Minutes - University of San Diego

Minutes of the Graduate Student Council General Meeting
University of San Diego
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
6:00pm – 8:00pm
In Attendance:
Rebecca Aaron-Albanese
Lindsey Ball
Britainy Birkhoff
Lana Blank
Thomas Bobo (late)
Nicholas Franco
Farheen Kaka
Lauren Kawano
Justin Logan
Annie Reyes
Julio Rios
Michael Ross
Lindsay Sharon (late; email notification prior)
Gina Stavrakakis
Rob Thibaut
Brianna Tracy
Meghan Tracy
Hayley Umayam
Sean Horrigan
Megan Kennedy
Not In Attendance:
Katharine Petrich
Leonie Sandelbaum
Daniel Shehan
Time & Place: A meeting of the Graduate Student Council (GSC) was called to order
at 6:20pm on Tuesday, December 11, 2012 at the University of San Diego. Nicholas
Franco chaired the meeting.
Action Items
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Britainy Birkhoff moved to approve the meeting minutes from the previous meeting
of the GSC. Rebecca Aaron-Albanese seconded. All in favor.
Action Item(s): Approval of meeting minutes
Responsible: All GSC members
Councilor Affirmations
All GSC members present at the meeting completed an affirmation that did not
previously have one on file.
Action Item(s): Councilor affirmations
Responsible: Brianna Tracy (Secretary)
Graduate and Law Student Activity Fee Proposal Committee
Franco gave a final update on the progress of the Grad and Law Fee Increase
Committee consisting of Justin Logan, Britainy Birkhoff, Lindsey Ball, and Brianna
Tracy. The group has submitted thoughts and comments on questions regarding the
fee increase and will meet to discuss the issue further. Franco overviewed the
disbursement of the graduate and law student activity fees as it currently stands and
the proposed adjustments. The proposed model is that 30% of funds be allocated to
the GSC and 20% to Professional Development and Research and 50% to the
graduate associations respectively. In the future, the fee will increase in relation to
the lowest tuition increase of a given association. In the current proposal, the GSC
would no longer ask individual associations for event sponsorship. This version of
the Graduate Student Activity Fee Resolution was presented to the Board of
Trustees on November 29, 2012 by Franco.
Points of Discussion:
Intersession Fee:
o Councilor Lana Blank – Have there historically been activities or
events planned during Intersession? Franco – Not by the GSC.
o Councilor Gina Stavrakakis – Can we have a breakdown of what the
fees currently are and what they will be under the resolution as it
Vote to approve or disapprove:
Blank motioned to strike intercession fees from current Graduate Student
Activity Fee Resolution, Lindsey Ball seconded removal of the intersession
fee. Did not pass.
o Breakdown of GSC councilor votes available in ‘GSC Members Fall
Justin Logan motioned to approve the Graduate Student Activity Fee
Resolution, Aaron-Albanese seconded. Passed.
o Breakdown of GSC councilor votes available in ‘GSC Members Fall
Action Item(s): Graduate Student Activity Fee Resolution
Outcome: Intersession fee stands as is; Current proposal of the Resolution
GSC Budget Allocation Proposal
Franco gave a brief presentation entitled “Proposed Perpetual Budget Allocation”
(see proposal at end of these minutes).
Vote to approve or disapprove:
Birkhoff motioned to approve the GSC Budget Allocation proposal, Justin
seconded. All in favor.
Logan motioned to approve Honoraria for GSC Executive Council members
(Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary), Aaron-Albanese seconded. All in favor.
Action Item(s): GSC Budget Allocation
Outcome: Approval of the GSC Budget Allocation and Honoraria for GSC Executive
Council members
Spring Meeting Dates and Retreat
GSC Spring meeting dates will be decided upon via GSC Executive Council
availability and general councilor Doodle Poll. The Executive Council will decide
upon meeting times available to them and a Doodle Poll will be sent out before the
GSC Retreat (January 22, 2013) for councilors to vote on monthly meeting times.
Vote to Approve or Disapprove:
Tracy motioned to move Retreat from Jan. 21 to Jan. 22, Lindsey Sharon
seconded to move retreat to Jan. 22. All in favor.
Action Item(s): Exec Council availability and Doodle Poll
Responsible: Brianna Tracy (Secretary)
Graduate Student Perspectives for SACBOT
Carmen Vasquez asked for graduate student perspectives to be presented at
SACBOT. Group decided to table until later (possibly GSC Retreat in January 2013).
Kennedy will put together a group.
Action Item(s): SACBOT Perspective to be put in Retreat Agenda
Responsible: Kennedy
Other Business:
Dan Shehan will serve as the GSC representative for the Board of Trustees’
Academic Affairs Committee.
Current GSC funds at about approximately $33,000 (Farheen Kaka)
GSC and Associated Students Advocacy
o Updates on Dr. Lyons’s decision about Tina Beattie
 Hayley Umayam reported on the open forum.
 Aaron-Albanese and Franco reported about the dialogue.
o University of San Diego Task Force on the Bestowal of Institutional
Honors and Honorary Affiliations for non-USD Employees and
January Retreat: Monday, January 22 from 5:30pm – 9:00pm in SLP 412
Birkhoff motioned to adjourn meeting at 7:42, Stavrakakis seconded. All in favor.
Proposed Perpetual Budget Allocation1
December 6, 2012
Annual Retreats (4%)
General Meetings (6%)
Total (10%)
Graduate/Law Student WRRF (10%)
Fall Events (20%)
Spring Events2 (35%)
GSO Event Funding3 (20%)
Chair’s Discretionary Fund4 (5%)
Total (90%)
Dollar amounts have been calculated by applying the resolution’s methodology to 2011-2012 FY
enrollment numbers.
The End-of-Year Event will receive 25% of the total budget, totaling $6,421.50.
Additional funds will be added to this budget item from the GSC’s rollover funds—5% of the total
rollover (e.g., 5% of the current ~$15,000)—until the total rollover amount reaches the GSC-approved
minimum rollover amount.
Honoraria for the Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary shall come from the Chair’s discretionary funds,
totaling $450: $200 for the Chair; $150 for the Vice Chair; and $100 for the Secretary.