New postharvest treatments: expanding markets for tropical fruits M.N. Ducamp and W. Sagoua CIRAD UMR QUALISUD TA B 95/16 73 Bd J.F Breton, 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5, France Introduction For the last twenty years or more, it has been possible to consume fresh fruit from other continents on a daily basis. The tropical fruits and vegetable sector was late to develop, only reaching maturity when the preservation of freshness, an essential requirement of the market, was no longer an issue. Reduction in transportation times and the use of refrigeration led to the preservation of quality of imported produce. In Europe, the tropical fruits that are most consumed are: banana, mango, pineapple, avocado and papaya ( The value of annual imports of tropical fruits reached a total of €355 million (, which represents 22% of the total fruit import market. Even though these figures suggest a smoothly functioning system, the importation of tropical fruits into European countries is still subject to problems that adversely impact fruit quality. Transport-related losses are significant and lead to wastage of top-quality produce. In addition, the cost of these losses is distributed across both ends of the food-supply chain: in the producer countries of the South and during sale to European consumers. Postharvest losses of tropical fruit are also significant, ranging from 10% to 85%, both in developed as well as in developing countries (Coursey and Booth, 1972; Subramanyam, 1986; Jeffries and Jeger, 1990; Paull, 2001). These causes may be physiological, pathological or mechanical. Spoilage as a result of parasites is the most common, causes the most damage and is the hardest to prevent, because the pathogenic organisms are so varied 1 with each type requiring a specific action. It should be noted that for a total of 100,000 fungi, less than 10% are pathogenic for plants and around 100 species are responsible for the majority of postharvest damage. International food-resource agencies recommend a substantial reduction of postharvest losses to meet future food needs of world populations. Most of the industrial processes used for fruit disinfection require the application of chemical compounds such as fungicides, bactericides and insecticides, which often lead to the presence of residual traces of these products. Increased awareness of environmental protection is driving European populations to turn to biological products and a niche economic opportunity is thus opening up for tropical fruits. A new issue thus arises: what methods to adopt for the biological processing of tropical fruit to extend the shelf life so as to continue to offer a wide range on the European markets? Postharvest techniques for tropical fruits The methods of protecting fruit after it has been harvested can be divided into three broad groups of unequal importance and efficacy: physical, chemical and biological methods. Often, for a given fruit, several techniques are employed, separately or simultaneously. Physical methods of protection will not be covered in this article; emphasis will be on the chemical methods, especially, the use of natural molecules originating from specific biological systems or from plants. ‘Chemical’ protection Chemical methods for protecting fruit are many and varied. They act directly on the fruit physiology or on the micro-organisms causing degradation (Jacobs et al., 1973). These products are often easier and cheaper to use than physical methods, and their qualities have led to a reduction of residual levels to very small amounts. As far as possible, it is 2 always preferable to apply them postharvest; contact with the fruit is much better than in the orchard and the quantity of pesticide required is smaller. The use of synthetic chemical molecules to arrest postharvest degradation is diminishing because of their possible carcinogenic and teratogenic effects, their high residual toxicity, the long time they take to break down, the environmental pollution they cause and their effect on food and on users. In fact, these molecules very often leave residues on treated produce (Kast-Hutcheson et al., 2001; Sorour and Larink, 2001). Most postharvest parasite-related spoilage is of cryptogamic origin and, therefore, fungicides are frequently, even systematically, used for disinfecting exotic fruits. Several compounds of the benzimidazole group (benomyl, thiabendazole, carbendazim and methyl-thiophanate) have proven to be extremely active at very low doses. In addition, they have the property of penetrating the epidermis and reach deep infections or latent spores (appressorium). However, they are not active against the entirety of fungal species. Almost all fungicides are offered as water-soluble formulations, as solutions or as stable suspensions. They are applied by immersion, spraying and, sometimes, by passage through a foam ‘blanket’. Immersion allows good contact of the fungicide with the whole fruit, especially with fruits of irregular shape. It is suitable for low-density fruit that floats well but requires managing huge vats, large amounts of water, and constant and accurate monitoring of the concentration. One must note that some pathogens have developed resistance to several products, leading to significant problems. Diseases of postharvest fruits that are strictly bacteria-related are few in number. The rotting where bacteria are present is most often initiated by fungus; bacteria are only present as a secondary infection (Laville, 1994). 