Minnesota Humanities Center

Minnesota Humanities Center
Absent Narratives Resources Hunt
Congratulations on completing the professional development offering Increase Student
Engagement through Absent Narratives. Now that you are familiar with the humanitiesbased approach you can begin exploring Absent Narratives. This Absent Narratives
resource hunt is designed to guide you through the honest, unmediated, video resources
on our website. The rich narratives you will explore are an attempt to make meaning of
Minnesota’s rich histories, places and residents.
Throughout the resource hunt you are provided with guiding questions. Please keep a
journal to document your responses.
Part One: Minnesota Humanities Center Video Resources
Click on http://www.mnhum.org/videos and read about the
video resources located on our website. This is the
homepage for all of our Absent Narratives video resources.
Part Two: Voices from the Latino Community
Click on the Voices from the Latino Community section.
Review the description of the projects and then choose
Latino Arts: A Community Vision from the sub
categories. Click on the Arts and Culture section. Reflect
on the following questions.
“I feel arts/culture is the embodiment of the heart of the Latino culture. It shows the
importance of family, faith and respect in such varied and beautiful ways.”
Do you think the above statement could be said about the art of any culture? Do
you think it is more true of some cultures than others? Give examples from your
own culture.
How do the lived experiences of the artists take shape in their art form?
In what ways do some of the artists bring their culture to their art form?
Minnesota Humanities Center
Part Three: Land and Borders: Indigenous Perspectives
Click on the Land and Borders: Indigenous Perspectives
section. Review the description of the project and then view
Part Four: Fence (v.) To sell stolen goods.
What insights or ways of thinking did the speakers discuss that was new
information for you?
Does the meaning of ownership change after you have viewed the video?
Part Four: Somali Folktales
Click on the Somali Folktale section. Read the
description of the project and then choose books
read in English from the sub categories. Click on
The Lions Share and listen to the story.
What did you learn about Somali folktales?
How might you use this story in your classroom?
Part Five: Review One More Video of Your Choice
Go back to the homepage for the Absent Narratives video resources and choose one other
video to watch.
What were the Absent Narratives depicted in the video?
How might you use this video resource in your classroom teaching or in your own
professional development?
Minnesota Humanities Center