1 Supplementary Information for manuscript # 2003-03-01737 Complete atomic model of the bacterial flagellar filament by electron cryomicroscopy Koji Yonekura, Saori Maki-Yonekura & Keiichi Namba List of files Name : 2003-03-01737SupFig1.jpg size : 787 x 621 (142kByte) type : jpg Supplementary Figure 1 Stereo view of the middle and upper parts of domain D1 from inside the filament. The structure of this portion showed little changes from the crystal structure of F41, and therefore, an appropriate place to check the quality of the density map. The atomic model of a subunit is superimposed and atoms are coloured coded as: carbon, yellow; nitrogen, blue; oxygen, red. Prepared with XTALVIEW45 and RASTER3D46. Contour level of the map is ~ 2. Name : 2003-03-01737SupFig2.jpg size : 723 x 1152 (218kByte) type : jpg Supplementary Figure 2 Stereo diagram of an array of 9 flagellin subunits in the Rtype straight filament. a, Viewed from outside of the filament. b, Viewed from inside the filament. A flagellin subunit at the centre is coloured red. Prepared with MOLSCRIPT47 and RASTER3D46. Name : 2003-03-01737SupFig3ab.jpg size : 824 x 1111 (283kByte) type : jpg Name : 2003-03-01737SupFig3cd.jpg size : 826 x 1128 (268kByte) type : jpg Supplementary Figure 3 Interactions of flagellin subunits along each direction of the major helical arrays in the R-type straight filament. a, Along the 11-start; b, along the 5start; c, along the 6-start; d, along the 16-start. Colour scheme of side chains is: positive, blue; negative, red; polar, black; and hydrophobic, yellow. Each pair of the molecules in a, b, c and d is shown at the left side in the same subunit array as in Supplementary Fig. 2b. Prepared with MOLSCRIPT47 and RASTER3D46. 2 Supplementary Table 1 Data statistics of the flagellar filament Repeat distance (Å) 1698.8 Basic helix index (n10, l10) ( 11, 4) (n01, l01) ( -5, 31) Selection rule l = 66 n + 361 m Maximum Bessel order 170 Number of layer-lines 298 Number of averaged images 102 Number of averaged molecules 41,469 Included data in resolution (Å) along the meridian 4.0 along the equator 5.0 3 Resolution (Å) ~ 20 20 ~ 15 15 ~ 10 10 ~ 7.0 7.0 ~ 5.0 5.0 ~ 4.0 4.0 ~ 3.0 ~ 4.0 FOM Supplementary Table 2 Figure of merit (FOM)# obtained by combination of the EM phase and the model phase Sector I* 0.886 0.750 0.677 0.523 0.474 0.429 0.415 0.475 Sector II* 0.908 0.831 0.714 0.552 0.496 0.447 0.432 0.497 Sector III* 0.969 0.666 0.773 0.562 0.500 0.452 0.443 0.506 # F N FOM FEM N , (1) where summation was taken over all N data within a resolution ring, FEM is a structure factor of the EM data. F is defined as, F w PEM ( ) Pcalc( )FEM ( )d P EM ( ) Pcalc( )d , (2) where w is a radial amplitude scaling factor for the EM data against the model data. PEM and Pcalc represent the phase probability for the EM and model phase, respectively as, PEM ( ) Pcalc( ) exp[ X 1cos( EM )] exp[ X 2 cos( calc)] , (3) where EM and calc refer to the EM and model phase, respectively. By modifying the equation used in X-ray crystallography44, we define X1 = X2 = X as, X 2w FEM Fcalc w FEM Fcalc , (4) where Fcalc is a structure factor of the model data. *Data set in a quadrant was equally divided into three fan-shaped sectors, I, II and III, each covering an angular range of 30, where sector I is close to the equator, sector II in the middle, and sector III close to the meridian.