REGULATION no. 41 of 27 JUNE 2001 ON THE ACCESS TO AND USE OF RAILWAY INFRASTRUCTURE in force as from 1 January 2002, issued by the Ministry of Transport and Communications, promulgated in the State Gazette (SG), issue 6 of 20 July 2001, amended; SG, issue 50 of 30 May 2003, amended; SG, issue 87 of 27 October 2006 SECTION I GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1(1) This Regulation shall lay down the requirements and procedure for access to and use of railway infrastructure in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. Article 2 (amended, SG, issue 87 of 2006) The railway infrastructure of the Republic of Bulgaria shall comprise the totality of railways and stationary equipment (enlisted in §1, point 1 of the Supplementary provisions of the Railway Transport Act), necessary to ensure the movement of rail vehicles and the safety of railway traffic. Article 3(1) (former text of Article 3, amended SG, issue 87 of 2006) National Railway Infrastructure Company, acting in its capacity of railway manager, shall construct, maintain, develop and operate railway infrastructure, manage the control and safety systems in place and grant access to that infrastructure to railway operators in accordance with the requirements and procedure laid down in the Railway Transport Act (RTA) and in this Regulation. (2) (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006) For the purpose of granting access to elements of the railway infrastructure to railway operators, all other railway managers shall comply with the requirements laid down in this Regulation. (3) (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Infrastructure managers shall comply with the requirements for confidentiality of information obtained in connection to business or other relations established or maintained for the purpose of the implementation of this Regulation. (4) (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Railway infrastructure capacity shall be allocated by the respective infrastructure manager. (5) (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Infrastructure managers shall draft annual business plans concerning their activities, including measures for improvement of the financial standing of the respective undertakings. Article 4(1) (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Railway infrastructure shall be used by licensed transport operators to whom the document referred to in Article 31(1) of RTA has been granted. (2) (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006) A granted licence shall not entitle transport operators to access to the railway infrastructure, and in particular to carrying passengers and/or goods by rail. (3) Licences and safety certificates issued by the railway administrations of countries other than the Republic of Bulgaria shall confer valid rights of access to the national railway infrastructure, where that access is envisaged in respective bilateral or multilateral agreements to which the Republic of Bulgaria is a signatory. Article 5(1) (text of former Article 5, amended, SG, issue 87 of 2006) National Railway Infrastructure Company (NRIC) may conclude agreements with infrastructure managers established outside the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria that lay down provisions on administrative, technical and other matters relating to the access to railway infrastructure for the purpose of international transit carriage by rail in accordance with the provisions laid down in international agreements to which the Republic of Bulgaria is a signatory. (2) (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006, in force as from 1 January 2007) Where transport services are provided across more than one network, railway infrastructure managers shall cooperate for the purpose of achieving efficiency and competitiveness. (3) (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006, in force as from 1 January 2007) With a view to achieving efficiency in the use and allocation of the capacity of the trans-European railway system and ensuring competition in the sector of international rail freight transport, infrastructure managers shall establish common organisations. (4) (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006, in force as from 1 January 2007) The activities referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4 shall be carried out in compliance with the requirements for access to railway infrastructure and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure laid down in Community law. Article 6 (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006) The relations between NRIC and transport operators in respect of the access to infrastructure and use of that infrastructure shall be regulated on a contractual basis. Article 7(1) (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Railway transport operators shall use the railway infrastructure against payment of the charge stipulated in Article 35 of RTA, a service and maintenance fee and a fee for additional and accompanying services, where such services are included in the scope of the contract concluded with NRIC. The services provided to railway transport operators are set out in an Annex to this Regulation. (2) The charges for access to the railway infrastructure and for the use of established railway routes shall be paid in advance at the beginning of each calendar month. (3) The charge levied for the use of railway infrastructure shall be calculated as a function of the length of the route within a respective railway section, per train-km, gross-ton/km (GTK) of network and certain other constituents and shall be paid after completion of train operations but not later than two