Club Constitution - Cambridge City Hockey Club

Cambridge City Hockey Club
Constitution and Rules
The name of the club shall be CAMBRIDGE CITY HOCKEY CLUB with separate Men’s and Ladies
sections, which shall be affiliated to Cambridgeshire Hockey Association.
The object of the club shall be to actively encourage, promote and develop hockey amongst all sections of
the community which it serves (i.e. Cambridge and the outlying region). In so doing the Club shall
undertake to ensure that ‘Sports Equity’ (i.e. fairness) is practised in the Club. This includes ensuring that
opportunities are provided for all ages, genders, ethnic groups and people with disabilities at a level
appropriate to their needs and aspirations.
The Club will provide a safe, effective and child friendly environment in which to play and learn hockey
and will promote awareness of these opportunities amongst all its members. Coaching and other activities
will be reviewed by the General Committee on a regular basis.
Men’s Section - red shirts, white shorts and red socks with an alternative strip of light blue shirts
and socks.
Veterans - light blue shirts, white shorts, light blue socks
Ladies Section - red shirts, navy skirts and red stockings, with an alternative strip of white shirts
and white socks.
Membership of the club shall be open to all members of the community who have an interest in hockey,
including young people, members of ethnic minority groups and disabled people.
The club will actively encourage membership from young people aged 11-18; local ethnic minority
groups; people with disabilities; and women, in order to ensure that the membership reflects a balance
between male and female members.
Honorary Life Membership may be awarded to a person who has rendered outstanding service to
the Club. Nominations must come from the General Committee and must be ratified by a majority
vote of members present at a General Meeting of the Club.
Playing Membership is open to all, subject to the approval of the General Committee.
Associate Membership for non-playing members is open to all, subject to the approval of the
General Committee.
The membership of any member may be terminated, in the interests of the Club, by a 2/3 majority
vote of the General Committee, provided that such a member shall have been given at least 10
days written notice of such pending motion. A member so retired shall forfeit subscription paid
for that year.
The membership year shall run from 1st September to the 31st August following.
Last updated April 2009
Constitution and Rules
The annual membership subscription and match levies are determined by the General Committee
and must be ratified by a majority vote of members present at a General Meeting of the Club.
Annual Subscriptions are due on or before October 31st or within one month of election to the
Club, whichever is the latter, for the current season. Members whose subscriptions are unpaid by
the due date shall be liable to a late payment surcharge and will not be considered for selection
after that date until the subscription and penalty surcharge are paid in full.
The property and funds of the Club cannot be used for the direct or indirect private benefit
of members other than as reasonably allowed by the Rules and all surplus income or profits are
reinvested in the club.
The General Committee may appoint paid part-time staff for specific coach development projects
relating to Club members and such appointments must be reviewed periodically and confirmed at
the beginning of each season.
All members should adhere to the Code of conduct as laid down by the governing body, England Hockey,
and the General Committee may suspend the membership of any member whose conduct has been, in
their opinion, contrary to the interests of the Club.
This is an honorary position and may be awarded to any person who has rendered valuable service
to the Club or to the sport of hockey.
Nominations must come from the General Committee and must be approved by a majority vote of
members present at a General Meeting of the Club.
Vice Presidents are eligible to attend Committee meetings and General Meetings of the Club but
are not eligible to vote at such meetings.
Last updated April 2009
Constitution and Rules
The officers of the club shall comprise the following, who must be paid up members of the Club
with the exception of the President:President subject to Clause 6(f) thereof
Club chairperson
Men’s Club Captain (selected from the men’s team captains)
Ladies’ Club Captain (selected from the ladies’ team captains)
Hon. Secretary
Hon. Treasurer
The election of officers shall be made at the Annual General Meeting of the Club by a majority
vote of members present.
All officers (with the exception of the President) shall offer themselves for re-election annually.
The President shall be elected from the Vice Presidents and shall serve a 2 or 3 year term of office.
Officers of the Club shall be ex-officio members of the General Committee and all subcommittees.
For the first four years of the Club’s existence the Men’s Section and the Ladies’ Section shall
have separate Presidents and therefore the Club will have Joint Presidents for this first four year
period and each President shall be an officer of the Club. However, with effect from the season
1994-95 the Club shall only have one President and the position of Joint Presidents shall cease.
PRESIDENT. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at dinners and other social functions
of the Club but during the four year period referred to in Clause (f) hereof, the President of the
respective Section shall preside at the respective Section’s Dinner and other social functions.
CLUB CHAIRPERSON. It shall be the duty of the Club Chairperson to preside at all General
Meetings of the Club and to ensure the proper direction of the business of the Club. It shall also be
the duty of the Chairperson to communicate the business of the Committee to the Club
HON. SECRETARY. It shall be the duty of the Hon. Secretary to keep minutes of business
conducted at General Meetings and Committee Meetings of the Club and to keep a record of all
other meetings of the Club; give written notice of meetings; keep a record of members, with their
business and private addresses and perform all other duties as ordinarily pertain to that office.
