This goal seeks to foster and encourage the students' knowledge of and appreciation for their position as members of a global community by examining the cultures and their interconnectivity. Appreciation can be understood here to mean that students must have an adequate understanding and respect for difference before they can compare other cultures to their own. Aspects of given cultural groups may include but are not limited to the personal, philosophical, religious, social, economic, historical, and political. Note: For the purposes of assessment with this rubric, papers, reports, PowerPoint presentations, speeches, reflections from attendance at cultural events, or observed group work are examples of assignments appropriate for scoring with this tool.
Examines the global community:
Does the student recognize that one’s own culture influences behaviors and values?
May not consciously recognize or react to particular types of differences, even when experiencing them. Assumes knowledge is certain.
Categorizes knowledge claims as right or wrong.
May not be able to explain the relationship between cultural ideology or practices and contemporary problems.
Recognizes variations in beliefs, traditions, and values across and within cultures.
Understands culture as all knowledge and values shared by a group.
Considers the impact of a dominant
Understands behaviors and communication among cultures that can lead to misinterpretation and misunderstandings
Recognizes the influence of culture on contemporary problems.
Understands culture as the capabilities and habits acquired by a human as a member of society.
Understands multiculturalism as the co-existence of diverse cultures, manifested in customary behaviors, cultural assumptions and values,
patterns of thinking, and communicative styles.
Considers social identities in a broader context.
Recognizes legitimacy of similarities and differences of perspectives within and between cultures and groups.
Shows sophistication in integrating knowledge of cultural, economic, and political relationships and in balancing those interests in analyzing solutions to contemporary problems.
May be beginning to recognize and understand how diverse groups have been treated and perceived throughout history.
Does not attend cultural events or is prone to criticize attended events without considering social or historical context or event’s intended purpose.
May accept stereotypes as being generally true.
Recognizes and understands how diverse groups have been treated and perceived throughout history.
Attends diverse cultural events to broaden perspective.
Identifies patterns in cultural behavior, including stereotypes.
Recognizes and understands how diverse groups have been treated and perceived throughout history and articulates the impact that that treatment has had, and still has, on social and
global relationships.
Attends diverse cultural events to broaden perspective and can criticize events from multiple perspectives, while indicating understanding of social and historical context as well as the event’s purpose.
Identifies patterns in cultural behavior, including stereotypes, but also questions the validity of stereotypes and can explain why they are not valid.
Engages in selfexamination:
Can the student describe own culture and compare to others?
Exhibits an attitude of openness:
Does the student demonstrate
Unlikely to question own beliefs or
May not exhibit congruency between thought and behavior.
May rely on an external authority for definition of self and may view differences as threat to selfidentity.
Demonstrates some willingness to
May not know what questions to ask when learning of or about other cultures.
Can describe own culture.
Maintains an unsupported belief that own culture is superior.
May be beginning to identify personal assumptions and biases about self and others. learn more about their own or other groups and cultures.
Professes tolerance but may not fully understand or accept certain differences in individuals or cultures.
Indicates limited knowledge of cultural traits other than those that are stereotypical.
Asks questions about other cultures.
Describes how knowledge from different cultural perspectives can or could affect interpretations of prominent problems in politics, society, the arts and/or global relations.
Questions experience, while considering specific position in relation to others, when comparing others’ cultures to own.
May express tension between previously held beliefs and contradictory beliefs from others. Expresses awareness of own background and how it affects one’s world view, values, and assumptions. Recognizes that personal experiences and beliefs are starting points for understanding others.
Considers own position in the world.
Places own life within the context of the cultural diversity and history
Acknowledges the rights, responsibilities
Demonstrates a link between own life and others (through career choice, assumptions about self or the world). and contributions of others.
Exhibits tolerance. Demonstrates positive regard for the culture, religion, gender, and sexual orientation of individual students and their families.
A conscious effort is made to overcome/counteract stereotypes and bias.
Asks questions about other cultures and/or members of other cultures, particularly in relation to own experience.
Recognizes new perspectives about own culture, perhaps from comparison to others.
Demonstrates an ability to affirm choices and
beliefs different from their own.
Engages in interactions that are based on understanding and appreciation for differences.
Places own life within the context of the cultural diversity and history and can support and discuss
the complexities of own identity formation
Sees one’s self as citizen of a global world in that he or she compares own role and that of their culture to those of others and other cultures.
Consistently incorporates diverse and multiple perspectives when working with others and is able to negotiate and facilitate a shared understanding.
Demonstrates an ability to assess the impact of incorporating multiple and diverse perspectives when working with one’s own and other cultures.
Encourages tolerance in others, while exhibiting it in him- or herself.