months after the date of completion of such operations along the specific route. (4) (new, SG, issue 50 of 2003, in force as from 01 January 2002) The charges levied for the use of the railway infrastructure shall be determined, taking account of the costs that are directly incurred as a result of train service operation. The charge levied for the use of the railway infrastructure shall depend on the impact of the vehicles and on the type of trains using that infrastructure. (5) (new, SG, issue 50 of 2003 in force as from 1 January 2002)) Infrastructure charges shall be differentiated and calculated taking account of the type of train, and in particular trains of the following categories: 1. passenger trains; 2. freight trains. (6) (new, SG, issue 50 of 2003 in force as from 1 January 2002) Infrastructure charges for passenger trains shall be collected for the operation of passenger cars, wagons for transportation of lightduty motor vehicles, restaurant-cars, sleeping-cars, laboratory cars, laboratory motor-coaches and measuring equipment, mail vans or tank wagons for the transportation of milk, forming an element of the train set, empty freight wagons and isolated single traction vehicles. (7) (new, SG, issue 50 of 2003, in force as from 1 January 2002) Infrastructure charges for freight trains shall be collected for fully loaded freight wagons, permanent mechanical equipment, different types of towing vehicles and specialised self-powered rail vehicles. (8) (new, SG, issue 50 of 2003, in force as from 1 January 2002) The collection of charges levied for the use of railway infrastructure by traction vehicles shall depend on whether those vehicles form an element of the composition of a passenger or freight train. (9) (new, SG, issue 50 of 2003, in force as from 1 January 2002) Infrastructure charges shall not be collected for maintenance and fire-precaution trains or engines designated for the purpose of restoring interrupted train traffic in cases of natural disasters within certain areas of the country and for cleaning and weighing trains. (10) (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006, in force as from 01 January 2007) Not later than 30 June each year, the National Railway Infrastructure Company shall submit to the Railway Administration Executive Agency information on the actual costs incurred for ongoing servicing and maintenance of railway infrastructure during the previous year and determine the amount of infrastructure charges necessary to be levied in the following year in accordance with the requirements, procedures and rules laid down in this Regulation. Those charges may also included mark-up fees, compensation fees and/or discounts and shall take into account the implementation of infrastructure projects, railway traffic and transport market requirements and the principle of differentiation in respect of individual constituents of railway infrastructure. Charges shall be subject to a requirement for public announcement. (11) (new, SG issue 87 of 2006, in force as from 01 January 2007) Service and maintenance fees and fees levied for additional and accompanying services shall not form an element of infrastructure charges. (12) (new, SG issue 87 of 2006, in force as from 1 January 2007) Infrastructure managers shall submit quarterly analyses to Railway Administration Executive Agency on the use of capacity, revenue collected from infrastructure charges and the fees levied for additional and accompanying services and data on the use of infrastructure, the impact of accidents on the use of capacity and any measures taken to restore system stability and improve infrastructure. (13) (new, SG issue 87 of 2006, in force of 01 January 2007) Acting on the information referred to in paragraph 10, the Executive Director of Railway Administration Executive Agency, shall, where necessary, draft proposals for the change of levied infrastructure charges. (14) (new, SG issue 87 of 2006, in force as from 01 January 2007) Where capacity is limited, the National Railway Infrastructure Company shall suspend collection of the mark-up component of charges levied for the use of infrastructure, if any, in respect of those sections where capacity is saturated to the fullest extent and a capacity enhancement plan has not been drawn up or is not being implemented. Where permission is granted by Railway Administration Executive Agency the railway undertaking may continue to collect the component of the charge levied for the use of infrastructure, provided there is no possibility for the implementation of a capacity enhancement plan due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the railway undertaking or the measures envisaged the plan are not economically or financially feasible. (15) (new, SG issue 87 of 2006, in force as from 01 January 2007) Changes to the amount of charges levied for the use of infrastructure shall be subject to a requirement for public announcement three months before the entry into force of such changes. SECTION II DOCUMENT ON THE ACTUAL CONDITION OF THE RAILWAY NETWORK Article 8 (amended, SG, issue 87 of 2006) The National Railway Infrastructure Company, following consultations with the relevant stakeholders, shall draft a document in respect of the actual condition of the railway network on an annual basis. That document shall set out: 1. the parameters of the infrastructure designated for use by railway transport operators and the terms and conditions for access to that infrastructure; 2. the principles for calculating charges and tariff setting, including information on the charges and tariffs for services relating to the provision of access, service and maintenance fees and the fees levied for