1 Guidelines for Empanelment and Engagement of Consultants for preparation of Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) under PMGSY 1. Consultants for preparation of Detailed Project Reports, may be empanelled by the States for implementation of PMGSY. Each SRRDA may empanel 15-20 consultancy firms depending upon the volume of work. Some consultants may also be empanelled for preparation of DPRs of Bridge works and Road works using New Materials, Locally available materials for achieving economy in construction and protection of environment. 2. A template for preparation of Detailed Project Report has been developed by the NRRDA with the support of Asian Development Bank. This has been circulated to all the States and PTAs/ STAs. The same has also been uploaded on PMGSY website under Circular section vide letter No. P14011/1/2011-Tech dated 3/2/2012. This template is to be used for every work being proposed under PMGSY. This template for preparation of DPRs, would be amplified by NRRDA, if necessary, in future, based on the feedback received from the States, Principal Technical Agencies (PTAs), State Technical Agencies(STAs) and other stake holders will form the basis for preparation of DPRs. 3. There is a need to prepare standard TOR for preparation of DPR by the consultants to be engaged by the SRRDA. This should be in line with the template referred to in para 2 above. The TOR should also stipulate that the Consultant will be required to interact with the Principal Technical Agencies and State Technical Agencies for any possible queries and comments from them. In addition, a standard form of Agreement between the SRRDA and the Consultancy firm to be engaged will need to be drafted. The TOR should also specify damages payable by the consultant in case deficiencies in performance are found during scrutiny of DPR by the PIUs/STAs and during execution of works. 4. All the consulting firm who wish to be considered for empanelment may be required to provide the following information : (i) Organization Structure of consultancy firm indicating employment(permanent/ temporary/ on contract)- SCHEDULE ‘A’ (ii) Financial turnover for last Five Years.- SCHEDULE ‘B’ (iii) Experience of the consultants and type of consultancies undertaken by them during the last five years. This should accompany certificate from the clients of the consultants indicating the type of consultancy services provided and the consultant’s overall performance- SCHEDULE ‘C’ (iv) Brief details of best five DPRs for roads/bridges prepared by the consultants. This may particularly include DPRs for rural roads under PMGSY or other programmes. 2 nature of (v) (a) Permanent strength of consultant organization together with break-up according to nature of expertise/specialization available with the organisation. – SCHEDULE ‘D’. (b) Details of personnel out of above to be assigned the tasks of field visits and preparation of DPRs (vi) 5. Type of topographic surveys, soil and material investigation equipment and instruments available within the firm. Arrangements/tie-up with firms having such equipment and instruments may also be indicated. Formats for seeking information from the applicants are enclosed. These could be refined further as considered suitable by the SRRDAs. The consultants may be empanelled based on evaluation of the particulars furnished as per para 4 above. SRRDAs could modify to decide their own criteria for evaluation based on guidelines of the Ministry of Finance, Government of India. A copy of these guidelines is enclosed for ready reference. The consultants empanelled are required by the SRRDA to observe the highest standards of ethics during the performance and execution of assignments. 6. The empanelment may be subject to satisfactory and professional performance by the consultants. The consultant engaged for a particular DPR shall, under the agreement with the SRRDA, be fully responsible for the accuracy of data, analysis, design and BOQ of the project report. In case of deficiencies found in the performance of consultants during execution of works or otherwise, suitable corrective and deterrent actions may be taken by the SRRDA. 7. The list of consultants empanelled by the SRRDAs may be valid for three years and placed on website in public domain. A system of addition to the list may be adopted by providing opportunity to non-empanelled consultants through consideration of fresh requests, say every six months, provided they meet the SRRDA criteria for eligibility of empanelment. 8. The SRRDAs may feel free to decide the criteria for empanelment of consultants. The following are suggestive minimum qualifying criteria for consideration of the SRRDAs. (i) Staff strength of 20 key personnel comprising of Road Construction engineer, bridge engineer, road safety specialist, material specialist, soil specialist, traffic specialist, surveyor, BOQ specialist. (ii) Experience of having prepared a minimum of 10 DPRs for roads/bridges covering a minimum length of 10 km in a package for road project and span of 20 m for bridge project during the previous three years. 