Understands broader implications of cultural differences
Situates the impacts of his or her worldview and analyzes cultural integration and cultural change; shows tolerance for ambiguity.
positive regard for cultural differences?
May exhibit reliance on stereotyping or on a standard and fixed objective reality while discussing problems, differences, or conflicts.
Alters interactions to accommodate differences
Resists automatic judgment. Considers possibility of multiple meanings.
Exhibits a willingness to critically explore claims of knowledge concerning differences.
Acknowledges that they, as individuals, do not
have all the answers regarding differences.
Faces the dilemma of understanding others without compounding societal stereotypes.
The following resources lent to the development of this rubric.
Association of American Colleges and Universities VALUE Rubric on Intercultural Knowledge and Competence.
Illinois State University Global Learning Value Rubric.
Oregon State University Cultural Knowledge and Effectiveness Rubric.
Saint Paul College Cultural Diversity and Citizenship Rubric.
Texas A&M University Intercultural Knowledge and Competence Value Rubric.
West Liberty University Global Awareness and Cultural Diversity Assessment Rubric.
Course and Section:
Please score the text based on where the majority of the descriptions are met (see Guide), particularly with the understanding that if the communication has been successful, then its message has been understood by the audience. Evaluators should use a 0 for any instances where the text does not meet the
Emergent criteria.
Evaluators should use their best judgment per category, in general, as some instances of communication may transgress these descriptions. 1 should be used for emergent, 2 for proficient, and 3 for exemplary.
Score 0-3 pts Type of Assignment: Written Oral Other ______________
Student Name: Student #:
Examines the global community: Does the student recognize that one’s own culture influences behaviors and values? Recognizes that cultural differences impact perceptions and therefore communication, which can disrupt community and global harmony. Attempts to broaden understanding through study and by attending or participating in events focused on other cultures.
Engages in self-examination: Can the student describe own culture and compare to others? Considers his or her own world view, and knows that values and assumptions are shaped by his or her own position in the world.
Exhibits an attitude of openness: Does the student demonstrate positive regard for cultural differences? Acknowledges contributions of other cultures, exhibit tolerance of people who are different to him- or herself, and resist automatic judgement of others.
Student Name: Student #:
Examines the global community: Does the student recognize that one’s own culture influences behaviors and values? Recognizes that cultural differences impact perceptions and therefore communication, which can disrupt community and global harmony. Attempts to broaden understanding through study and by attending or participating in events focused on other cultures.
Engages in self-examination: Can the student describe own culture and compare to others? Considers his or her own world view, and knows that values and assumptions are shaped by his or her own position in the world.
Exhibits an attitude of openness: Does the student demonstrate positive regard for cultural differences? Acknowledges contributions of other cultures, exhibit tolerance of people who are different to him- or herself, and resist automatic judgement of others.
Student Name: Student #:
Examines the global community: Does the student recognize that one’s own culture influences behaviors and values? Recognizes that cultural differences impact perceptions and therefore communication, which can disrupt community and global harmony. Attempts to broaden understanding through study and by attending or participating in events focused on other cultures.
Engages in self-examination: Can the student describe own culture and compare to others? Considers his or her own world view, and knows that values and assumptions are shaped by his or her own position in the world.
Exhibits an attitude of openness: Does the student demonstrate positive regard for cultural differences? Acknowledges contributions of other cultures, exhibit tolerance of people who are different to him- or herself, and resist automatic judgement of others.
Student Name: Student #:
Examines the global community: Does the student recognize that one’s own culture influences behaviors and values? Recognizes that cultural differences impact perceptions and therefore communication, which can disrupt community and global harmony. Attempts to broaden understanding through study and by attending or participating in events focused on other cultures.
Engages in self-examination: Can the student describe own culture and compare to others? Considers his or her own world view, and knows that values and assumptions are shaped by his or her own position in the world.
Exhibits an attitude of openness: Does the student demonstrate positive regard for cultural differences? Acknowledges contributions of other cultures, exhibit tolerance of people who are different to him- or herself, and resist automatic judgement of others.
Student Name: Student #:
Examines the global community: Does the student recognize that one’s own culture influences behaviors and values? Recognizes that cultural differences impact perceptions and therefore communication, which can disrupt community and global harmony. Attempts to broaden understanding through study and by attending or participating in events focused on other cultures.
Engages in self-examination: Can the student describe own culture and compare to others? Considers his or her own world view, and knows that values and assumptions are shaped by his or her own position in the world.
Exhibits an attitude of openness: Does the student demonstrate positive regard for cultural differences? Acknowledges contributions of other cultures, exhibit tolerance of people who are different to him- or herself, and resist automatic judgement of others.
Score 0-3 pts