additional and accompanying services; 3. the procedures for calculating the charges levied for the use of infrastructure, including the mark-up component of those charges, compensation fees and discounts, including information concerning expected changes in the amount of levied charges; 4. the pNRICiples and criteria for allocation of capacity, including the parameters of infrastructure capacity designated for use by railway transport operators, the restrictions on the use of infrastructure and the requirements in respect of expected loss of maintenance capacity; 5. the procedures and deadlines for capacity allocation. Article 9(1) (amended, SG, issue 87 of 2006) The report on the actual condition of the railway network shall be published four months prior to the deadline for submission of applications for infrastructure capacity allocation. (2) (amended, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Where necessary, the document referred to in paragraph 1 shall be updated. (3) (amended, SG, issue 87 of 2006) The document on the actual condition of the railway network shall be made available against the payment of a fee covering the costs of its publication. SECTION III APPLICATIONS FOR CAPACITY ALLOCATION AND DRAFTING TIMETABLES FOR TRAFFIC USING RAILWAY INFRASTRUCTURE CAPACITY Article 10(1) (text of former Article 10, supplemented, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Railway timetables shall be drafted by NRIC in coordination with transport operators, and in the case of passenger carriage, with municipalities. (2) (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Railway timetables shall be approved by the Director General of NRIC not later than 15 days before the date on which those timetables come into force in accordance with the provisions laid down in Article 11(2). Article 11(1) Railway timetables shall be drafted in respect of each calendar year. (2) (amended, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Changes in seasonal timetables shall take effect at midnight on the second Saturday of December or at other times determined in consultation with the relevant European administrations. (3) (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Where infrastructure managers reach an agreement on different times, those times shall be notified to European Commission. (4) (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Prior to engaging in consultations on traffic timetables, infrastructure managers shall reach an agreement on the international train routes to be included in those timetables. (5) (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Infrastructure managers shall ensure that provisional international train routes are agreed not later than 11 months before traffic timetables take effect. Article 12(1) Licensed transport operators shall submit applications for capacity allocation to the Director General of NRIC in accordance with the procedure laid down in Chapter Two, Section III of the Railway Transport Act. (2) (in force as from 1 January 2007, amended, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Railway transport operators and international railway groups established outside the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria shall also be entitled to submit applications for capacity allocation in accordance with the provisions laid down in this Regulation. (3) Capacity shall be allocated on a fair and non-discriminatory basis subject to compliance with the provisions laid down in applicable legislation. Article 13(1) (former text of Article 13, amended SG, issue 87 of 2006) Applications for infrastructure capacity allocation shall be submitted not later than six months before the timetables referred to in Article 11(2) take effect. (2) (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006) The infrastructure manager shall draw up a draft timetable not later than four months after the deadline for submission of applications by railway transport operators and international railway groups. Article 14(1) Applications for capacity allocation shall include the particulars of applicants and their proposals in respect of: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. the draft timetable for train operations; the conditions for the use of railway routes; the duration of stoppage at railway stations and stops; the list of trains providing transport services in accordance with international agreements to which the Republic of Bulgaria is a signatory; the list of trains used for the purpose of fulfilling public service obligations; train parameters (length, weight, number of transport units), other particulars (deviations from normal load, RIC/RIV non-compliant vehicles, goods classified as dangerous in accordance with GGVE/RID, including train composition schemes and special needs passengers); factors of relevance in the case of delay (inter alia, speed limitations due the breaking capacity and damage sustained by traction rolling stock); other information that NRIC may request for reporting or statistical purposes in respect of activities. (2) (amended, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Infrastructure managers shall retain reserve capacity for construction or repair works to be carried out, including scheduled works on infrastructure. This requirement shall be observed even where infrastructure capacity is saturated. (3) Where construction or repair works carried out on sections of railway infrastructure are outsourced to organisations outside the structure of NRIC, those organisations shall be subject to a requirement to indicate the individual railway routes necessary for the purpose of carrying out works in accordance with an approved operational