3 Research for new protection methods based on natural molecules Given the human health and pollution problems associated with using fungicides and other chemical treatments, researchers are pursuing different strategies, such as physical treatments (heat treatment, cold treatment and hot water treatment), use of non-selective fungicides (sodium carbonate, ascorbic acid, for example), improved harvesting and conditioning techniques to limit damage and injury to the fruit. In this article, some innovative techniques that have been piloted namely an enzymatic system of natural origin (lactopeoxidase), which can be used as an antifungal agent on tropical produce and the use of an essential oil with antifungal properties: neem oil, are proposed. Lactoperoxidase The lactoperoxidase system (LPS) has been used to preserve raw milk. The lactoperoxidase enzyme is present in a natural state in raw milk and under certain activation conditions, can inhibit or destroy a wide range of bacterial flora. In fact, the LPS has been put to use at an industrial scale by reactivating its antimicrobial properties in its substrate of origin. Moreover, a large body of work has focused on it in various countries, especially for preserving milk products. The activity of the LPS depends on three factors: lactoperoxidase enzyme; thiocyanate (~SCN), which is present naturally in milk and in vegetables of the Brassicaceae family (cabbage, rape, etc.); and, finally, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). CIRAD research teams reasoned that the lactoperoxidase system could be a suitable alternative to bactericidal and antifungal treatments applied to fresh mango. Studies have therefore focused on demonstrating the effect of LPS on microorganisms responsible for spoilage in the mango: Xanthomonas spp., Botryodiplodia spp. and Colletotrichum spp., and also on the effect of an overall treatment using the lactoperoxidase system for the preservation of fresh mango fruit. 4 Antimicrobial effect of LPS The reactions catalyzed by lactoperoxidase produce oxidation compounds of SCN-, which have an antimicrobial activity. The main compound is hypothiocyanite (OSCN-): a mole of H2O2 produces a mole of hypothiocyanite (Thomas, 1985). Since lactoperoxidase has a maximal activity at pH 5.5, there is an equilibrium between the basic form of the hypothiocyanite ion, OSCN-, and its acidic form HOSCN (Fig. 1). The HOSCN form seems to have a more pronounced bactericide effect (Thomas and Aune, 1978). LPO 2 SCN- + H2O2 (SCN)2 (SCN)2 + H2O HOSCN + H+ + SCN- HOSCN (pK = 5.3) OSCN- + H+ OSCN- + protein-SH Fig. 1: Oxidation + 2e- protein-S-SCN + OHof sulfhydryl proteins (enzymes) catalyzed by lactoperoxidase (Pruitt et al., 1982). The oxidation of sulfhydryl enzyme groups (-SH) and other proteins by hypothiocyanite is considered the key factor in the antimicrobial action of the LPS system (Reiter and Harnulv, 1984). It seems that the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane sustains structural damage or modifications because the organisms exposed to LPS immediately release potassium, amino acids and polypeptides. Consequently, the consumption of glucose, purines, pyridines and amino acids is inhibited as is protein production and DNA and RNA replication (Reiter and Harnulv, 1984). There exist two broad types of effects of the lactoperoxidase system: 5 A bactericidal effect on the Gram-negative, catalase-positive bacteria, for example, Pseudomonas, coliforms, Salmonella and Campylobacter (Björck et al., 1975; Reiter et al., 1976; Purdy et al., 1983; Borch et al., 1989). A bacteriostatic effect on Gram-positive, catalase-positive bacteria, for example, Streptococcus and Lactobacillus, Listeria and Staphylococcus (Oram and Reiter, 1966; Earnshaw and Banks, 1989). Research on the effect of LPS on yeasts and moulds has shown that LPS can inactivate a broad spectrum of yeasts and moulds, such as Rhodutorula rubra, Saccharomyces spp., Geotrichum spp., Mucor rouxii, Aspergillus niger and Byssochlamys fulva (Popper and Knorr, 1997). The system can be established either with a free enzyme and different substrates, which can present the problem of direct contact of the enzyme with the food produce to be treated, or with an immobilized enzyme, using a new non-thermal process of treating food produce based on a liquidactivation method. A pilot commercial product, Catallix® 30, reproduces the LPS reaction, and continuously produces activated water (Eau Activée®) capable of controlling microbial flora of food produce. Eau Activée® can be used on many food produce items by immersion, spraying or by dosed additions ( The free-enzyme system was tested in vitro on the growth of selected microbial strains: Xanthomonas spp., Botryodiplodia spp and Colletotrichum spp., all pathogens developing on mangoes. The inhibitor effect was evident on the growth of these strains at 30°C and particularly at pH 5.5. Immersion treatments in the LPS solution at pH 5.5 were then conducted in vivo on mangoes of the Keitt variety at 35°C for up to 240 minutes and on mangoes of the Kent variety at 50°C for up to 60 minutes. The surface microbial charge on the mangoes was significantly