Birmingham Museums Picture Library Licensing Form

Birmingham Museums Picture Library Licensing Form
Your Details:
Company name:
Tel No:
End Client (What is the name of the client using this
licensed reproduction – if different from the above):
VAT number (if applicable):
Image to be reproduced:
Description / Title
Number (if known)
Usage Details:
Newspaper / Magazine
Website Exhibition
Exhibition Catalogue (work on
Exhibition Catalogue
Retail Use
CD/DVD Packaging
Exhibition / Display
PhD Thesis / Essay
Website Commercial
Website Academic
Name of publication/ production/ URL:
Publisher/ Broadcaster:
Licence period (How
long will the licensed
reproductions of an image
be in circulation):
Date of publication:
Print run (If you are
printing the image how
many copies will be
Start Date (When do you want
the image licence to begin):
Region (In which
territory/language will the
image appear):
One country
World incl. N. America
World excl. N. America
Placement (Where will the
image appear):
Front Cover:
Back Cover:
Home Page:
Any other relevant information:
¼ page:
Usage size
½ page:
Full page:
Declaration: I have read the conditions accompanying this form and agree to abide by them. I
understand that permission may be withdrawn if any part of them is infringed. Credit should state Artist’s
name, Title and Birmingham Museums Trust (incorrect citation will result in a further charge of 50% of
the fee).
…………………………………………… Dated:
Please email ( or post (Picture Library, Birmingham
Museums & Art Gallery, B3 3DH ) this form back to BM&AG Picture Library for confirmation of costs.
Please note that we cannot accept American Express. All files are delivered by email as high resolution
jpeg unless expressly requested.
Birmingham Museums Trust (BMT) Terms and Conditions Relating to the
Reproduction of Works of Art
1. Reproduction of images must be undertaken in accordance with Birmingham Museums Trust’s
Conditions Relating to the Reproduction of Works of Art (and Conditions Relating To The Electronic
Use of Images where applicable).
2. A Reproduction Application Form must be submitted, and payment received before materials and
permissions can be dispatched.
3. BMT reserves copyright on all photographic materials made in the service’s Museums.
4. ARTIST’S COPYRIGHT: All claims of the heirs and assignees of living artists or of artists who died
less than 70 years ago are the responsibility of the applicant.
5. Permission is only granted for the specific licensing terms stated. Additional permission for any
other use must be applied for separately in writing. This includes re-prints, further editions or reemployment of printing plates. A single edition is defined as one bearing a single ISBN number.
6. The duplication and storage of files beyond the term of the specified project in any form and by any
means is strictly prohibited.
7. All rights and permissions granted are non-exclusive.
8. Applications for details, bleeds and superimposed type must be accompanied by a layout sketch or
mock-up. The acknowledgement must include the word ‘detail.’
9. Images will not be supplied to commercial picture libraries.
10. BMT reserves the right to refuse permission for further applications.
11. Images must not be passed to third parties without the consent of BMT.
12. 50% of the original fee will be charged for incorrect or insufficient acknowledgements.
The minimum acknowledgement required is the name of the artist and title and the credit line: ©
Birmingham Museums Trust.
13. No additional publication rights may be assumed by any publisher. The client waives any claim to
any rights which may be created by the first publication of an image from BMT, where the original
copyright may have expired. (Ref. Article 4, Directive 93/98 Draft Duration of Copyright and Rights
in Performances Regulations 1995).
14. The permission shall not be held to imply any indemnity or warranty on the part of BMT, and it shall
not be obligatory upon BMT to commence or defend any action or other proceedings in respect of
or in connection with the above.
15. BMT reserves the right to change these Conditions at any time but no changes will affect a
transaction once entered into.
Birmingham Museums Trust Copyright Declaration
Birmingham Museums Trust reserves copyright on all photographic materials comprising items in
the collections. Any copyright or other intellectual property rights (including publication rights)
created in photographic materials are to be assigned to Birmingham Museums Trust.
Permission for reproduction rights must be applied for in writing to The Picture Library, Birmingham
Museums & Art Gallery, Chamberlain Square, Birmingham B3 3DH or by email to Each case will be evaluated separately.
Birmingham Museums Trust takes no responsibility for any additional copyrights e.g. Artists
Copyright. It is the clients who must satisfy themselves that any additional consent required for
reproduction is obtained. A copy of these conditions must be signed and dated by the applicant.
Data Protection Acts 1984 & 1998: Information gathered from this form will be used for the
processing of orders.
I have read and agree to comply with the above conditions.
All charges are subject to VAT at standard rate, where applicable. No goods will be provided until a
completed Application Form and completed Copyright Declaration are received by the Picture
Library. All charges will be based upon details provided on completed Application Forms. Your
order will be confirmed & a receipt issued on payment.
Academic Rates
Birmingham Museums Trust (BMT) encourages and supports the study and research of works held
in our collection for academic purposes. Our Picture Library holds an extensive range of images
available to order in print form.
The Criteria:
The academic/scholarly publication for printed or online should be:
of special academic interest
published by a University press or equivalent
a print run of 2000 or less
Please note that the fees listed above do not include copyright fees due to the artist or artist’s
estate. It is the responsibility of the customer to clear copyright. All reproduction rights are licensed
subject to payment of fees.
Methods of payment
VISA, MasterCard or Switch cards. (American Express is not accepted) or cheque in £ sterling,
made out to Birmingham City Council.