Prof Malcolm Dando Profile in Word

Professor Malcolm Dando
Professor of International Security,
University of Bradford
Telephone Number +44 (0) 1274 23 4186
Email Address
Malcolm Dando is Professor of International Security at the University of Bradford. A biologist by original
training, his main research interest is in the preservation of the prohibitions embodied in the Chemical
Weapons Convention and the Biological Weapons Convention at a time of rapid scientific and technological
change in the life sciences. His recent publications include Deadly Cultures: Biological Weapons Since 1945
(Harvard University Press, 2006), which he edited with Mark Wheelis and Lajos Rozsa.
Selected Publications
 Dando. M "The Impact of Scientific and Technological Change" Bioterrorism: Confronting a Complex
Threat (Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2007)
 Dando. M "Preventing the Future Military Misuse of Neuroscience" Technology and Security (Palgrave
Macmillan, 2007)
 Dando. M "Scientific Outlook for the Development of Incapacitants" Incapacitating Biochemical
Weapons: Promise or Peril? (Rowan and Littlefield, 2007)
 Dando. M & Rhodes. C "A Scientific Advisory Panel for the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention as
an Element in the Web of Prevention" The Web of Prevention: Biological Weapons, Life Sciences, and
the Governance of Research (Earthscan Publications Limited, 2007) "A Scientific Advisory Panel for the
Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention as an Element in the Web of Prevention"
 Dando. M "A Hippocratic Oath for Life Scientists" EMBO Reports (July 2006)
 Dando (1996) “New Developments in Biotechnology and their Impact on Biological Warfare” IN:
Thranert. O [ed] (1996) “Enhancing the Biological Weapons Convention”, Dietz, Bohn
 Dando, M (1996) “A New form of Warfare”, Brasseys, London.
 Dando. M & Furmanski. M (2006) “Midspectrum Incapacitant Programs”, IN: Wheelis. M, Rozsa. L &
Dando. M [eds] (2006) “Deadly Cultures”, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press.
 Dando. M & Revill. J (2005) “Raising Awareness: A Hippocratic Oath for Life Scientists,” Bradford Briefing
Paper No. 18 (2nd Series) November 2005.
 Dando. M (2002) ‘Preventing Biological Warfare - The Failure of American Leadership’ Basingstoke,
Hampshire, UK, Palgrave.
 Dando. M (2009) “Bioterror and Biowarfare”, World Issues Today, the Rosen Publishing Group.
 Dando. M . R (2004) “Biotechnology Weapons and Humanity II”, 22 September 2006, Board of Science
and Education, British Medical Association, London.
 Dando. M. R & Rappert. B (2005) “Codes of Conduct for the Life Sciences: Some Insights from UK
Academia”, Bradford Briefing Paper No 16 (Second Series).
Selected Articles from Prof Dando’s Column in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist
 From nose to brain: New route for chemical incapacitation? Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 8 April
2010 Discoveries that drugs and bioregulators can quickly be routed to the brain through the nose
illustrates the scope of dual-use threats and the need to prevent future misuse.
 Better incorporating ethicists into the life sciences Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 1 March 2010 As
advances in the life sciences continue at a breakneck pace, bioethicists will be needed to guide
researchers through serious dual-use dilemmas.
 Down the rabbit hole of BWC verification Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 25 January 2010 The
inconsistent U.S. message on verification of the Biological Weapons Convention compared with other
international treaties leaves some with nightmares.
 Bringing a "culture of responsibility" to life scientists Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 18 December
2009 After years of discussion around teaching a "culture of responsibility" to life scientists, it's about
time to put talk into practice.
 Bringing increased biological and chemical weapons provisions to the ICC Bulletin of the Atomic
Scientists 11 November 2009 Despite some criticism, opponents of biological and chemical weapons
recognize the opportunity for increased weapons control that lies in the next two meetings of ICC
Member States.
 Closing the biology-security gap Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 26 October 2009 Few policy makers
can say they are familiar with the intricate connections between biology and security. But two recent
publications point the way toward refocusing policy on this important relationship.
 How civil society could be the key to a new BWC Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 22 September 2009
Civil society can play an important role in the discourse that will define the Biological Weapons
Convention into the future. But action must start now if there is to be meaningful change.
Selected Audio-Visual Material
 Malcolm Dando, Nature NeuroPod, the first neuroscience podcast coproduced
by Nature and the Dana Foundation, includes segments on what brain imaging
really tells us, anaesthetics that don't cause paralysis, learning under stress
and how brain research is changing the face of warfare.
 Malcolm Dando “Biosecurity: Upgrading the Web of Prevention” Podcasts &
Public Lecture series, Australia National University.
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