94. J. A. Starzyk and H. Dai, "Noninvasive Voltage Measurement Through an On-Chip Test
Structure", Proc. IEEE Int. Test Conference (Baltimore, MD, 1992).
95. J. A. Starzyk and S.K. Chai, "Vector Contour Representation for Object Recognition in
Neural Networks", IEEE Int. Conf. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, (Chicago, IL, 1992).
96. J. A. Starzyk and N. Ansari, "Distance Field Approach to Handwritten Character
Recognition", Proc. Fifth Conf. on Neural Networks and Parallel Distributed Processing,
(Fort Wayne, IN, 1992).
97. X. Fang and J. Starzyk, "A novel winner-take-all circuit", the World Conf. on Neural
Networks, (Portland, OR, 1993).
98. J. A. Starzyk and J. Zou, "On-line error detection in analog and mixed-signal systems",
IEEE Int. Test Conference, (Baltimore, MD, 1993).
99. J. A. Starzyk and X. Fang, "System level design of a complex neural network for target
recognition", IEEE Int. Conf. on Neural Network Applications to Signal Processing,
(Singapore, 1993).
J. A. Starzyk and C.-H. Chen, "A VLSI Inner Product Processor with Built-in
Self Test for Real Time DSP Applications", Int. Conf. on Signal Proc. Applications and
Technology, (Santa Clara, CA, 1993).
X. Fang and J. A. Starzyk, "VLSI design of neural network based image
processor", Proc. Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, (Athens, OH, 1994).
J. A. Starzyk and Y-W. Jan, "Algorithm and architecture for feature extraction in
image processong", Proc. Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, (Athens, OH,
J. A. Starzyk and S. Chai, "Supervised learning with potentials for neural
network- based object recognition", Proc. Southeastern Symposium on System Theory,
(Athens, OH, 1994).
J. A. Starzyk and C-H. Chen, "A VLSI inner-product processor for real-time DSP
applications", Proc. Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, (Athens, OH, 1994).
J. A. Starzyk and M. SenthilKumar, "Partial arithmetic - algorithms and
architecture", Proc. Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, (Athens, OH, 1994).
J. A. Starzyk, Z. H. Liu, and J. Zou, "An organization of the test bus for analog
and mixed-signal systems", Proc. of IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, (Cherry Hill, N.J.
J. A. Starzyk and S. Chai, "Object representation using Fourier descriptors in
pattern classification", Proc. Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering Conf. (St. Louis,
MO, 1995).
108. J. A. Starzyk and Ying-Wei Jan, "Low Power Voltage Based Winner Takes All Circuit
for Analog Neural Networks", OAI Neural Network Symposium, (Athens, OH, 1995).
109. J. A. Starzyk and Xingyuan Lee, "Rapid Object Identification Based on Fourier
Descriptors", OAI Neural Network Symposium, (Athens, OH, 1995).
110. J. A. Starzyk and J. Zou, "Direct Symbolic Analysis of Analog Networks", Proc.
Midwest Symp. on Circuits and Systems (Ames, Iowa, 1996).
111. J. A. Starzyk and Ying-Wei Jan, "A Voltage Based Winner Takes All Circuit for
Analog Neural Networks", Proc. Midwest Symp. on Circuits and Systems (Ames, Iowa,
112. J. A. Starzyk and D. Nelson, "Independent Classifiers in Ontogenic Neural Networks
for ATR", Adaptive Distributed Parallel Computing Symposium (Fairborn, OH, 1996).
113. D. E. Nelson and J. A. Starzyk, "Advanced Feature Selection Methodology for
Automatic Target Recognition", Proc. Southeastern Symposium on System Theory,
(Coolville, TN, 1997).
114. Z-H. Liu and J. A. Starzyk, "Mixed Signal Testing of Analog Components on Printed
Circuit Boards", Proc. Midwest Symp. on Circuits and Systems (Sacramento, CA, 1997).