HON. TREASURER. It shall be the duty of the Hon. Treasurer to sign, co-jointly with either the
Club Chairperson or Secretary, all cheques of the Club. He or she shall collect and bank all
monies due to the Club, arrange for payment of all properly incurred debts of the Club and keep an
accurate record of same; present a balance sheet and accounts duly audited by an independent
accountant at the Annual General Meeting and at any other time upon request from the Committee
Last updated April 2009
Constitution and Rules
present a review of the current financial position of the Club and perform such other duties as
ordinarily pertain to that office.
The General Committee shall be the governing body of the Club; it shall have control of the
general business of the Club, form and dissolve sub-committees, receive and approve application
for membership.
The General Committee shall consist of the Officers of the Club (President, Club Chairperson,
Men’s Club Captain, Ladies’ Club Captain, Treasurer, Secretary) and a representative of each subcommittee when required.
Elections to the General Committee shall be by majority vote of the members present at a General
Meeting of the Club.
In the event of a vacancy, the General Committee has the power to co-opt a member to fill the
vacancy, any member so co-opted serving only until the next General Meeting of the Club, when
he or she must retire or offer himself or herself for election in the normal manner.
The Club Chairperson shall chair all meetings of the General Committee. In his absence, the chair
will be taken by the President or any Vice-President or by the most senior member present. In the
event of a tie on a vote in Committee, the chairman shall have an extra casting vote.
Quorum. One half of the total membership of the General Committee shall constitute a quorum.
The General Committee shall meet at least once in every eight weeks during the playing season
and as often as is necessary in the closed season.
The General Committee will monitor on a regular basis the Club’s commitment to ‘Sports Equity’
(as outlined in Section 1).
All Sub Committees will report to the General Committee
There will be a ‘Playing Sub-Committee responsible for all playing and on pitch affairs, including
fixtures, pitches, umpiring and team selection. The Playing Sub-Committee will consist of the
men’s and ladies’ team captains, men’s league liaison officer, ladies’ league liaison officer, umpire
coordinator. These members of the ‘Playing’ sub-committee should be elected in the same way as
the members of the General Committee.
The General Committee shall appoint any other such Sub-Committees as may be necessary to
carry out the work of the Club.
A Sub-Committee shall remain in office for the same period as the Committee by whom it is
appointed or for such shorted time as the Committee may decide.
Last updated April 2009
Constitution and Rules
Any non-Committee member co-opted to chair a Sub-Committee shall be entitled to attend
General Committee meetings when the business of the Sub-Committee is being discussed but shall
have no vote at that meeting.
The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held as soon as practicable after the end of the season
and no later than the end of June. Paid up members must be notified in writing of the date and agenda of
the AGM no less than 14 days prior to the meeting.
All current paid up members will be eligible to attend and vote at Annual General Meetings. One third of
the paid up membership on the date of the AGM will constitute a quorum. Voting will be by a simple
majority of the members present. No member of the Club shall be denied voting rights on the grounds of
age, race, gender or disability.
Membership fees and other subscriptions shall be agreed at the AGM. The Club will set a number of
subscription levels to ensure that members from low income or disadvantaged groups are not further
A Special General Meeting may be called at any time on receipt by the Hon. Secretary of a written
request giving full particulars as to the reason for the meeting, supported by the signatures of at least six
paid up members of the Club. Members must be notified in writing of the date and agenda at least 14
days prior to the meeting.
No business other than that specified on the notice convening the meeting may be transacted at a Special
Meeting. The quorum and voting shall be the same as at the Annual General Meeting.
In the event of more than one nomination for any position in the Club, voting shall be by secret ballot.
The ballot shall be under the direction of three members not nominated for that position, who shall be
appointed by the Chairman. The nominee receiving the largest number of votes shall be elected to the
The process of electing officers and committee members will take account of the diverse membership of
the Club. Every effort will be made to ensure that nominations reflect the ethnic, gender and (dis)ability
profile of the Club’s membership and the community which it serves.
The financial year of the Club shall run from 1st May to the 30th April following.
Last updated April 2009
Constitution and Rules
The constitution and rules may be amended by presenting the proposed amendment in writing to the
General Committee, through the Hon. Secretary. If the Committee approve by a majority vote, the
amendment shall be presented at the next General Meeting of the Club, a majority vote of the members
present deciding.
The Secretary shall notify all members, in writing, of the proposed amendment, at the same time as the
notice convening the General Meeting.
If the Club shall pass in General Committee, by a majority comprising two-thirds or more of the members
present and entitled to vote, a resolution of intention to dissolve the Club, the General Committee shall
take immediate steps to convert all the assets of the Club into money. The proceeds of the conversion
shall be used by the General Committee firstly to discharge all the debts and liabilities of the Club. Any
balance shall be passed on to the National Governing Body, currently England Hockey.
We the undersigned, as elected officers of the Club, confirm the validity and accuracy of this
Constitution, with changes adopted at the 2009 AGM held on 5th May 2009.
Name: __________________________________ Name: _____________________________
Signature: ______________________________
Signature: __________________________
Position: _______________________________
Position: ___________________________
Date: __________________________________
Date: _______________________________
Last updated April 2009
Constitution and Rules