2007-08 New Mexico Expanded Grade Band Expectations Assessment Frameworks Social Studies – Grades 3 and 4 Strand: History Content Standard I : Students are able to identify important people and events in order to analyze significant patterns, relationships, themes, ideas, beliefs, and turning points in New Mexico, United States, and world history in order to understand the complexity of the human experience. ENGAGEMENT K-4 Benchmark I-A—New Mexico: Describe how contemporary and historical people and events have influenced New Mexico communities and regions. The student… 1-a attends to classroom discussion involving important NM individuals (e.g., Don Diego de Vargas, Don Juan de Oñate) 2-a shifts attention between two objects that represent key NM events (e.g., fiestas, balloon fiesta, Cinco de Mayo, Camino Real) NMAPA – Social Studies K-4 Benchmark I-B—United States: Understand connections among historical events, people, and symbols significant to United States history and cultures. GLPS K-4 Benchmark I-C— World: Students will identify and describe similar historical characteristics of the United States and its neighboring countries. GLPS K-4 Benchmark I-D—Skills: Understand time passage and chronology. (for classroom assessment only) GLPS 3.1 4.1 1-a attends to discussions of local historic events 3.1 1-a attends to discussions about historical influences on the US, and Mexico. (e.g., food, art, shelter) 4.1 4.1 2-a shifts and maintains attention to discussions involving local events and their connections to state history 3.1 2-a shifts attention between participants during discussions about the historical influences on the US and Mexico 4.1 2007-08 Assessment Frameworks: Grades 3 - 4 GLPS 1-a attends to information related to chronological relationships (e.g., sequencing, then and now, timelines ) 2-a anticipates events in a familiar classroom routine 3.1 3.1 1 K-4 Benchmark I-A—New Mexico: Describe how contemporary and historical people and events have influenced New Mexico communities and regions. PRE-SYMBOLIC The student… K-4 Benchmark I-B—United States: Understand connections among historical events, people, and symbols significant to United States history and cultures. GLPS K-4 Benchmark I-C— World: Students will identify and describe similar historical characteristics of the United States and its neighboring countries. GLPS 3-a matches objects that represent key NM events (e.g., fiestas, balloon fiesta, Cinco de Mayo. Camino Real) 4-a matches graphic representations of important events or individuals from NM (eg: Geronimo, Billy the Kid, Pueblo Revolt, Early Settlement) 4.1 3-a matches objects that represent local events 3.1 4.1 4-a identifies local events that connect to state history The student… GLPS 5-a discriminates between two related NM events. (e.g., exploration and early settlement) 4.1 5-a distinguishes between different local events 3.1 6-a describes events and the individuals that are important in NM history 3.1 4.1 6-a describes the connection that local events have to state history 3.1 SYMBOLIC NMAPA – Social Studies 3.1 3.1 K-4 Benchmark I-D—Skills: Understand time passage and chronology. (for classroom assessment only) GLPS 3-a matches graphic representations of historical events, people, and cultures in the US and Mexico 4-a identifies historical events within the US and Mexico GLPS 4.1 4.1 3-a associates routine changes in environmental stimuli with relevant events (e.g., ringing bell signals the end of the school day) 4-a places objects or symbols in order on his/her classroom schedule (e.g., visual or tactile schedule) GLPS 5-a identifies historical events, people and culture that contributed to the development of the present day US 6-a describes historical events and people in US history 2007-08 Assessment Frameworks: Grades 3 - 4 4.1 4.1 GLPS 3.1 3.1 GLPS 5-a identifies information from chronological relationships (e.g., sequencing, then and now, timelines ) 6-a describes information in chronological order (e.g., sequencing, then and now, timelines ) 3.1 3.1 2 K-4 Benchmark I-A—New Mexico: Describe how contemporary and historical people and events have influenced New Mexico communities and regions. EXTENDED SYMBOLIC The student… 7-a identifies events and individuals that are specific to NM history 8-a explains key differences between important NM Individuals. (Geronimo vs. Billy the Kid) NMAPA – Social Studies K-4 Benchmark I-B—United States: Understand connections among historical events, people, and symbols significant to United States history and cultures. GLPS 3.1 4.1 3.1 4.1 K-4 Benchmark I-C— World: Students will identify and describe similar historical characteristics of the United States and its neighboring