CURRICULUM FOR THE HEALTH SCIENCES IN SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE Number (unit, topic): U4-T4 Review – Status: D ECTS (suggested): Title Professional Poisoning with Toxic Gases Author(s), degree, institution(s) Asst. Prof. Bela Prokes, MD, PhD specialist in occupational medicine Department of Occupational Medicine, Medical Faculty Novi Sad Asst. Prof. Bela Prokes, MD, PhD Address for correspondence Keywords Learning objectives Department of Occupational Medicine, Medical Faculty Novi Sad Futoska 121 Novi Sad Tel +381 21 614-277, 613-998, fax 624-128 E-mail zzzrns@eunet.yu Poisoning, Toxic Gases, Sulphurdioxide, Ammonia, Chlorine, Phosgene, Nitrogen oxides, Methane, Carbon dioxide, Sulphurated hydrogen, Hydrogen Cyanide, Arsenic Hydride Prevention of poisonings with gases appearing in occupational environment and how to recognize an early signs of intoxication. Synopsis (Abstract) This topic covers: Teaching methods Transparency presentation, Oral lecture, Distribution of the literature to small group of students, Discussion about target themes, Presentation of clinical entities Specific recommendations for teacher Assessment of students Practical work on intoxication diagnosis and work capability evaluation; Oral exam Professional Poisoning with Toxic Gases Bela Prokeš, MD, PhD, specialist in occupational medicine Department of Occupational Medicine, Medical Faculty Novi Sad Classification of toxic gases according to effect: 1. GASES WITH IRRITABLE EFFECT - “IRRITANTS” a) with main effect to breathing passages: Sulphurdioxide Ammonia Chlorine b) with main effect to lung parenhim: Phosgene Nitrogen oxides 2. GASES WITH ASFICTIC EFFECT a) Simple asphyctic gases: Methane Carbon dioxide b) Chemical asphyctic gases Carbon monoxide 3. MAIN TOXIC GASES Sulphurated hydrogen Hydrogen Cyanide Arsenic Hydride The basic way of penetration in organism for all of them is respiratory tract. SULPHUR DIOXIDE Extent and professional risk - appears in smelting of sulphicle ores - in in in in in foundries combustion of coal manufacture of sulphuric acid battery forming bleaching, desinfection, desinsection Effect on human body: - irritable to respiratory tract General toxic effect: - metabolic acidosis - disorder in metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates (polyglobulia, methemoglobinaemia and sulphates in urine) Clinical features: Acute poisoning: Slight degree: irritation of upper breathing passages and eye mucous membrane, ticking and aches in throat, cough, huskiness Moderate degree: headache, cough, aphonia, aches in epigastrium, vomiting, nausea Hard degree: diffuse bronchitis, acute emphysema, toxic pneumonia, lung oedema, asphyxia. Dystrophic changes of myocard, liver, kidneys. Chronic poisoning: Chronic rhinitis, laringitis, bronchitis, hiposmia and anosmia, conjunctivitis, stomach and intestinal disorders, disorder in endocrinal glands and nervous system, lung emphysema and pneumosclerosis. AMMONIA Extent and professional risk - in fertiliser manufacturing (amoniumsulphate and ammonium-nitrate - row materials - for bleaching in textile and furniture industry - in production of artificial fibbers, commercial refrigerant etc. Effect on human body: Irritable (general) Clinical features: Acute poisoning: Slight degree: irritation of conjunctivas and upper breathing passag es Moderate degree: swelling of larynx mucous membrane, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia and lung oedema, damage of cornea (ambliopia) Hard degree: reduction in pulmonary and cordial function (exitus) Chronic poisoning: Chronic conjunctivitis, nasal and throat catar, anosmia, chronic bronchitis, pneumosclerosis, dyspeptic appearnesses, anaemia of moderate degree. CHLORINE Extent and professional risk - is produced commercially by electrolysis of Sodium chloride - desinfection of drinking and waste waters, pools - bleaching of cotton, paper, pulp - in manufacture of chlorine compounds, polyvinilchloride, synthetic rubber etc. Effect on human body: Irritable (general) - protoplasmic poison (C12+ H2O = 2HCI+O) - reflective - as a result of irritation of breathing passage interreceptors Clinical features: Acute poisoning: Slight degree (concentration of 1-6 ppm): irritation of eye mucous membrane, nose and throat. In higher (concentrations around 30 ppm): reflective spasm of smooth muscular bronchioles: sudden cough attack, retrosternal pain and vomiting, alveolar damage - lung oedema. Hard degree (100-1000 ppm): reflectable effect to breathing center, exitus. Chronic poisoning - in concentrations