CATTLE ENTRY FORM This form must be used for all cattle/stirks/baby calves being moved to Melton Mowbray Market. Tel 01664 562971 email: From: Name of Owner Address: Telephone Number Home: Mobile: Date of Movement Holding No. From Which Moved FABBL No. TB TEST INTERVAL (Please Tick) 12 Months 36 Months 24 Months If Tested in last 60 days Please give date: / Affix FABBL Sticker Here Blue Tongue Vaccination 48 Months / This form should be filled in before you load up and should accompany all cattle to market. Please read notes below. LOT NO. leave for auction OFFICIAL EAR TAG HERD NO. EAR NO. Management Number or Mark BREED S=Steer, C=Cow, H=Heifer B=Bull AGE or D.O.B. RESERVE UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK 1. I hereby declare that I am the owner/owner's agent of the animal(s) described above and that to the best of my knowledge the particulars shown on this form at the time of signing are true and complete. 2. I authorise the auctioneers to act on my behalf without any responsibility attached to this action in respect of ear numbers or Passports and teeth. 3. I declare that all animals are properly tagged and are accompanied by a valid passport. 4. I hereby confirm that any medication ceased at the relevant mandatory time before sale for slaughter in accordance with the Medicine Act 1968. 5. This declaration is made under the Bovine Animals (Records Identification and Movement) Order 1995. 6. I declare that none of the animals listed above are subject to the 6day standstill rule. I declare that all cattle from 1-2 year TB testing interval farm have been negative tested 60 days prior to movement to the market and a test certificate could be produced to prove this upon request. 7. It is the vendors legal responsibility to ensure that all the information is correct and Melton Mowbray Market have no legal responsibility for the correctness of the information supplied. 8. FCI DECLARATION - Withdrawal periods have been observed for all medicines and to the best of my knowledge the beast shows no sign of disease or condition that might affect the meat. SIGNED on date given above: by owner/person in charge*(* delete as necessary) PLEASE LIST STOCK IN THE ORDER YOU PROPOSE IT TO BE SOLD USE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH AUCTION - PLEASE HELP US TO HELP YOU HAVE YOU SIGNED YOUR PASSPORTS?