countries. GLPS 7-a demonstrates the significance of local events in state history 8-a compare the significance of local events to state and national history 3.1 4.1 K-4 Benchmark I-D—Skills: Understand time passage and chronology. (for classroom assessment only) GLPS 7-a identifies historical events, people and culture that have influenced the present day US 4.1 7-b determines similar historical characteristics between the US and Mexico 8-a describes the influence of historical events, people and culture on the present day US 4.1 2007-08 Assessment Frameworks: Grades 3 - 4 4.1 GLPS 7-a demonstrate an understanding of information from chronological relationships (e.g., sequencing, then and now, timelines ) 3.1 8-a compare information from chronological relationships (e.g., sequencing, then and now, timelines ) 3.1 3 Strand: Geography Content Standard II: Students understand how physical, natural, and cultural processes influence where people live, the ways in which people live, and how societies interact with one another and their environments. K-4 Benchmark II-A: Understand the concept of location by using and constructing maps, globes, and other geographic tools to identify and derive information about people, places, and environments. ENGAGEMENT The student… K-4 Benchmark II-C: Be familiar with aspects of human behavior and man-made and natural environments in order to recognize their impact on the past and present. K-4 Benchmark II-B: Distinguish between natural and human characteristics of places and use this knowledge to define regions, their relationships with other regions, and patterns of change. GLPS GLPS K-4 Benchmark II-E: Describe how economic, political, cultural, and social processes interact to shape patterns of human populations, and their interdependence, cooperation, and conflict. GLPS 1-a attends to geographic tools (e.g., globe, map, compass) 3.1 4.1 1-a attends to discussion involving NM regions (e.g., SE, SW, NE, NW, Central) 4.1 4.2 1-a attends to stimuli and materials that represent modified environments (e.g., houses, buildings, roads) in NM 3.2 2-a shifts attention between geographic tools (e.g., globe, map, compass) 3.1 4.1 2-a maintains attention during discussion about NM regions (e.g., SE, SW, NE, NW, Central) 4.1 4.2 2-a 4.1 NMAPA – Social Studies shifts attention between two objects that represent the geographic factors that influenced settlement in NM 2007-08 Assessment Frameworks: Grades 3 - 4 NOTE* GLPS 1-a attends to stimuli and materials reflective of transportation and communication networks that are used in daily life 2-a shifts attention between two objects that represent transportation and communication devices (e.g., cars , buses, trains, trucks, newspapers, TVs, phones) 3.2 3.2 4 K-4 Benchmark II-A: Understand the concept of location by using and constructing maps, globes, and other geographic tools to identify and derive information about people, places, and environments. PRE-SYMBOLIC The student 3-a matches the mapping tools used to find places on maps and globes (e.g., compass rose, grid, symbols) 4-a identifies the mapping tools used to find places on globes and maps (e.g., compass rose, grid, symbols) SYMBOLIC The student 5-a describes characteristics of the mapping tools used to find places on maps and globes. (e.g., compass rose, grid, symbols) 6-a uses mapping tools to find places on maps and globes. (e.g., compass rose, grid, symbols) NMAPA – Social Studies K-4 Benchmark II-C: Be familiar with aspects of human behavior and man-made and natural environments in order to recognize their impact on the past and present. K-4 Benchmark II-B: Distinguish between natural and human characteristics of places and use this knowledge to define regions, their relationships with other regions, and patterns of change. GLPS GLPS 3.1 4.1 3-a recognizes NM regions (e.g., SE, SW, NE, NW, Central) 3.1 4.1 4-a labels NM regions (e.g., SE, SW, NE, NW, Central) GLPS K-4 Benchmark II-E: Describe how economic, political, cultural, and social processes interact to shape patterns of human populations, and their interdependence, cooperation, and conflict. GLPS 4.1 4.2 3-a recognizes how geographic factors have influenced the early settling of NM 4.1 4.1 4.2 4-a identifies graphic representations of geographic factors that have influenced settlement in NM 4.1 GLPS 5-a distinguishes between NM regions 4.1 4.2 5-a identifies graphic representations of modified environments (e.g., houses, buildings, roads) 4.1 3.1 4.1 6-a 4.1 4.2 6-a describes characteristics of geographic factors that have influenced settlement in NM 4.1 identifies the various regions in NM GLPS 3-a labels transportation and communication devices (e.g., cars , buses, trains, trucks, newspapers, TVs, phones) 4-a recognizes that transportation and communication networks are used in daily life GLPS 3.1 4.1 2007-08 Assessment Frameworks: Grades 3 - 4 NOTE* 3.2 3.2 GLPS 5-a identifies uses of transportation and communication devices in daily life (e.g., cars, buses, trains, trucks, newspapers, TVs, phones) 6-a describes how transportation and communication devices are used in daily life (e.g., cars , buses, trains, trucks, newspapers, TVs, phones) 3.2 3.2 5 K-4 Benchmark II-A: Understand the concept of location by using and constructing maps, globes, and other geographic tools to identify and derive information about people, places, and environments. EXTENDED SYMBOLIC K-4 Benchmark II-C: Be familiar with aspects of human behavior and man-made and natural environments in order to recognize their impact on the past and present. K-4 Benchmark II-B: Distinguish between natural and human characteristics of places and use this knowledge to define regions, their relationships with other regions, and patterns of change. GLPS K-4 Benchmark II-E: Describe how economic, political, cultural, and social processes interact to shape patterns of human populations, and their interdependence, cooperation, and conflict. The student GLPS GLPS 7-a uses appropriate geographic tool to estimate distances (e.g,, key) 3.1 4.3 7-a describes NM regions 4.1 4.2 7-a describes geographic factors that inhibit settlement in NM 4.1 8-a compares the uses of geographic tools (e.g., compass rose, grid, symbols, key) 3.1 4.2 8-a makes comparisons between NM regions (e.g., environmental and social changes) 3.2 4.1 4.2 8-a 4.1 describes geographic factors that encourage settlement in NM NOTE* GLPS 7-a describes how transportation and communication networks are used in daily life. (e.g., bus systems, train systems, media, communications systems) 8-a compares the uses of transportation and communication networks (e.g., bus systems, train systems, media, communications systems) 3.2 3.2 *NOTE: The EGBE development panel determined that benchmarks “K-4 Benchmark II-D: Understand how physical processes shape the Earth’s surface patterns and biosystems,” and “K-4 Benchmark II-F: Describe how natural and man-made changes affect the meaning, use, distribution, and value of resources,” provided inappropriate assessment targets for students with significant cognitive disabilities. Thus, no Assessment Frameworks were developed within these benchmarks. NMAPA – Social Studies 2007-08 Assessment Frameworks: Grades 3 - 4 6 Strand: Civics and Government Content Standard III: Students understand the ideals, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship and understand the content and history of the founding documents of the United States with particular emphasis on the United States and New Mexico constitutions and how governments function at local, state, tribal, and national levels. K-4 Benchmark III-A: Know the fundamental purposes, concepts, structures, and functions of local, state, tribal, and national governments. ENGAGEMENT The student 1-a attends to objects that represent local government 2-a maintains attention to discussion on the basic functions of local government PRE-SYMBOLIC The student 3-a recognizes the basic functions of local government (e.g., street lights, libraries) 4-a labels different groups in local government (e.g., family, classroom, school, community) SYMBOLIC The student 5-a identifies structural components of local government (e.g., fire department, police department) 6-a describes the basic functions of local government (e.g., to enforce laws, to make the neighborhood safe) NMAPA – Social Studies K-4 Benchmark III-B: Identify and describe the symbols, icons, songs, traditions, and leaders of local, state, tribal, and national levels that exemplify ideals and provide continuity and a sense of community across time. GLPS 3.1 3.1 K-4 Benchmark III-D: Understand rights and responsibilities of “good citizenship” as members of a family, school and community. GLPS 1-a attends to symbols, songs, icons, and traditions of NM 2-a attends jointly and responds to symbols, songs, icons, and traditions of NM GLPS 3.1 3.1 GLPS 1-a attends to discussions involving local policies, rules and laws 2-a shifts and maintains attention during discussions involving local policies, rules and laws (e.g., classroom, home, community) GLPS 3.1 3-a matches objects that represent NM icons and symbols 3.1 3.1 4-a 3.1 labels icons and symbols of NM (e.g., NM flag, NM Zia symbol, Roadrunner) GLPS NOTE* 3.2 4.1 3.2 4.1 GLPS 3-a matches objects that reflect different local policies, rules and laws 4-a labels policy-, rule- and lawmaking bodies in NM (e.g., parents, principal, school board, town council) GLPS 3.2 4.1 3.2 4.1 GLPS 3.1 5-a identifies symbols, songs, icons, and traditions that reflect various NM cultures 3.1 4.1 5-a describes local rules and laws 3.2 4.1 3.1 3.2 6-a describes the symbols, songs, and traditions of NM cultures 3.1 4.1 6-a 4.1 2007-08 Assessment Frameworks: Grades 3 - 4 describes how rules and laws benefit the general public (e.g., public good) 7 K-4 Benchmark III-A: Know the fundamental purposes, concepts, structures, and functions of local, state, tribal, and national governments. EXTENDED SYMBOLIC The student 7-a describes the basic functions of local government related to specific departments or divisions (e.g., the police department enforces laws) 8-a compares the basic functions of local government K-4 Benchmark III-B: Identify and describe the symbols, icons, songs, traditions, and leaders of local, state, tribal, and national levels that exemplify ideals and provide continuity and a sense of community across time. GLPS K-4 Benchmark III-D: Understand rights and responsibilities of “good citizenship” as members of a family, school and community. GLPS NOTE* GLPS 3.1 3.2 4.3 7-a describes the symbols, songs, icons, and traditions of the local community 3.1 7-a describes the influence of one local rule on the community 4.1 3.1 3.2 8-a explains the significance of NM icons and symbols (e.g., NM flag, NM Zia symbol, Roadrunner) 3.1 8-a analyzes an individual classroom rule or law 4.1 *NOTE: The EGBE development panel determined that benchmark “K-4 Benchmark III-C: Become familiar with the basic purposes of government in New Mexico and the United States,” provided inappropriate assessment targets for students with significant cognitive disabilities. Thus, no Assessment Frameworks were developed within this benchmark. NMAPA – Social Studies 2007-08 Assessment Frameworks: Grades 3 - 4 8 Strand: Economics Content Standard IV: Students understand basic economic principles and use economic reasoning skills to analyze the impact of economic systems Economics (including the market economy) on individuals, families, businesses, communities, and governments. ENGAGEMENT K-4 Benchmark IV-A: Understand that individuals, households, businesses, governments, and societies make decisions that affect the distribution of resources and that these decisions are influenced by incentives (both economic and intrinsic). The student 1-a attends to discussions about resources, goods, and services 2-a shifts and maintains attention to discussions involving resources and the production of goods and services PRE-SYMBOLIC K-4 Benchmark IV-B: Understand that economic systems impact the way individuals, households, businesses, governments, and societies make decisions about goods and services. GLPS 3.1 3.2 3.1 3.2 GLPS 1-a attends to discussion about exchange of goods and services in economic systems (e.g., buying and selling) 2-a shifts and maintains attention to discussions involving the exchange of goods and services in economic systems (e.g., buying and selling) GLPS 3-a matches objects that represent natural resources (e.g., food, minerals) 4-a labels human, financial, and natural resources SYMBOLIC 3.2 3.2 recognizes that people want more goods and services than it is possible to produce 6-a categorizes resources in three categories: human, financial, and natural EXTENDED SYMBOLIC 3.1 3.2 3-a matches objects that represent goods and services exchanged in economic systems (e.g., food, housing, education, medicine) 4-a demonstrates that buyers and sellers exchange goods and services in economic systems 3.2 4.3 3.3 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.2 GLPS identifies local market systems (e.g., farmer’s market, grocery store, clothing store) 6-a describes how buyers and sellers exchange goods and services in economic systems 5-a GLPS 7-a describes alternative uses of various resources (e.g., human, financial, and natural) 8-a identifies products that are made from similar resources 3.1 GLPS GLPS 5-a NOTE* 3.1 4.1 3.1 4.1 GLPS 7-a explains how buyers and sellers exchange goods and services in economic systems 8-a compares how buyers and sellers exchange goods and services in various economic systems 3.1 4.1 4.1 *NOTE: The EGBE development panel determined that benchmark “K-4 Benchmark IV-C: Understand the patterns and results of trade and exchange among individuals, households, businesses, governments, and societies, and their interdependent qualities,” provided inappropriate assessment targets for students with significant cognitive disabilities. Thus, no Assessment Frameworks were developed within this benchmark. NMAPA – Social Studies 2007-08 Assessment Frameworks: Grades 3 - 4 9