115. R. Morawski, B. Manhire, and J. Starzyk, Engineering Education in Poland", ASEE
Conf., Seattle, June, 1998.
116. J. A. Starzyk, D. E. Nelson, and K. Sturtz, "Reduct Generation in Information
Systems", The Sixth Int. Workshop on Rough Sets, Data Mining and Granular
Computing, at JCIS'98, (Research Triangle Park, NC), Oct. 1998.
Janusz A. Starzyk, "Dynamic Probability Estimator for Self-Organizing Data-Driven
Learning Hardware", Ohio University, Provisional Patent Application, prepared in
February 2003.
Janusz A. Starzyk, "Self-Organizing Data-Driven Learning Hardware with Local
Interconnections", Ohio University, US Patent Application, Serial # 10/174,038, filed on
June 18, 2002.
Janusz A. Starzyk, Russell Mohn, Thomas Senko, "Algorithm for the Reduction of
Systematic Errors in Current Steering DAC", Sarnoff Corp., US Patent Application,
Serial No.: 395690, Filed: March 24, 2003.
Janusz A. Starzyk and Dale E. Nelson, "Object Identification System and Method", Ohio
University, International Patent Application, PCT /US01/22852, Serial # 60/220,768,
filed on July 21, 2000.
Invited talks (since 1991):
 Seminar, “Hierarchical Analysis of VLSI Interconnect,” AT&T Bell Labs, Dr. B.
Ackland, VLSI Systems Group, 1991.
 The Keynote Speaker at the VII Riunione Annuale Dei Ricercatori, Trani, Italy, 1991.
 Seminar, “Neural Networks for Analog Testing and Approximation”, University of
Florence, Italy Dr. Liberatore, 1991.
 Seminar, “Artificial Neural Vision Learning System” Institute of Electronic
Systems, Warsaw Technical University, 1992.
 Seminar, “Hardware Implementation of ANVIL Algorithms”, Wright-Patterson, Dr.
Nelson, AFB, Dayton, OH, 1992.
 Seminar, “Embeded Diagnostics and Built-in Test”, U.S. Army Research Office, Dr.
Li-Pi Su, Readstone Arsenal, AL, 1993.
 Invited talk, “On-line Error Detection in Analog Systems”, Ford Electronics, Dr. G.
Moszynski, Detroit, MI, 1993.
 Panel presentation, “Analog Boundary Scan Cell for Mixed-Signal Testing”, IEEE
Working Group P1149.4, Dr. M. Soma, Baltimore, MD, 1993.
 Invited talk, “Analog Boundary Scan Cell”, Ford Electronics, Dr. S. Stoica, Detroit, MI,
 Seminar, “Neural Networks for Image Recognition”, Institute of Electronic Systems,
Warsaw Technical University, Warsaw, Poland, August 1994.
 Invited talk, “Testing of Analog Interconnections”, Ford Electronics, Dr. S. Stoica,
Detroit, MI, 1995.
 Seminar, “Information Based Feature Selection”, Wright Labs, Dayton, OH, 1996.
 Seminar, “Switch Level MOS Transistor Model for Analog Simulation”, OSU,
Columbus, OH, 1996.
 Invited talk, “Mixed signal testing and design for testability” Ford Electronics, Detroit,
MI, Jan. 1997.
 Seminar, “Iterative wavelet transform in NN learning”, Warsaw University of
Technology, Warsaw, Poland, June 1997.
 Invited talk, “Manufacturing test in IC fabrication of automotive electronics” Delco
Electronics, Kokomo, IN, Sept. 1997.
 Invited lecture, “Feature Selection in self-organized learning for target recognition”,
Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany, Dec. 1998.
 Seminar, "Signal Clustering in Target Recognition", Wright Labs., Dayton, OH, 1998.
 Panelist on the Workshop on the Software Embedded System Test, Gaithersburg, MD,
Nov. 7-11, 1999.
