WORLD RELIGIONS Victoria Schrimsher M. Ed Mandarin High School E-Mail: Website: Phone # (904) 260-3911 Ext. 1139 COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is an introduction to religious belief as expressed in the major World Religions. Over the course of the semester, the student will study the four major Eastern Religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism) and the three Western Religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam). COURSE TEXTBOOK While there is not an assigned textbook for this course, I will be giving you readings on the World Religions throughout the semester. These readings will prove essential for completing your assigned Study Guides. I expect you to (1) bring these readings to class every day in a notebook and (2) keep them in the sequential order that I assign to you. LEARNING OUTCOMES/OBJECTIVES: The primary objective of this course is to acquire a basic appreciation of the world’s major Eastern and Western religious traditions. By the end of this course, the student should have an introductory knowledge of the texts, practices and beliefs associated with Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Daoism, Confucianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The course will also sharpen student’s comparative skills, as the instructor will ask students to place religious texts in conversation with another one a weekly basis. RESPECT CLAUSE As a student in a World Religions class you will likely encounter religious ideas that will be new and at times unusual. As your instructor, I encourage you to ask questions, provoke discussion, and even debate when necessary. What will not be tolerated, however, is the belittlement or deprecation religious beliefs that you may regard as ‘different.’ This is especially the case when dealing with the different forms of religious expression in our own classroom. Indeed, the best religion courses are those that create an atmosphere where all students are welcome to express their religious points of view without fear of condemnation. This is the standard for this class. GRADING The grades are determined on a total point system. Each assignment is given a total point value. At the end of the quarter a student’s points are added and then divided by the total points possible for the final average. Tests------------------------------------- 100-points Grade Scale: Projects: -------------- ----------------- 50- points A 90% –100% Quizzes: ------------------------------- -20 points B 80% - 89% Class/ Homework Assignments -- 10-40 points C 70% – 79% The following is an example: D 60% - 69% Susie’s grades: 5/10, 20/20, 67/100, 85/100=168 F 0.0% - 59% 177/230=77/C REQUIRED MATERIALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Spiral Notebook with at least 100 pages 2 Number 2 pencils 2 Pens (blue or black ink) 2 pens (red or green for edits) Colored pencils RULES & PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Classroom Rules Arrive on time with necessary materials Keep hands, feet, and objects to self Work during all work times Follow direction on the first request Follow student code of conduct Consequences 1. Verbal Warning 2. Student/Teacher Conference 3. Contact Parent 4. Guidance Referral 5. Administrative Referral *Teacher may choose not go in order depending on the infraction. HALL PASSES – Absolutely no hall passes will be given during either the first fifteen minutes or the last fifteen minutes of class. Hall passes will be granted only for emergencies such as illness or restroom needs. Students will be allowed three hall passes each quarter. ID BADGES, ELECTRONIC DEVICES & DRESS CODE – Students will be checked for I.D. badges and dress code as they enter class. Please remember students must wear their I.D. badges at all times. Students are not permitted to use any electronic devices (cell phones, mp3 players, I-Pods, etc.) during class unless otherwise noted by the teacher. Students will get one warning, then cell phone will be confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the day. Students that continue to violate cell phone policy will be placed on progressive discipline. ATTENDANCE AND MAKE-UP WORK – Attendance in class is extremely important. When a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to check with the teacher to obtain any assignments missed. Any missed assignments, quizzes, or tests need to be made up at designated times. Students missing a quiz or test will take the missing assessment the day they return to class. COMMUNICATION Students, I welcome opportunities to help you, and I encourage you to make arrangements to see me if you are experiencing difficulty with the course. Parents, please feel free to contact me at any time. You may contact me via email at or at 904-260-3911 ext. 1139 * The Instructor reserves the right to make changes to the course syllabus with notification to the parent and student. WORLD RELIGIONS (2015-2016) VIDEO PERMISSION FORM & SYLLABUS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN TO V. SCHRIMSHER ROOM L204 ** From time to time videos of historical issues are viewed in class. These videos are occasionally rated PG or PG-13. The content always correlates to topics being discussed in class. Please initial the box that applies: _______ I give permission for my child to view these in class. _______ I do not give permission for my child to view these. Please give an alternate assignment. _______ Please contact me on a case by case basis. I HAVE READ THE WORLD RELIGION SYLLABUS ONLINE AND UNDERSTAND ALL THE RULES AND PROCEDURES CONTAINED WITHIN IT. Please print legibly. __________________________________________________ STUDENT’S NAME __________________________________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE __________________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME __________________________________________________PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE __________________________________________________ CONTACT NUMBER __________________________________________________ PARENT’S E-MAIL ADDRESS (PLEASE WRITE THE EXACT ADDRESS INCLUDING LOWER CASE OR CAPITALIZED LETTERING)