Topography of Volcanic Regions Guided Cornell Notes Questions pp

Topography of Volcanic Regions Guided Cornell Notes Questions pp.G17-G20
Define contour lines.
Define contour interval.
Define topographic map.
What does a topographic map show?
Define relief.
What does relief really mean?
List the important points re: topo maps?
Illustrate the typical depiction of volcano.
List 5 factors that can affect the shape of a volcano.
Define igneous rock.
Define silica.
List the two reasons the percentage of silica in magma important.
Where is silica-rich magma likely to remain.
What danger does high silica magma have (possess)?
Why are high-silica magma so explosive?
What happens to low-silica magma?
What kind of volcano does low-silica lava form?
Define shield volcano.
If the magma is silica-rich, and volcanoes vent gets plugged, what happens?
What are pyroclastics?
Define composite cone (stratovolcano).
What type of silica is erupted out of a composite cone volcano?
Define caldera.
Understand the meaning of contour line, contour interval, and relief.
Interpret topographic maps.
Recognize volcanic landforms on a topographic map and predict where lava would flow.
Understand relationships between magma composition and type of volcano formed.