Biome project The Task Working in groups of 2 or 3, divide up the task of researching two of the world land biomes: Tundra, Taiga, Temperate Deciduous Forest, Tropical Rain Forest, Grasslands and Desert or aquatic biomes of streams, lakes, wetlands, estuaries, and oceans (pelagic, benthos, intertidal, and/or coral reefs). You will organize the information and write it up, as well as illustrating the biome in the format of your choice, being sure to make frequent and relevant comparisons between your two choices. (poster, research paper, powerpoint, newsletter, website, or other approved format). The Process 1. Read through all the following instructions. 2. Once you are familiar with what you will be doing, brainstorm ways to accomplish your tasks. To brainstorm effectively, you should take on roles such as recorder, to write down all group members ideas; task master, to mediate and keep everyone on task; and a audio master, to be a good listener to make sure that all group members' ideas get recorded. 3. Agree upon the best way to accomplish your task and make a quick outline. Each group member should make a list of the research and work he or she is responsible for. 4. Research your biome topics. (See Resources and Criteria lists.) When you are researching, make sure that you save all of your work in the same place each day, whether it is in a folder, notebook or on the hard drive. 5. Meet with your group regularly. Exchange information and discuss findings. If you find that you need more information in some areas, research further. 6. Write your part of the biome information. Edit. Peer edit. Make sure you coordinate with your group so that you use the same font and spacing etc for your good copy. 7. Meet with your group. Brainstorm ways to format your project. Try to be creative in your design and layout. 8. Create your project. Write up Your write up must include the following sections: General information Characteristics of the biome What parts of the world is your biome located? Climate (include temperatures & precipitation) – compare the two Animal and plant life How organisms (plants and animals) have adapted to survive in the biome How organisms (plant and animal) interact in the biome Compare organisms between the two biomes Ecological Concerns How climate change (global warming), affects the biome Human impact Impact of pollution and population growth on the organisms How the use of renewable and non-renewable resources affects your biome Compare ecological concerns of your first biome with those of your other biome Conservation efforts What is being done, what could be done Compare where possible Your perspective of the ecological concerns, conservation efforts and suggestions for further conservation efforts. Project Your project must include text and pictures. (cut and pasted pictures must have a cited source). Your posters must include the following: Biome name (do one poster per biome) Labeled map illustrating biome location(s) around the world Climate Ecological concerns Conservation efforts Animals Plants Your perspective A comparison paragraph between the two biomes Resources Internet searches (google, yahoo, dogpile, etc…) Useful websites: Biomes: units/biomes/biomes.html Climate change: hange_andthe_deciduous_.htm Encyclopedias (book and online) Public library School library – trolley provided