CURRICULUM VITAE Dmytro Malytskyy Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of Science of Ukraine (CB IGPH NASU) Department of Seismotectonic Researches 3-b, Naukova st. 79060, Lviv, Ukraine +38-032-2649777 (tel) +38-032-2648563 (fax) e-mail Qualifications 2010 Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Doctor Theses: Matrix method and its modifications in the problems of determining the earthquake’s wave field and source parameters were defended at Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 1994 Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PhD in Geophysics). PhD thesis: Methods and algorithms for solving the inverse problem of seismology in thin-layered media was defended at Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 1978 Diploma of Engineering in Physics (M.Sc. Degree), Faculty of Physics, Lviv University, Ukraine Present position: Senior Researcher, Chief of Department Seismotectonic Researches, Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics, Lviv, Ukraine. Research Interests: Page 1 of 10 Seismic wave propagation. Theory and application of synthetic seismograms. Our understanding of the detailed nature of seismic sources and earth’s interior structure has increased with our increased ability to interpret seismograms. One of the best ways to demonstrate understanding of a seismogram is to further develop the matrix method of Thompson and Haskell where the various processes affecting the source excitation and wave-propagation are accounted for and modeled. Dr. Malytskyy develops a version of matrix method for calculation of synthetic seismograms on the free surface of the layered isotropic medium. The point source is located inside one of the layers and is represented as seismic moment tensor. He considers also an extended source in time area. In such a way, he accounts for a very important parameter of source – the Source Time Function (STF). At present, Dr.Malytskyy develops a version of matrix method for anisotropic media. Physics of earthquake source. Inverse theory. Inverse theory is a field of mathematics that aims to solve problems in which we wish to use data of observations to constrain the model when we only know how to predict data for the model. The solution of the forward problem consisting in calculation of synthetic seismograms when all the parameters of the medium and source are known Dr.Malytskyy further uses for solving the inverse problem. He has developed a method for determining the source parameters (tensor of seismic moment and STF) from the records of direct P- and S- waves at several locations. Earthquake seismology and deformation. Carpathian region extending over the Folded Carpathians, foremountain and intermountain troughs and the adjacent parts of the platform, i.e., the parts of Transcarpathian, Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv regions of Ukraine, is known as tectonically active zone. In 1965 Lviv geophysicists organized the Carpathian Integrated Geodynamic Test Site in the Transcarpathian region to study connections between geophysical fields, structure and dynamics of lithosphere and local seismicity. On the site the network of 6 permanent geophysical stations (PGS) (“Mukachiv”, “Berehove”, “Trosnyk”, “Nyzhnye Selyshche”, “Bushtyno”, and “Brid”) was set up. Dr.Malytskyy develops and organizes the works on deformation measurements in rock by a high-precise laser extensometer at the geophysical stations of “Berehove” and “Trosnyk”. A correlation between the geological structure, seasonal variations of temperature, influence of tidal potential and seismic conditions in the region was revealed. Based on data of extension-metering, seismic and temperature monitoring new perspective ways for detecting the accumulation and redistribution of elastic deformations are developed. Probable precursors of local earthquakes have been identified. Page 2 of 10 Professional Appointments 2002 – Present Senior Researcher, Chief of Department Seismotectonic Researches, CB IGPH NASU 1995- 2002 Senior Researcher, Deputy Chief of Department Seismotectonic Researches, CB IGPH NASU 1992- 1995 Junior Researcher, Deputy Chief of Department Seismotectonic Researches, CB IGPH NASU 1988- 1992 Graduate student, The Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Moskow, Research Advisor: Prof. Anatoliy Lovshyn 1979- 1988 Researcher, Lviv State University, Lviv, Ukraine 1978-1979 Engineer, Telegraph Equipment Works, Lviv, Ukraine PhD students, principal supervisor Dr.Dmytro Malytskyy had trained 6 Candidates of Sciences (PhD), 5 of them Postgraduates from Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics NAS Ukraine: 1. Dr. Orest Muyla, PhD, 2011 2. Dr.Peter Khekalo, PhD, 2011 3. Dr.Ruslan Pak , PhD, 2011 4. Dr. Serge Kravets, PhD, 2011 5. Dr.Vasyl’ Ihnatyshyn, PhD, 2013 6. Dr.Yuriy Verbytskyy, PhD, 2013 Dr.Dmytro Malytskyy are supervising for 4 PhD students. International Grants 2012-2014 The grant of Science & Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) ”Methodology-software complex for seismoacoustic prospecting of shale gases based on adequate models of structural mechanics” 1998-2002 The INCO-COPERNICUS Project “Relations Between Different Geodynamic Parameters and Seismicity in Areas of High and Low Seismic Risk”. Memberships Page 3 of 10 Scientific Society named after T.Shevchenko Publications and abstracts: D.Malytskyy, L.Synytskyy. Finite-difference approximations of the wave equation. Teoreticheskaja elektrotekhnika, N35, 1983, p.18-21 . D.Malytskyy, L.Synytskyy. Finite-difference equations for propagation of a plane electromagnetic wave in periodically inhomogeneous media. Teoreticheskaja elektrotekhnika, N36, 1984, p.25-28 . D.Malytskyy, P.Drabych, L.Mizuk, R.Prots. A device for measuring the length of a spatial vector. Patent USSR N1018126. D.Malytskyy, P.Drabych, L.Mizuk, A.Vakulskyy. A device for measuring the ratio of amplitudes of two pulses which follow each other in time. Patent USSR N1287021. D.Malytskyy, G.Rubakha. On automatization of the seismic data processing when modeling thin-layered structures. Proceedings of the 13th Conference of young scientists IAPMM AS Ukraine, 1989, N1742-B89 . D.Malytskyy. Solving inverse problems in the theory of wave propagation in a vertically-inhomogeneous medium on the basis of recurrent method. In: Conditionally-correct problems of mathematical physics and analysis, 1992, p.154-155 . D.Malytskyy. Solution of the direct two-dimensional problem of wave propagation theory on the base of recurrent method. Geophysical Journal, IGF NASU, 1994, N4, p.60-62. D.Malytskyy. Recurrent method of inverse dynamic problem of seismoprospecting in a vertically-inhomogeneous medium. Geophysical Journal, IGF NASU, 1994, N3, p.61-66. D.Malytskyy, T.Verbitsky. Solution of inverse problems of the theory of wave propagation in a vertically-inhomogeneous medium on the basis of a recurrent approach. // European Seismological Commission XXIV General Assembly, 1994, Athens, Greece. D.Malytskyy, T.Verbitsky. Recurrent Method of solving inverse seismic problems. Geophysical Journal, IGF NASU, 1996, Vol.15, p.709-723.(1995, vol.17, №5, 47-52) D.Malytskyy. General principles of seismological dynamic problem solution on the basis of the recurrent method. Geophysical Journal, IGF NASU, 1998, Vol.20, p.96-98. Page 4 of 10 D.Malytskyy. Methods for separating active fault. XXIV General Assembly EGS, The Hague, 1999. D.Malytskyy, T.Verbitsky. Recurrent method of solving seismic problems. XXV General Assembly EGS, Nice, France, 2000. D.Malytskyy, T.Verbitsky. Fundamental principles of solving a dynamic problem of seismology based on the recurrent approach. XXV General Assembly EGS, Nice, France, 2000. D.Malytskyy, T.Verbitsky, Y.Verbitsky, B.Boyko, V.Leshchuk. Integrated Geophysical Investigations in the Transcarpathians: Results and Prospects. XXV