Biodiversity Summit Information Note - edited(08-11

Biodiversity Summit For Cities & Subnational Governments 2014
Alpensia Convention Center, Pyeongchang, Gangwon Province, Republic of Korea
12-14 October, 2014
1. Outline
2. Registration
3. Visas
4. Getting to the Summit
5. Accommodation
6. Eco Culture Tour
7. Contact
Date: 12 Oct. 2014 (Eco Cultural Tour); 13 – 14 Oct. 2014 (Summit)
Venue: Alpensia Convention Center 2nd floor – Grand Ball Room
Participants: Subnational Government and City leaders and experts in biodiversity froma
round the world and the Republic of Korea
Hosted by: Gangwon Provincial Government
Convened by: ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability and Secretariat of the
Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD)
Partners: Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea, IUCN, UN-Habitat, UNEP,
URBIO, nrg4SD, etc.
Please see annex 1 for an outline of the Biodiversity Summit programme.
For information on the CBD COP 12 programme, please refer to the relevant page of the official
COP 12 website
All participants must register for the Biodiversity Summit. By doing so, ICLEI will automatically register
each participant for CBD COP 12 as well, as the Summit will be held within the restricted area of the
COP venue.
1) Pre-register online: Register for the Biodiversity Summit by filling out the registration form on the
registration page. Registration opens on 11 August and closes on 10 September.
2) Receive Summit registration confirmation letter: After you have completed the registration
process, the Summit organizers will issue a registration confirmation letter to you via email after 11
September 2014. Please print this letter and bring it with you to receive your Biodiversity Summit
3) Receive Priority Pass and visa support letter from CBD: When you register for the Biodiversity
Summit, ICLEI will automatically register you for CBD COP 12. The Secretariat of the CBD will
then send you a priority pass that will allow access to the restricted area of the COP venue. A visa
support letter will also be issued, whether or not your require one. The Priority Pass must ALSO be
printed and brought with you, as well as valid photo identification (preferably passport).
4) Obtain your Summit and COP 12 badges at the venue: When you arrive at the venue please bring
1) the Biodiversity Summit registration confirmation letter, 2) your priority pass issued to you by the
CBD and 3) valid identification, in order to receive both your Biodiversity Summit badge and your
CBD COP12 badge. You will first need to obtain your COP 12 badge in order to enter the restricted
area. Then, make your way to the Convention Center to register for the Summit. Together, these
passes will permit access to all parts of the COP venue where observers are allowed. A map of the
entire venue can be viewed on the venue page of the COP 12 website.
PLEASE NOTE: You will not be given your badges or allowed access to the venue without
If you want to register various participants from your organization collectively, please take care to enter
the email and postal addresses of each individual participant and send it to
The name of the registration file should be the name of your organization.
For security reasons, the display of conference badges is mandatory at all times to gain access to the
meeting venue and meeting rooms. Any loss of a conference badge should be reported immediately to the
registration counter.
Please note that Summit participants are encouraged not to pre-register for COP 12 individually
(separately to Summit registration) unless wishing to attend the entire COP itself. This is necessary to
deal with the high volume of additional participants attending only during the days of the Summit. If you
would prefer to register separately and are attending much of the COP, please make this clear to the
Summit organizers when registering for the Summit.
The table below indicates the times at which participants can register on-site for COP 12, by producing
their priority pass and proof of identification:
Thursday, 2 October 2014
Friday, 3 October 2014
Saturday, 4 October 2014
Sunday, 5 October 2014
Monday, 6 October 2014
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Thursday, 9 October 2014
Friday, 10 October 2014
Saturday, 11 October 2014
Sunday, 12 October 2014
Monday, 13 October 2014
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Friday, 17 October 2014
Registration hours
8:00 to 18:00
8:00 to 18:00
10:00 to 18:00
10:00 to 18:00
8:00 to 20:00
8:00 to 18:00
8:00 to 18:00
8:00 to 18:00
8:00 to 18:00
10:00 to 18:00
10:00 to 18:00
8:00 to 18:00
8:00 to 20:00
8:00 to 18:00
8:00 to 18:00
8:00 to 18:00
All participants are required to have a valid passport with an expiry date of at least six months after the
date of entry into the Republic of Korea. Participants requiring a visa to enter the Republic of Korea are
strongly advised to register as early as possible to start the visa process, and at least 4 weeks in advance.
