Gun Control Debate

Name: ______________________
Date: ______________________
POD Debate: Gun Control (15points)
Directions: For the purposes of this debate, you will be split up into two sides, with one side in the
affirmative of the debate prompt, and the other in the negative. Once you have been assigned to a side,
you will then do research with your group on the prompt using the suggestions at the bottom of the
page. We will be in the computer Thursday this week and Wednesday next week, but you are
encouraged to do research on your own in-between time.
Debate Prompt: Should there be more regulation on gun
rights in American society?
Tips for what to research for this debate:
You should have at least 2 sets of research to use for this debate. This research can be any legitimate
source of information that you may want to use in helping craft your argument and position on the case
(so any newspaper stories, published data and findings, etc.). You will be required to turn in these two
sources on the day of debate in order to qualify for full credit at the debate.
When looking for ideas or areas of specificity that you may want to focus on, you may want to
 Death rates/crime rates involving handguns in the United States versus other weapons, or death
rates/crime rates in other countries with other weapons.
 2nd Amendment interpretations on who should own or possess a firearm (State militias or
private citizens). Particularly look up Court Cases involving gun rights.
 American culture with relation to gun ownership. Is it possible for American society to be gunfree? Why or why not?
 What kind of gun regulation already exists? Is it being enforced? Is it effective?
These are by no means the only topics for this debate that you can research or come up with. Use your
thinking to look up topics related to the debate prompt in addition to anything you may want to use
from above.
Debate Format:
This debate will follow typical class debate procedures, the three students with the current top grades in
the class will be judges of the debate, and will prepare questions to ask the affirmative and negative
sides. The remaining students will be divided up into the former groups, and will have to argue
convincingly, using statistics, data, and persuasive argument, why their side of the debate is correct.
This is not a competition to shout down or insult the other side, this debate must be won through
A single person on each side should be willing to prepare an opening statement where they will
summarize their side's position. If the group is unable to pick someone to deliver an opening statement,
someone will be picked for them. Similarly, a person from each side will also be needed to deliver a
closing statement at the end of the debate, to summarize what their side's argument has been about.
Class Debate Grading Rubric:
The class debate will be worth 15 points total in the Mastery Grade Category. 5 points will be awarded
for having two sources of research. Ten points will be awarded for participating in the debate. Full
credit will not be a given however. To earn full credit, here is the breakdown of how points will be
3 points = Spoke at least once during debate.
2 points = Spoke several times during the debate.
3 points = Answered a judge's question with an answer
supported by their research.
2 points = Countered an argument from the other side of the
debate with an adequate response.
Grading Rubric for Judges;
4 points = coming up with at least 3 questions to ask the
teams during the debate.
4 points = The 3 questions must each be free of bias
2 points = Adequate reasoning for why you chose the winner
of the debate. Answer must include references to particular
arguments made by the winning side, and whether they made
efficient use of statistics or other research in their arguments.
Most importantly, just remember to have fun while doing this!
“Should there be more regulation on gun rights in
American society?”
For Team:
Against Team:
Grading Rubric for Judges;
4 points = coming up with at least 3 questions to ask the teams during the debate.
4 points = The 3 questions must each be free of bias
2 points = Adequate reasoning for why you chose the winner of the debate. Answer must include
references to particular arguments made by the winning side, and whether they made efficient use of
statistics or other research in their arguments.