General Assembly EGS, Nice, France, 2000. D.Malytskyy. Recurrent method of solving direct and inverse seismic problems.The 2nd ACES Workshop, Japan, October 15-20, 2000. D.Malytskyy. The recurrent method for the solution of dynamical seismic problems for a medium with irregular interfaces. Geodynamics, 2000, 1(3), p.104-108. D.Malytskyy. Source parameters of small earthquakes. XXVI General Assembly EGS, Nice, France, 2001. D.Malytskyy. The determination of source parameters on the base of recurrent method. XXVII General Assembly EGS, Nice, France, 2002. D.Malytskyy. Direct and inverse problems of seismologics of thinklayer media. Proceedings of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, 2002, Vol.8, p.110-116. E.Kozlovsky, D.Malytskyy. Seismic waves in real media. Proceedings of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, 2002, Vol.8, p.117-121. 22. D.Malytskyy. New Approach for Determination of the Parameters of a Source Earthquake. The 3nd ACES Workshop, USA, May 5-10, 2002 D Malytskyy, R.Pak. The recurrent method for solving of parameters of a source earthquake. Geophysical Journal, IGF NASU, 2003, Vol.25, p.189-195. T.Verbitsky, A.Gnyp, D.Malytskyy, A.Nazarevych, J.Verbitsky, O.Navotna, M.Narivna, I.Jarema. Microseisms and deformation investigations in the Transcarpathians: results and perspectives. Geophysical Journal, IGF NASU, 2003, Vol.25, p.99-112. D. Malytskyy, R.Pak. The propagation of seismic SH- waves in a layered medium. A direct problem. Geophysical Journal, IGF NASU, 2003, N 5, p.118-121. Page 5 of 10 D.Malytskyy, A.Mykyta, I.Butyter, T.Verbitsky. A device for registration of displacement with capacity differential transformator. 2003, Patent Ukraine N2003044000. P.Hekalo, D.Malytskyy. A determination of a relations between physical and collector properties of porous rocks. Prospecting and development of oil and gas field, 2003, 4(9), p.64-67 L.Skakalska, D.Malytskyy. Investigation of Transcarpathian seismicity on Solotvyno hollow example during 1963-2001. Theoretical and applied aspects of Geoinformatics, 2004,Vol.1, p.250-254. R.Pak, D.Malytskyy. Wave potentials calculation with a help of a form of integral transform for a effectively point dislocation. Geodynamics, 2004, 1(4), p.68-74. D.Malytskyy. Using the recurrent method for earthquare source. 29 General Assembly of European Seismological Commission, Potsdam, Germany, September 12-17, 2004. D.Malytskyy, R.Pak. Using the recurrent method for solving of problems of seismology. Geophysical Journal, IGF NASU, 2004, N6, p.168-173. D.Malytskyy. On the source of seismic waves. Geophysical Journal, IGF NASU, 2005, N2, Vol.27, p.304-308. D.Malytskyy. Mathematical modeling for seismology problems. 9th International Workshop on Numerical Modeling of Mantle Convection and Lithospheric Dynamics, Erice, Sicily(Italy), September 8-14, 2005 S.Kravets, D.Malytskyy. Laser device of deformation measurement. Naukovyy Visnyk, Ivano-Frankivsk, 2005, N1(10), p.37-41. P.Khekalo, D.Malytskyy. Relations between elastic parameters of dry and fluid-saturated rock. Geophysical Journal, IGF NASU, 2005, N5, Vol.27, p.882-885. V.Maksimchuk, V.Kuznetsova, T.Verbitsky, D.Malytskyy, and esc. Investigations of modern geodynamics of ukrainian carpathian. Kyiv, Naukova dumka, 2005, 255 p. D.Malytskyy, O.Fedoryshyn, P.Khekalo. Prognostigation oil and gas saturating of mountains breeds with use of speeds of flexible waves, absorption coefficients and recurrent correlations. Nauka i innovacii, 2006, Vol 2, N 4, p. 86–99. D.Malytskyy, R.Pak, O.Muyla. Using the recurrent method for seismology problems. International Disaster Reduction Conference IDRC Davos 2006, Davos, Switzerland, August 27- September 1, 2006 Page 6 of 10 D.Malytskyy, R.Pak. A propagation of seismic waves in a layered medium. Proceedings of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, 2006, Vol.17, p.65-71. D.Malytskyy. Seismicity of the Carpathian region. International