Mary Bea Bouchet, Final Exam December 2007, EDCI 560 Lesson Plan – Secondary Level Foreign/Second Languages Teacher: Mary Bea Bouchet School: Chantilly High School Grade(s): 11-12 Language: French Level: 4 Date: Day 1 Number of students: 22 Time: 80 minutes I. PLANNING PHASE A. Identify Performance Objectives 1. Students will be able to identify irregular verbs in a text (from a list given of 50 common irregular verbs). 2. Students will be able to understand a short text in French about World War I and answer 3 questions about its content. II. TEACHING PHASE A. Preparation 1. Warm-up activity – Qu’est ce que le mot “guerre” évoque comme images pour vous? Ecrivez 3 phrases. 2. Theme or topic : History - World Wars B. Presentation 1. Activities – Day 1 Discuss warm-up questions as a class. Go over the homework exercises on irregular verbs. Students come to the board and write their answers. We correct together. Answer questions in the Trésor textbook p.353 #1-3 after reading p.347 “La Première Guerre Mondiale” paragraph. Identify any irregular verbs you see in the first 3 paragraphs. With a partner, according to history courses you have already taken on this subject, discuss what you know in addition to what you read in the paragraph. (If time, play the Edith Piaf song, “Je ne regrette rien” as an example of a song that was popular in France at this time.) 2. Communicative Modes – Interpersonal – partner discussion about what they know about WWI Presentational – write homework sentences on the board Interpretive – homework assignment C. Practice – explained above Mary Bea Bouchet, Final Exam December 2007, EDCI 560 D. Evaluation 1. I walk around the room during the reading and answering of the questions to see who’s getting it and who is not. 2. I review homework answers put on the board on the irregular verbs. E. Expansion 1. Identify the infinitives of all the irregular verbs in the reading and use 10 of them in a sentence that shows you know their meaning. 2. Use the irregular verbs in sentences to describe what you know about war. F. Methods/Approaches/Strategies Cooperative learning, Interpersonal/social, intrapersonal/introsp., Musical/rhymthic III. OTHER ACTIVITIES Homework assignment: It is 1916. Your brother is in the trenches in Europe. You are sending him a package and you write a letter to accompany it. Write this letter. (to be handed in)Also, quiz on these verbs in 10 days. Use of technology – overhead projector for any additional vocabulary and/or correction of the homework sentences. Materials used: textbook: Tresor du Temps, niveau avancé, textbook. Author: Yvone Lenard, 2005. Mary Bea Bouchet, Final Exam December 2007, EDCI 560 Lesson Plan – Secondary Level Foreign/Second Languages Teacher: Mary Bea Bouchet School: Chantilly High School Grade(s): 11-12 Language: French Level: 4 Date: Day 2 Number of students: 22 Time: 80 minutes I. PLANNING PHASE A. Identify Performance Objectives 1. Students will be able to read and understand a text on France between the years of 1918-1945. 2. Students will be able to formulate questions using “est-ce que” and inversion. II. TEACHING PHASE A. Preparation 1. Warm-up activity – read your letter to your brother to a partner. Tell your partner what you liked best about the letter he/she wrote (positive feedback). 2. Theme or topic: History – World Wars B. Presentation 1. Activities – Day 2 I question different students about what they liked about their partner’s letter. They hand in their letters for me to look over and give feedback. They read 2 more paragraphs (“L’entre deux guerres” and “La seconde guerre mondiale”). With a partner (that I choose for them this time), they should compose 5 questions about the information they read. They should use both ways of formulating a question (ie. 2 inversion and 3 est’ce que). They put their names on the sheet as the team who composed the questions. I hand out dry erase pens and plastic overhead sheets. Each pair chooses 2 of their 5 questions to write on the overhead sheet. I collect the overhead sheets and select several to review. We correct them and give feedback together. Based on this, the students correct their own questions. Pairs exchange their sheets with the questions and answer the 5 questions on the sheet that they receive. Once finished, they hand in the sheet. Each sheet should bear the name of the two students who created the questions and the two students who answered them. To conclude, divide the class into two teams: play charades to act out the irregular verbs we are learning to use. (prize is candy I brought back from France) Mary Bea Bouchet, Final Exam December 2007, EDCI 560 2. Communicative Modes – Interpersonal – partner work on the questions and answers Presentational – overhead sheets with their questions. Interpretive - charades C. Practice – explained above D. Evaluation 1. I look over the sheets to see how well the students formed their questions grammatically and creatively. I also see how well they answered them. 2. Charades – I see who is participating, recalling the verbs and knowing what they mean. 3. I read letters handed in as homework and create a list of what was done well and what can improve (and how). I make an overhead of two of the letters (anonymously to look at together as a class. E. Expansion 1. Find eye witness accounts in French on living during WWII in France. Present yourself as this person and speak for 90 seconds to the class about your experiences. 