по темі “Antihistamines”

Методична розробка для студентів
до самостійної позааудиторної роботи № 19
по темі “Antihistamines”
(Фармацевтичний факультет (заочна форма навчання),
ІІ курс, ІІІ семестр)
Text: Antihistamines
Grammar: The Absolute Participle Complex
Мета самостійної позааудиторної роботи №19
1. Засвоїти лексичний матеріал, пов’язаний з темою.
2. Розвивати наративні навички.
3. Вміти описувати властивості антигістамінних препаратів.
4. Вивчити вживання The Absolute Participle Complex.
5. Включити засвоєний лексико-граматичний матеріал в активне спілкування.
Stages of the Lesson
I. Active Vocabulary
to counteract
runny nose
mast cell
to swell
stuffy nose
hay fever
blurred vision
difficulty urinating
['blE:d 'vIZn]
протидіяти, нейтралізувати
що свербить
ринорея (виділення водянистого слизу з
закладений ніс
поліноз, сінна гарячка, сезонний
алергічни риніт
протизастійний, протинабряковий засіб
невгамовність, занепокоєність
різка зміна настрою
розфокусований зір
втрата орієнтації
утруднене сечовипускання
II. Read the text “Antihistamines”.
Answer the following questions on the text.
1. What type of drug is an antihistamine?
How do histamines work?
What causes the tissues in the nose to swell?
Can you name any allergens? What are they?
What forms of histamines are there?
Why do some medications contain a combination of an antihistamine and a
7. What antihistamines produce more severe side effects?
8. It is necessary to take it before bedtime, isn’t it?
9. Why is it required to go over all of your medications with your doctor or
pharmacist before taking antihistamines?
10. Is it safe to take antihistamines by pregnant women or nursing mothers?
III. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
I. Read the following transcriptions. Write them in words and give their
Ukrainian equivalents.
[des"lPrq'tRdIn], ['zaIzql], [sq'tIrIzIn], ["kRbI'nPksqmIn], ["saIprq'heptqdIn],
[haI'drPksIzJn], [R'zxlqs"tIn], ["levP'kxbqstIn], ["dI"fen'hIdrqmIn], ['benqdrIl],
["feksq'fenqdIn"], [lq'rxtqdIn], ['klxrItIn], ["klLfq'nIremqn], ["brPmfq'nIremqn],
[sq'tIrIzIn], ["zE:'tek], [klemqs'tIn].
II. Give English equivalents of the following words and word combinations.
Алергічна реакція;небезпечний для життя; по суті; імунна система;
блокувати дію гістамінів; впливати на рецептори; алергія на харчові
продукти; спрей для носа; очні краплі; очі, які сльозяться; антигістамінні
препарати першого покоління; сухість у ротовій порожнині; високий тиск
крові; захворювання щитоподібної залози; вагітна жінка; жінка, що годує
дитину грудьми.
ІII. Support or challenge the following statements.
1. Antihistamine is a pharmaceutical drug that inhibits the action of histamine by
blocking it from attaching to histamine receptors.
2. Antihistamines are effective at reducing symptoms of different types of
allergies, including seasonal allergies (hay fever) and food allergies, but they
can’t relieve every symptom.
3. Antihistamines aren’t available in the form of nasal sprays.
4. There are two different types of antihistamine – the older group, sedating
antihistamines, can enter the brain and cause drowsiness, while the newer nonsedating antihistamines do not.
5. Used in sufficiently large doses antihistamines don’t produce undesirable side
6. Antihistamines may not be suitable for men with benign prostatic hyperplasia
(enlargement of the prostate) or people with acute glaucoma.
7. Research has found that adults who regularly take first-generation
antihistamines are more likely to be involved in serious accidents.
8. Antihistamines may be excreted into breast milk.
IV. Using the information given below discuss with your group-mates
characteristics of the first and second generation antihistamines.
First Generation Antihistamines
Chlor-Trimeton is used for treating sneezing, watery & itchy eyes, runny nose,
hives, rash, itching. Common side effects: dizziness, drowsiness, headache,
stomach upset, trouble sleeping, nervousness, loss of appetite. Rare but serious
side effects: fast irregular heartbeat, difficulty urinating, tremors, seizures, chest
pain, mood changes. How to take: as directed with a full glass of water, with or
without food. Use caution if you: have glaucoma, enlarged prostate, stomach ulcer;
take anxiety or sleep medicines. FDA pregnancy category: (Category B: unlikely
to harm an unborn baby).
Benadryl is used for treating sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose, hives, rashes,
itching, coughs. Common side effects: sleepiness, fatigue, dizziness, headache, dry
mouth, difficulty urinating. Rare but serious side effects: low blood pressure,
palpitations, rapid heart rate, nervousness, blurred vision, tremors, loss of appetite.
How to take: with a full glass of water, with or without food. Use caution if you:
have glaucoma, prostate trouble, ulcer, overactive thyroid, hypertension. FDA
pregnancy category: Category B (unlikely to harm an unborn baby).