Journal of Physical Sciences, Vol. 1 (2), pp. 085-092, October 2006. D.Malytskyy, O.Muyla. Using matrix method and its modifications for a propagation of seismic waves in a layered medium,. Theoretical and applied aspects of Geoinformatics, 2007, p.124-136. D.Malytskyy, O.Muyla. Modelling of wave fields excited by effective point dislocation. Visnyk by Kyiv University of Taras Shevchenko, 2007, Vol.41, pp.25-29 D.Malytskyy, S.Kravets. Extensometric investigations in the Transcarpathians with laser register. Visnyk by Kyiv University of Taras Shevchenko, 2007, Vol.42, pp.92-97. D.Malytskyy, R.Pak, E.Kozlovsky, O.Mospan, O.Muyla. The analysis of wave fields, generated by a source of seismic waves as tensor of the seismic moment in layered environment. The collection of International scientific conference “Lessons and consequence of strong earthquakes (to 80-th anniversary of destructive Crimean earthquakes”, Yalta 2007, pp.221-224. D.Malytskyy, R.Pak, E.Kozlovsky, O.Mospan, O.Muyla. A Propagation of seismic waves in layered media. Numerical methods of wave field’s calculation. The collection of scientific conference “ Modern geophysical techniques for estimation and monitoring of geophysical environment”, Lviv 2007, pp.66-69. D.Malytskyy, O.Muyla. Particularities of modelling of earthquake source. Theoretical and applied aspects of Geoinformatics, 2008, p.304-310. D. Malytskyy, O.Mospan, O.Muyla . Recurrent Modeling of Seismic Waves in Layered Media. Seismological Research Letters, Jan 2008; 79: 132 - 143. D.Malytskyy, O.Muyla, O.Mospan, R.Pak. Recurrent modelling of seismic waves in layered media and the inversion of source parameters. The collection of the I Polish Geological Congress, Krakow 2008, pp.71-72. D.Malytskyy, O.Khytryak. Mathematical modelling of seismic wave processes in layered halfspace by using of 6-th order matrices. Geoinformatika, 2008, Vol.4, pp.44-48. D.Malytskyy. The Carpathian seismicity: Vrancea zone between Ukraine, Romania and Hungary, Revista Geográfica Venezolana, 2008, vol.49, no.2, p.211-222. ISSN 1012-1617. Page 7 of 10 D. Malytskyy. Using matrix method for a determination of seismic moment tensor components, European Science Foundation Conference: New Challenges iEarthquake Dynamics, Obergugl (Austria), 2008. D.Malytskyy, E.Kozlovsky, O.Khytryak. Analysis of results of mathematical modelling of theoretical seismograms, Visnyk by Kyiv University of Taras Shevchenko, 2009, Vol.47, pp.51-54. D.Malytskyy, , R.Pak, O.Khytryak. Mathematical modelling of seismic waves in layered media using matrix method and its modifications, Modern tectonophysics. Methods and Results, Institute of Physics of Earth, Moskow, 2009, pp.152-155 D.Malytskyy, S.Kravets. The analysis of some deformographical observations in the Transcarpathians, Modern tectonophysics. Methods and Results, Institute of Physics of Earth, Moskow, 2009, pp.102-107. D.Malytskyy. Analytic- Numerical Approaches to the Calculation of Seismic Moment Tensor as a Function of Time, Geoinformatika, 2010, Vol.1, pp.79-85. D.Malytskyy, L.Skakalska. On seismicity of the Oash fault zone, Theoretical and applied aspects of Geoinformatics, 2010, pp.311-318. D.Malytskyy, R.Pak, E.Kozlovsky,O.Muyla, O.Khytryak. Modelling of earthquake sources by using of theoretical seismograms, Geodynamics, 2010, 1(9), p.77-80. S.Kravets, D.Malytskyy. Analysis of deformation in the Transcarpathians. Visnyk by Kyiv University of Taras Shevchenko, 2010, Vol.48, pp.48-52. O.Muyla, D.Malytskyy. Earthquake source mechanism in the problems of seismology, Visnyk by Kyiv University of Taras Shevchenko, 2011, Vol.53, pp.31-34. V.Chekurin, D.Malytskyy. Mathematical model for interference of elastic waves in a geological medium with a stressed layer. The case of uniform compression. Physics and mathematical modeling and informational technology, 2011, Vol.14, pp.159-166 (ISSN 1816-1545). D.Malytskyy, S.Kravets. Analysis of thermal-elastic