SPECIALIST TRAINEES’ PLACEMENT IN GENERAL ADULT PSYCHIATRY - POST – C5 Derbyshire Mental Health NHS Trust Radbourne Unit, Royal Derby Hospital, Birmingham Trainer: Dr. Subodh Dave Details of the Trainer Dr. Subodh Dave is a Consultant in General Psychiatry (Community) and Clinical Teaching Fellow with a special interest in undergraduate medical student education. He is the Chair of the Trust’s Medical Advisory Committee. The trust is an active member of the Mental Health Research Network and Dr. Dave is member of the Trust’s Research Group and is actively involved in the Trust’s Research Programme. Specialist trainees will be encouraged to take up their own research projects or join in with the various on-going research activities at the hospital. Details of the Service DERBYSHIRE MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES TRUST The Foundation Trust provides comprehensive specialist Mental Health services to the population of Derbyshire. This is a wide and beautiful geographical area, predominantly rural but with two major urban centres in Derby and Chesterfield. The Trust is organised into 3 business units: City, general adult and old age in Derby County, covering general adult and old age outside the city of Derby District, covering specialist services such as EIS, AOR, Rehabilitation, AOR, and Substance misuse The Trust has adopted the functionalized model of service delivery recently and Dr. Dave works as a Community Psychiatrist managing a population of about 22,000 belonging to 3 central Derby GP surgeries. The community-based service also includes provision of consultation/liaison service to the sector patients receiving acute medical care. Dr. Dave is part of the Communuty Mental Health Team- team 2 based at St. James’ House, Derby. The medical team consists of three Consultant Psychiatrists (Whole-time equivalent); 1.6 GPVTS (equivalent) in addition to the SpR. The team is supported by community nurses, Occupational Therapists, Psychologists and Social Workers. Details of the Training Post It is recognised that ST4-6 placement is a training placement and that adequate supervision is essential. At the same time the need for a degree of professional and clinical independence at this level of training will be respected. The posting provides training with a view of equipping StRs to assume the responsibilities of a Consultant Psychiatrist. It offers an opportunity to develop his/her skills in all areas of general and community psychiatry. In addition there is ample scope for the trainee to gain first hand knowledge of medical management by shadowing Dr. Dave in his management role or involving himself/herself in management projects under the supervision of dr. Dave. There is particular scope for trainees to hone their proficiency in delivering quality psychiatric education. The Undergraduate Psychiatric Teaching Unit in Derby has been shortlisted nationally for its Volunteer Patient Teaching Programme and the StR will have the opportunity to participate in this innovative programme. Role of StR The StR is expected to take an active part within the team in all areas at the level of a senior psychiatrist. The Specialist Registrar is expected to provide high quality front-end assessment, diagnosis and management for patients referred to the Team. In particular, there will be opportunity to triage, assess and manage referrals made to the new assessment service (Pathfinder Team). For those trainees requiring in-patient experience, there will be the option of spending a proportion of their training time on the in-patient units based at Radbourne Unit. The StR is expected to take an active part in case conferences, aftercare meetings and multidisciplinary assessment of patients and obtain experience of assessments in police stations, prisons or in the community as appropriate. The City’s only bail hostel is in Dr. Dave’s catchment area and includes patients on MAPPA levels 2.. Due to wide range of clinical activities within the unit, there is plenty of room for flexibility with the opportunity for the SpR to avail himself/herself of areas of clinical work that would be most useful for his/her training needs. Research will be actively encouraged and the Specialist Registrar and there is an active research programme in medical education within the Undergraduate Psychiatric Teaching Unit and a more general research programme within the Trust. will have two sessions per week to pursue his/her research interests. Supervision for research projects undertaken by the Specialist Registrar will be provided by Dr. Dave or if more appropriate, arrangements will be made for supervision from another consultant with knowledge in the particular area of research undertaken by the Specialist Registrar. The Specialist Registrar will be expected to be actively involved in teaching and training of medical students and help with the organisation of the unit teaching programmes. He/She will be expected to attend the monthly Medical Advisory Committee meetings, and will have the opportunity to attend other management meetings as an observer. Dr. Dave is the Lead Clinician on the Trust’s Quality Cabinet and the StR will get first hand experience of Quality Innovation Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) programmes within the Trust. Educational Goals Intended learning outcome 1, 8 and 14 Be able to perform specialist assessment of patients and document relevant history and examination on culturally diverse patients using good communication skills and inform and educate them appropriately The trainee will carry out assessment of new referrals and follow up in the community individually as well as jointly with members of CMHT. The sector has a culturally diverse population. This will be assessed using the ACE, mini-ACE and CbD work place based assessments. Intended learning outcome 2 and 4 Demonstrate the ability to construct formulations of patients’ problems that include appropriate differential diagnoses and risk assessment Assessments will be discussed in supervision and all new Pathfinder assessments will be discussed weekly in the multidisciplinary team meeting where a detailed holistic joint formulation will be constructed. This will be assessed through CbD. Intended learning outcome 3 Demonstrate the ability to recommend relevant investigation and treatment in the context of the clinical management plan. Each assessments being conducted will be discussed in supervision with a discussion about management plans including investigation strategies. This will be assessed through CbD. Intended learning outcome 5 Based on the full psychiatric assessment, demonstrate the ability to conduct therapeutic interviews; that is to collect and use clinically relevant material. The trainee will be expected to establish a therapeutic relationship with patients and carers. A particularly challenging aspect will be the large proportion of patients from the psychosis cluster with chronic poor engagement and also those from the chaotic presentation cluster. The ACE and Mini- ACE will be used to assess this. Intended learning outcome 6 Demonstrate the ability to concisely, accurately and legibly record appropriate aspects of the clinical assessment and management plan The trainee’s written communications and medical record entries will be discussed in supervision CbD will be used to assess this. Intended learning outcome 7 Develop the ability to carry out specialist assessment and treatment of patients with chronic and severe mental disorders and to demonstrate effective management of these disease states As a senior medical member of the Recovery team, the trainee will be expected to assess and provide treatment plans (under supervision) for the more complex care clusters CbD will be used to assess this Intended learning outcome 9 Demonstrate the ability to work effectively with colleagues, including team working An integral part of working in a CMHT is multi-disciplinary team working. This will be assessed using DoNCS and through 360 degree feedback Intended learning outcome 10, 11 and 13 Develop appropriate leadership skills including time management and problem-solving The trainee will be able to shadow/observe the Consultant and deputise for him in certain management meetings including those related to clinical governance This will be formatively assessed in supervision. Intended learning outcome 12 Develop the ability to conduct and complete audit in clinical practice The trainee will have the opportunity to participate in existing Trust audits This will be formatively assessed in supervision Intended learning outcome 15 Develop and utilise the ability to teach, assess and appraise The trainee will be expected to contribute to the undergraduate teaching programme and also participate in providing formative assessments to medical students as also to contribute to the final psychiatry examination (summative assessment). Academic supervision will be available for the same. He/she will be involved in the assessment and appraisal of junior trainees and chair case conferences and educational meetings regularly. AoT will be used to assess this. Intended learning outcome 16 Develop an understanding of research methodology and critical appraisal of the research literature The trainee can participate in existing medical education research or in other MHRN sponsored research projects within the Trust. Academic supervision will be available for the same. This will be assessed in supervision.