Pre-registration for COP 12 (by pre-registering for the Summit) will automatically generate a visa
assistance letter from the CBD. Participants are responsible for their own visa applications. Please
determine whether you require a visa to enter the republic of Korea by visiting the website of the Korean
Embassy relevant to your country, and follow the process prescribed on that website. Please bear in mind
that an entry visa is issued in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Korea.
Welcome desks will be set up at Incheon and Gimpo airports to facilitate your transfer to Alpensia. The
desks will operate from Thursday, 25 September to Friday, 17 October 2014 (between 07:00 and 23:00)
and will have COP-MOP-7 and COP-12 signage. Delegates are required to purchase shuttle tickets to
Pyeongchang at the welcome desks. Please refer to the pages on transportation on the official COP 12
website for additional information and airport maps.
Venue: Grand Ball Room
2nd floor, Alpensia Convention Center
Solbong-ro 325, Daegwallyeong-myeon, Pyeongchang
Gangwon Province
Republic of Korea
Web site:
For other information about the venue, please click here.
Accommodation is limited and mostly off-site. Please refer to the accommodation pages of the official
COP 12 website for additional information.
An exciting Eco Culture Tour has been organized for foreign participants wishing to see a bit more of
Gangwon Province’s natural beauty and cultural attractions. More information on the Eco Culture Tour
will be provided online at in due course.
Those wishing to participate in the Eco Culture tour, please secure your participation by clicking on the
‘Biodiversity Summit section - 12, October (Eco Culture tour)’ on the registration form
Should you require information or assistance not provided in this information note or on the Summit or
COP 12 websites, please contact:
Yeajun Chun
Program Officer, ICLEI Korea Office
16, Jeongjo-ro 905 beon-gil, Paldal-gu,
Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea 442-420
Tel: + 82-31-255-3257
Fax: + 82-31-256-3257
E mail:
Website: ;
[ Annex 1. ]
24 July 2014
Sunday, October 12th
Site visit – hosted by Gangwon Province
Monday, October 13th
1: Opening
Start 09:00
Passing of the torch from Hyderabad and Andhra Pradesh to
Pyeongchang and Gangwon Province
Purpose and outline of the Summit
Introduction of the Summit Declaration and its presentation to the
High-Level Segment
The importance of Subnational Implementation in the context of
2. Sustainable
Development –Global
collaboration and
Biodiversity and cities in the SDGs, and linking to the work of the
Global Partnership on Local and Subnational Action for Biodiversity
Advisory Committees of Cities and of Subnational Governments to
the Global Partnership will review progress in supporting the
Parties, through the presentation of case studies
3. Research – Crossing
the science-policy divide
4. LAB-Korea –
Report on the meeting of scientists at the 2014 Urban Biodiversity
and Design (URBIO) Conference
Proposed global urban biodiversity research agenda for the
consideration of national governments
Urban biodiversity research: a discussion of its significance
and status
Launch of ICLEI’s new program in Korea, Local Action for
Biodiversity – Korea
5. Biodiversity Planning
– Designing a greener
Gangwon Declaration
End 18:30
Exploration of the ways in which levels of government are working
together to translate the Strategic Plan of the CBD into plans at the
local and subnational level
Presentation of the Gangwon Province Biodiversity Strategy and
Action Plan
Pyeongchang / Gangwon Declaration – feedback and discussion
with audience and partners
Biodiversity Summit welcome event – hosted by Gangwon Province
Tuesday, October 14th
People and conservation
Start 9:00
Gaining public and political support, including awareness-raising,
ecotourism and exploring the co-benefits of biodiversity
8. The Green Creative
Economy – Reconciling
parallel systems
Integrating the economy and ecology, and how to prevent conflict of
Exploring financial mechanisms that benefit biodiversity and
9. The Urban Nexus –
into governance
High-level Mayors/Governors’ round-table to discuss how to
overcome the silo approach, and mainstream and integrate
biodiversity into governance structures
10. Closing
End 15:00
Overview of the final Gangwon Declaration, and next steps
Closing ceremony