 Seminar, "Hybrid Distance and Piecewise Linear Approximation for SAR/HRR Target
Identification", Wright Labs., Dayton, OH, 1999.
 The Keynote Speaker at the System on a chip and Reconfigurable Computing Workshop,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1999.
 Gave two seminar presentations in Magnolia Broadband, Clinton NJ, on VCO and PLL
design for their design engineers. Summer, 2002.
 Technical design presentation, “Design of 14 bit DAC in 0.13um CMOS”, Terayon Corp.
(San Jose California), March, 2002.
 Seminar, “Collaborative Sensing and Threat Awareness in Urban Operation - Machine
Intelligence Approach”, AFRL/SNAT WPAFB, August 2005.
 Seminar, “Machine Intelligence Approach to Sensing and Vigilance”, AFRL/SNAT
WPAFB, August 2006.
 The Keynote Speaker at the The International Conference on Signals and Electronic
Systems, ICSES'06, Lodz, Poland, Sep. 17-20, 2006.
 Seminar “Challenges of the embodied intelligence”, Institute of Electronic Systems,
Warsaw University of Technology, Sept. 2006.
 The Keynote Speaker at the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Siedlce,
Poland, Sept. 21-22, 2006.
 Seminar, “Goal Creation System for Machine Intelligence”, HEIDI group, Ohio
University, October 2006.
Valid Logic Inc.
Equipment Grant for VLSI lab.
Development of Testing Strategies for Very
Large Analog Circuits
Software Grant for IBM PC Lab. 22 copies of
PC Scheme
Fabrication of Prototype VLSI Circuits
$ 21,571
National Bureau of
Texas Instruments
Stocker Fund
Valid Logic Inc.
Development of Testing Strategies for Large
Nonlinear Circuits
Time Domain and Frequency Domain Testing
of Large Nonlinear Circuits
Testing Strategies for Large Mixed Mode
Software for Sun Worksations 7 copies of
PSpice Deluxe A/D
Sun Workstations for VLSI, Microwave and
Image processing Lab
Software for VLSI design on Sun workstations
$ 54,940
National Bureau of
National Bureau of
National Institute of
Standards and Technology
Microsim Corporation
Magnetek Corp.
Testability Design of PC Power Supplies
$ 10,000
A Feasibility Study for On-Line Error Detection
in Analog Systems
Modeling and Verification Procedures for SelfCalibrating Systems
Design and Simulation Software
$ 19,965
National Institute of
Standards and Technology
National Institute of
Standards and Technology
Mentor Graphics
View Logic
WorkWiew Office Software
State Committee for
Scientific Research
Sarnoff Research
1 year Grant Supporting Cooperation Between
WUT and Ohio University
Feature Selection for Automatic Target
Reengineering of Intel 8031 Microprocessor
Software and hardware for FPGA
University of Cincinnati
National Institute of
Standards and Technology
Sverdrup Technology Inc.