2. Write a short story with the theme of “conflict” using the irregular verbs. F. Methods/Approaches/Strategies Kinesthetic, verbal/linguistic, logical/mathematical, interp./social, verbal/linguistic. III. OTHER ACTIVITIES Homework assignment: Research Edith Piaf on the web and what life was like in German occupied France during WWII. Find 2-3 pages of information in French. Use of technology – overhead projector Materials used – Trésors du Temps textbook, dry erase pens, plastic overhead sheets. Mary Bea Bouchet, Final Exam December 2007, EDCI 560 Lesson Plan – Secondary Level Foreign/Second Languages Teacher: Mary Bea Bouchet School: Chantilly High School Grade(s): 11-12 Language: French Level: 4 Date: Day 3 Number of students: 22 Time: 80 minutes I. PLANNING PHASE A. Identify Performance Objectives 1. Students will be able to mention at least 5 characteristics of life during WWII occupied France. 2. Students will be able to write 10 short definitions in French II. TEACHING PHASE A. Preparation 1. Warm-up activity – tell a partner 3 significant things you found out about Edith Piaf. 2. Theme or topic : History – World Wars B. Presentation 1. Activities – Day 3 I hand back and we go over the letters handed in the previous class. We discuss them and students note down any grammar points or new vocabulary. Using the internet information you brought in, write a 3 minute skit (in groups of 3) about living in France during the occupation. Show as many details as you can about the situation. I choose 2-3 groups to present their skits. All hand in the scripts they wrote. Tell me what you found out about Edith Piaf. We discuss who she was and why she is famous. We listen to her song again with the text in front of us. What is the message of the song? Is there a rapport between the song and her life perhaps? What are the verbs in this song? Any vocabulary that you don’t know? Choose 5 vocabulary words from the song. Students write the definitions in French. 5 students come up to the board and write their definitions for the same word. We combine them to come up with one. We do this for each of the 5 words. 2. Communicative Modes – Interpersonal – writing and acting out of the skit Presentational – the skit Interpretive – the skit, discussion of the song and it’s meaning. Mary Bea Bouchet, Final Exam December 2007, EDCI 560 C. Practice – explained above D. Evaluation 1. The skit demonstrates what students learned and understood about life during WWII. 2. Informal check on their writing when they come to the board to write the definitions. We correct them together. All students copy down the corrected versions of the definitions. E. Expansion 1. Research on other famous French personalities like Pétain, De Gaulle, Jean Moulin, etc. F. Methods/Approaches/Strategies – kinesthetic, musical/ rhythmic, verbal/linguistic, interp/social. III. OTHER ACTIVITIES Homework assignment: Study for irregular verbs quiz on Friday. Learn the 5 vocabulary words we worked on also. Use of technology – CD player, Overhead projector Materials used – chalk, Edith Piaf CD Mary Bea Bouchet, Final Exam December 2007, EDCI 560 Lesson Plan – Secondary Level Foreign/Second Languages Teacher: Mary Bea Bouchet School: Chantilly High School Grade(s): 11-12 Language: French Level: 4 Date: Day 4 Number of students: 22 Time: 80 minutes I. PLANNING PHASE A. Identify Performance Objectives 1. Students will be able to conjugate 50 irregular verbs studied and know their meanings. 2. Students will be able to locate information on authentic French websites. II. TEACHING PHASE A. Preparation 1. Warm-up activity – Students practice quizzing one another on the verbs for 510 minutes before the quiz. 2. Theme or topic: History - World Wars. B. Presentation 1. Activities – Day 4 Written quiz on irregular verbs and the five vocabulary words and the definitions created last class. Using the mobile computer lab with one laptop for each 2 students, search together for the websites for the towns of Arromanches, Coleville-sur-mer and Sainte-Mere-Eglise in Normandy (google in name of the town in French + site officiel) to find the sites. With a guided worksheet locate information about the town and its historical importance with what happened there in WWII. Other than the “debarquement”, what else is interesting about these towns? (If internet goes down or the computers do not function properly, we will watch the film, Au Revoir Les Enfants.) 