JobDescription - Bay Area Young Life

The Young Life Adult Ministry Team/Committee
Mission Statement: To introduce adolescents to
Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith.
* Implement and maintain the ministry of Young Life at the local level. Young Life exists
to have eternal significance in the lives of disinterested adolescents.
What is the role of the Adult Ministry Team?:
* AMT members participate as partners in ministry with the local staff, leaders, and regional
* Attend committee meetings. (Approximately once a month)
* Develop friendships with other AMT members, Core Group members, staff and volunteers.
* Help with annual banquet. (Hosting table, set up, etc.)
* Be an adult guest at a Young Life camp!
* Serve in an area of talent or interest on the AMT. (Thank yous, finances, tracking donors,
caring for leaders, hospitality, prayer, golf tournament, etc.)
* Become as familiar as possible with Young Life.
* Take initiative
* Learn about TDS. (Taking Donors Seriously...)
* Pray for and support Young Life.
* Represent Young Life in the community.
NOTE: Also see “Other Ways to Get Involved” insert.
* Growth in your relationship with Christ
* Have an active role in changing kids’ lives for eternity
* Change your community by influencing its young people
* A chance to say thanks to the volunteer leaders by caring for them and helping them be more effective.
* Lots of fun!!
Requirements to Serve
* Have a personal relationship with Christ
* Actively Growing in your relationship with Christ
* Minimum two year commitment and maximum life time sentence.
* Agreement with Young Life Mission to reach disinterested high school kids for Christ through the avenue of
building friendships and earning the right to he heard.
* Called by God.
* Actively involved in a local church.
* Attend AMT meetings.
* Share time, talents andresources.
* Be willing to laugh and have fun.
* Be willing to grow in Christ.
Young Life Divisional Principles
* Love God with all your mind, heart, soul, and strength, and your neighhor as yourself.
* Other areas are more important then our own.
* Kids would meet Christ in the local area.
Other Ways To Get Involved
Easy Ways to Help the area
* Pray for Young Life and recruit others to pray.
* Volunteer extra time at the Young Life Office.
* Serve as an adult guest host at Young Life Camp and invite other couples to come with you.
* Call the area director just to ask how they are doing with Christ.
* Baby-sit for the area director and wife to have some time alone.
* Run an adult Young life Club once during the year.
* Take the area director golfing, fishing, baseball game, etc.
* Help on the Winter Weekend.
* Speak at your church or to the missions board about Young Life or to thank them for their
* Take someone to see a Saturday night club of a weekend camp at the beach.
* Set up time and go with area director or by yourself to ask someone to support Young Life
* Take a donor out to lunch to thank them and update them.
* Take initiative and ownership.
* There are many other ways to be involved and own the ministry.
Easy Ways to Help a Volunteer Leader
* Call them to ask them what you can be praying for.
* Call them just to say hi and thanks.
* See them off at the bus before a camp trip and bring them a care package.
* Bake them cookies.
* Scoop ice cream or help at a special club.
* Disciple or mentor a younger leader.
* Attend a leadership meeting.
* Open your house to leaders.
* Let leaders know that your van is available to borrow to take kids somewhere.
* Baby-sit for a leader to have a night out or so they can go to a game.
* Write a leader a note.
* Adopt a leader or two by having them over for dinner or to your house.
* Go to a game with a leader, visit Club (especially the first couple to answer parents questions.)
* Host a parents night after club to give parents information on Young Life.
The role of Young Life committees can be characterized by four kinds of ministry support:
prayer and
personal, financial, promotional and strategic planning. The local area committee is responsible to the Young
Life staff and Regional Director in the following ways:
Prayer and Personal Support. The committee is a potential wellspring of spiritual life for each member and
the Young Life staff. Praying for the personal and spiritual needs of the staff and area director is fundamental.
No Young Life ministry has much impact without prayer. Committee members will, therefore, personally and
actively pursue a relationship with Christ through prayer, reading of the Scriptures and fellowship with other
believers; they will pray regularly for the ministry of Young Life, and the staff and volunteer leaders; and will
become a personal, loyal friend and partner with the staff in prayer, fellowship and counsel.
Financial Support. A primary responsibility of the area committee is to develop and
maintain adequate
financial support for the ministry of Young Life in the area. To insure financial support, committee members
will join the staff and Regional Director in planning the operating budget for the area. The committee will
develop and implement a strategic plan to raise the funds necessary to finance the Young Life program using
Young Life's Taking Donors Seriously (TDS) program. Each committee member should personally support the
program of Young Life financially.
Promoting Young Life. Committee members are Young Life's best promoters in the
community because
their enthusiasm about what God is doing through Young Life is contagious. Banquets, breakfasts, golf
tournaments and other activities all provide opportunities to share the vision of Young Life with friends. It is
important to be knowledgeable about Young Life so that each committee member can feel confident spreading
the Word. Committee members will represent Young Life and its mission in the community as faithful
followers of Jesus Christ; take the steps necessary to gain local community interest in, and acceptance for, the
ministry of Young Life; recruit new committee members; and be available to handle inquiries by parents and
adults about the local Young Life ministry. Committee members will need to actively serve on a subcommittee,
become informed about Young Life's program and activities, and be available when needed to work on special
events and fund-raisers.
Strategic Planning. A ministry outreach to young people can seem overwhelming. It doesn't have to be. While
the area staff and Regional Director retain ultimate control over the ministry program and vision, committees
can consult with area staff to set realistic ministry goals and identify specific tasks. Short-range goals can pave
the way for long-range accomplishments.