reduced as compared 6 to controls after 120 minutes for the treatment at 35°C and after only 30 minutes for the one at 50°C. The evaluation of the impact of the treatment on the quality of the mangoes after 2 to 3 weeks of conservation at 12°C with a relative humidity of 80% was conducted using the classic quality criteria: external and internal firmness, external and internal colour, chemical composition (titratable acidity, soluble dry extract and pH). A sensory evaluation of the fruit quality was conducted. The results obtained showed that the treatment for 120 minutes at 35°C did not significantly modify either the physico-chemical characteristics or the sensory evaluation with respect to the control. In contrast, the treatment at 50°C for 30 minutes considerably modified fruit quality. Finally, an evaluation of the effect of LPS effect on the Keitt mango variety inoculated with the above-mentioned strains has shown that at pH 5.5 and at 35°C, and after 120 minutes of treatment, the SLP has considerably reduced the symptoms of diseases caused by these strains in comparison with the control. LPS treatment thus presents itself as an interesting alternative to bactericidal and fungicidal treatments normally applied to fresh mangoes (Le Nguyen et al., 2006. 1 and 2). Anthracnose, caused by the Colletotrichum musae microbial agent, is the principal disease of the postharvest banana. It has spread to all bananagrowing regions of the world (Wardlaw, 1961). The disease manifests in two forms: quiescent anthracnose and injury anthracnose (Meredith, 1965). Quiescent anthracnose develops during the course of fruit maturation, and manifests as brown spots with diffused outlines, which can coalesce to form a bigger necrosis. The decay initially develops in the skin of the fruit, then colonizes the pulp. On older necroses, the acervuli produce conidia in a characteristic orange colour. These symptoms appear during the advanced maturation stage, most generally at the end of the production cycle, or the retailer or consumer stage (Chillet, 2003). Injury 7 anthracnose, commonly called canker, develops on fruit that is still green, from skin lesions caused by physical trauma during harvesting and packing operations (Meredith, 1965). It leads to much greater damage and loss than does quiescent anthracnose because necroses develop more rapidly and are bigger and deeper. The symptoms appear during maritime transport and during storage before the fruits are transferred to ripening centres. The effects of LPS and of its industrial derivative, Eau Activée®, on Colletotrichum strains in vitro have resulted in a net reduction in the growth rates of the strains and the number of germinated conidia. Both systems are thus effective agents for reducing the growth rates as per the experiments carried out. Treatments involving the immersion of noninoculated bananas in the LPS solution have shown a reduction in the appearance of anthracnose lesions, and thus confirm the in vitro observations. This can also be linked to a slowing of the maturation of fruits, induced by the immersion treatment. Immersion treatments of banana fingers inoculated by the strains under study were compared with water- and fungicide-immersion treatments. Eau Activée® was as effective as the fungicide commonly used at packaging centres in reducing anthracnose lesions or necroses linked to the development of crown rot. The disinfectant action of Eau Activée®, generated by the Catallix® 30 pilot unit, was confirmed in Guadeloupe. For this, Eau Activée® was used as a substitute for wash water. Latex dripping from the cuts of banana bunches did not have any effect on the effectiveness of the produced ions. The oxidation of sulfhydryl groups (-SH) of some enzymes and proteins by OSCN- is considered the key factor in the antimicrobial action of LPS (Reiter and Harnulv, 1984). It attaches itself to the membranes of the micro-organisms and disintegrates them. The dosage was measured before each trial. It was produced at concentrations ranging from 600 to 8 300 µM. This concentration dropped after the trials. The ion loss in the treatment water implies an attachment at the banana finger level. This explains the reduction in the anthracnose lesions and in crown rot. The results obtained clearly show the inhibiting effect of these ions with respect to the development of micro-organisms used. CIRAD’s goal was to prove the effectiveness of SLP and Eau Activée® in reducing diseases of the banana. This goal was achieved. Nevertheless, the use of the system at the industrial scale presupposes its optimization. Eau Activée® has proven effective for a treatment of 20 minutes when potable water was used as input to the Catallix® 30 pilot unit. The concentrations of the ions used have led to the reduction in the appearance of lesions on already-contaminated bananas, but these are not realistic levels. CIRAD researchers therefore have to: Adapt the ion concentrations to the treatments by optimizing them; Verify the effect of pH on the treatment’s effectiveness. Indeed, the OSCN- ion is more effective at pH 5.5 in its acid form, HOSCH (Thomas and Aune, 1978); Verify that the effectiveness extends over different banana varieties and at different packaging centres; Verify that the installation of Eau Activée® production equipment at packaging centres will not be too