procedure not later than five days before carrying out those works. (4) Where traffic is disrupted due to technical failure or accident, the head of NRIC shall draft an operational action and intervention plan indicating the bodies providing assistance for the purpose of removing traffic disruption. (5) By way of exception, where a failure or accident occurs that renders infrastructure temporarily inoperable, railway route allocation may be suspended without prior notice until infrastructure serviceability is restored. Article 15(1) The National Railway Infrastructure Company shall undertake to satisfy all applications for infrastructure capacity allocation, and in particular those relating to routes crossing more than one network, to the maximum possible extent. (2) The infrastructure manager shall satisfy applications taking into account a sequence of priorities, and in particular the applications in respect of express passenger trains, fast passenger trains, regular passenger trains, direct freight trains, section group trains, regular freight trains and shunting trains. Service freight trains shall be accorded priority only in the cases referred to in in Article 14(4). (3) (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Applications for capacity allocation submitted in respect of additional transported volumes shall be accepted and satisfied in accordance with the operational procedure for those applications. (4) (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006) The National Railway Infrastructure Company shall estimate necessary reserve capacity and notify transport operators of the possibilities to use that capacity at the time of approval of operational applications for transportation. Article 16 Applications for shunting activities carried out at railway stations, including the addition or removal of freight cars at loading/unloading sites, shall be approved in accordance with a sequential operational procedure without implications for the operational schedules for trains at the respective railway stations. Article 17(1) The right to use railway infrastructure shall arise upon the acceptance of an application and the payment of the relevant charge. (2) (amended, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Where an additional agreement is reached between the transport operator and NRIC, the additional and accompanying services set out in the Annex to this Regulation may be provided against the payment of a fee calculated in accordance with a published tariff. (3) In the cases referred to in paragraph 2 NRIC may grant discounts on the fee for additional and accompanying services so that the fee is reduced to the amount of actual costs incurred by the undertaking. The National Railway Infrastructure Company may introduce discount systems intended for all users or ones that apply only to certain traffic flows. (4) Where applied in respect of identical services, the discount systems referred to in paragraph 3 shall be identical. Article 18(1) The infrastructure manager may conclude framework agreements with applicants setting out parameters for the infrastructure capacity in respect of which an application has been submitted. Framework agreements shall be concluded for a time period of five years and updated, where necessary. (2) Framework agreements shall not pose barriers to the use of infrastructure by other transport operators. Article 19 (supplemented, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Infrastructure managers shall draft timetables in consultation and coordination with the relevant stakeholders and allow for a time period of 30 calendar days for the submission of remarks and comments. Article 20(1) (amended, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Where, after applications are coordinated, it is established that all applications for allocation of railway infrastructure capacity cannot be satisfied, NRIC shall designate the relevant section of railway infrastructure as saturated without delay. (2) The actions referred to in paragraph 1 shall also be taken where sufficient grounds are present to assume that in the near future the relevant section of railway infrastructure will remain saturated. (3) (amended, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Not later than 6 months after a section of railway infrastructure is designated as saturated, the infrastructure manager shall conduct an analysis of available capacity in accordance with the provisions laid down in Article 7, except in cases where a plan to enhance capacity has been already approved. (4) For the purpose of drafting the relevant timetables and where railway infrastructure has been designated as saturated, infrastructure managers shall apply the priority criteria set out in Article 32 of the Railway Transport Act. For the purpose of defining those priorities, the implications of services, and in particular those forming an element of international communication, shall also be taken into account. Article 21(1) Capacity analyses shall be conducted with a view to identifying infrastructure capacity bottlenecks that hinder the approval of all capacity allocation applications and to propose methods allowing for the approval of additional applications. (2) That analysis shall include an assessment of infrastructure, operational costs, the nature of railway service and other factors. (3) Envisaged measures may include, inter alia, route changes, new service programming, changes in speed and infrastructure improvements. SECTION IV CAPACITY ENHANCEMENT PLAN Article 22 After a capacity analysis has been conducted, but not later than six months thereafter, the infrastructure manager shall draft a capacity enhancement plan. Article 23 The capacity enhancement plan shall be drafted after consultations with infrastructure users and shall include: 1. 