
S514: Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups
Solution-focused intervention project (20%)
This is a collaborative learning project requiring that you and your learning partners (3
member team) work together to implement a brief solution-focused therapeutic change
strategy. The assignment asks you and your team members to carry-out a brief solution
focus intervention strategy by conducting three solution-focused interviews with a
simulated client and develop an assessment of your intervention strategy. The simulated
client that you will use for this project will be developed and role-played by members of
your team members.
Goal: The project is intended to enhance your skill development in the application of a
solution-focused intervention team strategy and to increase your sensitivity to the “client
experience” in brief treatment.
Project Tasks: Essentially, the project is completed in 5 phases. Each phase involves
specific tasks.
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Phase 5
Project Phases
Defining roles of team members and simulated client
Due Date: January 28, 2010
Intervention Session #1:
Implement the initial solution focus interview
Engagement, Problem, Miracle Question
Date: February 4, 2010
Intervention Session #2:
Implement the 2nd solution focus interview
Establishing goals, Intervention message
Due Date: February 11, 2010
Intervention Session #3:
Implement the 3rd solution focus interview
Due Date: February 18, 2010
Prepare and submit final report
Due Date: February 25, 2010
S514: Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups
Solution-focused intervention project (20%)
Phase 1: Defining roles and simulated client
Set up a time to meet with your team members
(Note: You can meet synchronously using your webcam in the breeze meeting
room to complete this task or meet face to face). Recording of this activity is not
Step 1: Develop a written script or client scenario that your team will use to role
play the simulated client for this project (At least one page). The script should
include the following information:
o Who the client is (name)
o Place of residence,
o information about family members,
o employment, school if relevant, friends/neighbors, extended family
o a description of the presenting complaint (or the problem the client is
seeking help from the therapist)
o and a genogram of the client and his/her family
Step 2: Once the role play situation has been defined you will each take turns to
role play the client, the therapist and the co-therapist/observer. Determine who
will be the client, the therapist and co-therapist for session 1, session 2 and
session 3.
Step 3: Select one member of your team to submit the client script, the genogram
and who will play what role for each session to the instructor via OnCourse
Phase 1 Due Date: January 28, 2010
S514: Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups
Solution-focused intervention project (20%)
Phase 2: Implement the initial solution focus interview
Engagement, Problem, Miracle Question
The team is to conduct 3 SFT sessions each of which are one week apart. Each
team member takes turns to role play the client, the therapist, and the cotherapist.
During this phase you are to conduct and record the initial solution focus
interview with the simulated client. Arrange for a time for the team members to
meet in the breeze meeting room to conduct and record your session. You always
have the option to use a face to face meeting to practice and record your practice
session by using either the IUSSW video taping room facilities or your personal
digital home camcorders.
Before the conducting the initial interview the therapist and co-therapist are to
prepare for the initial meeting with the simulated client.
a. to review and discuss the materials you have learned from the course modules
regarding conducting the initial solution-focused interview(modules 4-5)
b. Prepare your interview strategy with the simulated client.
c. Conduct the initial meeting with the simulated client which involves
engagement, identification of a problem, and the miracle question. End the
initial meeting with a time to meet for the second interview.
d. The team member that has role played the simulated client completes a
session rating scale and comments about his/her experience after the initial
meeting is completed. (This is to be submitted to the instructor)
Because this is a 3 session intervention strategy, use the same simulated client situation
for all three sessions. Although you change roles, assume that client is going through the
intervention process. Session 1: Beginning; Session 2: Middle; Session 3: Ending
Phase 2: Due Date: February 4, 2010
S514: Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups
Solution-focused intervention project (20%)
Phase 3: Implement the 2nd solution focus interview
Establishing goals, Intervention message
Implement the 2nd solution focus interview.
Before the interview the primary therapist and co-therapist are to prepare for the
2nd meeting with the simulated client. You can meet online in Breeze or face to
(a) Review and discuss the materials you have learned from the course modules
regarding conducting a solution-focused interview (module 6-7-8) .
(b) Prepare your interview strategy with your co-therapist/consultant.
(c) Conduct and record the 2nd interview with the simulated client. This involves
establishing goals and implementing the intervention message. End the 2nd
session with a time to meet for the third and final interview.
(d) Simulated client completes a session rating scale and comments about his/her
experience after the second session is completed. (This is to be submitted to
the instructor).
Phase 3: Due Date: February 11, 2010
S514: Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups
Solution-focused intervention project (20%)
Phase 4: Implement the 3rd solution focus interview
Implement the 3rd solution focus interview
Before the interview the primary therapist and co-therapist are to prepare for the
3rd and final session with the simulated client.
(a) review and discuss the materials you have learned from the course modules
regarding conducting a solution-focused interview (modules 7-8)
(b) prepare your interview strategy with your co-therapist/consultant
(c) Conduct and record the 3rd and final interview with the simulated client. This
involves establishing future goals and ending the interview.
(d) Simulated client completes a session rating scale and comments about his/her
experience after the final session is completed. (This is to be submitted to the
Phase 4: Due Date: February 18, 2010
S514: Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups
Solution-focused intervention project (20%)
Phase 5: Prepare and submit a final report
Meet with your team members to discuss and prepare a final report of your team’s
solution focus project. The final report should be 5-6 pages (double-spaced) in length
and cover the following:
(a) Provide details and an analysis of your team’s therapeutic work with the simulated
(b) Include an evaluation of your interviews based on the skills learned from the course
modules on conducting a solution-focused intervention strategy.
(c) Provide a description of factors (positive or negative) influencing outcomes from
your therapeutic intervention (unanticipated changes emerging out of the project
and/or what you could or should have done to improve your intervention strategy)
(d) Include brief summary of your simulated client’s experience based on notes prepared
after each interview session. The simulated client’s feedback comments and rating
scales that were prepared after each session should be attached to this final
document as an addendum.
Phase 5: Due Date: February 25, 2010
Session Rating Scale (SRS V.3.0)
Name of Student/Client:
Name of Student/Therapist:
Name of Student/Co-therapist:
Date Completed:
Please rate today’s session by placing an X on the line nearest to the description that best fits
your experience. Add comments following each rating.
I did not feel heard,
understood, and
I felt heard,
understood, and
Goals and Topics:
We did not work on or
talk about what I
wanted to work on and
talk about
We worked on and
talked about what I
wanted to work on
and talk about
Approach or Method:
The therapist’s
approach is not a good
fit for me.
The therapist’s
approach is a good
fit for me.
There was something
missing in the session
Overall, today’s
session was right
for me