Name: Date: 6B- _____ Writing: Schooled Character Trait

Name: _________________________________________
6B- _____
Date: _________________________________
Writing: Schooled Character Trait ¶  Brainstorming Traits
Character Trait: An adjective (descriptive word) that names a key part of a
character’s personality. A character trait is not a noun (leader, bully, class clown,
etc.), nor is a character trait a physical description (tall, messy, etc.). Character
traits capture a fixed, or permanent, or at least deep side of a character: brave /
cautious; determined / passive; inquisitive / apathetic; empathetic / self-centered;
generous / opportunistic; optimistic / pessimistic; loyal / disloyal; resourceful /
unimaginative; positive / resentful; benevolent / malevolent; trustworthy /
mischievous... Character traits are not temporary reactions to an event, and they
are not passing moods: ecstatic, terrified, bored, surprised, annoyed, etc. Readers
can usually describe a character with more than one character trait, and some
characters change during the course of a novel. As a result, selecting a character
trait for a character can be challenging; sometimes, because of this, it takes readers
time, especially if they want to be precise, to capture a key trait in a character.
Directions: USE PENCIL. Skim through the book and find at least 2 quotes
(dialogue or narration), copied word-for-word, that accurately and precisely help
describe each of the characters below. You may use an ellipsis (…) to shorten your
quotes. Simply copy the main words of the quote and then use the ellipsis to skip
the less important part. Then, based on your quotes, name the best possible
character trait(s) for each character. You may have different traits for the different
Cap Anderson  Possible character traits: ______________________________________________
1. Quote: _____________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________ (pg. #: _______ )
2. Quote: _____________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________ (pg. #: _______ )
Zach Powers  Possible character traits: _______________________________________________
1. Quote: _____________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________ (pg. #: _______ )
2. Quote: _____________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________ (pg. #: _______ )
Naomi Erlanger  Possible character traits: ____________________________________________
1. Quote: _____________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________ (pg. #: _______ )
2. Quote: _____________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________ (pg. #: _______ )
Hugh Winkleman  Possible character traits: _________________________________________
1. Quote: _____________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________ (pg. #: _______ )
2. Quote: _____________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________ (pg. #: _______ )
Sophie Donnelly  Possible character traits: ___________________________________________
1. Quote: _____________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________ (pg. #: _______ )
2. Quote: _____________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________ (pg. #: _______ )