Atarax is used for treating seasonal allergic rhinitis, hives, insomnia. Common
side effects: sedation, dizziness, disturbed coordination, stomach distress. Rare but
serious side effects: confusion, blurred vision, double vision, loss of appetite,
nausea. How to take: usually once daily; with full glass of water. Use caution if
you: have narrow angle glaucoma, prostate problems. FDA pregnancy category:
Category C (may be harmful to an unborn baby).
Second Generation Antihistamines
Zyrtec is used for treating seasonal allergic rhinitis, perennial rhinitis, hives, dust
mite, mold, animal dander allergies. Common side effects: sleepiness, fatigue,
dizziness, headache, dry mouth, nausea. Rare but serious side effects: pharyngitis,
abdominal pain, coughing, epistaxis, bronchospasm, vomiting. How to take: often
prescribed every 4 to 6 hours, with or without food. Use caution if you: take xanax,
valium, librium, restoril, halcyon, elavil, prozac, or any cold medicines. FDA
pregnancy category: Category B (unlikely to harm an unborn baby).
Allegra is used for treating seasonal allergic rhinitis, hives. Common side effects:
nausea, diarrhea, upset stomach, headache, menstrual cramps, muscle pain, cough,
dizziness. Rare but serious side effects: fever, chills, body aches, flu-like
symptoms. How to take: Usually twice daily, with or without food, with full glass
of water. Use caution if you: take nizoral, erythromycin, antacids, or St. John’s
Wort. FDA pregnancy category: Category C (may be harmful to on unborn baby).
Claritin is used for treating seasonal allergic rhinitis. Common side effects: headache,
tiredness, feeling nervous, dry mouth, drowsiness, stomach pain, skin rash. Rare but
serious side effects: uneven heartbeat, feeling faint, jaundice, seizures. How to take:
Usually twice daily, with or without food, with full glass of water. Use caution if you:
have narrow angle glaucoma, peptic ulcer, prostate problems, or if you are lactating.
FDA pregnancy category: Category B (unlikely to harm an unborn baby).
IV. Grammar Exercises
I. Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the
Absolute Participle Complex.
Model: As the patient suffered from perennial rhinitis, the doctor prescribed Zyrtec. –
The patient suffering from perennial rhinitis, the doctor prescribed Zyrtec.
1. As he takes erythromycin, the physician doesn’t recommend Allegra for
treating his seasonal allergic rhinitis.
2. As the chemist’s shop is far from here, I’ll go there by bus.
3. As his mother teaches English, he knows the language very well.
4. As her son had hives, she had to buy antihistamine prescribed by the doctor.
Model: As my grandmother had lost the medical order, I couldn’t by Clarinex.–
My grandmother having lost the medical order, I couldn’t by Clarinex.
1. As Nick had taken antihistamine drug, his wife didn’t allow him to drive a car.
2. As the patient had developed prostate problems, Claritin was discontinued.
3. As my friend had undergone a full physical examination, they included him in a
multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of cetirizine.
4. As this young researcher had written an interesting article on the use of
antihistamines for the common cold, the scientific committee invited him to
submit his paper for presentation at the conference .
Model: As the puppy was vaccinated, we could take it to the south with us. –
The puppy being vaccinated, we could take it to the south with us.
1. As the nearest chemist’s shop was being fixed, I had to go to the chemist’s
situated in the center of the town to buy Benadryl for my runny nose.
2. As the article on oral antihistamines was being printed, we hoped to get it soon.
3. As antihistamines were taken, the patient had comparatively dry mouth and
therefore persistent problems with breath odours.
4. As symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis are reduced by Atarax, the physician
recommends me to use this medication.
Model: When the work had been done, the pharmacists went home. –
The work having been done, the pharmacists went home.
1. When Chlor-Trimeton had been taken, such rare but serious side effect as fast
irregular heartbeat developed.
2. As allergy had been diagnosed in this patient, the proper antihistamine
medication was administered.
3. When perennial rhinitis had been effectively controlled by modern generation
of non-sedating antihistamines, the man could definitely enjoy life.
II. Translate into English using the Absolute Participle Complex.
1. Молода жінка глянула на лікаря, і очі її яскраво сяяли. Після успішного
лікування алергії у неї зник фізичний дискомфорт, який виникав від того,
що очі постійно сльозилися.
2. Коли обговорення переваг антигістамінного препарату нового покоління
закінчилося, багато хто з пацієнтів захотів придбати його.
3. Оскільки кількість хворих на алергію з кожним роком усе зростає,
антигістамінні препарати досить широко представлені на вітчизняному
фармацевтичному ринку.
4. Побічну дію антигістамінних препаратів описано у першому розділі
підручника; мені доведеться переглянути його.
5. Так як антигістамінні препарати першого покоління мають седативну дію,
лікарі часто рекомендують їх для нормалізації сну.
6. Помилку в призначенні було знайдено завчасно, лікар відчув велике
7. Якщо дозволить час, я зайду в аптеку та куплю бабусі дезлоратадин,
антигістамінний препарат для симптоматичної терапії сезонного
алергічного риніту.
8. Коли клінічні випробування антигістамінного препарату третього
покоління закінчилися, журналісти атакували молодих учених своїми
Методичну розробку складено викладачем Цебрук І. Ф.
Методичну розробку обговорено і затверджено на кафедрі мовознавстві.
Протокол №____від_______
Зав. кафедри мовознавства, професор
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