3 (iii) An annual average financial turnover of Rs. 30 lakh during the last three years. (iv) Undertaking that the firm has not been blacklisted by any government department/agency. 9. The draft for Request for Proposal (RFP) for selection of consultant is proposed to be standardized based on WB/ADB and national practice. It is proposed to adopt Quality Cum Cost Based System (QCBS) method for DPR consultancy. In this method, proposals will be ranked according to their combined technical (ST) and financial (SF) scores. It is suggested that the weights for technical and financial scores may be 80 and 20 respectively. 10. After issue of RFP, the SRRDA may consider to convene a pre-bid conference at the designated date, time and place. Only those consulting firms who have purchased the RFP document or downloaded the same from the official website of the SRRDA may be allowed to participate in the conference. During the conference, the firms should feel free to seek clarification and make suggestions for consideration of the SRRDA. The SRRDA should endeavor to provide clarifications to all and such further information in writing as it may, in its sole discretion, consider appropriate for facilitating a fair, transparent and competitive selection process. 11. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of proposal, the SRRDA may for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to clarifications requested by a bidder modify the RFP by issuance of Addendum/Amendment and posting it on the official website and conveying the same to those bidders who have purchased the RFP document. In such a situation, the last date for submission of the proposal would need to be suitably extended. 12. SRRDA may consider preparing packages of say 40 to 50 km, duly taking into account the logistics such as sub-division, division or district. This could then be considered for award of DPR preparation to the selected consultant. 13. The execution of works within time, cost and to good quality standards is closely linked to the quality of DPR including drawings and BOQ. The work of soil and material investigations and topographic survey does require time and effort of the consultant’s team engaged for the DPR assignment. He is expected to address social and environment concerns while preparing the DPR. He has also to make a broad assessment of traffic expected during the design period for working out design of road, culverts and bridge works. A period of three months is considered minimum reasonable to be given to the consultants to enable them to prepare quality DPR. This will mean that the SRRDA would need to prepare list of projects four to six months in advance. This should be possible as principles of priorities and allocations are known well in time. 4 14. The PIUs should be associated for oversight and interaction with the selected firm during the consultancy assignment. For this, the firm should be required to provide a week to week programme of various activities involved in the preparation of DPR as per the template referred to in para 2 above. As DPRs are prepared, the SQC shall cause 25% of the DPRs to be fully checked at site by an independent agency (i.e other than the PIU having jurisdiction). The STA while clearing DPRs will also make site visits as per guidelines already issued in this regard. 15. Annual Performance Report: The State should prepare and maintain an APR of each consultant firm. This should be available to Central and State Government agencies engaged in PMGSY, on request, in case they propose to issue an RFP for engaging consultants. The Proforma is at SCHEDULE ‘E’. The report will be initiated by the SE in charge and the STA (s) concerned simultaneously and along with comments of the SQC, accepted by CEO, SRRDA. The STA will report both with respect to the DPRs checked at site and those cleared for the Empowered Committee. 16. Technical Audit : The PTA for the State, shall conduct a full technical audit of 10% of the DPRs on the ground, including review of results of tests (and additional confirmatory tests), design of road layers, drainage, bridges & culverts, geometrics, road safety features etc. The report shall be on Proforma as given in the SCHEDULE ‘F’, to the CEO, SRRDA with a copy to DG, NRRDA 17. The SRRDA will have to certify that the APRs of all consultants have been completed whenever it brings a proposal to the Empowered Committee. The PTA’s Technical Audit Report shall be taken into consideration in the Empowered Committee while clearing proposals. 