This entry form must be sent to 4-H Trail Ride c/o Tracey Dedicatoria, P.O. Box 114., Assawoman, VA 23302 NO FAX ENTRIES ******* Deadline : March 5, 2007 ******* Limit 24 participants *******First come basis _________ _____________ Date (Official use only) 4-H MEMBER ENTRY FORM Youth 9 to 18 years of age – No clover aged youth may compete 2007 Furnace Town 20 mile 4-H Competitive Trail Ride ("The Pocomoke Pony Run") Name________________________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________________ Town_____________________________________________ State_________ Zip__________________ County____________________________________________ Phone_____________________________ Age__________ Name of Horse/Pony/Mule_____________________Color_________________ Age of Horse/Pony/Mule_______ Breed or Ancestry of Horse/Pony/Mule_________________________ Mare or Gelding (circle one) STALLIONS ARE NOT PERMITTED – NO DOGS ALLOWED PLEASE ATTACH COPY OF CURRENT (WITHIN 12 MONTHS) NEGATIVE COGGINS/EIA TEST RESULTS AND HEALTH CERTIFICATE (WITHIN 30 DAYS OF COMPETITION DATE) OF THE HORSE/PONY/MULE TO BE USED FOR THIS ACTIVITY Check One: Division Entered: (check one) Based on condition/soundness & tail ability/manners – See sample score card 3 placings Pony Division A(Jr.) ____ Pony Division B(Sr.) ____ Horse Division C(Jr.) ____ Horse Division D(Sr.)____ Green ( equines under 7 years of age) Division E ____ Senior (equines over 16 years of age) Division F ____ I WANT TO BE JUDGED FOR THE HORSEMANSHIP AWARD – 3 PLACINGS EACH DIVISION (presentation in-hand over a natural obstacle/tack: cleanliness, proper fit, adjustment/grooming: brushing, dirt, sweat marks, external parasites/hooves and shoeing if applicable/trailer area: hay net height, quick release knot, tack & gear storage. YES_____ NO____ (check one) I certify that the above named horse is my current year trail riding project horse and that I have owned or leased my project since January 1 of the current year. I will arrive at the Furnace Town/Pocomoke State Forest at 7:30 a.m. for a pre-vet inspection on Saturday, March 17, (rain date Sunday March 18) 2007. Signature of 4-H Member___________________________________ Date________________________ As this 4-H member's project leader, I certify that all the above is true to the best of my knowledge and that this member is in good standing and is a bona fide 4-H Horse and Pony member in _________________________County. Signature of 4-H Horse and Pony Leader____________________________________________________ Signature of County 4-H Agent___________________________________________________________ There are no entry fees however, we are asking for donations to off set costs for the veterinarian, facilities use and awards (make check payable to: Accomack County 4-H/ESTB) and mail your 4-H entry form with a completed parent-release form, Virginia Equine Waiver & 4-H Health History Form (copies acceptable) to: Tracey Dedicatoria, P.O. Box 114, Assawoman, VA 23302. ENTRY DEADLINE IS March 5, 2007 (NO FAX ENTRIES) Parent Release Form Furnace Town 4-H Competitive Trail Ride I consent to permit my child to compete in and attend the Furnace Town 4-H Competitive Trail Ride, to be held in Pocomoke State Forest (Worcester County, MD) on March 17 (rain date March 18), 2007. The undersigned ________________________________(parent or guardian) expressly acknowledges and voluntarily assumes all risks and dangers associated with or arising from the activity of horseback riding which is or may be involved in the 4-H Trail Riding Project. I further acknowledge that although appropriate care will be taken to ensure safety, the potential for injury nevertheless is inherent in the activity of horseback riding. Intending to be legally bound, I, the undersigned, for myself, my heirs and assigns, executors and administrators, hereby discharge and forever release Virginia Tech. University, its trustees, officers, agents, employees, including without limitation all individuals associated with the 4-H Trail Riding Project, from any and all claims, causes of action and liability for personal injury or property damage that I, my son, my daughter, or my ward may sustain while participating in the 4-H Trail Riding Project. In case of accident or serious illness, the Trail Ride Committee has authorization to secure such medical attention for: _____________________________________________as deemed necessary. (Name of 4-H Member) This authorization applies whether the charges for medical treatment are covered by 4-H insurance or by myself. This also certifies that my child is physically able to participate in all the activities of the above event and will be supervised at the event by me or my assigned representative. Please list any physical or medical conditions of this 4-H member listed above that the ride committee should be aware of . If receiving medication what is it and the dosage?