04/13/15 X DATE REQUIRED COURSE ELECTIVE COURSE Allied Health DIVISION NEW COURSE REVISION LAKE LAND COLLEGE Course Information Form COURSE NUMBER SEM CR HRS 2 PNC053 LT HRS TITLE 2 Basic Pharmacology I LAB HRS SOE HRS COURSE PCS# EC H (Assigned by Administration) Prerequisites: PNC 049, PNC 050 Catalog Description (40 Word Limit): This course introduces the nursing student to the role of drug therapy in the prevention of illness, promotion of health, and treatment of disease. The nursing process provides the framework in this study of pharmacology and the administration of medication. List the Major Course Segments (Units) Unit 1: Unit 2: Unit 3: Unit 4: Unit 5: Unit 6: Unit 7: Unit 8: 2 Lt Hrs Introduction Reproductive System Mental Health Endocrine System Nervous System Sensory Urinary/ Antimicrobials Muscular System /Pain Lab Hrs 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 EVALUATION: Quizzes Lab Work X Exams Projects Textbook: Title: Introduction to med-surg nursing Author: Linton Publisher: Elsevier Volume/Edition: 6th edition Copyright Date: 2013 X X Oral Pres Comp Final Papers Other Textbook: Title: Concepts for nursing practice Author: Giddens Publisher: Elsevier Textbook: Volume/Edition: 1th edition Copyright Date: 2013 Title: Basic pharmacology for nurses Author: Clayton & Willihnganz Publisher: Elsevier Textbook: Volume/Edition: 16th edition Copyright Date: 2014 Title: Mosby drug guide for nurses Author: Skidmore-Roth Publisher: Elsevier Textbook: Volume/Edition: 11th edition Copyright Date: 2015 Title: Mosby manual of diagnostics & lab testing Author: Pagana & Pagana Publisher: Elsevier Volume/Edition: 5th edition Copyright Date: 2013 Major Course Segment Unit 1 Introduction Hours 3 Unit 2 Reproductive System 3 Unit 3 Mental Health 4 Learning Outcomes Student will be able to: Describe the dosage forms and procedures used to prepare and administer medications via the enteral route and parenteral route. Demonstrate proficiency in performing mathematical conversions related to medication administration using household, apothecary, and metric equivalents. State the actions, primary uses, and monitoring parameters for medications used in reproductive health. Discuss the use of the nursing process in medications used in reproductive health. State the actions, primary uses, and monitoring parameters for medications used in mental health. Discuss the use of the nursing process in medications used in mental health. Unit 4 Endocrine System 4 State the actions, primary uses, and monitoring parameters for medications used in the endocrine system. Discuss the use of the nursing process in medications used in the endocrine system. Unit 5 Nervous System 4 State the actions, primary uses, and monitoring parameters for medications used in the nervous system. Discuss the use of the nursing process in medications used in the nervous system. Unit 6 Sensory 4 State the actions, primary uses, and monitoring parameters for medications used in the sensory system. Discuss the use of the nursing process in medications used in the sensory system Unit 7 Urinary/ Antimicrobials 4 State the actions, primary uses, and monitoring parameters for medications used in the urinary system. Discuss the use of the nursing process in medications used in the urinary system. Unit 8 Muscular System /Pain 4 State the actions, primary uses, and monitoring parameters for medications used in the musculoskeletal system. Discuss the use of the nursing process in medications used in the musculoskeletal system. Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: 1. Identify major sources of medication standards and medication information. 2. Apply basic mathematical principles to the calculation of problems associated with medication dosages. 3. Explain the major action of medications used to treat disorders of the body systems studied. 4. Utilize basic principles of medication action and interactions to make sound nursing judgments associated with medication therapy. 5. Discuss the nursing process and its application to pharmacology.