COURSE SYLLABUS Course Prefix/Number: PHC 6005 Course Title: Disease Transmission in the Urban Environment Course Credit Hours: 3 Instructor Name and Contact Information: John Lanza, MD, PhD, MPH, FAAP email: Office hours: by email only Julie Philippart, MS, MT (ASCP) Mobile: 850-380-0137; email: Office hours: by email only Prerequisites or Co-Requisites: none Course Description: This course focuses on disease transmission in the urban community – how interaction between human behaviors and environmental changes contribute to the spread of disease in urban areas in developed and developing countries. Student Learning Outcomes: Following this course, student shall be able to: 1. Describe the nature of infectious disease, modes of transmission, and disease agents. 2. Contrast and discuss historical and modern issues related to spread of infectious diseases and their control. 3. Describe behavioral and environmental factors associated with infectious disease transmission. 4. Discuss means of preventing disease by behavioral and/or environmental modification. 5. Discuss the important groups of communicable diseases - differentiate between bacteria, viruses, and other infectious agents. 6. Discuss current issues related to the spread of disease and prevention strategies used in communicable disease control. 7. Understand epidemiologic tools used to measure association and be able to apply these concepts to evaluate the probable cause of an outbreak. 8. Discuss data management for infectious diseases and tools for managing surveillance and laboratory data. Topics Covered: Migration and Disease, Emergence of New Diseases, Re-emergence of Diseases, Development of Antibiotic Resistance, Use of Microbes for Bioterrorism, Infectious Process and Modes of Disease Transmission, Food-Borne Illnesses, Hospitalacquired Infections, Immunization and Vaccines, Tuberculosis, HIV and AIDS, Upper Respiratory Infections, Zoonotic Infections, Arthropod-Transmitted Diseases, Global Climate Change and Infectious Diseases, the Ecology of Infectious Diseases, Seasonal Variation in Host Susceptibility and Cycles of Certain Diseases, Environmental Effects on Disease Transmission Texts: Required texts: Smolinski, M.S. et al., Microbial Threats to Health: Emergence, Detection, and Response, Institute of Medicine, The National Academies Press, 2003. Grading/Evaluation: Evaluation of student grades will be based on their performance in the following areas: 1. Study questions on topics covered in each module. 2. A mid-term exam will be given after module 6. 3. The research paper on an appropriate topic approved by an instructor will count as the final exam. GRADE/PERCENTAGE: A = A- = B+ = B = B- = C+ = C = C- = D+ = D = F < 95+% 90 – 94.9% 87 – 89.9% 84 – 86.9% 80 – 83.9% 77 - 79.9% 74 - 76.9% 70 - 73.9% 67 - 69.9% 63 - 66.9% 63% Research Paper/Presentations: All students will perform research on a topic approved by the faculty. The topic must be presented via email to either faculty member for approval by the 6th week of the class. The paper will consist of fifteen typewritten pages using the APA style. An appendix will contain references, figures, charts, etc. Grade Determination: Module Study Questions Mid-term exam Research paper/final exam 120 points 100 points 200 point 550 points References/Bibliography: CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly report. Web site: Public Health Service-Healthy People 2101. Web site: PROMED. Web site: National Association of County and City Health Officials. Web site: National Institutes of Health. Web site: The American Journal of Public Health Special Technology Utilized by Students: Power point Expectations for Academic Conduct/Plagiarism Policy: Academic Conduct Policy: (Web Format) | (PDF Format) | (RTF Format) Plagiarism Policy: (Word Format) | (PDF Format) | (RTF Format) Student Handbook: (PDF Format) Assistance: Students with special needs who require specific examination-related or other courserelated accommodations should contact Barbara Fitzpatrick, Director of Disabled Student Services(DSS),, (850)474-2387. DSS will provide the student with a letter for the instructor that will specify any recommended accommodations. Class Schedule Module Topic Instructor 1 Introduction to the class; History of Infectious Dis Philippart 2 Migration and Diseases Philippart 3 Infectious Processes and Modes of Transmission; Emergent/Re-emergent Diseases Lanza 4 The Ecology of Infectious Diseases; Environmental Effect/Global Climate Change and Infectious Diseases Philippart 5 Development of Antibiotic Resistance Lanza 6 Food-borne Illnesses Lanza 7 Seasonal Variability in Host Susceptibility & Cycles of Certain Diseases Mid-term exam 8 TB/HIV/AIDS/STD’s 9 Hospital-acquired Infections Philippart 10 Immunizations and Vaccines Lanza 11 Zoonotic/Arthropod-transmitted Diseases 12 Use of Microbes for Terrorism Research paper Philippart Lanza Philippart Lanza