Agenda Item No.: L.1.h. Bylaw No. 12168 Proposed Bylaw No. 12168 to amend the Land Use Bylaw from DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District to DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District; located east of 104 Street between 63 and 65 Avenues, CPR West Purpose The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Land Use Bylaw as it applies to this site from DC5 to DC5. The proposed amendment will change the development criteria in the existing DC5 district to allow landscaping on the abutting roadways. Readings Bylaw No. 12168 is ready for Three (3) Readings after the Public Hearing has been held. If Council wishes to give three readings during a single meeting, then prior to moving Third Reading, Council must unanimously agree “That Bylaw No. 12168 be considered for Third Reading”. Advertising and Signing This Bylaw has been advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Friday, October 22, 1999 and Sunday, October 31, 1999. The Bylaw can be signed and thereby passed following Third Reading. Position of Department The Planning and Development Department supports this Bylaw. Report Summary There are no outstanding technical or community concerns regarding this application. Background Information Attached 1. Bylaw No. 12168 2. A copy of the Planning and Development Department’s report Routing: Delegation: Written By: October 4, 1999 File: 99PDP462 Public Hearing, City Council Kulbir Singh A. Farr Planning and Development Department L 1 h APPROVED As to Form ___________________ CITY SOLICITOR Bylaw No. 12168 A Bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 5996, as amended, The Edmonton Land Use Bylaw WHEREAS Lot 1A, Block 77, Plan 5062 RS; Lot B1, Block 77, Plan 922 1254; Lots 5 to 9, 22, 23 and OT, Block 74, Plan 5740 AI; Lot B, Block 74, Plan 917 BP; Lots B and C, Block 77, Plan 4022 HW; Block B, Plan 3921 EU; Lot 52, Block RLY; Plan 4633 AW; Block OT, Plan 5740 AI, located east of 104 Street between 63 and 65 Avenues, CPR West, Edmonton, Alberta, are specified on the Land Use District Map as DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District; and WHEREAS an application was made to redistrict the above described property to DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District; NOW THEREFORE after due compliance with the relevant provisions of the Municipal Government Act, S.A. 1994, c. M-26.1, as amended, the Municipal Council of the City of Edmonton duly assembled enacts as follows: 1. The Land Use District Map, being Part III to Bylaw No. 5996 The Edmonton Land Use Bylaw is hereby amended by redistricting the lands legally described as Lot 1A, Block 77, Plan 5062 RS; Lot B1, Block 77, Plan 922 1254; Lots 5 to 9, 22, 23 and OT, Block 74, Plan 5740 AI; Lot B, Block 74, Plan 917 BP; Lots B and C, Block 77, Plan 4022 HW; Block B, Plan 3921 EU; Lot 52, Block RLY; Plan 4633 AW; Block OT, Plan 5740 AI, located east of 104 Street between 63 and 65 Avenues, CPR West, Edmonton, Alberta, which lands are shown on the sketch plan annexed hereto as Schedule “A”, from DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District to DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District. 2. The uses and regulations of the aforementioned DC5 District are annexed hereto as Schedule "B". 2/5 3. The sketch plan annexed hereto as Schedule "A" and the uses and regulations of the DC5 District shown on Schedule "B" annexed hereto are hereby incorporated into the Land Use Bylaw, Volume II, being Part IV to Bylaw No. 5996 The Edmonton Land Use Bylaw. READ a first time this day of , A. D. 1999; READ a second time this day of , A. D. 1999; READ a third time this day of , A. D. 1999; SIGNED and PASSED this day of , A. D. 1999. THE CITY OF EDMONTON _______________________________________ MAYOR _______________________________________ CITY CLERK 12168schA.pdf 4/5 SCHEDULE “B” DC5 (SITE SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT CONTROL) DISTRICT 1. General Purpose To establish a Site Specific Development Control District that accommodates a wide range of commercial uses on a large site with good visibility and access to a major arterial, and also recognizes the need to limit the range of commercial, residential or other sensitive uses in order to provide protection for any future users from environmental contamination on the site. 2. Area of Application This District shall apply to Lot 1A, Block 77, Plan 5062 RS; Lot B1, Block 77, Plan 922 1254; Lots 5 to 9, 22, 23 and OT, Block 74, Plan 5740 AI; Lot B, Block 74, Plan 917 BP; Lots B and C, Block 77, Plan 4022 HW; Block B, Plan 3921 EU; Lot 52, Block RLY, Plan 4633 AW; Block OT, Plan 5740 AI, , CPR West, as shown on Schedule “A” appended to the Bylaw adopting this District. 