2. Communicative Modes Interpersonal – pairs work on the laptops. Presentational – Students will report on what they found interesting on the sites. Interpretive – the homework assignment C. Practice – explained above Mary Bea Bouchet, Final Exam December 2007, EDCI 560 D. Evaluation 1. Formal quiz on verbs and 5 vocabulary words and definitions. 2. Teacher walking around the classroom seeing how students are doing on getting into the sites and finding out the information. They will hand in their worksheets for the teacher to look over. E. Expansion 1. Write a letter to the “mairie” of these towns requesting brochures, posters or any kind of written information on the town. 2. View a film (or part of a film) like “Saving Private Ryan”. 3. Explain how you think a soldier who survived D-Day might feel in returning to the site. 4. Write a journal entry as someone who lived in one of these towns during the war (or currently). F. Methods/Approaches/Strategies Visual learners (films, computer sites), kinesthetic, cooperative learning, interp/social. III. OTHER ACTIVITIES Homework assignment: Create a travel brochure on one of the towns researched on the internet. Use of technology – mobile computer lab, DVD/VHS player Materials used - Mary Bea Bouchet, Final Exam December 2007, EDCI 560 Lesson Plan – Secondary Level Foreign/Second Languages Teacher: Mary Bea Bouchet School: Chantilly High School Grade(s): 11-12 Language: French Level: 4 Date: Day 5 Number of students: 22 Time: 80 minutes I. PLANNING PHASE A. Identify Performance Objectives 1.Students will be able to form the plus-que-parfait and the futur conditionnel in simple regular verbs. 2. Students will be able to write 3 “If…, then….” statements in French using the plus-que-parfait and the futur conditionnel. II. TEACHING PHASE A. Preparation 1. Warm-up activity – show your travel brochure to a classmate. Present the brochure as if you were a travel agent trying to convince this person to visit the town. 2. Theme or topic: History – World Wars B. Presentation 1. Activities – Day 5 All students write 3 true statements about Germany and WWII (ie. L’Allemagne a envahi la Pologne.” Use the passé composé. 3 volunteers come to the board to write their sentences. We discuss the sentences (their content and grammar focusing on the passé composé as a compound tense) Teacher plays a song by Cabrel called “Mon frère” and then distributes the words to the students. They re-listen to the song and read along, noticing the p-q-p and the fut. cond. in the text. We discuss the meaning of the song and the role of the verb conjugations. Hypothetical situations. Teacher explains the p-q-p and the future conditional as other “compound tenses” similar to the passé composé that students already know. They practice forming the tenses in pairs with a handout. They write the answers to each worksheet question on a white board, one at a time. Teacher checks for comprehension. On the overhead projector, the teacher projects the beginning of 3 sentences: “Si le Traité de Versailles après la première guerre mondiale avait été moins dur, ____________.” Si moi j’avais été Polonais et juif en 1939, je _______________. “ Si les Japonais n’avaient pas attaqué Pearl Harbor, les américains ________________.” Students complete these sentences according to what they know and feel using correct verb tenses. Mary Bea Bouchet, Final Exam December 2007, EDCI 560 2. Communicative Modes Interpersonal – working with partners on the warmup and on the white board activity Presentational – writing sentences on the board and whiteboards Interpretive – completing the 3 sentences with their own thoughts, discussing their travel brochures. C. Practice – (explained above) D. Evaluation 1. Checking comprehension with the whiteboard 2. Writing of sentences on the board. 3. Handing in the travel brochures done for homework. E. Expansion 1. Relate this “If…then…” grammar structure to the unit on the wars. What outcomes would have been different if certain other things had happened (or not happened) to begin with…? F. Methods/Approaches/Strategies Logical/math., musical/rhym., intrapersonal, cooperative learning. III. OTHER ACTIVITIES Homework assignment: Find the text to the song “Né en 17 à Leidenstadt” by Fredericks, Goldman and Jones on Bring the lyrics to class. Use of technology – CD player Materials used – white boards and dry erase markers, music CD