2. 3. 4. the causes of saturation; an estimate in respect of traffic development; the obstacles that hinder infrastructure development; solutions to enhance capacity and the costs those solutions entail, including the necessity to change levied charges; 5. the necessary actions to be taken and a schedule for the implementation of those actions. Article 24(1) The infrastructure manager may withdraw a granted permit for the use of railway routes, particularly where infrastructure is saturated and the transport operator has used the respective route for at least one month less that the time limits stipulated in the document on actual condition of the railway network and the contract concluded with the relevant transport operator, provided that the less frequent use of infrastructure is not due to reasons beyond the reasonable control of the transport operator. (2) Transport operators may not reallocate railway routes where a permit to use those routes has been granted to them by the infrastructure manager. Article 25 The National Railway Infrastructure Company shall notify transport operators of the condition of infrastructure used without delay, including any necessary changes in train timetables due to cases of infrastructure failures that require planned or unscheduled repair or construction works to be carried out or other limitations to be imposed due to breakdowns and accidents. SECTION V CONTRACT FOR THE USE OF RAILWAY INFRASTRUCTURE Article 26 The National Railway Infrastructure Company and railway transport operators shall work in cooperation, taking into account the special conditions and requirements for infrastructure use. The parties shall provide any information necessary to the other party for the purpose of ensuring a high level of efficiency in rail transport and the safety of traffic. Article 27 Where the transport operator fails to commence passenger and cargo transport operations within three months after concluding a contract, NRIC may terminate that contract unilaterally and without notice. Article 28 The contracts laying down provisions on the relations between NRIC and transport operators shall be concluded for a time period of five years and renewed for a new time period after the licence granted to an individual transport operator is reviewed in accordance with the procedure stipulated in Article 41 of the Railway Transport Act, Article 13 of the Regulation on the licensing requirements for railway undertakings engaged in transport of passengers and/or goods by rail and the licence issued by the body competent for safety certificates. SECTION VI CONTROL Article 29(1) (text of former Article 29, amended, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Railway Administration Executive Agency shall exercise control and carry out inspections on its own initiative or on the grounds of complaints received from stakeholders concerning the treatment of transport operators in respect of: 1. the document on the actual condition of the railway network and the criteria stipulated therein; 2. the procedure for capacity allocation; 3. the application of tariffs; 4. the application of the requirements for obtaining a safety certificate; 5. the control of safety standards and rules. (2) (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006) For the purpose of implementation of the activities referred to in paragraph 1 Railway Administration Executive Agency may request that information is submitted without delay by the infrastructure manager, applicants who have submitted capacity allocation applications and other relevant stakeholders. (3) (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006, in force as from 1 January 2007) Railway Administration Executive Agency shall exchange information on its activities with the railway administrations of all other EU Member States with a view to coordinating decisions and improving the standard of work. Article 30(1) (amended, SG, issue 87 of 2006) The Executive Director of Railway Administration Executive Agency shall adopt reasoned decisions on the complaints referred to in Article 29(1) not later than two months after the date of receipt of such complaints and issue relevant guidelines for the rectification of irregularities. (2) The decisions referred to in paragraph 1 may be contested in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Administrative Procedure Code. Article 31 Where it is established that railway infrastructure is used in an inappropriate manner, the National Railway Infrastructure Company shall issue guidelines addressed to the staff of transport operators. SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS §1 Within the meaning of this Regulation: 1. Capacity allocation shall mean the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity to transport operators by the infrastructure manager (NRIC); 2. Saturated infrastructure shall mean a section of railway infrastructure where traffic capacity has been depleted or is about to be depleted and received applications for capacity allocation cannot be fully satisfied for certain periods of time, including after a procedure for the coordination of the applications submitted by transport operators. 3. Capacity enhancement plan shall mean a measure or series of measures necessary for the purpose of timetable optimisation and reducing the causes for the designation of certain sections of railway infrastructure as saturated; 4. Infrastructure capacity shall mean the possibility to plan requested routes situated along a certain section of railway infrastructure for a certain period of time. 5. (amended, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Route shall mean the agreed and specified infrastructure capacity in accordance with the railway traffic timetable providing for the passage of trains in a certain time period from one station to another station in conformity with agreed parameters. 