3. Uses Uses that would accommodate children 4 years and under on the site for extended and continuous periods of time will not be allowed. The following uses are allowed: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) r) s) t) u) v) w) x) Alcohol Sales, Major Alcohol Sales, Minor Animal Hospitals and Shelters Auctioneering Establishments Automotive and Equipment Repair Shops Automotive/Minor Recreational Vehicle Sales/Rentals Broadcasting and Motion Picture Studios Business Support Services Carnivals Commercial Schools Convenience Vehicle Rentals Cremation and Interment Services Custom Manufacturing Drive-in Food Services Equipment Rentals Flea Markets Fleet Services Funeral Services Gas Bars General Retail Government Services Greenhouses and Plant Nurseries Health Services Hotels 5/5 y) z) aa) bb) cc) dd) ee) ff) gg) hh) ii) jj) kk) ll) mm) nn) oo) pp) qq) rr) ss) tt) uu) vv) ww) xx) 4. Household Repair Services Indoor Participant Recreation Services Limited Contractor Services Major and Minor Amusement Establishments Major Eating and Drinking Establishments Major Secondhand Stores Major Service Stations Minor Eating and Drinking Establishments Minor Secondhand Stores Minor Service Stations Minor Veterinary Services Mobile Catering Food Services Motels Non-accessory Parking Outdoor Amusement Establishments Personal Service Shops Private Clubs Professional, Financial and Office Support Services Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services Recycled Materials Drop-off Centres Recycling Depots Residential Sales Centres Spectator Entertainment Establishments Spectator Sports Establishments Truck and Mobile Home Sales/Rentals Warehouse Sales Development Criteria a) Development shall comply with all development regulations listed under Sections 340.4 and 340.5. b) Sealed asphalt pavement or building foundations, maintained in reasonable condition shall cover the entire site with the exception of the 4.5 m (14.8 ft.) yard adjacent to 63 Avenue and 104 Street. c) Landscaping requirements as outlined in Section 69 of the Land Use Bylaw shall be met. The Development Officer may vary or waive the landscaping requirements adjacent to 65 Avenue if alternative landscaping methods such as earth berming, masonry walls, screen fencing or other man-made features are provided and if additional plantings are provided within the abutting boulevard, to buffer the view of vehicle parking, storage and loading spaces from 65 Avenue to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. d) No activities which involve permanently removing all or a portion of the sealed pavement will be allowed without an assessment of the risk management being approved by Alberta Environmental Protection and Capital Health Authority. ATTACHMENT 2 BYLAW NO. 12168 FILE: LUB/99-0069 CPR WEST DESCRIPTION: LAND USE BYLAW AMENDMENT from DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District to DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District; CPR WEST LOCATION: 63 Avenue to 65 Avenue east of 104 Street LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1A, Block 77, Plan 5062 RS; Lot B1, Block 77, Plan 922 1254; Lots 5 to 9, 22, 23 and OT, Block 74, Plan 5740 AI; Lot B, Block 74, Plan 917 BP; Lots B and C, Block 77, Plan 4022 HW; Block B, Plan 3921 EU; Lot 52, Block RLY, Plan 4633 AW; Block OT, Plan 5740 AI APPLICANT: Wes Candler OWNER: Derrick Dodge (1980) Ltd. 6211-104 Street Edmonton, Alberta T6H 2K8 ACCEPTANCE OF APPLICATION: EXISTING DEVELOPMENT: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT’S RECOMMENDATION: August 12, 1999 Two buildings on a hard surfaced, sealed asphalt covered site _______________________________________________________ That Bylaw No. 12168 to amend the Land Use Bylaw from DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District to DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District be APPROVED. 