Application of scalability and testability in
mechatronic design environment
Testing Strategies for Mixed Signal Embedded
Evolutionary Feature Extraction for SAR Air to
Ground Moving Target Recognition –
Statistical Approach
Feature Extraction for Air to Ground HRR
Radar ATR Based on Mutual Information and
Statistical Techniques
Feature Selection for Automatic Target
$ 2,200
$ 6,400
$ 50,069
$ 66,950
$ 23,697
Sarnoff Research
Pass Transistor Library Development
Testing Strategies for Mixed Signal Embedded
GPS research
GPS signal acquisition and processing
National Institute of
Standards and Technology
Avionics Engineering
Avionics Engineering
Sarnoff Research
10 Spartan Boards,
core generator software
Design of 14bit DAC in 0.13um CMSO
Magnolia Broadband
Avionics Engineering
Design of 5.5 GHz CMOS Fully Integrated
Tunable VCO
GPS signal acquisition and processing
10 Spartan Boards for VHDL lab
Magnolia Broadband
PLL Design for CDMA 2000 in SiGe
Two Sun-Spark workstations and dedicated
FPGA based hardware
Design of Integrated VCO for CDMA2000
Sensors Directorate, Air
Force Research Laboratory
Magnolia Brodaband
XCV100-5BG560C for SOLAR research
GPS signal acquisition and processing
Avionics Engineering
System generator and PCI development kit
Anteon Corporation, a
General Dynamics
Collaborative Sensing and Threat Awareness in
Urban Operation
Equipment grant to design a rowing control
Challenges and Promises of Embodied
Neural Network Self-Organization and
Extracting Video Game Data for Machine
Total funds received
480 XCV1000 chips
 EE616
 EE617
 EE690
 EE690
 EE716
 EE819
Computer Aided Analysis of Electronic Circuits
Design for Testability
VLSI Design of Neural Networks
Design of Intelligent Systems
Active Network Theory
Graph Theory
 EE415
 EE414
 EE495
 EE222
 EE312
 EE343
 EE210
 EE411
 EE323
VLSI Design
VHDL Design
ECE Capstone Design
Introduction to Digital Circuits
Linear Systems and Networks
Circuit Theory
Passive Filter Synthesis
Analytical Foundations of Electrical Engineering
 EE401
 EE402
VLSI design laboratory
VHDL design laboratory
Master of Science
Thesis Title
Jerzy Romaniuk
Optimization of Railway Traction Using Graph Methods
Edward Sliwa
Computer Programs for Analysis of Large Unistor Graphs
Zbigniew Calka
Jerzy Kotkowski
Eric M. Schwarz
Hong Dai
Topological Synthesis of Active Networks Using Unistor
Topological Analysis of Switched Capacitor Circuits Using
Signal-Flow Graph Representation
Parallel Processing and VLSI Design: Solving Large-Scale
Linear Systems
Network Approach to Impedance Computerized Tomography
Venkata S.R. Dandu
Fadi M. Kaake
Venkatram R.
Soheil Davati
Parallel Processing and VLSI Design: A High Speed Efficient
A VLSI-nMOS Hardware Implementation of an IIR Bandpass
Orthogonal Digital Filter
Digital Image Data Representation
VLSI Implementation of Recursive Digital Notch Filter
I-Sheng Yang
An Impedance Scanner (project in non thesis option)
George M. Mourad
Kang-Chung Chiang
Luis A. Montalvo
Hoon-Kyeu Lee
Built-in Testable Structure for VLSI Circuits (project in non
thesis option)
Scan Path Design of PLA to Improve its testability in VLSI
VLSI Implementation of Control Section of Overlapped 3-bit
Scanning 64-bit Multiplier
Automatic Test Pattern Generation in the Logic Gate Level
Circuits and MOS Transistor Circuits
A VLSI-nMOS Hardware Implementation of a High Speed
Parallel Adder
Chung-nan Lyu
Pipelined Floating Point Divider with Built-in Testing Circuits
Elie N. Talej
Chengbu Kim
Chao-Wu Chen
Hsein-Jung Mao
A VLSI Design of a Finite Impulse Response Low-Pass Digital
One-Dimensional Compaction Strategy for VLSI Symbolic
Layout System
Design and nMOS Implementation of Parallel Pipelined
VLSI Design and Implementation of a Parallel Sorter
Mohammad Eshghi
Highly Parallel Transversal Adaptive Filters
Chin Aik Le
An 8-bit Inner Product Multiplier by Parallel Pipeline Algorithm
Chung Chih-Ping
Setting CMOS Environment for VLSI Design
Xiaoming Wu
Youping Chen
Approximation Using Linear Fitting Neural Network:
Polynomial Approach and Gaussian Approach
Neural Network Approximation for Linear Fitting Method
Sin Wo Kuan
Chang-Chyh Hsiao
Nasser Ansari
Ying-Wei Jan
Zheng Chen
Abdulqadi Al_Aqeeli
VLSI Implementation of a High-Speed Delta-Sigma Analog to
Digital Converter
FPGA Realization of Haar Wavelet for Pattern Recognition
A Comparative Study of High Speed Adders
Raja D.V.