5 SCHEDULE ‘A’ STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION (Documentary proof to be enclosed wherever required) 1. Name of applicant with full address : 2. Tel. No. : 3. Fax No. : 4. Email : 5. Whether the firm is an individual, : proprietary concern, a Registered Partnership firm or a Limited Company. 6. Name and address of the Chief Executive or the person holding the Power of Attorney, if any. : 7. (i) Place of Business. : (ii) Date of Registration. : 8. Name of bankers with full address. : 9. Permanent Account Number (copy of PAN Card to be enclosed) : 10. Copy of audited Balance Sheet of the last three financial years duly examined and certified by a Chartered Accountant. : 11. Details of empanelment with any other SRRDA or Central/State government agency : 12.(i) (a) Total Number of professionals in the organisation : Management : Senior : Junior : Road/bridge engineers : Senior : Junior : Others : Senior : Junior : (b) (c) 12. (ii) (a) Number of dedicated professionals proposed : for PMGSY works 6 (b) (c) Management : Senior : Junior : Road/bridge engineers : Senior : Junior : Others Senior Junior * Senior means more than 10 years of experience 7 SCHEDULE ‘B’ (Documentary proof to be enclosed) 1. Give Balance Sheet and turnover of last Five financial years of the Company 2. Information in following format. Financial Status Sr. No. Year Value of Consultancy Contracts completed (Rs. in lakh) Project Preparation 8 Design Total SCHEDULE ‘C’ Format for Experience of Firm in Preparing DPR Details of work done during last five years Sl. No. Name of work A. Roads B. Bridges Length of road (km) bridge (m) Nature and brief scope of consultancy services Name of client 9 Cost of consultancy contract (Rs. lakh) Remarks SCHEDULE ‘D’ 1. Information about key personnel including surveyors, soil/material/hydrological investigation specialist. Sl. No. Field of Specialization Brief Profile of Key Personnel 1. Name : 2. Date of Birth : 3. Educational Qualifications : 4. Membership of Professional Institutes : 5. Experience in the field of Road/Bridge Engineering : 6. Experience in preparation of DPRs for roads / bridges 7. Since when employed in the Company : 10 No. of Persons SCHEDULE ‘E’ Proforma for Annual Performance Report of Consultant Firm. Financial Year: _______ Name, Address and Contact Details of the Firm: DPRs prepared for Sl .No Name of District Nos. of road works Length (In km) 1. 2. 3. District Total 1. 2. 3. District Total Grand Total 11 Total value of Consultancy work (Rs. In Cr.) Time Period for completion of Consultancy Work (Months) SCHEDULE ‘F’ To be filled by Principal Technical Agency Name of the PTA: Name of Road : 1 2 Is the Proposed Road entered on the OMMS : (Data entries to be verified by PTA before Clicking the Proposal) If the Proposal is for new connectivity Have you satisfied yourself that the proposed road is a part of Core Network Yes/ No Yes / No Is the unconnected habitation (s) part of list of unconnected Habitations as per CN-6 Yes / No Does the Proposal ensure full connectivity to Target Habitation a) If No, the name of Unconnected Habitation up to which it is connected 3 b) If such Unconnected Habitation eligible Under PMGSY Are you satisfied with the following (L section, X section must be verified) Engineering Surveys Soil/ Material Investigation ( CBR, Density, LL, PI, Gradation to be verified) Traffic Surveys / Estimation Hydraulic Studies. Yes / No Yes/ No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No ( Catchment for structures with more than 2 Vents to be verified from topo sheet. Location and requirement of all CD structures to be verified from L section ) 4 In case , Traffic is projected beyond T 4 Category are you satisfied with the reason given by PIU Yes / No 5 In case, sub grade CBR is less than 3; has Soil Stabilization etc. been proposed Yes / No ( If not , specific Reasons given by PIU) 12 6 Is the design of the following elements as per Rural Roads Manual / Circulars of NRRDA: Alignment & Geometrics Location and type of CD works and Side drains Integration for Cross and longitudinal Drainage Protection Works Is the design of flexible Pavement as per IRC SP: 72- 2007 and design of Rigid Pavement as per IRC SP:62- 2004 . Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No 8 Does the Estimation Conform to Standard Rate Analysis and SSR generated for the current Phase Yes / No 9 Does the proposal have provisions for PMGSY Logo Sign Boards and Information Board Km/Hm Stones Guard Stones (where necessary ) Traffic Sign Boards (as necessary) 7 10 Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Specific Remarks, if any, by PTA ( Specific remarks of PTA about the overall project are necessary on each DPR) Certified that the Design and Estimation for the Proposed Road work are based on the data and SSR provided by PIU Engineers . The Proposal after final Correction is entered on the OMMS. The Proposal may be considered for clearance. Technical Scrutiny at PTA done by: Signature Name Date Co-ordinator PTA: Signature Name 13