Minutes - Caldicot Town Council

Minutes of Caldicot Town Council held at 6.30pm on Wednesday, 30th May 2012 at Caldicot
Town Council.
Present: Cllrs: R J Higginson, Mayor
A Davies, Deputy Mayor
D Ashwin [left 7.10pm]
W Conniff
A Easson
D Evans
F J Harvey
A Lloyd
G Owen
M Stevens
P Stevens
R Stewart
P Watts
[In attendance: Mrs G McIntyre, Clerk, Mrs A Sandiford, Members of Public and Press]
8827 Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllrs C Botchett, P Maycock-Jones, S Webb
8828 Declarations of Interest – To be identified under the relevant item/Forms to be completed
Cllrs D Evans and P Watts declared an interest in Planning Matters
Further declarations of interest to be identified under the relevant item.
8829 To Suspend Proceedings – Mr M Youngman Re: MCC Bus Shelter Policy [b/f TC 28.3.12]
The Mayor introduced Mr Mark Youngman, Transport Policy and Compliance Manager who
outlined the draft guidance for bus shelters produced as a result of increased requests from Town and
Community Councils to install bus shelters throughout Monmouthshire and issues in relation to
on-going maintenance and damaged bus shelters.
Mr Youngman answered Members questions and offered clarification in relation to the item 2.1, 2.3,
3.8, 5.4, 6 and 11.5.
Mr Youngman expressed the importance of reading the document as a whole, rather than as
individual items.
Mr Youngman offered to address Members at a later date in relation to buses/bus routes if so required .
Town Council agreed to support the draft guidance for bus shelters.
The Mayor thanked Mr Youngman for addressing Town Council.
8830 Open Forum for Public Participation [max 30 mins at Mayor’s Discretion]
The following items were raised during the public open forum:
 Clarification re: Mon CC Planning decision MM12465 – Playing Fields at Caldicot
Comprehensive School (Land fronting Woodstock Way and Chepstow Road, Caldicot)
 “What percentage of money gained by Mon CC from Asda is going to Caldicot School?”
 Dog fouling at field adjacent to Castle Park School – Cllr DE declared an interest
8831 To Approve the Minutes of Full Town Council Meeting 25th April 2012 [Circ]
a) Mayor to Sign the Minutes
The Minutes were approved and duly signed by the Mayor.
8832 To Approve the Minutes of Annual Meeting 16th May 2012 [Circ]
a) Mayor to Sign the Minutes
The Minutes were approved and duly signed by the Mayor.
8833 Correspondence [Circulated unless marked*]
*(1) Urdd Gobaith Cymru
Appreciation for Donation £50
Town Council noted an appreciation for £50 donation from Urdd Gobaith Cymru.
*(1a) Monmouthshire Youth Service
Appreciation for Donation Caldicot Youth
Group £50
Town Council noted an appreciation for £50 donation from Monmouthshire Youth Service.
8833 (2) Rene Probert Whist Club
Request to Waive Rent for Hire of Town
Council Building
Town Council considered a request from Rene Probert Whist Club to waive all or part of the rental
fees due to diminishing numbers in its group.
A discussion ensued and it was agreed that the £7/hour fee was a modest amount for hire of Town
Council building.
It was resolved not to waive hire fees but to refer Rene Probert Whist Club to the Welsh
Church Fund for assistance via an application form to be provided by Cllr R J Higginson.
(3) Caldicot Events Committee
Appreciation for financial support Queen’s
Diamond Jubilee Event/Invitation to
Councillors to attend
Town Council noted an appreciation for financial support and an invitation for Members to attend
the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Event to be held at Caldicot Castle from 10am onwards on Bank
Holiday Monday 4th June 2012.
*(4) Mon CC
Town And Police Clauses 1847 – (Estuary
View, Caldicot) Temporary Street Closure
6.12 – Queen’s Diamond Jubilee – Street Party
Town Council noted the above Temporary Street Closure notice from Mon CC.
(5) Caldicot & District RBL
Request to support Sunset Service at Celtic
Cross [Circ]
Town Council welcomed correspondence from Caldicot & District RBL advising it would like to
collaborate with Town Council in relation to the Sunset Service held at the Celtic Cross at 4pm and
requesting Town Council’s support in securing funding and necessary planning permission to erect
an eco-friendly temporary flag pole near to the Celtic Cross for the key two week period of the
poppy appeal.
It was resolved to support the intentions of Caldicot & District RBL.
8833 (6) One Voice Wales
Notice of AGM and Conference 13.10.12
Ceredigion – To Consider Motions for Debate
by 29.6.12
Town Council considered correspondence from One Voice Wales advising of the date for its Annual
General Meeting and inviting motions for debate for consideration by the Conference Agenda
It was resolved:
i) that the Mayor and Deputy Mayor attend the OVW Conference and AGM as an
approved duty
ii) that any motions for consideration be sent to the Clerk for inclusion on Town Council
agenda 27.6.12
8834 Publications, Minutes, Etc [Displayed] – To Note available Town Council Office
[NB: One Voice Wales responds on WAG consultations on behalf of Town Councils via a
network of volunteer responders - interested councillors require e-mail address – contact Clerk]
[B] Mon CC
[D] One Voice Wales
DIS Issues 782, 783
CCTV Monitoring Statistics April 2012
Allotment & Leisure Gardener Issue 2
Complaints Wales Group Proposals for
1 .Model Concerns and Complaints Policy for
adoption by Public Services Providers in Wales
2. Guidance for Public Service providers on
Implementing the Model Concerns and
Complaints Policy Guidance
Town Council noted Publications [A] to [D] above; available in Town Council office and that
Members wishing to respond to WAG consultations should contact the Clerk.