of 1-5 ppm - headache, dizziness, gingivitis, over colored teeth, caries, chronic conjunctivitis, dermatitis, eczema, functional liver disorder Slighter forms of chronic poisoning: chronic rhinopharingitis, laringotracheitis, bronchitis, lung emphysema, pneumosclerosis. Hard forms of chronic poisoning: diffuse pneumosclerosis, bronchiectasias, bronchial asthma, chronic lung insufficiency and chronic cardio-pulmonary insufficiency. In blood: leucocytosis, polyglobulia, accelerated sedimentation. Pathological changes have irreversible character and prognosis unfavourable PHOSGENE Extent and professional risk: - in application of means for fire extinguishing which contain - tetrachlorinecarbon - thermal degradation (breakdown) of chlorine carbohydrates: - tetrachlorinemethane, trichlorineethylen, chloroform Effect on human body: - doesn't result in significant irritable effects to upper breathing passages - influences to bronchiole damaging an endotel of lung capillary - lung oedema Clinical features: Acute form of poisoning: - initial stadium: slight irritation of upper breathing passages - latent period 3-6, 12, 24 - appearance of lung oedema (dispnea, cyanosis, cough, blue-gray cyanosis/exitus caused by asphixia or cardial insufficiency). is Complications: pneumonia, apsces, emboli, bronchiektasia Treatment: repose, oxygenotherapy, antibiotic therapy NITROGEN OXIDES OR NITRIC GASES Mixture of oxides: nitrogenoxidul (N 2 O) nitrogenoxide (NO) nitrogendioxide (NO 2 ) nitrogentrioxide (N 2 O,) nitrogenpentoxide (N 2 O 5 ) - in production of nitrogen acid, anilinic colors, artificial silk, - fertilisers - in contact of nitrogen acid organic matters or metals Effect on human body: damages of deep respiratory tract parts Clinical features: Acute poisoning: - slight irritation of eyes, nasal and upper breathing passage’s mucous membrane - latent period from 0,5 to 36 hours - appearance of lung oedema: - alarm trias: tachicardia, tachipnea, thrombocitosis, - cyanosis - X ray changes - decreased diaphragma - unclearly edged numerous shadows Complications: -bronchopneumonia - infarct type pneumonia - bronchiolitis obliterans - -wax myocard degeneration Chronic poisoning: - chronic inflammation of upper breathing passages - chronic bronchitis lung emphysema asthma vegetative dysfunction METHANE Extent and professional risk: - constitutional part of "mines gas" - 90% - pillboxes for coal sorting - decomposition of organic matters (“mud gas”) - in production of crude petroleum Effect on human body: -syndrome of oxygen insufficiency Clinical features: Acute poisoning: - headache, dizziness, sleepiness, accelerated pulse and breathing, disorder in movement co-ordination - vomiting, loss of consciousness Objectively: coldness and pale skin - hipotonia - CNS changes - leucocytosis (lymphocytopaenia) CARBON DIOXIDE Extent and professional risk - in combustion of organic matters with oxygen presence - in fermentative processes (cellars, grain elevators) - in foundries, refrigeration plants Effect on human body: - irritable effect on skin and mucous membranes - depressively on breathing center (in high concentrations) - due to decreased oxygen - anoxemia Clinical features: Acute forms: Air concentration of carbon dioxide higher: - than 2%: headache, weakness, sleepiness - than 5 - 8 % : irritation of mucous membrane of upper breathing passages, buzzing in ears, dizziness, irritability, psychical disorders - than 0 % loss of consciousness (anoxemia) After poisoning: retrograde amnesia, headache, weakness, bronchitis and bronchopneumonia. CARBON MONOXIDE Extent and professional risk: - in combustion of matters without sufficient oxygen presence: coal combustion, coke plants, iron and steel foundries, coal mines, electric and autogen welding Effect on human body: Toxic effect is consequence of hypoxia: 2. Concerning blood: - it is connected to hem towards which has 200- 300 times greater affinity and produce carboxihaemoglobine (COHb). 