Seed ecology of Nootka lupine (Lupinus nootkatensis) in Iceland

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Seed ecology of Nootka lupine (Lupinus nootkatensis) in Iceland
Bjarni D. Sigurdsson1 & Borgthor Magnusson2
Forest Research, Mógilsá, 116 Reykjavík, Iceland.
Institute of Natural History, P.O. Box 5320, 125 Reykjavík,
The introduced Nootka lupine (Lupinus nootkatensis Donn ex. Sims) has been
used increasingly for land reclamation in Iceland during the last two decades. A
prerequisite for its use as a valuable reclamation tool is that its distribution can be
controlled. Therefore it is important to study the seed ecology of the species. The
present project took place at seven different sites in Iceland, where the lupine
has been introduced and formed patches. At the sites, seed production, seed
dispersal and active seed bank in soils were investigated. The seed production
was found to be variable within the lupine patches. The production was highest in
younger parts, close to the expanding edge (maximum 1800 seeds m-2), and
much less in inner and older parts (generally 200-500 seeds m-2). At the
expanding edge seeds did not disperse further than 3 m. Seed dispersal started
in early August, peaked in late September and ceased in early November. The
lupine forms a persistent seed bank in the soil. The highest number of buried
seeds (6700 and 2900 seeds m-2) was found in older lupine patches, where the
lupine had not yet retreated. Even where the lupine had retreated and was
replaced by grassland, a large viable seed bank remained in the soil (760 seeds
m-2). The seed bank was also buried significantly deeper in older plots, which
indicates that the seeds may last for many years in the soil. This has both
positive and negative implications for the use of the plant in land reclamation. If
erosion starts in a grassland that replaces the lupine, it can recolonise the area
from the active seed bank. The long-lived seed bank, however, makes it difficult
to fully control the distribution of the lupine.