8835 Planning [Displayed]
A) Planning Applications Received
DC/2012/00118: Change of use from open space to resident parking bays. 8 no. lined bays
including 1 no. for disabled use – Open space directly in front of 13-19 (odds only) Herbert Road,
TC Approved
DC/2012/00348: Proposed demolition of the Caldicot relay room Caldicot Relay Room Operational
Railway Land, Caldicot
TC Noted
B) Mon CC Planning Decisions
MM12465: Outline Planning Permission - Class A1 foodstore, new relief road and partial closure of
Woodstock Way to traffic, enhancement of Library and One Stop Shop and improvements to
pedestrian links – Playing Fields at Caldicot Comprehensive School (Land fronting Woodstock Way
and Chepstow Road, Caldicot)
TC Ref 28.9.11*
*Unsustainable Development
DC/2012/00172: Retention of ground mounted solar panels (measuring 2.4m by 7.4m in area by a
max height of 2.3m) – Myrtle Cottage, 5 The Pill, Caldicot
TC App 28.3.12
DC/2012/00185: Proposed new fascia halo signage, new conservation projecting sign to replace
existing sign, new signage above atm, new welcome graphics to window, new name plate to replace
existing and no smoking, push/pull and power assisted door signage to glazed door – 6-7 Wesley
Buildings, Newport Road, Caldicot
TC App 28.3.12
DC/2011/00256: Proposed residential development of 56 dwellings, garages and associated
engineering works at site off Church Road – Land off Church Road (north-west of the approved
Redrow Development), Caldicot
TC Ref 29.6.11*
issues re: lack of infrastructure in the area
increase in amount of vehicles using Church Road would exacerbate current issues
in the area
original consultations/information given in 1995/96 deemed unrealistic in 2011 – did
not originally take into account the entire area as to movement of vehicles
Sewerage/drainage/access issues
DC/2012/00261: Demolition of conservatory and construction of rear two storey extension –179
Newport Road, Caldicot
TC App 25.4.12
DC/2012/00274: Advertisement Consent – To erect a flagpole to fly our eco-schools flag – Durand
Primary School, Alianore Road, Caldicot
TC App 25.4.12
DC/2012/00278: Rear extension to existing family bungalow forming bedroom, diner, utility &
sunroom – 50 Blackbird Road, Caldicot
TC App 25.4.12
C) Mon CC Planning Committee Agenda 1.5.12– for information
Town Council noted Planning Information (B) and (C) above from Mon CC.
8836 Finance [Circ]
a) To Approve Updated Cheque List Schedule May 2012
Town Council resolved to approve the updated Cheque List Schedule as circulated.
8837 King George V Playing Fields
a) To Consider “Teenage” Play Equipment
An update from Town Council’s Play Working Group was provided in relation to consultation
carried out with local children and a survey undertaken on play equipment in all areas of the town.
It was also stated that the Play Working Group were going to be looking at the availability of
equipment for older people.
It was resolved to refer the consideration of ‘Teenage’ play equipment and equipment for
older people to the Play Working Group.
b) To arrange date to meet with Caldicot AFC/Fields in Trust [b/f TC25.4.12]
Town Council noted that Fields in Trust would be available to meet with Town Council at the
beginning of July 2012.
A discussion ensued and Members were keen that KGVPF User Committee meet with Caldicot AFC
in the first instance before July in order to discuss on-going issues of anti-social behaviour and
reinstatement works undertaken on the fields as it was stated that it was the responsibility of Caldicot
AFC to water the fields during reinstatement works and this had not been carried out.
Reference was made to the provision of a ‘Service Level Agreement’ between Town Council and
Caldicot AFC in relation to use of the playing fields in order for both parties to establish their
responsibilities. It was agreed that Town Council meet with Fields in Trust and representatives of
Caldicot AFC following the KGVPF User Committee meeting.
It was resolved:
i) that KGVPF User Committee meet to look at a more detailed Service Level Agreement
ii) to meet with Fields in Trust and representatives of Caldicot AFC at the beginning of
July 2012
8838 To Note Civic Service – 3.30 pm Sunday, 1st July 2012 St Mary’s Church followed by
Refreshments at Severn View Social Club
Town Council noted the arrangements for Civic Service 1.7.12.
8839 To Note ACC Simon Prince to address TC 27.6.12 Re: Caldicot Police Station
Members noted the above address to Town Council 27.6.12.
8840 RESOLVED- Exclusion of Press and Public – By virtue of The Public Bodies (Admission to
Meetings) Act 1960, the press and public are excluded from discussions on the following item
on the basis that disclosure thereof would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the
confidential nature of the business to be transacted:
i) To Consider Replacement parts for item of play equipment KGVPF
Town Council considered a quotation for replacement parts to an item of play equipment in the
children’s play area at KGPVF, following recommendation by its Health & Safety Committee.
It was resolved to accept quotation for £690.92 from Wicksteed Leisure to replace worn
parts on the large item of play equipment in the children’s play area.
ii) A sample of mug to be provided by Rumney Pottery was handed round the table. Town
Council commended Rumney Pottery on the mugs to be presented to school and nursery
children in Caldicot in commemoration of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.
It was resolved to reimburse all transportation costs to Cllr M Stevens for collection of
the mugs.
The Mayor announced his chosen charity as Ty-Hafan
The meeting closed at 7.30pm
Mayor/Deputy Mayor