Chirag Patel
A Time-to-Voltage Converter
Fengjing Qiu
Aman Sareen
Phillip Southard
Analog VLSI Design of Two-Phase and Multi-Phase Voltage
Doublers with Frequency Regulation
Reconfigurable Design for Pattern Recognition Using Field
Programmable Gate Arrays
Design Methodology for Modeling a Microcontroller
Zhu Zhen
Tsun Ho Liu
Guo, Yongtao
VLSI Implementation of Neural Network for Character
Recognition Application
Design of VLSI CMOS Systems Using MAGIC
Handwritten Character Recognition by Using Neural Network
Based Methods
Segmentation and Clustering in Neural Networks for Image
A+B Arithmetic - Theory and Implementation
Feasibility Study for the Implementation of Global Positioning
System Block Processing Techniques in Field Programmable
Gate Arrays
Averaging Correlation for Weak Signal Global Positioning
System Signal Processing
Future Hardware Realization of Self-Organizing Learning Array
and its Software Simulation
PicoBlaze Based Self Organizing Learning Array and its
Experimental Setting
Feng, Wang
Li, (Yue) Lily
Energy Efficient Digital Baseband Modulator for Cable
Terminal Systems Targeted on Field Programmable Gate Array
Active Vision through Invariant Representations and Saccade
Philosophy Doctor
Dissertation Title
Hong Dai
Mohamed Abd ElGamal
Chiung-Hsing Chen
Development of Decomposition Approach for Testing Large
Analog Circuits
Fault Location and Parameter Identification in Analog Circuits
Xuefeng Fang
Sinkuo Chai
Zhi-Hong Liu
Ying-Wei Jan
Dale Nelson
Ahmad Alsolaim
Abdulqadir Alaqeeli
Pang, Jing
Liu, Dong
Inner-Product Based Signal Processing: Algorithms and VLSI
Small Area, Low Power, Mixed-Mode Circuits for Hybrid
Neural Network Applications
Multiclassifier Neural Networks for Handwritten Character
Mixed-Signal Testing of Integrated Analog Circuits and
A Switched-Capacitor Analysis of MOS Circuit Simulator:
High Range Resolution Radar Target Classification: A Rough
Set Approach
Dynamically Reconfigurable Architecture for Third Generation
Mobile Systems
Global Positioning System Signal Acquisition and Tracking
Using Field Programmable Gate Arrays
Direct Global Positioning System P-Code Acquisition Field
Programmable Gate Array Prototyping
Analog and Mixed Signal Test and Fault Diagnosis.
Ding, Mingwei
High Level Design Methodology for Reconfigurable Systems
He, Haibo
Zhen, Zhu
Dynamically Self-Reconfiguarable Systems for Machine
Characterization of Global Positioning System Earth Surface
Multipath and Cross Correlation for Aircraft Precision
Approach Operations using Software Radio Technology
Professional memberships
 Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Circuits and Systems Society
- Computer Society
 Member of the American Society of Naval Engineers
 Member of the Association for Computing Machinery
 Member of American Society for Engineering Education
 Member of the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario
Referee of journals
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE
Transactions on Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,
IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design, IEEE Transactions on Design and Test of
Computers, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEE Proceedings-G
Circuits, Devices and Systems, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications,
International Journal Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Journal of Electronic
Testing, Journal of Neurocomputing, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Elsevier Engineering
Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Bulletin of International Rough Set Society,
Archiwum Elektrotechniki.
Referee of conferences
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, International Conference
Artificial Neural Networks, International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems,
International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology,
ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering,
Design Automation and Test in Europe, European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design,
IEEE International Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers, IEEE International
Symposium on Circuits and Systems, IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, International Conference
on VLSI Design, International Conference on Parallel Processing, International Test
Conference, International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication
Systems, Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, OAI Workshop on Neural Networks.