1 BYLAW NO. 12168 FILE: LUB/99-0069 CPR WEST DISCUSSION 1. The Application This application is to rezone the subject area located between 63 Avenue and 65 Avenue east of 104 Street from DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District to DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District. The intent of the changes contained within the proposed DC5 is to allow for landscaping in the yard adjacent to 65 Avenue and to allow for the removal of the sealed asphalt hard surface within the 4.5 m (14.8 ft.) yards adjacent to 104 Street and 63 Avenue in order to accommodate more visually attractive landscaping than is possible under the existing DC5. 2. Site and Surrounding Area The site is located at the north east corner of the busy intersection of 104 Street and 63 Avenue. It is bound to the west by 104 Street, to the south by 63 Avenue, to the east by a range of commercial and industrial land uses and to the north by 65 Avenue. The adjacent properties to the west and to the south carry IM (Medium Industrial) and CB2 (General Business) zoning. The adjacent properties to the east carry IH (Heavy Industrial) zoning. The adjacent properties to the north are zoned IH (Heavy Industrial) and IM (Medium Industrial). The site is surrounded by a range of commercial and industrial land uses and it falls within the Calgary Trail Land Use Study policy area. A history of environmental contamination issues has required that this site be covered in sealed asphalt or building foundations and subject to DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) zoning. View of the site looking east across 104 Street on the corner of 64 Avenue. 2 BYLAW NO. 12168 FILE: LUB/99-0069 CPR WEST ANALYSIS 1. Compliance with Approved Plans and Land Use Compatibility The proposed rezoning is consistent with recommendations contained within the Calgary Trail Land Use Study which encourages upgrading the visual appearance of the corridor by, among other things, landscaping along the roadway right-of-way. DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District zoning is being used in this case as opposed to conventional commercial zoning such as CB1 (Low Intensity Business) District or CB2 (General Business) District zoning in order to address the environmental contamination issues on this site. The existing and proposed DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District contain provisions respecting the authority and involvement of the Capital Health Authority (CHA) and Alberta Environmental Protection (AEP) with regard to land uses on this site. Both agencies have confirmed that there are no appreciable human health impacts associated with the soil found within the 4.5 m (14.8 ft.) yards adjacent to 104 Street and 63 Avenue. 2. Transportation and Utilities The Transportation and Streets Department has no objections to this proposed rezoning. 3. Surrounding Property Owners’ Concerns The applicant has conducted a public notification program pursuant to Council’s directive, Information Requirements For Processing of Redistricting Applications to DC5. Since the subject area is not located within any defined residential or community league boundary, the applicant concentrated their information and input request on the commercial and industrial business community within a 60 m pre-notice area. A prenotice form letter was hand delivered to all businesses within the pre-notice area. The letter identified the history of the existing DC5 District, the purpose of the proposed DC5, the conclusions reached as a result of additional soil testing and evaluation, and the applicant’s intent in seeking the rezoning in order to landscape the frontages of 104 Street and 63 Avenue in a more aesthetically pleasing fashion. The letter also provided the opportunity and point of contact for further clarification or input as desired. No concerns were expressed as a result of this pre-notice exercise. The Planning and Development Department mailed out a Preliminary Letter of Notification to 21 property-owners within 60 m, and to the Allendale Community League, the closest neighbouring Community League. The Department did not receive any objections in response to this mail out 3 BYLAW NO. 12168 FILE: LUB/99-0069 CPR WEST JUSTIFICATION The Planning and Development Department recommends that Bylaw No. 12168 be APPROVED on the basis that the Bylaw is consistent with recommendations within the Calgary Trail Land Use Study which encourages upgrading the visual appearance of this major arterial roadway by, among other things, landscaping along the roadway right-ofway. ATTACHMENT 2a Maps Written by: Adam Farr Approved by: Bruce Duncan Planning and Development Department October 4, 1999 4 12168attch2.pdf 12168pg2.pdf