Italian for Historians I – It 109 – Year 2006-2007

Italian for Historians I – It 109 – Year 2006-2007
Weekly programme - TERM 1
Week 1 – First Meeting
Presenting the course
Homework: familiarise yourself with the book and find out how to:
- greet your teacher
- say ‘how are you?’
-say if you speak any languages
Week 2: Unit 1 Scusi! (1-3)
FUNCTIONS: greetings, introducing oneself, nationalities
GRAMMAR: pronunciation, negative, verbs in –are, essere (io, Lei)
Homework: (tutor’s handout)
Week 3: Unit 1 Scusi! (4-5)
FUNCTIONS: asking for/giving directions, ordering/accepting/refusing drinks
GRAMMAR: pronunciation, articles, asking questions
Homework: Practice (pp. 11-12)
Week 4: Unit 2 In giro per la città (1-3)
FUNCTIONS: looking around town, asking for more directions, ordering food and drinks
GRAMMAR: position of adjectives, asking questions, verbs in –ere (io, tu, lei)
Homework: tutors’ handouts
Week 5: Unit 2 In giro per la città (4-5)
FUNCTIONS: at the restaurant, describing food and drinks
GRAMMAR: more pronunciation, position of adjectives, plural of nouns, agreement, numbers
Homework: Practice (pp. 20-23)
Week 6: reading week (Unit 3)
Week 7
TRANSLATION WORK (2 hours): reading strategies, similarities and false friends, gist
ORAL WORK: Unit 3 Come si chiama?(1-2)
FUNCTIONS: find out people’s name and where they live
GRAMMAR: ordinal numbers, essere (all persons)
Homework: (tutors’ handouts)
Week 8
TRANSLATION WORK (2 hrs): parts of speech, translation strategies, using a dictionary
ORAL WORK: Unit 3 Come si chiama? (3-4)
FUNCTIONS: find out about people’s profession and nationality.
GRAMMAR: subject pronouns, verbs in –are (all persons), numbers 11-30
Homework: (tutors’ handouts)
Week 9
TRANSLATION WORK (2 hours): idioms and temporal markers
ORAL WORK: Unit 3 Come si chiama? (5-6)
FUNCTIONS: find out about people’s age and family.
GRAMMAR: possessive adjectives, avere (all persons), verbs in -ere (all persons), numbers 3150
Homework: Practice (pp. 34-36)
Week 10
TRANSLATION WORK (2 hours): past participle as adjective, revision