HWP Minutes 08 Aug 2013

Health and Wellbeing Partnership Meeting
Thursday 08 August 2013 10.00am – 12.00pm
Room 8 B – Jacob’s Well
Janice Simpson (Co Chair)
Anita Parkin (Co Chair)
Nancy O’Neill
Paul Anderson
Nicola Ayres
John Breen
Julie Jenkins
Marilyn Foster
Sue Crowe
Sheila Bamford
Helen Farmer
Liz Allen
Strategic Director, Adult and Community Services, CBMDC
Director of Public Health, CBMDC
Director of Collaboration, Airedale Wharfedale and Craven,
Bradford City and Bradford Districts CCGs
VCS Rep, Health and Wellbeing forum
Co-ordinator, Older People’s Partnership, CBMDC
Neighbourhood Service, CBMDC
Childrens Trust
VCS Rep, Health and Wellbeing forum
Strategic Disability Partnership
Housing Partnership
NHS Airedale Wharfedale and Craven CCG
NHS Bradford City CCG
In attendance
Katie Brewerton
Jen White
Wendy Hall
Strategic Support, CBMDC
Strategic Support, CBMDC
Strategic Support, CBMDC
Caroline Schwaller
Andrew Jones
Pamela Coulson
Ann Wagner
Simon Large
Andrew O’Shaughnessy
Stuart Shaw
Frank Hanily
Ali Jan Haider
Healthwatch, KIVCA
Healthwatch, KIVCA
VCS Rep, Health and Wellbeing forum
Airedale NHS Foundation Trust – Stuart Shaw attending
Bradford District Care Trust – Frank Hanily attending
Public Health, CBMDC
Airedale NHS Foundation Trust
Bradford District Care Trust
Director of Strategy NHS Bradford Districts CCG and NHS
Bradford City CCG
Welcome and apologies
Janice welcomed everyone to the meeting and there was a round of
introductions. The above apologies were noted.
There were no declarations of interest
Minutes of meeting held on Thursday 25th April 2013 and matters arising
The minutes were agreed as a correct record although the Suicide Audit and
Suicide Prevention Strategy were not circulated. Jen agreed to circulate the
Health Inequalities Action Plan (HIAP)
Jen White, CBMDC, gave an outline of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy
(HWBS) and how the Health Inequalities Action Plan (HIAP) fits within this.
She highlighted that developing a HWBS for the district is a statutory
requirement for the Joint Health and Wellbeing Board (JHWB) and was
introduced as part of the Health and Social Care Act 2012. The HWBS sets
out the health and wellbeing priorities for the district drawing on the information
contained within the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). The HIAP
identifies and implements priority actions that have the potential to reduce
inequalities in health outcomes experienced between different populations
within Bradford District and between Bradford district and other parts of the UK.
The final draft HIAP will be presented to the JHWB at its meeting scheduled for
19th September.
The HIAP contains 18 priorities taken from the six sections of the JHWS.
Progress against the 18 priorities has been good. The main areas to confirm
are those related to Strategic Disability Partnership (SDP), Older Peoples
Partnership (OPP) and Regeneration and Prosperity Partnership (RAP).
A summary of progress developing the HIAP;
Priorities 1 – 6 agreed
Priority 7 and 17 to be discussed at the H & WB Partnership meeting on
08 August
Priority 8 to be discussed at the SDP and Learning Disability
Partnership (LDP) meeting on 15th August and actions agreed
Priority 9 and 10 to be discussed at the OPP meeting on 22 August
Priority 11 - Regen and prosperity waiting actions
Priority 12 - Regen and prosperity waiting actions
Priority 13 - Regen and prosperity waiting actions
Priority 14 - Agreed
Priority 15 - Agreed
Priority 16 – Agreed
Priority 18 – Agreed
Nicola confirmed that the OPP were overseeing priorities 9 and 10 and were
working on the actions (commitments). This will be discussed at their meeting
on 14th August and at their Board meeting on 22nd August.
SDP are working on priority 8 and have a meeting scheduled for 15 th August
with LDP, confident that this will be accepted
Bradford District Partnership (BDP)
Wendy Hall, CBMDC delivered an update on the BDP and their priorities. An
evaluation has been taken of the BDP and how it works with input from the
support and lead officers. This has prompted the current Chair, Councillor
Green, Leader of the Council, to instigate additional meetings. This differs
from the approach of the previous chair who had held one meeting a year.
Findings had suggested that once a year created a gap and was not as
successful in delivering the community strategy.
A different format to the BDP board meetings is now preferred, a more
workshop based approach with a clear aim for each meeting. The idea would
be for each meeting to address a particular objective within the district and to
be very strategic. The Board members would be able to work together to solve
problems. Rather than having officers servicing the entity they would have
more of a role of providing policy support. The meetings would enable a
greater understanding of our district rather than servicing Whitehall. They
could provide an opportunity to make our own decisions and to support each
other to become self determining.
Meetings to be held quarterly with membership from main partner
organisations in the district. There is no automatic membership for the
partnerships. Emphasis is on the partnership support officers to ensure strong
communication. There is collective two way responsibility with partnerships
feeding in information.
Ideas for future meetings are;
 mapping of physical assets and our approach to shrinking the public
sector presence in the district
 getting people skilled and into jobs and how this can be improved
 looking at items in the near future that may have implications for the
Health and Wellbeing Partnership feedback from the HIAP meeting held
on 17th June 2013
The Health and Wellbeing Partnership (HWBP) has been asked to be
overseeing partnership for Priorities 7 and 17 in the HIAP. This has been
discussed in detail at the Partnership meeting in April. It has also been
discussed at an event held in partnership with the OPP, SDP and Disability
LDP on 17th June.
The HWBP is looking at the following priorities;
Priority 7
Improve the mental health of people in Bradford
Priority 17
Reduce harm from preventable disease caused by tobacco, obesity,
alcohol and substance abuse
A summary was circulated of the commitments recommended at the meeting.
There was agreement that the HWBP could oversee priorities 7 and 17
however this may require a change to the Partnership Terms of Reference and
possibly the membership
Members of the HWBP suggested amendments to the commitments. Notes
were taken of all suggested amendments to the recommended commitments
and delivery partners.
Jen to
for final
Health & Well Being Partnership and future role – structure and
With the agreement that the HWBP will oversee the HIAP priorities then it is
important to look at the Terms of Reference. It is also important to consider
the broader changes to the health and social care structure. With the
establishment of the Health and Wellbeing Board and with Public Health
becoming part of the Council the HWBP needs to review and change. A draft
Terms of Reference was circulated
It was agreed that there needs to be ongoing work to develop the
A new name might be key in helping to define the role
It will be important to be clear what the role of the Partnership is and
how it contributes to district priorities
The suggested new name is the Health Improvement Partnership. This
reflects the approach to improving health and is a more action based name.
There was a concern about no longer including wellbeing. It was agreed that
this should be prominent in the principle purpose. Changes were suggested to
the Terms of Reference
There maybe a need to change the Chairs as the current arrangement was
established to include the PCT and the Council. As Public Health is part of the
Council this is no longer appropriate. Current arrangement to continue in the
short term but to be reviewed and changed.
Jen to
amend T
of R and
Any Other Business
Date of next meeting
The suggested dates of meetings to be changed so everyone can attend. All
meetings to be rescheduled for Monday afternoon close to the date of the
Members to let Jen know if they can offer appropriate venues for the meetings.
Jen to re