expensive; Consider problems recycling caused by Eau Activée® water table (bearing pollution, in mind especially the in Guadeloupe); Test LPS as a retarding agent for fruit maturation. Nevertheless, even if a lot remains to be done, this alternative to chemical fungicide treatment shows tremendous promise. In fact, a reduction in 9 fungicide use leads to a reduction in pollution, as well as to an improvement in the quality of the product for the consumer’s health. Essential oils Many plants contain natural active materials with widely diverse effects. Some have the property of inhibiting microscopic fungi and thus offer an alternative to chemical treatments with synthetic molecules. Antifungal activity of essential oils is well documented (Reuveni et al., 1984; Deans and Ritchie, 1987; Alankararao et al., 1991; Baruah et al., 1996; Gogoi et al., 1997; Pitarokili et al., 1999; Meepagala et al., 2002) and several studies have been conducted on their postharvest use. The advantage of essential oils is their bio-activity in the vapour phase, which makes them attractive candidates for fumigation use. In general, even though their antifungal activities can be easily demonstrated in vitro, their activities in real conditions have received relatively little attention. In the past few years, there has been renewed interest in extracts from aromatic and other plants with antifungal activity. Focus is placed on neem seeds and, in particular, on the oil that is extracted from them. Antimicrobial and therapeutic properties Neem has been known in India for thousands of years for its myriad benefits. In Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine, it is even called the ‘medicine tree’ because of its curative and preventative properties (Biswas et al., 2002). It contains a large number of active molecules of the triterpenoid family and possesses antimicrobial properties. In Western countries, neem has become an important aromatherapy product. However, the human health sector is not the only one to use neem. In fact, there are numerous agricultural uses of this 10 plant. For example, the seeds and leaves are used in agriculture for protecting crops and for postharvest preservation. For example, dried neem leaves are used to protect harvested grain against parasites. To protect sorghum or maize from stalk borers (Busseola fusca), powdered neem seeds are spread over the fields. Neem oil is very rich in volatile compounds, such as acetic acid, unsaturated aldehydes and sulphur compounds, known to possess antimicrobial effects. In addition, it contains triterpenic compounds such as azadirachtins (A, B, D, H and I), nimbin, deacetyl nimbin and salanin. Differences in the composition of volatile compounds have been observed depending on the method of extracting the essential oil. Oil extracted with Soxhlet presents an abundance of hydrocarbons (67%) and a composition less balanced in acids, alcohols, aldehydes and sulphur compounds than oil extracted by cold pressing. The composition of neem oil also depends on geography: Senegalese oil is richer in two major aldehydes, 2-methyl2-butanol and 2-methyl-2-pentanol, than oil from Cameroon. At the microbiological level, neem oils exhibit antifungal potential, irrespective of their geographical origin or extraction method. Conclusion New possibilities are opening up for postharvest treatments of fruits and vegetables in particular. Some of the mentioned technologies are in the process of being developed at industrial scales, notably systems involving lactoperoxidase. One of these systems has already received approval from Afssa (Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments: French Agency for Food Safety) for the minimal processing of salads as a replacement for chlorine washes. CIRAD is interested in the transfer of this technology, especially for the postharvest treatment of bananas, both in the interests of limiting immersion fungicide use at packaging centres and for disinfecting incoming and fruit wash water at the same centres. 11 The development of these technologies is being held back by various factors, the first of which is that it is very difficult to modify current practices of any sector. Industrialists are normally loath to invest in a new technology, fearing possible losses that may result from its adoption. A second factor is technology transfer, for which there is often no funding for the ‘pilot’ development phase. It is also noted that, irrespective of the technology used, it will be very difficult to achieve effectiveness with chemical products. Several natural molecules will certainly have to be used in combination to arrive at practically equivalent results. Given the direction legislation is taking in most countries, and the regulatory lowering of the allowable residual levels of some molecules in fruits and vegetables, alternatives to the use of chemical treatments should be developed and implemented to allow exports of good-quality produce. In addition, reduced use of chemical treatments is also a response to consumer demand for wholesome and healthy foods. References Borch, E., Wallentine, C., Rosen, M. and Bjorck, L. 1989. Antibacterial effect of the lactoperoxydase/thiocyanate/hydrogen peroxide system against strains of Campylobacter isolated from poultry. J. 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