6. Timetable shall mean all data that determines the planned movement of trains and rolling stock using the infrastructure during the period of validity of the timetable. 7. (amended, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Applicant shall mean one of the following persons entitled to submit a capacity allocation application: a) a licensed Bulgarian railway undertaking; b) a railway undertaking licensed in a Member State of the European Union (EU) or in another Member State party to the Agreement establishing the European Economic Area (EEA); c) an international group of railway undertakings licensed in an EU/EEA Member State, where possibilities for the licensing of such groups are available; 8. (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Coordination shall mean a process which allows the body responsible for capacity allocation and applicants to attempt to resolve situations in which conflicts arise in respect of applications for the allocation of infrastructure capacity; 9. (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Framework agreement shall mean a legally binding general agreement setting out the rights and obligations of an applicant and the body responsible for allocation concluded after applications received have been satisfied; 10. (New, SG, issue 87 of 2006) 10. Network shall mean the totality of the railway infrastructure managed by an infrastructure manager; 11. (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Network statement shall mean the statement which sets out in detail the general rules, deadlines, procedures and criteria for the levying of charges and capacity allocation schemes. That statement shall also include any other information necessary for the purpose of drafting applications for the allocation of infrastructure capacity; 12. (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006) Stakeholders shall mean the persons who have submitted applications for the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and other persons whose ability to provide railway transport services in a certain time period may be affected by railway traffic timetables. TRANSITIONAL AND FINAL PROVISIONS §2 This Regulation has been adopted in accordance with the provisions laid down in Article 29(2) of the Railway Transport Act. §3 (amended, SG, issue 87 of 2006) This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 2002, except for Article 12 (2) which shall enter into force on 1 January 2007. §4 Implementing guidelines to this Regulation shall be issued by the Head of the Railway Administration Executive Agency. §5 (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006) This Regulation shall implement the requirements laid down in Directive 2001/14/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 26 February 2001 on the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure, amended by Directive 2004/49/EC on safety on the Community’s railways. §6 (new, SG, issue 87 of 2006) The Executive Director of Railway Administration Executive Agency shall notify the European Commission of the statutory acts, including their amendments, adopted for the purpose of implementation of the requirements laid down in Directive 2001/14/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 26 February 2001 on the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure. FINAL PROVISION of the Regulation amending and supplementing Regulation no. 41, of 2001 on the access to and use of railway infrastructure. (promulgated in the State Gazette, issue 87 of 2006) §25 The provisions laid down in §5 in respect of Article 5(2) to (4), §7 in respect of Article 7(10) to (15), §19 in respect of Article 29(3) and §24 on implementation shall enter into force on the date of enforcement of the Treaty of Accession of the Republic of Bulgaria to the European Union. ANNEX TO ARTICLES 7(1) AND 17(2) (amended, SG, issue 87 of 2006, in force as from 1 January 2007) I. MAIN SERVICES PROVIDED TO RAILWAY UNDERTAKINGS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. II. SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. III. Use of the catenary for electric traction, where available. Fuelling infrastructure. Use of buildings and other equipment at passenger stations. Use of loading and unloading facilities or terminals. Use of marshalling yards. Use of railway stations for train composition. Use of railway stations for vehicles stabling. Use of maintenance centres and other technical equipment. ADDITIONAL SERVICES 1. 2. 3. 4. IV. Handling of applications for the use of infrastructure capacity Right to use allocated capacity Use of tracks at railway stations and of branches to industrial lines Signalling, traffic control, traffic dispatching, communications and traffic information services Other information necessary for the operation of services for which relevant capacity has been allocated. Provision of traction power supply. Advance warming of passenger cars. Fuel supply and providing the necessary conditions for shunting operations. Concluding contracts for the carriage of dangerous goods, including control activities and assistance for the movement of special train compositions. ACCOMPANYING SERVICES 1. Provision of access to the telecommunication network. 2. Provision of additional information. 3. Provision of technical control in respect of the rolling stock and other services.