27th Annual General Session of MRSI Abstract No:IL/PP etc.

Abstract No: to be
MRSI North East Symposium on
Advanced Materials for Sustainable Applications
filled by technical
Nano-composite Material from Poplar deltoides (sample)
T Goswami,1 M Bordoloi2 and M Baruah1
Institute, Town, Country
other Institute name and address
Corresponding author’s E-mail: name@mymail.cy
The abstract should be headed by a title, name(s) and complete address(es) of the author(s).
Please underline the name of the author who will present the paper. As font, you should use
Times New Roman, 12 pt with 1.15 line space. The abstract can contain Figures, Tables and
References, but the length of the abstract should not exceed specified area between the two
lines of one A4 size page. Please note that coloured abstracts will be converted to black-andwhite. Please use MS word version 2003 and above only for preparing the abstract.
If you want to put your structure or figure, please place them here.
Please do not exceed your abstract (text, figure and references, etc.) beyond one A4 size
paper and do not change/decrease the header and footer space.
F Author, Journal, year, volume (issue), pages.
DK Dutta, BJ Borah and PP Sarmah, Catal. Rev., 2015, 57 (3), 257-305.
T Das, BK Saikia and BP Baruah, Gondwana Res., 2015, doi:10.1016/j.gr.2015.01.012
G Darabdhara and MR Das et al., J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3 (40), 20254-20266
Maximum 5 references.
If there are more than three authors, then please use “et al.” after the third author.
For Journal Title Abbreviations : please consult
27th Annual General Session of MRSI, 2016
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