______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ I also certify that the above named 4-H member has properly conditioned the horse/mule or pony he/she is using on this 20 – 25 mile ride. I certify that the above mentioned 4-H member will wear protective headgear that is properly fitted and in good safe condition at all times when riding. _________________________________________________________________________________ (Signature of Parent or Authorized Guardian) __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ (Address) Telephone Number:__________________________________________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME & NUMBER:__________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 2007 Furnace Town 20 mile 4-H Competitive Trail Ride “The Pocomoke Pony Run” Relatively flat terrain with wooded trails and dirt forest roads, some low lying areas may have large puddles Saturday March 17 (Rain date Sunday March 18) Check in/vet in 7:30 a.m./ Limited to 24 participants on a first come basis Ride Rules & Regulations: * All participants must be a member of an Equine 4-H program in one of the following counties and be between 9 and 18 years of age. Cloverbuds may not compete. Worcester (MD) Wicomico (MD) Accomack (VA) Northampton (VA) Somerset (MD) * All equines are welcome and encouraged to participate this includes mules, ponies and horses. * All riders must wear an approved equestrian helmet and have foot wear with an adequate heel. * All equines must be at least 5 years of age and have a current health certificate from a licensed veterinarian (within 30 days of competition date). * Each participant must complete a VIRGINA Equine Waiver Form, Parent Release Form, 4H Member Entry Form and Health History Form. Health History Forms on file at the extension office may be reproduced if current. * There are no entry fees however, donations to offset our costs are appreciated. * Equines must pass a pre-ride vet inspection for lameness/ and other health issues that may affect the ability for the animal to compete. * At the mid point check station the in time will be recorded and in 10 minutes the rider and mount will be called for a P&R check. * Any equines failing to reach adequate heart rate recovery time or showing signs of lameness or severe fatigue at the 10 mile vet check in will not be allowed to continue and subsequently be disqualified. (Veterinarian’s discretion) * Any medication done by a veterinary judge will be at the rider’s expense. * Participants will start in pairs at 30 second intervals. * The trail will be marked clearly with orange surveyors flagging. * Trail courtesy and appropriate conduct reflecting 4-H values is expected of all participants. Poor sportsmanship will not be tolerated. * Riders must remain in the saddle while moving over the course. Dismounting and resting of horse and rider is permitted providing they do not advance forward. * Riders who leave the trail intentionally or otherwise must return to that same point to continue the ride. * Saddles are required. However any combination of saddle and bridle is acceptable as long as it is in good repair and not cruel to the animal. i.e. English saddle, western bridle etc. * Pain medications and anti-inflammatories such as Bute are strictly prohibited. * No smoking or littering allowed on the trail. Removal of trail markers is also prohibited. Violation of these rules will result in disqualification. * All participants that complete the 20 mile ride in adequate condition within the allotted time frame will receive a completion award. * Ride pace 4.5 to 6.5 mph, maximum ride time 4 hrs 24 min./minimum ride time 3 hrs 20 min. * Veterinarian judge TBA. * All documents and donations should be mailed to 4-H Trail Ride c/o Tracey Dedicatoria, P.O. Box 114 Assawoman, VA 23302. Post marked by March 5, 2007. No faxed entries will be accepted. Checks should be made payable to Accomack County 4-H/ESTB.