geomechanical processes on the base of complex deformational monitoring data. Geodynamics, – 2011. – № 2(11). – pp. 193–195. D.Malytskyy, A.Pavlova, V.Chekurin. Mathematical modeling of wave processes in a layered half space with an additional tension. Geodynamics, – 2011. – № 2(11). – pp. 196–198. D.Malytskyy, O.Khytryak. Application of matrix method modifications for simulation of wave processes in layered half-space. Geophysical Journal, IGF NASU, 2012, N1, Vol.34, p.129-137. Page 8 of 10 D.Malytskyy, O.Muyla, A.Pavlova. Problems of modelling of earthquake sources in seismology. Second international scientific conference “Geophysical studies and modelling of physical fields of Earth”, 20-22 September 2012, Lviv-Chynadievo, Ukraine, pp-75-79. O.Muyla, D.Malytskyy. Modelling of wave fields for the determination of the earthquake source parameters. Third tectonophysics conference “Tectonophysics and actual problems of Earth Sciences”, 8-12 October 2012, Moskow, pp.134-137. D.Malytskyy. Matrices method in direct and inverse problems of seismology: the results of modeling and perspectives for application. Physics and mathematical modeling and informational technology, 2012, Vol.16, pp.93-103 (ISSN 1816-1545). D.Malytskyy, O.Muyla, A.Pavlova. Matrix method in seismology problems. Visnyk by Kyiv University of Taras Shevchenko, 2012, Vol.58, pp.25-28. D.Malytskyy, A.Pavlova, V.Chekurin. About some approaches mathematical modelling of wave processes in a layed half-space with an additional tension. Geophysical Journal, IGF NASU, 2012, N6, Vol.34, p.154-159. D.Malytskyy, V.Ihnatyshyn, U.Koval’. Strain-metering investigations in the zone of Oash fault as based on the results at strain-meter stations “Trosnyk”, “Korolevo” and “Berehovo”. Visnyk by Kyiv University of Taras Shevchenko, 2012, Vol.59, pp.15-17 . D.Malytskyy, O.Muyla, A.Pavlova. Matrix method in the problems of calculation of the earthquake wave field and parameters of its source. Geodynamics, – 2012. – № 1(12). – pp. 182–185. D.Malytskyy, A.Pavlova. Seismic wave propagation in anisotropic media. Direct problem – I. Geoinformatika, 2013, Vol.1(45), pp.25-30. D.Malytskyy, A.Pavlova. Seismic wave propagation in anisotropic media. Inverse problem –II. Geoinformatika, 2013, Vol. 4(48), pp.4351. V.Ihnatyshyn, D.Malytskyy. Geophysical observations in the Transcarpathian and their results. Geodynamics, – 2013. – № 2(15). – pp. 154–157. V.Ihnatyshyn, D.Malytskyy, U.Koval’. Geodynamic model and seismic state of the Transcarpathian based on the results of deformation measurements. Geodynamics, – 2013. – № 2(15). – pp. 157–160. D.Malytskyy, O.Hrytsai, O.Muyla, Y.Verbytskyy, O.Kutniv. Comparative analysis of similar earthquakes of 06.01.2012 and 10.01.2012 in the Transcarpathian. Geodynamics, – 2013. – № 2(15). – pp. 225–228. Page 9 of 10 D.Malytskyy, S.Kravets. Dynamics of postseismic tectonic deformations. Geodynamics, – 2013. – № 2(15). – pp. 228–231. A.Pavlova, D.Malytskyy, O.Hrytsai, E.Kozlovsky. Application of the matrix method in inverse problems using real seismograms. Geodynamics, – 2013. – № 2(15). – pp. 265–267. E.Kozlovsky, D.Malytskyy, A.Pavlova. Determining and analysis of azimuthal coefficients qi for seismically active region of the Transcarpathian. Geodynamics, – 2013. – № 2(15). – pp. 174–176. D.Malytskyy, O.Hrytsai, O.Muyla. The features of the construction of the focal mechanisms of local earthquakes using the example of an event near Beregovo 23.11.2006 (φ = 48.2 ˚, λ = 22.52 ˚, h = 12.3 km, MD = 4.2). Visnyk by Kyiv University of Taras Shevchenko, 2013, Vol.60, pp.37-42. D.Malytskyy, A.Pavlova. Comparative analysis of methods in problems of seismic waves propagation in layered anisotropic media. Visnyk by Kyiv University of Taras Shevchenko, 2013, Vol.61, pp.3136. PERSONAL BIO Date & Place of Birth 2 October 1955 – Lviv region, Ukraine Citizenship Ukrainian Marital status Married, 2 daughters (30 years, 27 years) Page 10 of 10