3. Concerning tissues: - it is connected to myoglobine producing carboximyoglobine (COMb) which decreases oxygen transfer to muscle mythohondrias, particularly to myocard. - influences the enzymes that have hem group: cytohrom a3 and p450 that participate in cell respiration. Clinical feature: Acute poisoning: Slight degree (20-30% COHb): headache, dizziness, ear buzzing, chest oppression, nausea, vomiting, weakness, accelerated pulse, retarded reactions. Medium degree (30-35% COHb): loss of consciousness, organic damage of CNS, weakness, muscle slackness Hard degree (50-60 % COHb): coma and symptoms of diffuse cerebrum damage (tonic cramps in extremities, epileptiformal attacks, pathologic reflexes), accelerated breathing, accelerated pulse, hipotonia. Chronic poisoning: - appears as a result of close carbon monoxide influence to CNS Functional cumulation - damage of center in cortex with following symptoms: headache, dizziness, asthenia, ear buzzing, heart palpitation, fatigue, irritability, weakened memory - cerebrovascular, cardiovascular disorders, atherosclerosis (COHb to 11%). SULPHURATED HYDROGEN Extent and professional risk: - manufacture of sulphur types of petroleum sewage system, waste water pools in sugar refineries, breweries, tanneries copper, nickel, cobalt extraction from minerals Effect on human body: - intensive irritable effect to mucous membrane of eyes and breathing passages - general toxic effect - inhibition of Warburg’s breathing ferment and tissue anoxia Clinical features: Acute poisoning: Slight degree: irritable symptoms at mucous membrane of eyes and breathing passages Medium degree: symptoms of respiratory effects: headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, disorder in motoric coordination, irritability or loss of consciousness, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, tahicardia, cyanosis, increased temperature. Hard degree: disorder in respiratory and cardiovascular system, coma and death. Superacute and appoplectiform degree: paralysis of respiratory and cardiovascular center, loss of consciousness and finally death. Subacute form: headache, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, perspiration, irritation of nasal and throat mucous membrane, cough, nausea, vomiting. Chronic poisoning: headache, dizziness, weakness, perspiration, loss of appetite, pale skin and mucous membranes, anaemia, finger tremor, hypotonia, bradicardia etc. HYDROGEN CYANIDE AND CYANIDES Extend and professional risk: - in desinsection and deratisation in manufacture of Hydrogen cyanide acid, salts and other compounds in manufacture of silver, gold and mercury from minerals galvanisation fertiliser production bensene, toluene, pesticide production Ways of penetration: - respiratory tract digestive tract skin - mucous membranes Excretion: - through lungs (unchanged) - through kidneys (like rodanides) Effect on human body: - blockade of respiratory ferments, cytochromoxidasis - tissue anoxia CNS, respiratory and vasomotor center - direct toxic effect to central nervous system Clinical features: Acute poisoning: Slight form: headache, dizziness, chest pain, accelerated breathing Hard form: loss of consciousness, widen pupil of eye, exoftalmia, dispnea, cramps, paralysis of respiratory center - Initial stadium: metal taste and ticking in mouths, irritation of eye mucous membrane, weakness, headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. - Dispnoic stadium: disorder in respiratory rhythm, bradicardia, - Convulsive stadium: clonic and tonic convulsions, jaw trismus, loss of consciousness. - Paralytic stadium: loss of consciousness, arreflaxia, unwillingly urination, defecation, paralysis of respiratory center and stoppage of heart function - exitus. ARSENIC HYDRIDE (ARSINE) Extend and professional risk: - in treatment of metals with acids - in production of metals - in manufacture of acetylene - melting of lead alloys Arsenic hydride is released whenever hydrogen in “status nascenti” appears in presence of arsenic. Effect on human body: Chemolitic effect - haemoglobinuria, anaemia, reticulocytosis, jaundice, damage of kidneys. Clinical features: Acute form: Latent period 3-8 hours - weakness, shivering, headache, obstructed breathing, dispnea, tahicardia, extended liver and spleen, oliguria, reddish urine, anaemia, leucocytosis, reticulocytosis, hiperbilirubinaemia In urine: albumens, eritrocytes, cylinders. Disorder of central nervous system Consequences: arsenic polyneuritis, disorder in fat metabolism, damage of kidneys, liver, heart and nervous system. Chronic poisoning: pale skin, dizziness, fatigue, obstructed breathing, anaemia, changes on skin. References: 1. Levy BS, Wegman DH. (eds): Occupational Health, Recognizing and Preventing Work-Related Disease and Injury. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2000. 2. LaDou J. (ed): Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Prentice -Hall International, Inc, 1997 3. Rosenstock L, Cullen M. (eds): Textbook of Clinical Occupational and Environmental medicine. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1994. 4. Stacey N. (ed): Occupational Toxicology. Taylor&Francis, London 1995.