Professional Service
 International Program Committee Member, IASTED International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Innsbruck, Austria, Feb. 12-14, 2007.
 Scientific Committee Member, The International Conference on Signals and Electronic
Systems, ICSES'06, Lodz, Poland, Sep. 17-20, 2006.
 Technical Committee Member, First International Multiconference on Computer Science
and Information Technology, Wisla, Poland, November 6-10, 2006.
 Session Chair, International Conference Artificial Neural Networks, Warsaw, Poland,
Sep. 11-15, 2005.
 Founding Member of the Institute for Applications of the Mathematical Sciences at Ohio
University, 2004.
 Technical Committee Member, International Conference Design Automation and Test in
Europe, Paris, France, Feb. 16-20, 2004.
 Technical Committee Member, International Conference Design Automation and Test in
Europe, Paris, France, March 2002.
 Member of NSF Information Technology Research (ITR) panel, 2001.
 Board of Examiners, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, 1999.
 Technical Committee Member, Workshop on the Software Embedded System Test,
Gaithersburg, MD, Nov. 7-11, 1999.
 Planning Committee Member, Edison Electronic Technology Center in Ohio, 1998.
 IEEE Working Group for P1149.4 Mixed-Signal Test Bus Standards 1992-1997.
 Technical Program Committee Member, OAI Neural Networks Symposium 1995.
 Technical Program Chairman, IEEE Southeastern Symposium on System Theory 1994.
 Technical Program Committee Member, International Workshop on Intelligent Signal
Proc. and Communication Systems 1993.
 Technical Committee Member, European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design,
Warsaw, Poland 1980.
University and College Committees
 Institute of Electronic Fundamentals, Director's Advisory Committee (1978-80).
 Stocker Fund Planning and Advisory Committee (1991-95, 2005-).
 Ohio University Library Committee (1996-98)
 Graduate Council (1985-88).
 Chairman of the Fellowship Board (1998).
 Policies and Regulations (1999).
 Graduate Research Council (2004-2006).
Departmental Committees
 Chairman of VLSI Committee (1983- ).
 Chairman of Research Committee (1991-99).
 Chairman of ECE Library Committee (1991-97).
 Graduate Committee Chairman in Networks and Electronics (1983- ).
 Computer Committee (1983/84).
 Curriculum Committee (1986/87).
 Core Courses Committee in Circuits and Analytics (1994-1996).
 Chairman of the ECE Seminar Series (1985-87, 1996-97).
 Www Committee (1998-2002).
 Annual Review and Raise Allocation Advisory (2000-2003).
 Undergraduate Course Committees: EE Senior Design Committee,
Advanced EE 3**,4** (2000-)
 Promotion and Tenure Committee (1994-1997, 2003-2006)
 Listed in Who's Who in Engineering Education
 Award of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for outstanding research
 Outstanding teacher award Technical University of Warsaw
 Honor Society - Eta Kappa Nu
 Nominated to the Outstanding Graduate Faculty Award at Ohio University twice.
 The Keynote Speaker at the VII Riunione Annuale Dei Ricercatori, Trani, Italy.
 The Keynote Speaker at the System on a chip and Reconfigurable Computing Workshop,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2000.
 Best paper award in Mathematical Methods and Optimization in Problem Solving System
- 4th World Multiconference on Systemic, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando FL, July,
 Certificate for outstanding inventive contributions to Ohio University Intellectual
Property 1999-2000.
 Best paper award at the SPIE 15th Annual Int. Symp. on Aerospace/Defense Sensing
Simulation and Controls, Orlando FL, April 2001.
 The Keynote Speaker at the The International Conference on Signals and Electronic
Systems, ICSES'06, Lodz, Poland, Sep. 17-20, 2006.
 The Keynote Speaker at the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Siedlce,
Poland, Sept. 21-22, 2006.